True Red’s sturdy appearance naturally scared everyone on the opposing turret. Before True Red passed by, the artillery on the fort ran away. "Please, we are just artillery, we don't want to be cannon fodder!" With such a voice, the artillery on the cannon ran away in a blink of an eye.

Although the player in charge of the command saw that the people on his side were not very good, but now there is no way in this situation, only the high level personnel will go up first, and then let the communicator call reinforce.

In fact, there is not much difference between calling reinforcements and not calling under this situation. The Koreans built a temporary camp. The people outside are far away from this side, and there is not much obstruction in between. Even if they can't see the real red coming out of the Transmission Passage over there, they can at least hear it. The sound of the cannon. Therefore, if the people outside are still alive, they must have been rushing here.

Actually, the reinforcements came faster than expected. Really red has just passed by with a barrel and overturned the last cannon. A large group of people ran out from behind the camp over there. Players of all colors. When these people came, the team was very messy. Obviously, the commander over there realized that since even the artillery was used, it was definitely not an ordinary invasion, so they didn’t have time to assemble the team. They had to let everyone themselves. Find a way to reach the War Zone as quickly as possible.

This decision can be regarded as letting the commander here relaxed. Otherwise, watching Real Red showed great divine might over there, no one on his side can do it even if he delays the other side’s footsteps a little bit, it feels like It's really uncomfortable.

In fact, even if these reinforcements arrive, they may not be able to stop the real red, and there is not only one real red on our side.

Just as the reinforcements here arrived, a few more silhouettes came out of the Transmission Passage over there. Needless to say, it was Christina and me this time.

Seeing the people on our side came out, the guards outside didn't respond much, because they were not surprised now. Being beaten up by the True Red raid, the only thing they can do now is to block us. As for the surprised reaction... there is really no time.

"It seems that there are still a lot of guards!" After exiting from the space here, I scanned the surrounding environment, and then realized that there was actually a large continuous camp, so I immediately realized This is a temporary city.

Kristina did not stand on the ground after she appeared, but took off decisively. In fact, it is a very dangerous behavior for the mages to do this, because most of the warriors can't fly, so once the mages are lifted up, they are tantamount to abandoning the previous meat shield players, and choose to carry the enemy's attack by themselves. However, the defensive ability of the wizard is notoriously weak, so in general, the wizard is not suitable for early launch. At least it won’t work before your own melee personnel are lifted into the air, because flying in the sky means that they will become particularly conspicuous. It is clear that they will go up to pull hatred, so except for the true strength mage like Christina, Generally, the mage will try to avoid this kind of show-off. Of course, it’s really urgent. The mages can also use another awkward combat method, which is to attack and land immediately, just like jumping up and smashing during a volleyball match. The speed must be fast and stuck in the air. It takes too long to become a target, but too short a time to complete the attack, so even this method of seize every opportunity does not mean that everyone can use it.

Kristina obviously doesn’t need to seize every opportunity. She directly turned on the Queen of Elements mode, and then unfolded the huge golden butterfly wings with a wingspan of more than ten meters, and then it was like a balloon lifted into the sky. It floated straight up.

Kristina’s Queen of Elements mode will spread a pair of huge butterfly-like wings behind her, but these wings are not actually used for flying. According to Kristina’s own explanation, this wing is more like a solar panel. Of course, it does not absorb solar energy, but absorbs magical elements. Christina's infinite magic in the Queen of Elements mode is actually due to the pair of wings behind it.

As currently recognized as the world’s first turret, after entering the Queen of Elements mode, Christina has upgraded the original automatic turret to an infinite ammunition version, and an automatic turret with unlimited ammunition. You can imagine what you can do.

After taking off, Christina was not busy starting an attack, but first launched a beam of golden light particles into the air. The speed of this beam is not fast. After rising for a certain distance, it suddenly seems to be hitting something and it starts to fall like all directions. A golden hemispherical shield with dots of light particles gradually appears underneath. Those Russian players, South Korean players, and Japanese players are on the top of their heads, but what makes them wonder is why this thing is so big?

If Christina is going to use a protective shield, then of course it should be placed next to her body. However, although this golden hemispherical shield has not been fully formed, the spreading trend of this thing is very obvious. In this way, after it is fully expanded, it is estimated that almost the entire camp will be covered by it, and if the shield It's so big, who is it against?

No one from outside the camp is attacking here. It is obviously abnormal for the protective cover to wrap the entire camp, but if the protective cover is not used to block external intrusions, it can only be understood as this thing It is defensive internally.

In fact, there are many protective shields for internal defense, but this kind of magic is generally not called a protective shield, but is called a limited skill. It is a skill specially used to control the range of the enemy's activity. The main feature of this kind of protective cover is that it is inside and not outside. People and objects outside can enter the inside at will, but people and things inside cannot get out. This characteristic determines that this protective cover is very suitable to prevent the enemy from escaping.

But the problem is that although Christina and us are very strong, they are not many. In this case, what is the intention of deploying a Formation shield to prevent internal personnel from escaping?

The Russian players and South Korean players here were all in confusion, but one person suddenly stopped the South Korean player who commanded the battle. "Quickly, think of a way to send the Heart of Iron and Stone!" Yamamoto Fifty-Five pulled the player said difficultly.

The player here didn't understand Christina's meaning just like everyone else, but now he suddenly understood what Yamamoto said. This Yamamoto Fifty-Five was obviously chased by us all the way and ran out of that passage, and he immediately took out three iron and stone hearts when he got here, which explained the reason why he was chased and killed. As for the purpose of Christina's sudden development of such a Formation... Needless to say, it must be to prevent them from removing the Heart of Stone.

The player who thought he wanted to understand the entire process of development immediately ignored the on-site command, took the heart of the stone and turned around and ran, but he just ran and saw it within two steps The player in front of him looked at him with horror, or looked at the direction behind him.

This guy is also a clever person. When he saw the expression of the player in front of him, he did not continue to run. Instead, he swooped to the side and felt a burning sensation behind him. At the same time, the surrounding area immediately became a fire sea. After looking up in a panic, he happened to see a golden light gleaming giant dragon waving its wings trying to climb, and the long burning band under the opponent clearly showed that the dragon had just finished a dragon breath jet.

At this time, I can’t take care of the burns on his body. The first thing this guy does when he gets up is to run quickly, because the golden shield in front is still continuously extending downwards. It's almost touching the ground. Although the level of this protective shield is not yet known, he has heard of Christina's name. The magic that can be maintained by Christina must not be destroyed by players of his this level at will. So, if you want to go out, you have to run quickly before the thing is closed.

Although he is very fast, it is a pity that our side reacts faster. Just when the guy didn’t run two steps, he suddenly felt the dark overhead, a huge black shadow flew over his head, and then he saw me jumping off the bird’s back and smelled it. In front of him.

My landing direction is the same as his direction, that is, when I first came down, my back was facing him, but this guy doesn’t even mean a sneak attack at all, or Said he didn't have the guts at all.

If Christina was here, he might still dare to go up and try, but if I were here, even if I took the courage of them, he would definitely not dare to go forward. Unlike Kristina, besides being the number one player in the world, the main information that I have revealed so far is that the defense is amazing. For an existence like me, even if he was hit by a sneak attack from behind while standing and falling asleep, it was mostly his own bad luck, because I had too many automatic counter-attack magic, and the attack power was high, his attack power Not even as big as these automatic counterattack formidable power. In the face of this kind of payment, even if I stood still and let him cut it, he probably couldn't hold it first.

When you meet someone like me, he can say that he has nothing to do, but this guy has no plans to give up. After seeing me standing in front of him, this guy immediately Putting the back of his hand behind him, and then secretly threw the three iron and stone hearts directly to another player behind, and then whispered his head sideways: "Take it out."

The player immediately after receiving the order I ran to the side, planning to bypass the frontal battlefield to send this thing out, but unfortunately their behavior at this time was too conspicuous, so my eyes naturally moved when the guy ran away.

I noticed that my attention was shifting, the player over there immediately realized that it was not good, and then he rushed forward without paying any attention, obviously intending to attract my attention for the other side Companion escaped safely to buy time, but unfortunately he overestimated his battle strength too much.

The premise of the so-called containment is that you must at least ensure that you have enough strength to deal with the opponent, but this guy obviously does not have such strength, so when he rushes over, my eyes are still focused on that The player who was running with the heart of iron and stone, and then suddenly turned his head and glanced at him until he screamed and rushed to me, then the right hand lifted, and a red light flashed by, that guy Like a pile of building blocks that suddenly collapsed, his body instantly turned into hundreds of pieces of meat scattered on the ground, and I opened my wings and moved towards the guy over there and flew over.

As soon as I flew up from here, Yamamoto Fifty-Five was struggling and suddenly rushed up from the side, then jumped and hugged my feet. Because of the person hanging under me, my flying posture was affected, and I was pulled back to the ground for a while. Although he was kicked into the air immediately after landing, but this one made me land again, and then subsequent players rushed up and surrounded me.

Of course Yamamoto Fifty-Five is not meant to help the other party’s escape. This is actually one of the tactics that we have discussed before. The purpose is to further increase Yamamoto Fifty-Five’s merits here and let him Become the person who has won this iron and stone heart this time for the first time, and is the most important and critical person to reverse the situation.

In fact, our purpose of doing this is very simple, that is to make the other party unable to avoid the great contribution of Yamamoto Fifty-Five, so that Yamamoto Fifty-Five can be more smoothly mixed into the other party’s production base, and we also Then you can get information about the production method of the stone of blasphemy. Of course, mixing into the base does not mean that you can get the information, but entering the opponent's base is a prerequisite for knowing the information, so this step is still very necessary.

In fact, the jump that Yamamoto Fifty-Five just now was indeed touching enough. If this is true, it is definitely a touching and heroic act, but now I don’t feel much, after all. This is just our rehearsal. Of course, although I don’t have much feelings, most of the people on the other side have seen this scene. Of course, they, as audiences, are affected by the thoughts that we actors want to express. Therefore, the kicked Yamamoto Go Fifteen was quickly rescued by a few people, and the player with the heart of iron and stone quickly merged with him. Several players covered the two of them and evacuated towards the outskirts of the camp.

Of course they are just to my liking when they left, but I can’t just let them go now, so I just started to explode, and I immediately swung a sword in the direction where they were. . Different from the normal attack before, this is a skill attack, and the speed is very fast. A red light and shadow flashed by, and all the people encountered along the way were instantly broken into pieces of meat like the previous commander, but this beam was eventually blocked by the opponent’s front and back. After breaking down a dozen people, they disappeared completely, and they couldn't extend all the way to Yamamoto Fifty Five.

Although I did not hurt Yamamoto Fifty-Five, the surrounding players were still scared to death by my terrifying attack power. A random move dropped a dozen people in seconds, and this attack power was not the same as the attack power of those people they usually came into contact with!

On the one hand, I felt the huge battle strength gap with me. On the other hand, I couldn't retreat directly. These Korean players and Russian players could only force me to die here with their lives. However, when I reach this level, except for using Level 1 personnel to pile up, it is basically impossible to play any role. It's like if you ask a group of ordinary citizens to beat up a combat coach coming out of the army, as long as these people are not afraid of death and injury, and there are enough numbers, then you can definitely bring down the combat coach in the end. And usually this time is not too long. After all, the tactics used by Korean players and Russian players are no longer attacking, they are purely intending to bury me with a corpse. Who can stand such a desperate attack?

However, although the number of people can smooth the huge gap in quality to a certain extent, it is not absolutely effective. Assuming that the fighting coach just now is replaced by a group of kindergarten children to attack him, even if these little children are all cursed of madness, they can rush forward without fear of death. How can this adult not be successful? As long as the adult can play, the child will not have any power to fight back in front of the adult. Therefore, in this case, no matter how many children are, it is useless.

This is the situation that Koreans are encountering now. Because the difference in battle strength is so big, even if they used shameless tactics, they didn’t have any effect on me. Everyone who rushed up was basically killed instantly, and the result was that even though I was blocked I didn't move a step for a long time here, but the position was getting higher and higher. Soon there was a corpse mountain under my body, and I stood on the top of the mountain and slaughtered the following players to contribute to the height of the corpse mountain.

"The boss is really good enough." I couldn't help but say to Radamantis who was standing behind gold coin looking at the corpse mountain over there.

Radamantis did not come out to fight after catching the previous cannonball. There was a reason why he was not allowed to move. The first reason is that our battle strength is obviously enough, so it doesn't make much sense for Ladamantis to participate in fighting intents. The second reason is to protect the safety of Radamantis.

People like the other party have the cursed stone this thing. Although I don't know if these people have carried them, they made this thing anyway, so it is reasonable to calculate that the people here carry that thing again. We are all players here, so the stone of blasphemy has no meaning to us. Although Hongyan is an NPC, it is not Divine Race after all, so the cursed stone is useless to him. The only thing that is afraid of that thing here is Ladamantis, so I can only ask him to stay with gold. Coin staying together is just for fear that if the other party throws a blasphemous stone to seal the divine force of Ladamantis, and then we don't have time to rescue, then it is really fall in the sewer.

In fact, the reason why I care about this blasphemy stone so much is because of these Divine Race considerations. When it comes to using the Stone of Desecration to attack other Divine Races, I really don't really care. Anyway, our own strength can accomplish this kind of thing, so the use of the stone of profanity is actually just icing on the cake for us, and it doesn't make much sense. What we are really worried about is that because of the appearance of the Stone of Desecration, the chaos and order in our guild have finally begun to take shape. The advantages of the Divine Race will be smoothed out alive.

Be aware that Divine Races are non-renewable resources. Although those wild Divine Races can be regenerated and the number is almost endless, they are like vintage wines. Deities such as Ladamantis or Hades who have legends in reality and are well-known to every family have very strong battle strengths, and they often carry some hidden attributes. For example, the ability of Radamantis to cultivate magical plants is a hidden specialty, and Pandora's space breakthrough ability, which is also a hidden specialty. In fact, the real Pandora's ability should be disasters, and the space system's ability is a hidden specialty.

In my opinion, this hidden specialty is like the hobby of the character. Although it is not the main job, it can actually be counted as a kind of ability. Just like a person in reality, his work and education are all civil engineering, which is the so-called engineer, but he is hobby calligraphy. Although calligraphy is not his profession, you can't say that calligraphy is not a skill.

So, in addition to having a very strong battle strength and a very good development potential, these famous gods often have many hidden skills, and these skills are also very useful skills. In addition, these gods with names and surnames have another advantage that the gods created by the system to make up for the number of gods do not possess. This kind of advantage is knowledge and memory.

Those veteran gods have a huge amount of knowledge. Although they don't take the initiative to show these things, they can surprise you suddenly at some point. For example, the biggest surprise of our guild now-Power of Faith. If it is an ordinary god, even the battle strength might catch up with Hades and others, but the collection method of this Power of Faith is definitely not expected. In addition, these veteran gods also have a lot of experience. Whether they are in battle or dealing with ordinary things, their abilities are much better than those of the new Divine Race. these all are their advantages.

For those players from Russia, South Korea and Japan, they don’t have any old Divine Race anyway. Except for the unreliable Eight-Branched Giant Snake, there are almost no decent old players around them. God, so they don’t worry that the blasphemy stone will affect their own interests, but it’s different for our guild. Once this thing is manufactured in large quantities, then these gods in our guild can be in trouble. Although it is not that our gods will be completely abolished in this way, at least their value will be greatly reduced. Therefore, I absolutely cannot allow this kind of thing.

Just when I was here on slaughter all sides, Zhenhong and Christina were also making huge killings in the crowd of each other, and at this time, Yamamoto’s fifty-five The guy had gone out of Christina's lockdown circle with that companion. In fact, if it is a real battle, the completion speed of the blockade circle will definitely not be slowed down, but in order to successfully complete this scene, Yamamoto Fifty-Five and us cooperated in such a performance. Kristina deliberately slowed down the completion speed of the closed magic, and Yamamoto Fifty-Five also pretended to devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence and ran away with things. In the end, my chase was used to deceive people. The goal is to make Yamamoto Fifty-Five gain merits and be trusted.

Seeing Yamamoto Fifty-Five ran out of the enclosed magic range, Christina immediately fell from the sky and pretended to be weaker, although she was not tired at all, but At this time, it is not easy to explode too much, because one needs to hide the strength. Secondly, I was afraid that accidentally killed all the people here, then the following scenes would not be able to continue.

The massacre on our side will not talk about it, but on the Yamamoto 55 side. After exiting the blockade, they immediately ran to the nearby Yishan Bao. Except for the place where we just fought, there are such hills everywhere on this small island, but it is better to say that these are not so much mountains, but some big rocks, but these rocks are covered with mud. There are also some plants covering it, so it looks like a mountain bag, but it is actually a large rock.

After Yamamoto Fifty-Five and the others ran here, the player who was currently taking the lead immediately rushed to a seemingly ordinary bush, and then, regardless of whether it hurts or not, he went straight up and grabbed it. The thorny thorns lifted up the large group of bushes. If it weren't for this picture, most people would never have imagined that the bushes were fake.

After the bush is picked up, you can see a big diagonal hole near the point of contact between the huge rock mountain bag and the ground. Saying that it is a big hole is just enough for a person to get in. Of course I'm talking about people wearing armors that can get in, not the kind of holes that people who don't wear armor can squeeze in.

Although this hole is relatively large, it is really difficult for ordinary people to find it because it is usually blocked by bushes. These people filed in immediately after opening the hole. The guy who opened the hole was the last one to go down and cautiously re-blocked the entrance with the bushes.

Speaking of which Yamamoto Fifty-Five is actually the first time to take this channel, because this is obviously not a regular channel, but a secret channel for emergency use. Going down from this place is a forty-five-degree step, which is very narrow and steep because it is hard hewn out of the rock.

Go down from this step to a depth of seventeen or eighteen meters before being considered to the end, and then move horizontally for a short while and turn a corner to see the fire. The passage here is obviously slightly larger, and because the ground is relatively flat and there are light sources, it is easier to walk.

Since Yamamoto Fifty-Five is a spy, of course he hopes to inquire more information, so he was quite curious when he saw this passage and asked: "Why is there still a passage in this place?"


"You don't know, this is a stronghold established by our boss in secret."

"Is there a stronghold in this place?" Yamamoto Fifty-Five asked in surprise.

The player holding the heart of iron and stone in front turned around and said: "The stronghold outside is actually a cover up, and the following one is the real stronghold. This is called the Mingxiu plank road and the dark Chencang, which is an ancestral invention of our Koreans. It’s a kind of strategy."

Although Yamamoto Fifty-Five uses a Japanese name and his occupation is still Onmyouji, this is a trumpet he applied specifically to Japan in order to think that he is an authentic one. The Chinese, of course, have heard of Sun Tzu's art of war. Suddenly, I heard that the guy in front said this was a strategy invented by the Koreans. Fifty-five Yamamoto almost didn't slobber over it, but fortunately, he was also a clever man and wouldn't break a major event for this kind of thing. Just pretending to be puzzled and asked: "Isn't this Chinese Sun Tzu's art of war? How did it become your Korean invented?"

The Japanese also know about ancient China, especially the Three Kingdoms period. There are more, so it is not surprising that he asks such a question. The guy in front heard Yamamoto Fifty-Five’s question and immediately said, "Don’t you know? According to our historians, our grandson is actually our Korean."

"Eh..." I feel some gnash the teeth Yamamoto Fifty-five thought for a while and said: "So what...Where are we going now? Don’t you just plan to hide under a burrow? I have used it on Demon Realm before. After this trick, it’s useless, they found me in the end. Otherwise, you won’t see me being blown out so embarrassed!"

"Don’t worry! Of course we know Purple The guy Moon has a very strong tracking ability, so this is just a channel to confuse them. You will know it soon."

That guy doesn’t end up talking. Yamamoto Fifty-Five will ask them again. Just laughed, and didn't tell him. But there is no need to ask too much, because Yamamoto Fifty-Five soon knew what they were talking about.

This passage is actually not very long, that is, it takes a few sentences to the end, and this place is not a place like a hall, but a pier. That's right, it's a dock, and it's a dock in an underground river. At present, there are only two guards guarding the pier, and dozens of small wooden boats are attached to it. It looks like a boat made after the whole tree was cut in half and hollowed out. It is quite rough. However, the flow of the underground river is very slow, and there are no sharp turns. There is no problem with this thing.

Yamamoto Fifty-Five arrived here and wanted to go to the boat. As a result, he was stopped as soon as he got on. "What are you doing up there?"

"Eh? Don't you want to take a boat?" Yamamoto Fifty-Five asked, looking at several people in the same group in confusion.

The guy who took the lead said with a laugh: "This is our secret. These boats are just used to deceive people. If you get on it, you'll be in the middle. I believe Purple Moon will catch up to this. Planting places will be misled, and then chasing it down the river."

"But what should we do if we don’t get on the boat?"

"You look good." The leading player gestured to a person next to him, and the player immediately pinched his nose and jumped from the upstream position of the ship's dock, and then went directly to the top, and simply did not come up. However, just after the guy got down, a blob of blue light suddenly lit up underwater. It was obvious that the person had activated some underwater lighting equipment.

After the light appeared, the light cluster began to move upstream towards the upstream, and because the water in this underground river is very clear, and the depth is not large, it is naturally You can directly see the underwater situation. I saw that the player seemed to be groping for something underwater, and then quickly found a rather huge stone and picked it up.

Of course, it’s okay to lift a stone of this size, but for the average player, the volume of this kind of stone is obviously too large, but it’s underwater because of the water. Buoyancy, so the stone will be lighter underwater than on the ground. That player happens to be a power player, so he can barely move the stone.

After the guy lifted the rock, he saw him jump directly from a big hole just exposed under the rock, but the mountainside Ben 55 understood the specific method they called. NS.

This real secret passage is not the underground river, but the underwater entrance. Because this entrance is underwater and washed by water, there is no way to find it by scent tracking. As for other tracking methods, most of them need to be close, and they need continuous targets. Few of them can exist for a long time after the other party passes by for you to track. Therefore, as long as they go down, we will not find any clues to the hole if we don't chase this place right away. The only way is to find the hole by ourselves. However, under the unknowingly request for money, most people must be looking downstream along the river, after all, there are boats lying there. As for the upstream part, although it is also in the same direction, in fact, the front can only go seven or eight meters to the end, because the river there is much narrower than this, and people can't get through it at all.

In this case, most people would look downstream along the river, and no one would have thought that their entrance was actually under the water. In this way, the safety factor of this channel port is doubled. Moreover, the two guards here are actually useful. Their main function is to cut the ropes after the enemy invaded and let the boats on the river flow down the river, creating an illusion of destroying vehicles and preventing outsiders from using them. It further strengthened the intruder's idea of ​​pursuing downstream. And the more you are sure that the other party is downstream, the less you can find them, because from the very beginning you got the wrong direction.

Yamamoto Fifty-Five, after seeing the other party’s actions, understood the key, and then under the guidance of these people, he also got a small lighting tool, and then took this thing from the dock. He jumped down and then held his breath to dive to the entrance of the tunnel over there.

Originally, Yamamoto Fifty-Five was strange why the other party didn’t give him a helmet for ventilation. After all, this thing in the game is not too rare, especially in areas near the sea. The helmet is a very simple thing. So, this kind of equipment should be regarded as standing supplies. However, although Yamamoto Fifty-Five asked this question, the other party sent it away without a single sentence. He had no choice but to do what the other party said.

After going down from the passageway on the shore, it was only more than two meters deep, and then down to the end, and then a horizontal passage appeared. This horizontal passage is only more than two meters, and it is not as narrow as imagined. It is completely possible for two people to pass by. In fact, this place is not particularly wide. It just happens to be able to hold the holes on both sides with both hands. Moving forward can save a lot of effort.

A big hole appeared at the top of the passage two meters forward from here. This is a real big hole, much wider than the passage below. After going up, it immediately entered an extremely open water area. Anyway, Yamamoto Fifty-Five felt that he couldn't see where the surrounding boundary was. But now he has no time to ask about this, because he feels that his oxygen is a little fast running out.

When Yamamoto Fifty-Five felt a little bored, he just felt that the person next to him touched him. After turning his head in doubt, he saw the other person holding the small lamp for lighting. Pointing upwards, and then,

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