Yamamoto Fifty-Five is in a very good mood now, because he has seen the goal of this mission. Generally speaking, what the researcher is holding is either a research tool or an experiment. The stone of blasphemy held by the guy named Bakanov on the other side is obviously not a tool, that is, the other person is testing blasphemy. Stone, and this is probably the research or production base of the Blasphemy Stone. Of course, it is also possible that this place is simply a two-in-one, which is both a research institute and a production base.

Yamamoto Fifty-Five is happy. Suddenly, I heard a muffled noise. At the same time, I felt a very violent vibration from under my feet, and even a large amount of dust fell from the roof. .

"What's the matter?" Alexander directly started the guild communication and asked. This base is not too big. Although the guild communication can't be too far away, it's okay to cover this base. After listening to the report, Alexander stood still for a while, then turned his head and said to Bakanov: "Bakanov Academician, please pack your things and transfer them immediately. Bring only the necessary things and leave them alone. Time is running out. "

"What's the matter?" Yamamoto Fifty-Five turned his head and looked towards Alexander, pretending to be very nervous and asked, but in fact he is not nervous at all, because he knows There are actually more than Alexander.

In fact, Yamamoto Fifty-Five received the notification before the explosion, and the source of this notification was the communicator on the ear. Although this is a seabed, if there is no transfer equipment, the scope of the communicator is very limited, but if there is another communicator nearby, it is a different matter.

Boom...Along with another loud noise, the steel gate in the port area of ​​the base suddenly jumped inward, and the center of the gate was clearly recessed into the interior by a large block, which looked like The feeling that it is about to be penetrated.

"This thing is pretty strong!" At this time, on the other side of the door, Zhen Hong was looking at her red light fist, and then said.

Kristina extends the hand with a finger on the depression on the door, and then said: "Try again, don't use too much force this time."

"Understood." After Zhen Hong finished speaking, after Christina stood up a little bit, she immediately raised her fist and slammed it up again. Accompanied by a loud bang, the entire door suddenly separated from the door frame, and then rolled and flew into the rear passage, smashing dozens of people along the way.

"Didn't you tell me to be lighter!" Christina said a little unhappy.

True Red turned his head and apologized: "Sorry, didn't expect has been relaxed to this level, but next time I will have a sense of measure."

"But this There may not be such a door in the place." Gold coin said that it surpassed the real red from the side, and while walking inside the passage, one hand pointed forward, so the densely packed Flying Sword rushed in like a group of wasps. In the channel. Although the light inside is not quite clear, it is not quite clear, but the sound of the puff puff puff's sword piercing into the flesh clearly shows that this society inside has probably become a purgatory on earth.

"Hey, you are so silly!" Zhenhong suddenly reacted when she heard the voice and rushed in and said, "Save me a few!"

"You two Please be honest with me.” I directly grabbed the gold coin and the shoulders of True Red one by one and pressed both of them down. "This is the business, don't play it. It's not good for everyone to mess it up."

The two people can distinguish between the seriousness and the seriousness, and they became serious when they heard what I said. Christina and Ladamantis walked in immediately, followed by True Red and gold coin, and walked inside with me, and on the pier behind us, there were already corpses everywhere. across the field. Even the sea water in the port has turned blood red.

As a matter of fact, we have been following after Yamamoto Fifty-Five was brought here, and we did not intend to leave at all. After Yamamoto Fifty-Five entered this place, we waited a little bit. It took a while for Yamamoto Fifty-Five to contact some internal personnel, and then I took everyone into this port.

Although we don’t know who built this port, I think the builder of this place must be in contact with the Atlantis people, because I found a lot in this port Atlantis text. One of the most conspicuous is a metal sign hung at the turn inside the port passage. What looks like a magic array on the thing is actually just a notice. The content is to remind the ships entering and exiting to drive carefully, and warn the driver that this place is narrow waters. , Don’t shake left and right to avoid rubbing the wall.

The game "Zero" actually has a lot of languages ​​that are not available in reality, and it is different from the so-called foreign world text in general games or comics. In "Zero" These languages ​​are really designed for a full set of content. In other words, if a player really has the perseverance to learn like a foreign language, and he happens to find a place to learn, then he can really master the language and use it. And if there are multiple such players, they can also use this language to communicate or write letters as if they were talking in a foreign language. In other words, these all are real languages, not just a few characters.

The language of Atlantis is such a language with complete content. Because of the electronic brain, the speed of learning rote things is basically just after reading it, after all, electronic The brain is equivalent to an electronic computer, and for a computer, language is the fastest thing to learn. Anyway, just input all characters or strings, and then make semantic associations. This is fundamentally different from human learning foreign languages.

Thanks to this ability, I have not only learned all the magic texts in the game, but also the Atlantis language, and when I entered here, those on the passage Things like traffic signs are clearly written in Atlantis. This at least shows that the builders of this place all understand Atlantis.

After entering this port, I was not surprised by those battleships like Yamamoto Fifty-Five, because when I discovered Atlantis, I knew that there would probably be a lot of similar heights in this place. Technology is the same thing. After all, the research on Atlantis' magical equipment has reached a very exaggerated height, which can be seen from the current magical equipment of our guild.

After officially entering this port, we did not conceal anymore, but went directly ashore. Of course, the other party immediately began to counterattack, but the result was obvious. Most of the people in this place were logisticians, and there was no hindrance to the killing. The only thing that delayed a little time was the high-pressure gate. Because this thing was used to close the inner experimental area after accidental flooding in the outer port, the gate itself was designed with deep sea pressure in mind, so the repair was particularly exaggerated, and even the red was delayed. It took a long time to open it. However, the subsequent doors should not be so strong.

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