"Actually I don't know where it is?" The Korean player who led the team said, "I brought you here because the leader asked me to take you when he gave me this heart of stone. In the past, I've been to that place twice before, and every time I just waited in the port and never went in. As for the way back and forth, I was all in submarines, and I didn't know the route at all. So. Apart from telling you that it is a very important place, I can't tell you anything else."

Yamamoto Fifty-Five pretended to be surprised and said: "There is such a secret. The place? It’s really cool. It looks like a secret military base."

"It’s not wrong to say that it’s a secret military base. After all, the environment in that place..." The Korean player suddenly stopped when he said this, and then said: "I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, you should go and see it by yourself." Wu's mouth has never stopped, constantly asking about various things, acting like a rare treasure, and he has personally operated the submarine for a while after obtaining permission.

In fact, the operation of such a small submarine is still very simple, and as long as it is not some special Sea Territory, sailing in a normal ocean environment is simply not so particular. Anyway, there is no specific route range under seabed for you to go. As long as you don't deviate from the course, you can go S without any problem.

After playing the mountainside for a while, Ben 55 returned control of the submarine to the operator before, and then sat obediently and honestly at the back and started asking various questions about the submarine. . In fact, Yamamoto Fifty-Five's behavior did not arouse the suspicion of the surrounding personnel, because he had already made some intelligence presuppositions specifically for this operation before he penetrated into the enemy's interior. First of all, Yamamoto Fifty-Five’s own auxiliary occupations include machinery maintenance. Secondly, Yamamoto Fifty-Five has always deliberately shown an unusually high interest in technical equipment when joining the group. This situation exists because it is at first, so even if the mountainside Ben 55 is particularly interested in certain things, most people will not find it strange, but think that this is the hobby of others, after all, Yamamoto 50 Fifth, this kind of hobby has been there since the first time I joined them.

Of course, in fact, Yamamoto Fifty-Five simply can't talk about any hobby in this regard, because he doesn't like mechanical things at all. Of course, it can't be said that I don't like it at all. After all, men have some specialties in this aspect. So Yamamoto Fifty-five is just a hobby level, not that he is completely disinterested. However, for this operation, Matsumoto Masaka specially explained to him some precautions before coming, including the disguise of this hobby, because if a person who is not usually interested in these things suddenly starts to dig into these things one day Question, others will definitely find it strange. But if you have always been like this, people will naturally not be surprised, just treat it as a hobby.

The submarine sailed underwater for more than two hours to reach the destination. Although the speed of this submarine is impossible too fast, the distance is definitely not close. After all, the time is there.

The mountainside where the front hall entered the port Ben 55 got off the submarine with a few people, and as soon as he came out, Yamamoto 55 was shocked because the port here was suddenly An underground port bigger than before. The space of this port is at least three times larger than that of the previous port. The reason why there is no exact value is that the port is a U-shaped structure as a whole, and their docking position is at one end of the U, and the other end. There is a rock wall deep into the port between this side and the port, which makes it impossible to see each other on both sides of the port. So Yamamoto Fifty-Five is temporarily not sure about the area of ​​the other side of the port, but at least he knows that part of the area that can be seen is already there. It is four times larger than the previous one.

Such a large port is indeed very amazing, and because the underwater port has reverse water pressure, even such a large port does not need any support pillars, which makes the span of the internal space look It seems even more exaggerated. The player standing in the middle feels like a small ant in a giant gymnasium, and everything around it looks so big.

In fact, Yamamoto Fifty-Five’s real surprise is not the area here, but the edge of the port on the side that they can’t see. The location that just can be seen reveals a large area. Row of strange ships.

The reason why we are talking about weird ships is because those things can first be determined to be man-made navigation equipment, but the problem is that their structure does not look like a submarine. Although the submarine does not have a specific appearance standard, at least in order to resist the water pressure, you can't make the submarine too weird. Moreover, if you want the submarine to sail fast enough, you must also ensure the overall fluid shape, so as to minimize the resistance.

However, although all the external structures of the ships in front of them seem to be treated with fluid mechanics, the overall structure of this thing is more like a surface ship than a submarine. However, if these are surface ships, there are two problems with these things. First, the shapes of these ships are obviously different from the mainstream station building designs in the current game. You can see at a glance that the styles of these things are completely different from modern battleships. Second, the presence of these ships here is a very strange thing in itself. Don't forget that this is not a port on the sea, but a port located underwater. The exit of the port is all under the water, even the whole cave is actually underwater. This kind of deep-sea base, how did those surface ships get in?

Of course, no matter how those things came in, at least they are there now, and there should be a lot of them, because there are more than a dozen ships in the small area that Yamamoto Fifty-Five saw. Moreover, Yamamoto Fifty-Five was keenly aware that these ships should all look like battleships. Although the weapons on them look strange, the shape of the fort is still very clear. Therefore, these things are most likely to be battleships. .

"Are you looking at those things again?" The player leading the team saw Fifty-Five Yamamoto looking over there in a daze, and then kindly reminded: "Don't look. Those are all scraps. "

"Scrap?" Yamamoto Fifty-Five turned his head and looked over in surprise.

The answer to him was not the Korean player who just spoke, but another person. This is a Russian player. He looks like he is about twenty-five or sixteen years old. He is very sunny and handsome. He feels like a white horse Prince. And this guy is not a mother at all, showing masculine beauty all over his body. It can be said that this kind of person is the target of men's envy and hatred. We don't know if we are rich or not, but this guy is definitely tall and handsome, and can appear in this place, at least his status will not be too low.

The man said next to Yamamoto Fifty-Five: "Those are the ones that existed when we discovered this cave. The preliminary judgment should be some battleship, but I don’t know why it can’t be started. It may be. It took too long and was scrapped. Initially, the ships docked here in a mess, but because it affected the use of the normal channel, they were towed to the port on that side and sealed up. What you see now This port is only usable on our side, and half of that side is basically the kind of scrapped battleship."

Yamamoto Fifty-Five first looked at this guy, and then asked: "Could it be that you didn't study it?"

The Russian player glanced at Yamamoto Fifty-Five and said: "How could it not study? Isn't this place for this? And you should have seen it too. Isn't it the result?"

"The result?" Yamamoto Fifty-Five was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly reacted. "I heard that Nobunaga-kun Guishou once received assistance from a batch of super weapons. Is this the research result of this place?"

The Russian player said with a smile: "You reacted very quickly. That’s right, the super weapons you’ve heard of are modified from the research results of a torpedo-like weapon equipped on the battleship here. However, there are very few results that we can put into use. These things are now It's still just a high level weapon that we don't understand."

Russian player nodded extend the hand said: "Thank you for your answer. My name is Yamamoto Fifty-Five, and I still have some research on magic technology. "

"Hello, I am Chief-In-Charge Alexander of the port."

"Hello." The Russian player asked after greeting, "Take me here... …?"

The other party said with a smile: "I brought you here because of the iron and stone hearts you got before. Of course, there is another reason for the kind of magic that you said before. Array superposition theory."

In order to get Yamamoto Fifty-Five into the opponent's interior to figure out how to make the Stone of Desecration, Masaga Matsumoto took great pains. Not only did Yamamoto Fifty-Five fake a hobby of hobby before, he even found some research results on the super weapon that our guild had seized from Oniji Nobunaga, and let Yamamoto Fifty-five. I wrote them all down, and also specially asked some special NPCs from our guild to give him some guidance in this respect.

The result of these efforts is that Yamamoto Fifty-Five can actually pretend to be a researcher of magic technology. Although his research ability is actually very general, if it is only general theoretical knowledge and some research Activities, he can actually serve as a researcher temporarily. Of course, the efficiency is certainly not as high as those of professional researchers, but after all, the publicity is hobby, so the main purpose is to highlight Yamamoto Fifty-Five’s "wonderful ideas" rather than his operational ability.

In fact, it was normal to have such preparations. After all, Yamamoto Fifty-Five was sent out for the purpose of mixing into the other party’s research base to figure out how to make the Stone of Desecration. However, if Just continuous hard work to make contributions, then Yamamoto Fifty-Five can come to this place occasionally at best. After all, if he is only a combatant, the opponent will at most not defend him. It's definitely impossible specially brought him to this kind of research. Internal. In this case, it becomes very difficult to obtain those technologies.

It is precisely for this reason that Masaga Matsumoto struggled to let Yamamoto Fifty-five learn the principles of magic technology and so on, in order to make Yamamoto Fifty-five become a Researchers who are exposed to these things for good reason. Moreover, in order to let the other party notice Yamamoto Fifty-Five, Masaga Matsumoto specially took out the research results of our guild and showed Yamamoto Fifty-five, so that Yamamoto Fifty-five could come up with some "inspirations" from time to time. , And these inspirations will eventually prove to be very correct, because that is simply the research result of our guild rather than a simple speculation. However, as long as the other party finds that these things proposed by Yamamoto Fifty-Five are indeed feasible, they will inevitably notice Yamamoto Fifty-Five, and then begin to pay attention to him. If it is confirmed that his identity is no problem, and he is believed to be someone who can be trusted, then the other party will definitely recruit him as a "genius" to join the research. Once Yamamoto Fifty-Five joins the research sequence, he wants to get production. The method becomes extremely simple.

It can be said that Masaka Matsumoto’s original design has been fully functional. Now Yamamoto Fifty-Five is pretending to be very puzzled, but his heart has actually blossomed. Of course, as a semi-professional spy, Yamamoto Fifty-Five's quality is still good, so the expression is still seamless, without showing any weak spot.

I briefly introduced that I have been paying attention to him a long time ago, and then Alexander asked Yamamoto Fifty-Five: "I don’t know if you are interested in leaving the battle player sequence and join our research. Team?"


Yamamoto Fifty-Five just uttered a word, and Alexander immediately said: "Don’t answer, you don’t need to do this right away. Decided, I will take you to take a tour of the environment here. As for the question of whether you will join or not, you can wait until the visit is over. In addition, I can guarantee that if you join our research group, then we will guarantee to open it for you. A stable salary."

Now that the number of players in "Zero" is getting bigger and bigger, and many guilds have been commercialized, so many guilds have begun to give their members It's a salary. Of course, this salary is not random. There are generally two types of guilds that really open wages, one is the real commercial guild. These guilds are just like the previous game studios, they will find something specifically to make a profit. Of course, this profit does not mean gold coin. The monster in "Zero" simply does not explode gold coin. This so-called profit actually refers to making money through mining, doing tasks, and pure commercial activities, so the members in these guilds basically Like the professional players in the game studio in the past, Shangdu belongs to the type of paying to work.

In addition to these guilds, there are also some wage guilds mainly large-scale guilds, such as our Frost Rose League. However, these guilds pay wages back to them, but not every player pays them, but only the high level players or leaders in the guild. The main purpose of this is to keep the powerful players in the guild, which is a way to buy people's hearts. Of course, our guild has so good welfare, so even if we don't pay wages, a lot of people want to come in, but in the end there is no chance to come in. However, most large guilds still need to rely on wages to win over a large number of experts to maintain the strength of the guild. So, wages are not something that every player can share. On the contrary, such things are actually rare. After all, whether it is the members of professional commercial guilds or the experts who are brought over by large guilds, they actually have one thing in common, that is, they have specialties. If these people don't have a certain life profession that is very good, then it must be that the battle strength is very exaggerated, anyway, it must have some incredible ability. However, these strange things are a minority after all, and most players are impossible with those abilities, so naturally they are also impossible to be eligible for salary.

As far as the other party knows, Yamamoto Fifty-Five didn't get a salary before. Therefore, Alexander felt that it should be a relatively big temptation to pay Yamamoto Fifty-Five at this time.

Of course Yamamoto Fifty-Five is impossible to care about this salary, let alone the benefits he gets in our guild and the cohesion of our guild, the salary we open is impossible too low. Although our guild does not pay every player, because we have a system of guild contribution, it is tantamount to paying wages in disguise. Besides, the players in our guild who go to Matsumoto Masaka’s side to act as spies still have a special salary to get, and if they become spies, the contribution is also very easy to get. If it is not because we dare not openly select people for the sake of confidentiality, it is estimated. In the meeting, they can fight for these places to be spies.

Although he doesn’t care about the salary issue, Yamamoto Fifty-Five is the time of acting, so he hesitated as soon as he heard that he was paid, and then asked tentatively. "May I ask if I can do it together?"

"Huh?" Alexander originally asked Yamamoto Grade Five to answer after visiting, but he didn't expect Yamamoto Fifty-Five. Suddenly this question came, but even though he was confused, he quickly replied: "It's not bad for both sides to work together, but why do you have such a request?"

Yamamoto Fifty-Five One as it should be by rights said: "You can see from my current account. I like the battle system of "Zero" very much, so if you let me do research every day, That’s definitely not possible. If I really like to do research every day, then I chose a non-combat character at the beginning, how can I become the current profession?"

"Zero" is designed for the purpose The reason is that the internal structure itself is very diversified. As a result, many players will become uncomfortable after entering the game. After all, although the audience of combat-type games is very wide, it is not 100% coverage. For those players who don’t like to fight, if they are in a world full of battles, how can they still play happily? So from the initial selection of characters, players can choose whether they want combat characters or non-combat characters.

Combat characters are like me. They have the combat capability. They have one or more combat occupations as their main occupations, and there are also several non-combat occupations as auxiliary occupations. However, there are certain restrictions on the auxiliary occupations of combat players, and the leveling will be slower. As for non-combat players, as long as you choose a non-combat character, all the professions you can choose are life professions, and regardless of the main profession and Secondary Profession, they are all equal. Moreover, the types of occupations of these non-combat players are also not limited, which means that in theory you can learn all the skills of non-combat occupations at the same time, but because of the speed of leveling and the investment of money, most people can only choose to take courses. Two or three occupations. After all, most people can understand the principle of bite off more than one can chew. They learn too much, and each skill level is only one or two levels. Such characters are useless if they are trained. .

In fact, in addition to being unable to learn combat skills for non-combat players, the most important features are still protected by the system. For example, in the urban Safety Sector, non-combat players may still be killed. However, the punishment for maliciously killing non-combat players is much more serious than the punishment for malicious PK ordinary combat players, not only will kill more than a dozen ordinary combat players. Times the guilt value, but also lead to a series of attribute changes. At present, the accepted one on the forum is that killing non-combat players will reduce the luck value. Although the value of the luck value attribute is not visible, it is clear that such an attribute is placed there when the character is created, and there are many skills. The description will tell you directly that the formidable power of the skill is directly related to the lucky value.

In addition, as far as I know, the lucky value is not only directly related to the player's many battle attributes, but also interferes with all your in-game things that require probability calculations. For example, lottery, opening boxes, selecting characters, and what kind of monsters you encounter. In short, this attribute is very important. If this attribute becomes zero, basically as long as you fight with others, you will definitely lose, and if it is a negative number , Then congratulations. Even if no one attacks you, you may die of unfathomable mystery in various accidents. This is not a speculation, but our guild has specially tested it. The conclusion is that the lucky value must be at least one point. As long as it is not zero, then there is no big problem. Unfathomable mystery. Once it becomes zero, it will be very troublesome, let alone a negative number, go to the nearest temple to spend money to apply for a shelter, and then squat inside and wait for your lucky value to naturally recover before you come out, otherwise it is very likely to go shopping. Was trampled to death.

After listening to Yamamoto Fifty-Five's words, Alexander understood what Yamamoto Fifty-five meant. Anyway, people don't like staying in the research room all the time. Although Yamamoto Fifty-Five is also interested in research, they are not the kind of people who can stay in the research room all the time. Generally speaking, they still like to go out and do activities.

Alexander doesn’t have much opinion on this kind of request. As long as he can participate in research, he doesn’t necessarily need to stay in the laboratory all the time. Anyway, they fancy Yamamoto Fifty Five’s creativity instead of him. For his practical ability, he only needs to pay attention to some progress occasionally, and then propose some research directions or something, and he does not need to soak in the laboratory every day.

After thinking about it, Alexander immediately nodded and said: "As long as you can guarantee to work in the laboratory for at least 16 hours a week, I can promise you."

For an eight-hour work system, sixteen hours is two days. You only need to work two days a week. This requirement is really not excessive. And Yamamoto Fifty Five also immediately nodded and said: "In this case, I can promise you now. But the visit is still necessary, at least I have to be familiar with the future working environment!"

< p>After hearing what Yamamoto Fifty-Five said, Alexander immediately became happy, and then he began to lead Yamamoto Fifty-Five to visit this secret base.

Actually, Yamamoto Fifty-Five insisted on coming out occasionally because he didn't really like fighting and didn't want to stay in the laboratory all the time. Although he is indeed not interested in experiments and does not want to stay in the laboratory, working for spies is something that can be overcome. The reason why Yamamoto Fifty-Five will insist not to stay here forever is actually the main reason or for spying work.

The security measures of this underwater base are obviously very strict, and the deep seabed, its location is too concealed. The crystal communicator of our guild has a transmission distance limit. If the distance exceeds a certain range, a relay device is required. At present, we have a large number of relay devices on several main waterways. Even the sea surface has not been completely covered. Not to mention the seabed is down. Therefore, if Yamamoto Fifty-Five stayed here, even if he got the research materials, he would simply not be able to send it out. This is the fundamental reason why he insists not to stay in the laboratory consistently.

Many people may ask, aren’t there two characters in Yamamoto Fifty-Five? Since there is a character who is the identity of a Chinese player, can the information be sent as long as the two numbers are switched? In fact, this is simply a delusion. Don't think that the magic arrays in the game are very simple things, especially the magic arrays studied in this base. This is no longer a flat magic array but a three-dimensional magic array. These magic arrays are just like mazes in the eyes of ordinary people. And it's still a three-dimensional maze. The structure diagram of a three-dimensional magic array may be so complicated that it can be drawn on paper the size of a room, and the lines on it can almost be described as densely packed. Do you expect Yamamoto Fifty-Five to bring such things back to the guild by switching accounts back and forth? What kind of memory is needed to do it? so. The only way to get information is to actually bring things out. It is definitely not enough to rely on the player's memory to retell it.

Because Yamamoto Fifty-Five had agreed to stay, Alexander obviously had a very good attitude towards him, leading Yamamoto Fifty-Five into the port. As for the few people who came with Yamamoto Fifty-Five, they were sent away after surrendering the Heart of Iron and Stone.

This base is obviously still under the direct supervision of the Russians, and basically no players from other countries can be seen inside. Those who sent Yamamoto Fifty-Five to come are all Korean players. It is obvious that there are players in this place. Due to its very low status, simply cannot access the core content, and even the status of Japanese players here is much higher than that of Korean players. Yamamoto Fifty-Five’s treatment here clearly reflects the real value of his Japanese identity. Although he is a technician who needs to be recruited by the other party, the treatment will definitely be better, but the position of Japanese players here is better than that of Korean players. A lot higher is still obvious.

After coming down from the port wharf, there is a large flat rocky ground. This ground is obviously artificially built. Not only is it very flat, there are special anti-skid patterns on the ground, which is obviously not a naturally formed thing. .

After passing through the wide and busy pier, you enter the vicinity of the rock wall that separates the two sides of the port. You can see a row of dozens of huge entrances from here. Some autonomous vehicles appeared behind the inside. However, these vehicles are obviously left in the relics and not made by Russia, because these vehicles are all in the shape of beetles, and if they were built by Russian players, I think these vehicles should be close to those in reality. The shape of the truck is right.

In the mountainside of a big beetle car, Ben 55 was sent by Alexander to a large underground passage, but only a small section of the passage was bright, two The sides are completely dark, and nothing can be seen, even at the end of the light not far to the left, it seems that there is a vague trace of the collapse.

Passing through this horizontal aisle is a huge underground space. The area of ​​this space is not very large, but it is very high. There are artificial rooms arranged on the walls of the cylindrical cave. It can be seen that the working space here is very large, and because it is arranged vertically, it is very space-saving. But Yamamoto Fifty-Five and the others didn't want to stop here, but drove out from another exit of this space. After that, they passed through several such spaces one after another before reaching a vertical space larger than before.

This seems to be the last space in this place, because there is only one entrance and another door, but it is obviously blocked by the collapsed stone and simply can't make it through.

After the car stopped, Alexandre General Beetle greeted Yamamoto Fifty-Five and got off the car and said, "This place is our research center. When I first discovered this place, it was empty and there was nothing. The rest, obviously the builders here were not very panicked when they evacuated here, all the things that could be taken were taken away. And some of the remaining things were placed neatly. But when we came there was too much time For a long time, most things became fans as soon as they touched them. Basically, I didn't catch anything."

"That's really a pity!" Yamamoto Fifty-Five deliberately pretended to be very sorry and said.

Alexan laughed and said with a smile: "Anyway, it’s all for nothing. There can be one thing. The battleships and the weapons on the outside are the best receipts. It’s a pity that these things They are all protected, and the reason I need you is that you can help us lift their mysterious veils, so that we can see the true beauty of the beautiful women under this veil."

Fifty-five said in a serious manner: "I am not a professional doing this, so I can't pack tickets. All I can say is that I will try my best. After all, this is also my hobby. As for the previous one that allows me Things about going out don’t have to be as exaggerated as you said. I guess I’ll spend most of my time here, and even going out may be irregular. After all, if I study the key things, I might study one or two in one go. There is no break in the week, and if I go out to do a task and encounter a long task, I can’t come back right away!"

Alexander laughed and said with a smile: "This is up to you, as long as you can It is enough to ensure that there are 16 hours per week on average. Our management is still relatively loose."

Yamamoto Fifty-Five nodded said: "Are we going to the experimental area now?"< /p>

Alexander nodded said: "In fact, this place is an experimental area, but the place I'm going to take you is dedicated to studying composite magic arrays."

"That's it." Yamamoto Fifty-five In fact, I really want to see the production and research site of the Blasphemy Stone immediately.

Alexander did not answer the call, but took Yamamoto Fifty-Five to a place on the wall that looked like an elevator and stood up. But... speaking of which Russians’ research results are indeed the route of reverse engineering research, because they did not develop it step by step, but reversed the technology in the ruins, so their technology was partial. very difficult to deal with. The previous three-dimensional hybrid magic array is already so complicated that the elevator used in their laboratory is actually hand-cranked. Although this thing is very labor-saving, after all, the people who have to ride have to shake the handle by themselves, which in itself is a rather backward design.

Although I wanted to complain about this human elevator, Yamamoto Fifty-Five still endured it. Followed Alexander up to a certain floor, walked out of the elevator, and then entered a circular corridor. The reason why this corridor is circular is that the corridor is obviously curved, and from what we saw below, the experimental area is located on the inner wall of a vertical cylindrical shaft, so the experimental area It should be a ring structure in itself.

Not far from here, Alexander pushed open a door and brought in Yamamoto Fifty-Five. After entering here, Yamamoto Fifty-five felt that it was chaotic. . The huge space several times larger than the lobby of a large movie theater is filled with test benches, and all the test benches are filled with various experimental equipment, plus those next to the test benches. Some waste products and experimental materials piled up, this place is not much better than the garbage dump. Compared with the snow-white laboratory in sci-fi movies, this is simply a negative example!

"Bakanov, I brought that Yamamoto Fifty-Five." After Alexander came in, he moved towards the largest test bench in the center and walked over, while still talking about something. The guy who was called by the name also heard the sound lifts the head and turned around at this time, but Yamamoto Fifty-Five, when he saw what was held in his hand, trembled in his heart, because it was clearly one. A stone of blasphemy.

"It's really travel far and wide looking for something only to return and find it easily!" Yamamoto Fifty-Five muttered in his heart.

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