"This ceremony is really warm enough."

Radamantis walked out of the Transmission Passage with the cannonball in one hand, but Immediately after Zhenhong, he squeezed it aside and ran to the forefront. The golden True Martial suit was shining in the sun, and the artillery on the opposite side almost couldn't see the silhouette.

The Korean player commanding the battle was taken aback for a moment and suddenly reacted and shouted: "What about two more guns?"

The reminder here made the artillery react. It's a pity that Zhenhong has already walked out of it at this time. Seeing that the opponent’s artillery began to act again, she simply snatched the cannonball in Radamantis’ hand as a weapon and threw it out, and hit one of the cannons. With a loud explosion sound, the cannon was completely removed. The turret was lifted out, and even the surrounding players were caught. The metal holder under the fixed turret was pulled out from the ground by a huge force, and the scattered rubble was like a shotgun nearby. The staff fell down a lot.

Although one cannon was smashed, there were a total of three ran It was fired normally.

Looking at the roaring cannon, Zhen Hong did not dodge, because behind is the passageway, if she gets out of the way, it means we will be shot. So Zhenhong took a lunge directly on the spot, and then his right arm slammed out of the direction of the cannon with a sudden force.

After the really red this fist was shot out, it seemed like it was in slow motion. The naked eye visible shock wave was shot out, but the shells that shouldn’t be in the line of sight were passing through that circle. After the shock wave, the speed became slower and slower. In the end, the speed of the cannonball was reduced to the speed visible by naked eye. Maybe when the real red was finally exposed, only the speed of ordinary people running. However, although the speed was much slower, this shell was different from the previous one.

The shell that Radamantis caught just now was held by Radamantis hollow in his palm, but in fact it didn't touch the warhead at all. Although this cannon uses a blasting warhead, the fuze is only the most primordial collision fuze, that is, if the warhead does not touch something, it will not explode. Don’t think that the fuze is a very simple thing. In fact, the design and manufacture of the collision fuze are very difficult. The most important point is that the force at the moment when the gun pops out of the bore is also very large. Make sure that the fuze can be correct. Detonating the warhead without exploding during launch requires superb technology. Therefore, most of the artillery in the game so far use timed messages or touch fuzes, that is, the firing pin inside the hollow fairing of the warhead will detonate after being squeezed.

However, Radamantis held the side of the warhead at the time. Although it also caused the deformation of the fairing, it did not touch the firing pin, so the shell did not explode. But Zhenhong used his fists this time, and it was a head-on collision. The result can be imagined. Although the speed of the cannonball was reduced, it was detonated in the end.

With a loud explosion sound, the entrance of the passage was instantly covered by a huge flame, while the Korean and Russian players over there were nervously staring at the flames and wanted to see How is the result.

It’s a pity that they didn’t even wait for the flame to rise. They saw a golden silhouette burst out of the flame. The shiny golden armor on her body and even the huge cloak behind her was unexpectedly There is no trace of being burned, and it feels as if it is not a normal cloth but a metal product.

Seeing that this shell did not cause any damage, the Korean player over there immediately shouted and commanded the two shells to reload, and the first one fired was actually almost finished. The loader on the other side quickly closed the gun door, and then the gunner immediately shouted the command to let the people on both sides let go, and then he directly stepped on the firing pedal.

These three guns are all fixed turrets, with a rock base underneath, and a rotating turret with a frontal shield on the upper part. The caliber itself is not small, so it is not a rope fired, but with feet. Pedal firing. As the pedal on this side was stepped on, the cannon in the middle immediately roared again, an armor-piercing projectile pierced through the muzzle flames, and then shot directly at the red face door.

Because the goal of these three guns is to block the exit, the set position is not far from the exit, and the straight-line distance is only 100 meters. Using a direct-point shooting at this distance is almost equivalent to using a cannon to fight a bayonet. But it's a pity, if you change the player here, you might get knocked out, but it's a pity that this time it's really red. The characteristic of True Red is to replace everything with absolute attack, whether you are a speed type, a defensive type, or an attack type, it is the same to her. When others attack, she will attack the opponent, using her own attack power to blow back the opponent's attack. When the opponent dodges, she uses a range attack to make the opponent nowhere to hide. As for the other side's defense...what's your kindness? If he can't be beaten, he will be shaken to death.

Faced with such an almost unreasonable absolute output of True Red, a frontal attack is simply useless unless the shell is used as a sneak attack method. Zhenhong is never afraid of head-on attack, because she is invincible from the front, just like a bulldozer.

The armor-piercing bullet flew away at a very fast speed, and then flew directly to the real red chest, but just as it was about to hit the real red body, suddenly a fist came from the side Hit the tip of it. The surrounding players heard a very clear sound of striking the metal, and then saw that the warhead flew out in a spin, and finally hit the side of the mountain.

"I'm going!" The surrounding players couldn't help but cried out in surprise together, shooting cannonballs with their bare hands, which was even scarier than just now. The previous one can only show that True Red’s attack power is high enough to block the shells frontally, but just now, it’s not just enough strength. You have to react fast enough, because if the speed is not fast enough, you simply can’t be accurate. Hit that round of shells. You know it's not an arrow, but a cannonball. Compared with the flying speed of feather arrows, the speed of the shells is completely another concept. The difference between the two is like the difference between a bicycle and a high-speed racing car. Therefore, it is acceptable to be able to catch the arrow shot by the opponent, but it is too scary to be able to shoot the cannonball flying from the opposite side.

Ignoring the exclaiming players around, Zhen Hong walked straight over and stepped onto the turret, and then, like a superman entering the ordinary person, kicked all the people around him with three punches and two feet. Then she squeezed the barrel and yanked it down. Then she lifted the barrel as if holding a steel pipe and walked towards the last remaining cannon.

Although the gun barrel is indeed a steel pipe in theory, the question is, who would use a steel pipe with a length of two meters and a diameter of more than forty centimeters to knock someone?

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