Arena replied very positively about Christina’s question: "What you have to worry about is whether your magic power is enough, not whether it will explode. To be honest, I am worried that your magical impact strength is not enough to simply activate this core. Previously, our Atlantis used a special magic device to activate this core. The speed and intensity of the energy impact released by that device are unmatched by you. Yes. So things like explosions will never happen."

"This is what you said, it’s none of my business to explode." Christina said, she didn’t wait for Grandma. When Na replied, there were blue arcs on her body. At the same time, her hands suddenly lifted and pinched the two handles on both sides. After that, Christina seemed to suddenly become a huge body. The shock wave generator, a circle of blue energy shock waves that are shaped like a substance, rapidly spread to the surrounding at a speed of about eight to nine times per second. Standing in the vicinity, we all feel numbness. That is the residual energy generated after the energy impact is shielded by the equipment and transformed into electrical energy. As a result, we all feel overcharged.

Don't even say, although the movement made by Christina is a bit big, the effect is immediate. As the shock waves spread out in circles, there was a sudden hum from weak to strong on the columnar core that was able to support both heaven and earth in front of us, and at the same time, the humming sound above the core The crystal blocks also light up one by one, and there is a ring structure on the upper and lower ends of the columnar body, and a large amount of white steam is spewed out suddenly, and then the two ring structures are automatically loosened and suspended. It began to wrap around the columnar core with high-speed rotation.

"Not bad, it was a success. It seems that I underestimated you before." Grandma looked at Christina and said.

Kristina said with a smile proudly: "Of course. I am the first fort, but how can I be the first if I don’t have enough reserves?"

Christina was talking here, and suddenly a huge echo with echoes appeared above our heads. This voice sounded like a middle-aged male voice, very magnetic, but the problem was that I didn't know what language was spoken, anyway, Christina and the others couldn't understand it at all. However, there are two people here who can understand the language, and these two people are me and Aanna.

In fact, the voice did not speak any special language, but ancient Atlantean. This language is no longer used in Atlantis. The language used in modern Atlantis is a new language based on ancient Atlantis. The difference between the two is somewhat similar to that between classical Chinese and vernacular. Although the difference is based on the same character meaning, the language structure has changed a lot. Moreover, some changes have taken place in the text of Atlantis during this process. Many characters used in ancient Atlantis have been simplified into simplified characters in modern Atlantis, just like traditional characters and simplified characters. Some of the characters between the two are the same, but some The ancient Atlantean language with more complicated strokes has been simplified into the new Atlantean language.

Although there are differences between the two languages ​​in one way or another, they are of common origins after all. It's like modern people listening to others speaking in classical Chinese. Although they will feel very strenuous and awkward, they must It doesn't take much to understand the general meaning. So, even though I and I have never learned ancient Atlantis in the strict sense, we can understand this voice. Moreover, thanks to my super learning ability, Adyna and I can not only understand, we can also speak, but the meaning may not be too precise.

The content that the voice just said after it appeared was actually: "The soul core is loaded, the construction battleship is restarted, and the self-check starts..." Then the voice began to continuously say various structures. The name and soundness evaluation, but the problem is that there are more than half of the things we don’t know what they are doing. Although the name can be used to guess the purpose, but there is no way to determine it, and some things are completely completely based on the name. I don't know what it is. For example, this report mentions a device called "emptying equipment", but the problem is that we don't know what exactly this emptying equipment does. It can be considered as a device that exhausts air from the literal meaning, but the question is what does the surface ship need to exhaust? As for this thing may be the probability of a diving battleship... But we clearly heard the name "buoyancy control related equipment" earlier. So, since the buoyancy control is all categorized together, then this emptying device is definitely not used to control the submarine.

In fact, it’s not bad for emptying equipment. At any rate, there is a general direction to guess. Just now we heard the report that there is a device called "Hydra meter" that can’t work. . Obviously this thing uses a person's name instead of the machine name. It's like Doppler radar in reality. The Doppler is actually a person. Because he discovered the Doppler phenomenon, this phenomenon is named after Doppler, and the radar that can rely on this Doppler phenomenon to capture the trajectory of the target , It is collectively referred to as Doppler radar, and in fact, the difference between it and non-Doppler radar is that Doppler radar can not only find the position of the target, but also determine the direction and speed of the target’s movement, while ordinary radars can’t do To the thing. So, if you follow the normal naming rules, Doppler radar should be called motion capture radar, so that no matter who it is, you can know what it is by looking at the name. But now these radars are all called Doppler radars. Unless you know what Doppler means, you can't think of what it does if you just listen to the name. The same reason. This "Hydrayi" obviously uses a similar naming rule, which means that Hydra should be the name of the inventor of a certain phenomenon, and if you don’t know what this phenomenon is, just hear the name Hydra There is no information that can be used as a reference at all.

Although I can speak Atlantis, I don't know much of Atlantis. It is as if people who have studied Chinese may not be able to understand what Four Great Vajra is, because the cultural information represented by these four existences cannot be shown literally. The same reason. Although I have learned Atlantis, I can't fully understand their culture, so I don't know exactly who this Hydra is and what it means.

Fortunately, there is a pure Atlantean here, that is, Anna. However, I did not ask her about the device, because the report is not over yet, and I am afraid that important information will be missed.

Kristina and the others don’t understand what the language is saying, but they are all smart people. Seeing that I and Amina are listening to the voice carefully, we understand that we can understand. So I waited there quietly and planned to wait for us to speak first. As a result, I waited for more than ten minutes.

At first, I thought this thing would be over soon, didn't expect it to self-check for more than ten minutes and it didn't end. In desperation, I could only ask Amana while listening to the report: "How long will it take to detect this thing?"

Amina is also frowned: "I don't know. I didn't have this kind of equipment before. I have seen the real thing, so I don’t know that the first startup will take so long."

"Then do you have a way to speed up this process or just jump over it?"

"This is true You can give it a try." After she finished speaking, she raised her head loudly and shouted: "The core of the battleship, it is an emergency now. We need to fight immediately. Can we skip the self-checking step?"

For her Of course it is Atlantis, but this is neither ancient Atlantis nor fully modern Atlantis, but like a modern ordinary person deliberately holding back his energy to speak classical Chinese. Although the usage may be a bit strange, I can barely say a few words.

Fortunately, the two languages ​​are not much different, so the core voice soon changed. "The emergency command is confirmed, and the self-check process is transferred to the idle state, and the test results can be accessed later when needed. Now the emergency system is running, the core components are operating normally, and the battleship is launched."

With a deafening siren, several exhaust vents on this battleship spewed out a large amount of smoke with white dust at the same time, followed by the white salt and frost on the entire battleship. Appeared on the sea.

"Imperial Family bloodline was detected, but no login information was found. May I log in now?"

"After landing, am I the captain?" Anina asked.

The opponent quickly replied: "After landing, you can use all the permissions of this ship, and you can arbitrarily assign all activities of the ship without higher-level landing permissions, and you can not grant landing permissions to other personnel, but The highest authority granted shall not exceed or be equivalent to its own authority."

"What level of authority is my current authority?" Amina asked.

"You are the Imperial Family, but you have not logged in in the database, so unless other logged-in Imperial Family appears, your command is the highest authority."

Grandma After listening to Na, she glanced at me, and when she saw that I was nodded, she immediately said: "First, log in to me, and then grant the highest authority that I can give to this one here."

"Accomplished. In addition, do you designate a captain now?"

"Aren't you an automatic battleship?" I asked in surprise.

Because I have logged in with my permission, the voice was immediately replied: "Although it is an automatic battleship, my logical judgment and analysis ability is very general, and I don’t have the ability to judge some strategies and tactics, so I still need it A commander. However, this ship can automatically drive and operate all organs and equipment. The commander only needs to dictate tactical instructions to automatically complete the operation."

The other party’s words are easy to understand. Simply put, this battleship is like the Li Yuanba in "The Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties". It is quite invincible in terms of martial power. Apart from him, the most powerhouse among other people, there are three tricks to lie down. However, this guy's intelligence is basically the same as that of a three-year-old kid, and a few words can trick him into selling him. Therefore, although this kind of person is fighting fiercely, he must have someone in the back to direct him, otherwise his IQ will only have one end-to be killed by others.

This construction of battleship is obviously the same as Li Yuanba. It is automatically controlled and reacts quickly. It can be regarded as a very good existence in battleship, but this intelligent level of intelligence is very choking. Physical movement is okay, but tactical problems are okay for him.

"Then, let me be the captain now. You quickly take us out of the port, we will chase the enemy."

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