When the high-pressure lock was completely destroyed, the Russian players on the other side who were lucky enough not to be killed all rushed out of the smoke and dust to fight back, holding their noses, even though they knew Those who can break open the high-voltage explosion-proof door are definitely not something they can deal with, but even so, they have to delay as much as possible and buy as much time as possible for the transfer of the researchers behind.

Although many of the players in "Zero" are non-combat professional types, the problem is that there are many types of non-combat players, and there are actually very few people who can really conduct research on magic equipment. Such people are rare resources. Because of the lack of human resources, as long as the player's guilds are involved in this aspect of research, they basically use NPCs as the backbone. The players only play an auxiliary role to speed up the progress, and the main body of the research team is still the players.

Because most of the researchers are NPCs, this kind of team can almost be said to be a non-renewable resource. Once killed, it is very difficult to get these scientific research NPCs again. Things. Therefore, the best result these combatants can choose now is to keep the researchers even if they die.

In fact, if Zhenhong and I really catch up with the researchers, the first one to kill them may not be us, but the other party himself, because research-type NPCs are basically Among the major guilds, it is recognized as a high-end resource. It is like when you are chasing an enemy and find that the opponent has lost a lot of money. What do you think you will do? Of course, normal people picked it up and put it away. Anyway, the other party is his own enemy, and there is no problem of returning the lost property. As for burning the money... it is purely something that a person with a brain can do.

For large-scale guilds, these scientific research NPCs are a resource that is more valuable than banknotes, and they are different from banknotes that are gone after they are spent. Scientific research NPCs are like oil wells and can be produced continuously. The existence of profit has a value far greater than those of non-renewable resources. Therefore, under normal circumstances, if we find a large number of scientific research NPCs, our first reaction is to stop them first, and then transport them back to the guild to work for us. You must know that scientific research NPCs and combat NPCs are not the same. This kind of existence belongs to a non-combat unit and has a weak sense of defense. Basically, as long as someone provides research funding and a scientific research environment, they will work according to your requirements, basically regardless of who you are. What do you want to do with the research results. They only care about research. Of course, this mainly refers to ordinary research units, such as the high-end existence of Jiaha and Norin, then it is not arbitrarily assignable. Not only must you provide them with a suitable scientific research environment, you must also confront them. Just work. If they don’t like you, even if you put a knife on your neck, people won’t work for you, especially Noreen. Although she is a researcher, our guild counts chaos and order in the Divine Race. It is estimated that they can be ranked in the top 20. With such terrifying battle strength, most people really can't handle it.

Because we discovered those scientific research NPCs, they will probably immediately snatch them, so I guess if we really catch up with the group of researchers, they might not be able to stop us. These scientific research NPCs will be killed in advance. After all, it is better to destroy them than to give them to the enemy. This is basic common sense for players. As for human life... How many players really think of NPCs as human beings?

Although the Russian players have a very correct idea, they still underestimate the battle strength of our group. Without exception, all the players who rushed were stabbed into hedgehogs by the Flying Sword of gold coin in the middle of the road. They followed the Flying Sword and continued to move forward, like a meat grinder. The players were all poked and fell down all the way.

"Your skill is really good in a narrow environment..." I stepped over a rag-like corpse and exclaimed: "It's easy to use!"

"In fact, it is The opponent does not have a high-defense profession, as long as there is a row of shield warriors, it can basically block all my offensive routes." Gold Coin said.

Kristina said leisurely: "But who would prepare a team of shield warriors in this secret base? Besides, this passage is still so wide. How much shield warrior does it take? Can you stop it?"

"Okay, concentrated one's mind strikes forward. According to Yamamoto Fifty-Five's intelligence, the other party's research center is not far in front. Pay attention to controlling the range of skills later. , Don’t pit that gang of scientific research NPCs too."

"This is not easy to control!" Gold coin said with some embarrassment. Her attacks are not the same as others. True Red uses his fists. As long as you pay a little attention to the direction, you won’t hit the target you don’t want to hit. Kristina’s attack is a direct-point shooting, so generally speaking, as long as you don’t aim at the opponent to attack and try your best Don't use large-scale destructive magic. Generally, there will be no accidental injury. Only the skill of gold coin is a bit difficult. Her Flying Sword is actually not directly controlled by her own subjective thinking. After all, tens of thousands of Flying Swords act together. If every sword requires the user to direct it, then even the most powerful person. It must be too busy. Therefore, Flying Sword actually has a certain spirituality, and although the sword with spirituality is impossible to learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide, at least they will have certain animal-level intelligence, at least they can deal with living objects and dead objects. Make a simple distinction, so as to avoid obstacles to chase the enemy, and form a sword array for cluster attacks when appropriate. These are all benefits brought by spirituality.

However, there is spirituality and sometimes it has some negative effects. For example, in this kind of tunnel with turns. Just press because of spirituality, Flying Sword can continue to fight at corners that gold coin can’t see, and won’t turn into blind as soon as it enters the invisible area of ​​gold coin. However, it is also because of these Flying Swords that they can’t be seen when entering gold coin. After arriving in the area, it will enter the self-judgment mode, which is to determine which is the target of the attack, which is the obstacle, and which is the person. In this case, all judgments are made by Flying Sword itself. Although in the spirituality of Flying Sword, the general simple judgment will not be problematic, the current situation is obviously not a simple situation.

First of all, the guy Yamamoto Fifty-Five is our spy. We all know that, but the problem is that from the data recognized by the system, Yamamoto Fifty-five is a real one. The Japanese players are our enemies. If gold coin can see Yamamoto Fifty-Five directly, she can tell those Flying Swords with her own will that this is not a goal and needs to be bypassed. But the problem is that there are many turns in this place. If gold coin can't immediately find Yamamoto Fifty-Five, then these Flying Swords will attack Yamamoto Fifty-Five as an enemy without the slightest hesitation. In addition, the same goes for those NPCs. Although we all know that those NPCs are resources and can be brought back, but as far as the system is concerned, the opponent is currently a member of the hostile guild, and all the members of the hostile guild are enemies, so Flying Sword They will not ignore these people, they will attack them as enemies.

Because Flying Sword has such a problem, gold coin can't guarantee that she will not hurt those scientific research NPCs. After all, her Flying Sword is like a smart attack aircraft, although When in her sight, she can use her own mind to mark targets that are not to be attacked and targets that need to be attacked. However, once out of her sight, these attackers will enter automatic mode. At this time, they will only follow their own judgments. Action, and in this state, many targets that do not need to be attacked will also be included in the attack range. This is the trouble with Flying Sword.

I also know that the situation mentioned by gold coin is an objective situation, unless Flying Sword can have its own Artifact Spirit to learn to distinguish between complex goals, but the problem is that gold coin is not heavy. The qualitative route, her skills are Myriad Swords Simultaneously Flying at every turn. It is nothing to say that some of the Flying Swords can generate Artifact Spirit. After all, she is a guild high-level person, and she wants to practice one or two Artifacts by using the benefits in the guild. Spirit is still very simple. But the problem is that what is needed now is not a few, but tens of thousands. There are so many Artifact Spirits that even our guild would definitely not be able to obtain. The average player can have a weapon with an Artifact Spirit, which is already very impressive, but like gold coin, it costs tens of thousands at a time. Who can stand this? Therefore, this kind of trouble of gold coin can hardly be solved.

"If it doesn't work, don't let the Flying Sword get out of sight. You can do it when you get it right."

"Then I will be responsible for everyone's defense!" Gold coin knows himself If there is no way to conduct combat command in an invisible direction, then you have to switch from offensive to defensive. If it is just for defense, Flying Sword does not need to fly too far, so that there will be no accidental injuries.

After the decision was made, we turned into the corridor that Yamamoto had entered before, and then a player immediately rushed out of it. This guy has a strange shape. He didn't rush up with his weapon in a pose, but opened his arms and made a pose as if a track and field athlete greeted the victory after crossing the finish line. This posture is not only very strange, but also completely exposes his chest, which is a typical courting death action. But this guy actually rushed up with his arms outstretched and howling all the way.

For this kind of obviously problematic enemy, of course we are impossible to let him get close. Seeing that guy suddenly rushed over to Christina without the slightest hesitation, raising her hand was a lightning ball and threw it over, and the guy did not disappoint, and there was a big explosion on the spot. It’s not the kind of big bang jokingly said, but the real big bang. The terrifying shock wave spreads instantly and blows all Ladamantis and me backwards and slides continuously, while Christina and gold coin do it. Already blocked by us, Zhen Hong immediately put on a defensive posture in front of us to carry the shock wave.

Thanks to our reaction speed, the shock wave finally failed to do us anything. It just made us move a certain distance back, but the formidable power just now really shocked us. . Kristina’s lightning ball is not that huge might, that’s for sure, so the player must be carrying a bomb, and this is not a normal bomb, because if it’s the bombs that are more common in the game, even It is this person who carries a bomb as big as himself, and it is also impossible to achieve this formidable power. And just now we didn't even see this person carrying any explosives, which means that even if he was strapped with a bomb, his size should not be large. Such a small volume has such a large formidable power, which is definitely not our common kind of bomb.

Although the explosion didn't hurt us, it made us covered in dirt. The passage in front was directly blown down for a while. Fortunately, the stone on the top of the cave fell and blocked the road, not the whole collapse, so the problem was solved with two punches.

After reopening the passage here, we entered the same space as the vertical well that Yamamoto entered before Fifty-Five, and now this is the first one. Christina and I didn't stop when we got here, but went all the way to the place where Yamamoto met the researcher before 55.

For this, we broke in just to pretend to be marked on Yamamoto Fifty-Five before, and then chase it all the way, even though Yamamoto Fifty-five will be involved in our invasion. Zhong took some responsibilities, but he could wash away the suspicion of being a spy. After all, if he was a real spy, there would be no need to set up such a middle-tracking device. But we went the other way. Although it would make Yamamoto Fifty-Five take some responsibilities, it would be good for Yamamoto Fifty-Five to gain the trust of the other party.

Because we didn’t check the vertical wells in front, so we didn’t delay time, so we rushed all the way to the place where Yamamoto was before fifty-five years ago. Of course, it’s already passed since we invaded and came here. It's been more than fifteen minutes, even if the opponent moves slowly, it is impossible to still be here waiting for us to catch it.

After arriving at the place, we deliberately pretended to look around for clues, but in fact, we secretly opened the communicator and asked Yamamoto Fifty-Five about their current situation, but the answer we didn’t expect got was them. It turned out to have returned to the pier we entered before.

Because there are people from the other side, Yamamoto Fifty-Five has no way to tell us in detail what happened. He can only take advantage of everyone’s busy running and no time to pay attention. He occasionally exchanged a few words with me.

I probably knew from Yamamoto’s Fifty Five’s report that the other party should have a small road from a secret tunnel at the top of the cave to the port, but we all ran in. On the contrary, it is convenient for the other party to escape from there.

After knowing the situation, we stopped looking for the tunnel, and just returned to the original road. At this time, the combat players in the base have almost gathered, and it happened to be at the entrance of the passage when we returned. We are blocked.

Faced with the obstacles of these players. We weren't afraid of anything. Although the other party was crowded, if it just rushed past, then this wasn't a big problem, so we rushed to the past without stopping. In fact, those Russian players did not cause us any trouble. Probably because this place is too hidden, the Russians feel that we are unlikely to find this place. As a result, not only are there no high level players, but the number of ordinary defenders is obviously too small. The level itself is not enough, and the number is not enough. How can the defense line composed of such a team play a blocking role?

Although the interception force did not cause us too much trouble, it was still a step late when we arrived at the port. The last picture we saw was a track moving towards the separation wall Fast forward, and then finally disappeared on the water.

I only saw the track but did not see the ship, which means that the ship is underwater, which means that the opponent's submarine has already dived. If it’s just an ordinary submarine, we just need to jump off at this time and catch up to launch an attack. After all, although many guilds have built submarines in the game, most submarines can guarantee submarine. Attack Basically, the abilities are very bad, even some submarines built by the middle guilds can only approach the enemy by submerging, and they must surface when the opponent is about to attack. Such submarines are actually very backward.

Because most of the guild submarines actually don’t have much battle strength, we generally don’t care too much, but the key is that the submarines in this place are obviously not the Russian guilds here. Made it yourself. This is clearly something left over from a branch of the Atlantis civilization, and as the main means of transportation of the Atlantis civilization, their submarines all have a very strong combat capability. In addition, all of Atlantis' underwater navigation equipment has very exaggerated speeds, so even if we enter the water, we should not expect to catch up.

At this time, someone might ask why they don’t take other submarines to chase them. Isn’t there a lot of submarines in this place?

In fact, this method is easy to think of and very useful, so the other party also thought of it. The method they used was to blow up all the submarines in the port. These Russians know that they can't beat us, so once they are discovered it means they can't stay in this place. So, since they can't stay any longer, these submarines are destined to not be taken away. Then, according to the player's normal thinking, since he can't get it, he naturally can't leave it to the enemy, so we all make an explosion. When we arrive, the submarines are either smoking or sinking or they are gone.

The other party's actions were very thorough. It was a huge port area. All the submarines except those that were driven away were basically sunk. We even wanted to get one. There is no hope for a ship to chase.

"hahahaha..." We were in a daze by the water, and suddenly we heard loud laughter coming from behind, and the sound was getting louder and louder. As soon as we turned around, we saw many undead Russian players and a small number of Korean players laughing at us on the dock. Although they were unable to leave with the submarine, there was no absolute death in the game. Even if they stayed, at most they would just hang back after death. This is not a major event, so these players have no psychological burden at all. On the contrary, we laughed triumphantly when we saw our apparently surprised look after failing to catch up with the researcher's fleet.

When Zhen Hong heard the laughter of these people, she immediately turned her head and glared at them, and then suddenly rushed to grab a guy and pinched him to death. didn't expect that guy was not scared at all after being caught, but said with a smile: "You killed me at worst and went back to resurrection. Anyway, the loss is not great, but the researchers have already left, even if you take us Don’t expect to catch up with you if you vent your anger. Who is the worse one among us?” After speaking, the guy turned his head and gestured to the others as if showing off. The result was applause and applause. De Zhenhong was even more hot. With a little force on his hands, he heard a click, and the guy's head exploded like a watermelon hit by a sledgehammer. The laughter in the surroundings stopped abruptly. Although they were not afraid of death, the methods of real red murder were a bit too violent, and many people were directly suppressed.

Compared to the impulsive real red, I am much calmer. The speed of Atlantis’ submarines is certain, so even if I summon a small dragon girl or Grandma to catch up, it’s not easy, even more how there are too many submarines, even if we catch up. It's useless. The other party left not only one submarine. What we can catch up with is just one or two, which actually doesn't make much sense to us. What we need now is a method that allows me to allocate a large number of manpower to intercept all the other submarines. Of course, it's a good idea to track the past all the way.

The other party's impossible has been wandering in the sea, they will definitely find a place to stop, and once they go ashore again, we have a chance to start. And this method does not need to intercept all the other submarines at the same time, as long as we can keep up. However, the speed of the small dragon woman is sure to catch up with Atlantis' submarine, but the question is what if the opponent's base is far away? Submarines are mechanically propelled by magic. As long as the magic crystal is not used up, they can run forever. Although the small dragon female is a dragon, she is also a creature, and she always gets tired. It would be fine if the distance is not far, but if the other party’s next footing is far away from here, the small dragon girl on the way is weak and is thrown away. Aren’t we busy this time?

I was struggling there. Suddenly I felt that someone was pulling me. I looked up and found that it was Radamantes, and he was pointing in a direction at this time. I followed his fingers and looked over, and I just happened to see the corner of the other half of the harbor, where there was a ship that looked like a battleship showing half of its hull.

Seeing that I noticed there, Radamantes asked me: "Can that thing be used?"

I hooked the head and said: "It's useless , Yamamoto Fifty-Five reported before that those boats could not be moved, so they were piled up to the corner of the port, and the other party bombed all the submarines this time except that they did not move those boats because they knew those boats simply Can’t move!"

I just finished explaining here, Kristina suddenly said: "That’s also possible! The other party doesn’t understand it because they don’t understand Atlantis. President, don’t you have a mermaid favorite that is the Princess of Atlantis? Maybe she can do it! And as long as you know the words, maybe you can find instructions and the like?"

Don't say anything. The probability that Christina said is really possible. Just do it when I think about it, and I said directly to Zhenhong and Ladamantis: "True Hong, Ladamantis, please kill all the enemies who are still alive here, gold coin, Christina, Go over there with me and have a look."

After receiving my order, Zhen Hong immediately became excited. She was so angry that she was half-dead and had nowhere to vent. After hearing my order, she suddenly became excited. Red immediately rushed to the remaining players excitedly, and Ladamantis quickly followed along to join the massacre.

The reason why I want them to kill all the patriarchs here is that if we can operate those battleships by any chance, I am worried that the other party will leak the secrets, so the best way is to prevent them from seeing it. Of course, if you use those battleships to chase down those submarines, this secret will not be kept. But if we are just tracking it, that may not be the case.

Because the sluice of this port is located in the area where ordinary submarines are moored, we didn’t take a closer look at the strange ships when we came in. We only found out the number of ships here when we ran over. Far beyond our estimates. The water area on this side of the port is the same size as the other side, and there are at least a hundred ships that are densely packed, some of which are large and some are small. The largest one has two ships, which are larger than ours. The Biling battleship is not too much, and most of the other battleships are frigate-level battleships, which are also mixed with some large ships, and they all look like battleships, but there is no way to determine it for the time being.

I don’t know if it’s because of the underwater confined environment or the setting in the game. These battleships do not look too shabby. Although the surface color is very dim, there is no trace of rust. There is no obvious trauma, except that the color is not bright enough, it is basically not much different from the new ship.

After we boarded the largest ship, we discovered that this thing really looks like a new one, because the color of its surface looks very dim, which is entirely because of the body shell. A thick layer of salt frost condensed. Sea water is salty after all. During the surge of waves, some tiny water droplets may evaporate in the air, and the salt in it will condense into dust-like existence. They are suspended in the air, and then they will attach to other objects when they come into contact with them. Although this process is very slow, the ghost knows how long these boats have stopped here, so that the boats are covered with these salt and frost. As long as they gently pinch with their hands, these white dusty things will fall off and be lost. The shaded underneath is a shiny metallic color. Obviously, not only is this ship not rusty at all, it is actually the same as new.

After we came up, everyone immediately started to disperse their actions, mainly looking for some possible clues, and I just checked the deck and heard Christina's cry.

"President, I found something here."

"What's the situation?" I ran directly to Christina's position, and then found that she was looking at her. A small magic array. This magic array is carved on a metal plate, the area is about the same as the sewer manhole cover, and it is also a circular structure, but it is not on the ground, but inlaid on the outer wall of the ship island on the side of the deck. Because the structure of the magic array is very simple, I recognized the structure of the magic array at a glance.

"This is...?"

"Yes, it is a stabilization technique."

The so-called stabilization technique can basically be understood as a special It is used to protect those inanimate items so that they will not change in any aspect due to various reasons such as rust and fusion in the long river of history. You can think of this as a kind of fresh-keeping magic, but it is specially designed to protect things that have no living things. For example, you can use this magic to protect a wooden table. Under normal circumstances, a wooden table, even if there is no insect to gnaw it, after thousands of years, the moisture in the air alone can almost remove it. It's completely corroded. However, it would be different if it was protected by a stabilization technique. As long as there is no problem with the stabilization technique, and there is no external force forcibly destroying the table, even if the table is left for 10,000 years, it will definitely be the same as when it was first protected. There will be no decay, and even the paint on the surface will still flash. Bright as new. This is the function of stabilization.

The effect of stabilization is so powerful that many people immediately think of its purpose, which is to protect the institutions in secret tombs. Many tombs or treasure hiding places will be equipped with organs, but there is no problem in a short time, and once the time exceeds a thousand years, even the organs made of stone may have problems, let alone those that use wood or metal. Both wood and metal may naturally rot and rust in the air, so many mechanisms will fail by themselves over time.

Because of this, many cemetery owners will want to use some method to ensure that these institutions will not lose their function with the ebbing of time.

Although this idea is very good, and the stabilization technique can indeed achieve this, the current situation is that a large number of cemetery institutions still lose their function due to various reasons, and the reason for this phenomenon It lies in the magic array of stabilization-unreliable.

The stabilization technique itself is indeed a very useful magic, as long as it is released once, the target item to be interpreted will not have any trait changes within a month. So, this magic is actually very convenient, as long as you use it once a month.

However, the equipment that needs to be protected needs to be protected because no one takes care of it, so it is impossible to ask a mage to release it once a month. If you have the ability, it is better to ask a few repairmen for regular maintenance. Save trouble and save money. Therefore, a more reasonable method is to place a magic array, and then let the magic array release the stabilization technique on a regular basis.

This piece in front of us is this kind of magic array, which can periodically release the stabilization technique, which looks perfect, and can ensure that the target being cast will never have problems due to its own reasons. However, this is actually just an illusion. The real trouble with the stable magic array is that this mana consumes a lot of mana and consumes a lot of mana every time it is used. Therefore, even if you don’t care about the money, give these magic arrays a lot of magic crystals in advance, but because of the speed of consumption, they will soon be used up, and when the time comes, things you don’t want to happen will still happen. In other words, setting up these things is nothing more than extending the existence of those institutions a little bit.

If there is this thing on this battleship, as long as it is not deliberately destroyed, it shouldn’t be any problem. This is probably because it doesn’t have anything besides being covered with a layer of salt frost. The cause of the damage. However, if this magic array is always working, where does its magic come from? Even if there is a huge magic crystal warehouse on the ship, it should not be able to withstand the use of this energy-intensive consumer. As for using the Shaped Demon array, it is even more unreliable. Can you still count on a solar panel to power things of the electromagnetic railgun level? Obviously it is impossible. The same reason. The energy consumption of this stable magic array after activation is too exaggerated, and it is basically impossible to use the energy magic array to maintain it.

Although I can’t figure out how this thing persists to the present, there is still energy, but at least it shows that there is no problem with this ship. As long as the stabilization technique does not disappear, the protected thing will not have problems due to the ebbing of time. Even if the problem is caused by external forces, its own time will appear to be locked. It's a pity that this magic cannot be used on creatures, otherwise it can basically make any creature immortality.

In fact, after Christina discovered this magic array, we found a lot of this thing in several conspicuous places on the ship, which not only did not solve our doubts but made us more The doubts. To say that a magic array has energy support up to now, it can also be understood that where the designer hides a large number of magic crystals as a backup energy source, and if there are so many magic arrays... even if the cabin of this ship is full With a magic crystal, it is estimated that it will last for one or two hundred years.

The history of this ship is definitely more than that, which means that it has either been maintained by someone, or there is another way to solve the energy problem.

Because we don't want to analyze the design concept of this ship now, we did not study this thing too much, but quickly ran to the bridge. Although the shape of this ship is a bit strange, but the position of the bridge is still the same, they are all located in the highest position in the middle of the hull, after all, the line of sight here is much better.

It didn't take much effort to enter the bridge, because the bridge gate of this ship was already leaning against the aisle next to it. It seems that the Russians have studied this place before, and they must have encountered a closed gate at the time, so they had to take down the entire gate.

Go through the door frame without a door and enter the inside of the bridge to see a console similar to that of a modern ship, but the buttons and switches on it are all replaced with crystals, and all crystals are locked. In the dead state, simply can't press it, and there is no energy fluctuation on it.

"Anna, come out and see if this is something from your Atlantis?" I will summon Alanya directly to help. If this thing is really a creation of Atlantis , Grandma will definitely know her.

After the appearance of Summon, Aanna immediately began to look at the surrounding environment, and then walked to one of the consoles, stretched out her hand and stroked it, then turned her head and said to me: "This It’s definitely not built by us, otherwise I will know. But it does use the same technology as ours, and the design style is exactly the same."


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