A large circle of camps was established on the periphery of a secret cave on an island in the South Korean game zone. Obviously this place already has the prototype of a city, but the city has not declared the system , Which means that this is a city that the system does not recognize.

In fact, this kind of city that the system does not recognize also has its own advantages. It is not as simple as many players imagine that there are only shortcomings. There are many benefits in this kind of city that you can't think of. For example, the concealment of this kind of city is beyond your imagination. Because this kind of city will not be recognized by the system, even if Transmission Formation is set, it will be recognized as Field Transmission Formation. Of course, the formal recognized Transmission Formation can also close the transmission authority to close the isolation of some people who do not want them to enter, but this situation is only isolation, not to completely close the other party's probability of discovering you. . Because the other party can still see the city's Transmission Formation number and the location of the city and some other basic information when inquiring on the transmission list of Transmission Formation. Of course, although the name can be seen, unless it is similar to the penetration type Transmission A device like Formation, otherwise, the kind of closed city Transmission Formation that you see will only have some simple information, and after selecting this Transmission Formation, you will find a pop-up message telling you that you have no transmission permission. Moreover, even if you do not click on the information on the transmission list, you can see that there are some simple screening information directly behind the Transmission Formation number. If you do not meet the information, you will be impossible to obtain the transmission qualification.

According to the above situation, it can be seen that as long as you have established a city and let the system recognize the existence of the city, then you only need to set up the Transmission Formation, regardless of whether you open its transmission permission, others You can view the approximate information of your city through the Transmission Formation of any city or even any optional directional Transmission Scroll, and the information even includes the approximate location. Although there are no specific coordinates, a city is not An ant, such a big thing, can be easily found as long as it has approximate coordinates.

For this reason, the method adopted by some cities that do not want to be known by others is not to apply for system recognition, so that the city is in a state of complete freedom, even if the Transmission Formation is set. , The information prompt that others see is the XX Field Transmission Formation, how many numbers are there, and there is no other information.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. The worst part is that cities that are not recognized by the system are frequently harassed by monsters. Except for a three-day monster siege at the beginning of the system, the city will hardly be attacked by monsters afterwards. Moreover, the system will move the super BOSS and high-level monsters away from the city a little bit, at least it will leave some barriers, anyway, it is to prevent the high level monster from directly crossing the boundary and flattening your city. However, cities without system certification will have no such treatment. Because it is not a city recognized by the system, there will be no system protection, and such a city does not have a series of upgrade attributes such as city points, and it will suffer in many ways. Therefore, unless necessary, it is better for most people to choose to get the city certified.

Although the city in front of me was established by Korean players, it may be due to the confidentiality of our guild, so I deliberately made it look like it is now. I thought that with the help of Pandora last time, we had repeatedly broken through the blockade of the other city’s Transmission Formation and forcibly completed the transmission, so these Korean players have realized that as long as the city coordinates are exposed, the Blockade of Transmission Formation does not actually do us anything. Too much meaning. Although we couldn't send a large number of people here after the blockade, high-end people like me could actually level a city by coming over three or five. So, they learned a lesson this time. I would rather not let us know where the city is.

Moreover, the reason why this Korean city will be in this place this time is a very important reason for the Transmission Passage outside. This channel is directly connected to Demon Realm, and Demon Realm is an undeveloped map.

What is an undeveloped map? An undeveloped map is a map with no players in it. The resources on this kind of map are not occupied by anyone. You can grab them as long as you can fight them. Although those resource points are either undiscovered or occupied by monster forces, they are actually pediatrics compared to players. simply is not a major event. So, Transmission Passage here is actually a huge resource point, and the Koreans’ idea is probably to build a large temporary city here, and then set up a permanent system directly in Demon Realm after the resource allocation is almost done. Recognized city. Although that will also expose the city coordinates, the problem is that the coordinates are the Demon Realm map coordinates. As long as you can't go to Demon Realm, you can't get past the coordinates. Interplanetary teleportation is not Spatial Teleportation, it is very difficult.

Although this idea of ​​the Koreans is very correct, it is a pity that they are not lucky enough to let the super spy of Yamamoto Fifty-five get in. In other words, the city that they have sacrificed so many things has actually no longer made much sense. Not only the location of the city is exposed, but even the role is exposed.

At this time, at the entrance of the passage connecting the main plane and Demon Realm, a group of Korean players are sitting next to a big rock playing a card game, and on the other side of the rock there are Several Russian players were talking about something while eating, but there were a large number of NPCs guarding the passageway around these two groups, and the two groups of players just now were just the people responsible for leading the team.

Because Demon Realm has no player forces officially settled in, and NPC forces rarely take the initiative to attack, so the guard here is actually to prevent people from entering, not to prevent people from coming out. . But this place is located in the center of this temporary city, so there are already several levels outside. In this way, the guards here will naturally not pay much attention to this kind of work. After all, it is a very safe place. Even if someone invades, the outside line of defense also suffers. They can't wait until they hear the alarm before they go to fight, so these people are all It looks very relaxed.

However, just as these people were playing cards and drinking there leisurely, the aperture around the Transmission Passage over there suddenly changed from purple black to colorful colors. This color change is a phenomenon that creatures pass through in the passage. They have already figured it out before. As long as there is a living thing passing through the passage, the color of the outside aperture will change.

Although the players sent on duty were not serious, those NPCs were very dedicated to staring at the Transmission Passage. As a result, the guard yelled as soon as the aperture changed color. "Alert! Someone has entered the passage!"

The players here who are leisurely enjoying the afternoon time suddenly heard such a shout and immediately all stood up, and then looked towards the passageway over there. , But before they could give any instructions, a person suddenly popped out of the passageway over there.

This person’s speed is very fast, it can almost be said that he flew out from inside, but everyone’s attention quickly moved from this person to his back, because this guy just moved from Less than two seconds after passing out of the tunnel, everyone saw a big Fireball not much smaller than this guy flying out of the tunnel, and then directly hit the player's back, followed by a loud explosion. sound, the guard who was at the entrance of the passage was knocked down in an instant like cutting wheat, and the guy who was hit directly flew out with smoke. This time it didn't look like it, but it really flew. It was blown up.

In fact, the one who flew was no one else, but Yamamoto Fifty-Five who just ran out of the tunnel, and the big Fireball behind was naturally Christina's masterpiece.

We discussed all this, because Yamamoto Fifty-Five himself said before that people who walked with him knew that he had the ability to pretend to be dead, but relying solely on this ability followed There are a few iron and stone hearts behind us super experts. This is obviously too simple. Therefore, our story is set as Yamamoto Fifty-Five fooled us with pretending to be dead at first, and then followed us secretly. He got the Heart of Iron and Stone, but was discovered because he took the Heart of Iron and Stone.

In order to make this thing a little more realistic, we even used a bitter trick. Christina directly chased Yamamoto Fifty-Five’s butt through the Transmission Passage with a burst Fireball, and then this side. The thrilling scene seen by the players.

The big Fireball just now is actually a burst Fireball with added materials. Although it looks like an ordinary burst Fireball, it is actually a compound magic, and only Christina can use it. The release of this kind of magic is very difficult. If the player does not understand the principles of magic, the consequence of random combination is to blow themselves up.

However, as the first fort in the game, Christina's understanding of the principles of magic is already very exaggerated. So she used her super magical control to complete this super compound magic.

First of all, the main body of this burst Fireball is indeed burst Fireball, but in fact it is not one burst Fireball, but two. The big one outside is actually a disguise. It looks big, but it doesn't have much damage. And there is also a small burst Fireball hidden inside, and this little Fireball is a high-pressure burst Fireball, which belongs to the upgraded version of the burst Fireball. Although the volume is a lot smaller, the formidable power has been doubled several times. The guards who just guarded at the entrance of the passage will be instantly knocked down because of the bursting Fireball of the additive version inside.

Of course, the formidable power of this Fireball is too big, and Yamamoto Fifty-Five himself is definitely unable to withstand it. However, Christina's technique determines that this magic will not be that simple. First of all, Christina also has an outer protective layer outside the two bursts of Fireball. This protective layer is an inward bound magic. The function of this magic is to prevent the formidable power of the Fireball itself from being released in advance. And there is a magic outside this bound magic, this magic is called the storm ball.

Stormball is a Wind Element magic, but unlike ordinary magic, it is a rare delay magic. After this magic is used, it will first become a white wind ball, and then move all the way forward. When it hits an obstacle, it will burst and emit all the energy stored in it toward the direction of the target it hits. . Of course, if it is hit by this thing, Yamamoto Fifty-Five is definitely a dead end, but Christina's magic has also been changed. Although it is still a storm ball, when it exploded, instead of launching a wind blade forward like the original version, it was changed to a forward jet of strong wind. Although this kind of strong wind jet hits the body quite powerfully, it is loose after all, not as terrifying as the wind blade, so the lethality of this thing against Yamamoto Fifty-Five is still within the acceptable range. In addition, in order to prevent any accidents, before Yamamoto Fifty-Five came out, we also specially asked Radamantis to add a layer of divine force blessing to Yamamoto Fifty-Five.

Although Radamantis is the god of the underworld, the god is the god, and even the god of underworld can bless others. Don't think that Goddess of bad luck will not bless you, and don't think that Goddess of luck will not curse people. This is a wrong view. Radamantis is actually a blessing divine technique, but his direction of blessing is different from the gods of the Heavenly God system.

The main feature of Underworld’s blessing technique is to strengthen attack and protection, so this is equivalent to adding a protective cover to Yamamoto Fifty-Five. Moreover, unlike the magic shield, the divine technique of the blessing type will not be discovered by others once it is used except for the god itself, so it can play a concealed effect.

When Yamamoto Fifty-Five took the blessing of Ladamantis, his defensive power became very high, and then the storm ball used by Christina was not released The wind blade is the wind pillar, so it seems to use a Dao Idol's gentle force to push Yamamoto Fifty-Five out instead of directly blowing it up.

Of course, in order to be able to fool those people’s eyes, this storm ball is actually a burst Fireball detonated at the same time. Although this is dangerous, I think the storm ball is before the Fireball, so even if it explodes together. , Its formidable power also has a sequence, and as long as there is such a little time difference, the shock wave generated by Fireball will reduce the damage of Yamamoto Fifty-Five, at least not directly killing Yamamoto Fifty-Five. Moreover, this effect itself is actually what we need, because if Yamamoto Fifty-Five just flew out, it would obviously make people see some weak spots. After all, they were blown up by the Fireball explosion. Can't you see the flames? So, this Fireball can catch up with Yamamoto Fifty-Five, but it won't burn him to death. That's the effect we need.

Although the effect seems simple, Christina had to rehearse it for ten minutes in advance in order to do this kind of thing. With Christina's strength, being able to practice for such a long time in advance already shows how difficult this spell is.

But it turns out that Christina’s previous efforts are worth it, because Yamamoto Fifty-Five indeed created the effect of being blown up by a Fireball in front of everyone, and this Fireball not only blasted Yamamoto Fifty-Five, but also killed a circle of guards around it.

Such a huge might of Fireball, it is clear that it wants to kill people, so who would suspect that we and Yamamoto Fifty-Five are in collusion? However, in fact, we are still in collusion.

Fifty-five Yamamoto, who flew out, did not stop immediately after landing, but struggled to crawl forward for a while, then stood up crookedly and threw himself on a player in front of him, and then pretended to be a player. As if he was dying, he stretched out his hand and took out a few iron and stone hearts and handed them over.

This and the player obviously knew what this thing was and what it was for. After seeing this thing, he was obviously surprised, but he didn’t give him any chance to inquire, because there At this time, the channel port became colored again.

The previous burst of Fireball has clearly told the people here that the enemies are coming from behind, so seeing the color of the passageway over there, the players here are very nervous. Previously, it was just a magic that cleared all the guards at the door. Needless to say, the strength of this person is also the kind of heaven, so no one here thinks that the enemy over there will be a good solution. kind.

Seeing the aperture change, the player who was thrown down by Yamamoto Fifty-five and got the Heart of Stone immediately pushed Yamamoto Fifty-five away and sat up, then loudly shouted to the side: "The front People get out of the way and the cannon is ready."

The Korean players are not fools. Of course, they know that Demon Realm is not a paradise. Although the generally speaking NPC forces will not take the initiative to attack, it is just generally speaking, not Absolutely, so Korean players still made some arrangements here.

Because the entrance of the passage is only the size of a train, and when someone enters, it will change color, so there is only one exit, and there is an advantage such as early warning time, so the other party except In addition to arranging a large number of guards here, three cannons were simply placed in the fan-shaped area on the front of the passage, and the muzzles were all aimed at the entrances and exits over there.

The cannons in the game are all siege weapons, with attack power starting at 100,000, which is definitely a spike for ordinary players. Even high level players will suffer a lot if they are hit. Bloody. Even a player like me is definitely going to lose a lot of health if he is hit from the front, so this thing is definitely a weapon for defending the city in such a place.

However, what these players didn't expect was that what appeared next was not any high level player, but an NPC.

Following the player's order, a shell came out of the barrel, but when the shell reached the entrance, it was caught by an outstretched palm. At this moment, everyone around was stunned in fright.

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