"Don't be in a daze, come here soon." The Korean player who led the way pushed Yamamoto Fifty-Five, and then walked forward first, and Yamamoto Fifty-Five was stunned. After a while, I also reacted and quickly followed along.

In fact, this site is not controlled by the Koreans. In the process of moving to the submarine base below, Yamamoto Fifty-five learned about the origin of this place from the people who led the way. First of all, this base was not discovered by Korean players, but by Japanese players, but the original controllers did not know who it was. The only thing that was clear was that the base originally belonged to a small-scale Japanese guild. organizational.

After discovering this base, this guild organization from Japan used the submarines here to make a small fortune, and then their guild was expanded, but then it seemed that something went wrong internally. Anyway, this guild of unfathomable mystery became part of the Guishou League, and then it was because of Matsumoto Masaka’s strong rise that Guishou Nobunaga was unable to maintain his own power independently. At the same time, he must fight against Matsumoto Masaka’s turf grabbing behavior in the country. To maintain external pressure on our Frost Rose League is something impossible in itself. So, in the end, Nobunaga Onishu made a more wise decision, and that was to directly tell the Russians about this place. Of course, Oni Shou Nobunaga is not a generous person, so although this place was transferred to Russian players, there is obviously some kind of exchange of interests in the middle, but these things in front of these few people don't know it.

After this base was handed over to the Russian players, I don’t know for what reasons, only the ice-bound Banshee and a few of his men came to see this base and took away two ships on the Russian side. The submarine, other things did not move, and then the base was transferred to South Korean players to manage until now.

So, this base still belongs to Russia in name, but the actual manager is Korean, and it seems that Korean players are using the resources here, that is, the submarines.

Because of the special missions, these players took Yamamoto Fifty-Five and quickly negotiated with the management staff on the dock, and the other party directly arranged a special submarine for them.

While the other party was discussing together, Yamamoto Fifty-Five looked at the nearby submarines, and found that there were not only a large number of submarines, but also more than one model. Those seen from above are all large submarines. These submarines are obviously different in appearance from those military submarines in reality, because all the submarines here look like marine creatures. The extra-large submarines I saw before were clearly designed according to the shape of humpback whales, and some fish and even crustacean-shaped submarines were found on the mountainside of the dock area. He even saw two mechanical crabs leaning beside a pile of mechanical parts on the land.

"What are you looking at?" Yamamoto Fifty-Five was looking at the two mechanical crabs in a daze, when suddenly he heard someone calling him.

Looking back, I saw that several people who had gone to the terminal management staff to negotiate came back, so he pointed to the crab over there and asked: "Those things are automatic robots?"

The Korean player who led the team glanced at the mechanical crab over there, and then said with a smile: "Oh, you said that? Actually I don't know what it is. Anyway, it must be artificially made, and inside You can still sit on people, it should be a type of driver. But from the time we discovered this place, all the crabs were broken and none of them could be activated, so we don’t know what these things are actually doing!"

"What did you say?" Yamamoto Fifty-Five keenly discovered the key.

The player nodded and said: "In the beginning, there were at least hundreds of crab-like things in this place. Because I didn’t know what they were doing, I found out that the guilds in this place made some I went back to disassemble and research, but I didn’t study and deal with it. Later, I got some of it in the hands of Nobunaga oni. I don’t know if I found anything, but it should not be repaired. Otherwise, it should be here. It’s right that none of them are left. Later, after the Russians got this place, they also took away some, and our Korean guild also took away some of them. They all went back to study. Of course, as far as I know, it’s nothing. No progress. There are probably dozens of racks left behind in the warehouse area. Originally, these items were all on the dock, which affected our loading and unloading too much."

Fifteenth nodded asked: "That thing looks like a combat machine."

The Korean player said: "I don't do this, I don't know the specifics, but I also feel that the thing should be It’s a kind of combat machine. I’ve seen the pliers of that thing before. Although it’s very difficult to deal with rust and wear, it can be seen that there should be sharp edges before, so I guess this thing will definitely not be. What kind of transportation tool. As for the specifics, I don’t know what it is. Okay, don’t study those things. Come with me now."

Yamamoto Fifty-Five nodded followed this player. The pier is near a berth in the middle, where a small submarine is waiting for them. This is a submarine that looks a lot like a fish. It’s not clear what kind of fish Yamamoto Fifty-Five it is. After all, he is not an expert in fish research. Anyway, this is the shape of a fish. It doesn’t seem to be. What a strange place.

Although this small submarine is said to be small, it is not really small. After all, it's a submarine, no matter how small it is. In fact, the length of this submarine may be close to about 17 meters, which is a lot longer than two buses connected together.

The entrance of the front hall is located on the back of this fish. There is a scaly-like cover. After opening it is a pressure door. After entering from here, you will enter a bus. Such a large space inside the car. This space is not completely empty. It is just that this place has such a large area, but there are not many areas for people to move inside, because the driving system of the entire front hall is here, and there are many equipment mixed in it. , The place where people can stay is only a small area near the tail of the fish, and the other places are only areas where people who operate equipment can sit.

Although this space is not very large, compared to the narrow aisle in the real submarine, this kind of place is actually quite ample. After all, this space is an open overall space. Although there are many things in it, it is not frustrated, and there are special seats in this place, so the comfort is still very good.

Yamamoto Fifty-Five and the others did not all come up. Only three people actually got on the submarine, including Fifty-Five Yamamoto himself. One of the remaining two was from the group just now. The leader, that is, the player who received the Heart of Iron and Stone before, the remaining one is a guy who doesn't speak much, and doesn't know what he is doing, but he feels that his status is not low.

After the three of them pedaled the ship, the outside driver climbed in and closed the hatch. At this time, Yamamoto Fifty-Five discovered that the submarine had only two drivers.

In fact, there are a lot of consoles inside this submarine, and there are operating switches everywhere. There are only seven consoles with dedicated seats, which means that even those switches on the wall don’t need Special personnel control, the number of standing personnel in this place should also be seven instead of two.

Probably it was too obvious that Yamamoto Fifty-Five’s face was saying hello, so after the two operators came down, one of them fiddled with the operating handle in front of him and said, “It’s strange why we are the only two. Personally?"

Yamamoto's fifty-five instinctive nodded, then remembered that the other party hadn't looked back at him at all, so he hurriedly gave another "um".

The person in front manipulated a switch, and suddenly two circular windows opened in front of the bridge. Of course, only the cover is opened, and there is a transparent glass-like thing blocking it, and water will not enter. "Actually, there must be more than two people in the regular configuration of this ship. You can tell by looking at the seats. But what we have figured out so far is that only these two positions can be controlled. One of the two consoles is for driving. The other one is the position of the navigator responsible for navigation. I don’t know if the equipment in the remaining positions is damaged or for other reasons. Anyway, there is no response to how to manipulate it, so so far we don’t know what those positions are doing. This is impossible to operate, and naturally there is no need to deploy operators, so in fact, this ship has been used as a transportation boat by us at present, and what we need is the driver and navigator."

After listening to the explanation of the player in front of Fifty-Five, I completely understand why this ship is used by two people, and even a layman can see that this ship should be a ship with a certain function, not a transportation boat. It's a pity that all those equipments don't know why they can't be used, so they can only be used as a transportation boat. It’s like a group of ancient people found a tank and tried to start the tank. But they didn’t know or use the cannon on the tank, and they didn’t know that the cannon needed to be loaded with shells before it could be fired. Yes, so even if they press all the switches on the cannon once, there will be no response.

Of course, this submarine may not be used for combat, but the equipment must have its own purpose, but so far no one has worked out how to start it.

Yamamoto Fifty-Five suddenly remembered that since this ship is used as a transportation boat, it must consume energy, but since this thing has not been researched out, how does the other party supplement energy?

"What kind of fuel does your ship use?" Yamamoto Fifty-Five asked directly. Anyway, he felt that there was nothing to avoid.

Sure enough, the other party didn’t take it seriously and didn’t answer. He directly reached out and lifted up a cover on the side of the console. However, I saw a magic crystal flashing underneath the mountainside. Moving streamer. Normal magic crystal will not emit light under normal conditions. The luminescence indicates that the energy in the magic crystal has changed. Whether it is increasing or decreasing, there must be energy flow anyway. Therefore, Yamamoto Fifty-Five will understand. It turns out that this submarine actually uses magic crystal as an energy source, and it seems to be very convenient to replace, just open a lid.

"By the way, where are we going?" I patronized and cared about this submarine problem before, but I don’t know where I am going to be taken until I think about it now. .

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