It turns out that the luck attribute hidden and displayed in the player’s attribute panel really works, because since I started to take over the bloodletting task, the success rate has started to rise significantly. The first iron and stone heart I got directly succeeded in summoning a female devil, and then the second and third succeeded six times in a row.

At the beginning of the first successful appearance, Zhen Hong was still saying that I was good luck. After three consecutive successes, her expression began to become very weird, and when I turned the first After the six iron and stone hearts turned into soft hearts, the others had only sluggish expressions left.

"I don't believe you can even drive seven of them." Zhen Hong looked at me and said when I picked up the seventh stone heart.

I knew that she was either really angry or just joking, so she deliberately said arrogantly: "That might be. Maybe I accidentally succeeded ten in a row?"

"If you can summon ten of them successfully, I will write my name upside down and change my name to Hongzhen."

"You think, system won't let you change it!" gold coin is next to it. He joked that he was really red, and then said: "Why don't we make a bet. A bet on how many demons the president can draw out without a problem."

"What is the bet?" Hong Yan asked: "I don't have crystal coins!"

Hong Yan is a guild guardian beast. His salary is the magic energy provided by the guild to help him rebuild his body and carry out the final rebirth transformation ceremony. , So he doesn’t have this thing about crystal coins. After all, it's useless for NPCs to hold crystal coins in their hands.

Radamantis immediately said when he heard this: “It’s better to use Power of Faith, it’s more precious.”

“It’s really precious in other guilds. But here..." Christina didn't finish her words, but the meaning was clear.

"Things outside the body are meaningless. We have all types of people here. Some things are important to ourselves but not necessarily meaningful to others. Besides, we bet not to ask for things, but to play Just play." I said directly: "Why not. The losers collectively help the winner to give a free mission. Of course, except for guild missions, I mean private missions."

"This is good." Radamantis said excitedly: "That's it?"

Everyone finally nodded to admit this plan, and then began to say the number of their guesses. Although according to common sense, it is a very small probability to open six effective iron and stone hearts in succession, but in terms of probability, the success rate of opening the next iron and stone heart is not always the same. There is no such thing as a stable number that says how many consecutive successes will lead to an increase in the failure rate of the next one. This is actually an unscientific subjective conjecture. However, logically speaking, this kind of thing is indeed worth a bet.

"Now six are valid, I think I can open more than ten. What about you?" I smiled and looked towards Zhenhong and they asked.

Zhenhong immediately protested: "No, no, no estimation. It must be an accurate figure. It is not allowed to say how much is above or below."

I think this is reasonable. Asked, and then said directly: "Then twelve." Anyway, it is not an at worst bet. I directly quoted an impossible number. It doesn't matter if I win or lose, I just want to be happy.

After listening to Real Red, I felt that my number was quite unreliable, so he said: "I bet you will fail next. You can only open six in a row."

Radamantis followed: "I bet on eight."

Gold coin said: "I bet on seven."

Hong Yan thought for a while and said: "That I’ll bet on ten."

Christina said: "I bet on nine."

In the end, there is one Yamamoto fifty-five and said: "I bet on eleven. One."

After you have finalized your numbers, it’s my turn to start unblocking the heart of iron and stone. First of all, the transformation of the heart of iron and stone is fast, and it succeeded in an instant. The devil was near us, and it took two minutes to run over. In other words, Zhenhong has failed.

"haha, I just said you were out of luck!" I deliberately took the real red to be happy, and the real red fiercely gave me a glare.

The subsequent unblocking process of the Heart of Iron and Stone almost started to fall the chin to the people around. Although everyone reported high numbers when placing bets, they really saw so many in a row. Those who don't fail are still very surprised. After all, everyone was joking when placing bets before. No one really thought I could make so many. After all, the heart of iron and stone here is actually very free and there is a female devil corresponding to less than one-eighth. I can just try one's luck and get seven or eight in a row with this probability, which is really unimaginable.

In fact, this situation lasted longer than we thought. When I was holding the 11th Iron and Stone Heart in my hand, there was only the sound of drooling around.

"Boss, it's 11th, you won't really be going against the sky, are you?" Zhen Hong looked at me and asked.

I am actually very surprised now, knowing that I have good luck, but this is also very good, right? But... isn't Victoria our favorite? They are the victorious Goddess, a god who specializes in destiny. Hiding the attribute means adding lucky value, and it seems to add a lot. Now it seems that I had obviously underestimated the specific size of the so-called notion, and that notion may be really very much.

Just after everyone watched me with dry tongues and dripped blood on the 11th iron stone heart, that heart immediately began to soften, and then it quickly became a real heart And it jumped vigorously. All the people around sat on the ground in surprise. We have gotten so many female demons, and we are very clear about the characteristics of this heart. If the unblocked iron stone heart does not have a corresponding body, it will twitch abruptly after unblocking, and then begin to rot at a very fast speed, and if the heart begins to be beaten continuously after unblocking, That means that the heart of iron and stone has been successfully unblocked.

"Fuck me, it's 11th, boss, you are really going against the sky! I only succeeded when I drove to the 11th heart of stone, okay? You don't bring such a!" Real red Sitting on the ground, she deliberately pretended to be a little girl and acted like a baby. The result was that everyone laughed. The main reason was that her usual image was too different from this image.

In fact, when it comes to being excited, the most exciting here is Yamamoto Fifty-Five, because he guessed the number is eleven. In other words, as long as I unblock the next iron stone heart and fail, He is the winner.

This bet was originally a joke for us, even if there is no such bet, based on our relationship, asking each other for help, would others not participate? Obviously it is impossible. So, everyone is just for fun. However, there is a personal exception here, and that is Yamamoto Fifty Five. Although he is a spy sent to Matsumoto's side, he is just a high-level player with a special mission, and he is not a first-line player himself. Even the game accounts he used were divided into two. This Yamamoto Fifty-Five is just his trumpet used as a spy. It is his trumpet. It was later forcibly used with the funding of our guild to help Matsumoto Masaka establish a circle of influence in Japan.

In fact, many of the men we sent to him by Matsumoto's side are like this. They actually had their own main accounts in China. They deleted their original trumpet account after receiving the spy mission and re-established the Japanese character account in Japan, and then quickly used the resources provided by our guild in Japan. Leveling up, in a short time, all these accounts have been raised from a novice state to a fairly high level.

Because these players themselves are high-level players in China, they are not rich in combat skills and experience, and the on-the-spot reaction is also very good, so as long as the character level is up, get some good equipment and arm , It's an expert again. Therefore, the cultivation of these people is not particularly troublesome, it is nothing more than the need for a lot of funds and manpower. Of course, we will have these, so it is not troublesome, but for the average player, these are not only troublesome, and even the sky is a gap that cannot be crossed at all.

Although they were assigned to special tasks, these players are essentially high level players of our guild. They are not the leadership, but they are also higher level than ordinary players. For players like them, the help we agreed to on the scene is no small matter.

You can imagine, if in the world of wuxia novel, a common disciple of the Great Sect of Jianghu suddenly received an unlimited help promise from the four Peak Experts of Jianghu, what would it be like What kind of benefits? So, although we don’t take each other seriously, for Yamamoto Fifty-Five, this promise is no ordinary promise.

Although Yamamoto Fifty Five is very excited, after all, it is not certain that he is the winner. If I win, his benefit is completely hopeless.

After everyone sighed about the 11th iron stone heart, I started to unblock the Twelfth iron stone heart again. When the blood dripped on this iron stone heart, the iron stone heart immediately rose. After the reaction, it quickly melted and unsealed, and it soon became a completely normal heart, and then it beat once in my hand. Now the key is to start. The heart that beats only once is the heart that does not correspond to the fleshy body, and if it occurs a second time, it means that the heart can continue beating.

Although everyone is paying attention to this result, but the heart is not going to sell off. In the next second, the heart beats again, and then the rhythmic dong dong dong begins to beat. Obviously, Twelfth's heart has a corresponding goal, which means that I am the winner.

Faced with this beating heart, Yamamoto Fifty-Five One sat down on the ground, feeling like he had just stepped off a roller coaster. I thought I could get so many expert promises from us. Now, didn't expect to come up with such a result in the end. With a hit rate of less than one-eighth, I actually hit twelve times in a row. This probability... Anyway, Yamamoto Fifty-Five doesn't know what to say.

Just when everyone sighed that I was able to open twelve iron and stone hearts, Zhen Hong suddenly reminded: "Don't worry, it's not the end now."

"Why?" I looked towards Zhenhong in surprise and asked.

Zhen Hong said directly: "We are talking about the success of unblocking, not just letting the heart beat and it is over. The beating of the heart does mean that it has been unblocked, but it has not been completely successful at this time. , Only when the corresponding demon arrives here and completes the fusion within the specified time is the real unblocking completed."

I also think it makes sense when I heard this, so I waved my hand and darts immediately. Electricity shoots out. I have already seen the cave entrance just now, and the heartless demon appears, which means that the female demon corresponding to the heart of iron and stone must not be on the cave side.

Dart’s search speed is very fast. It only took a few seconds to complete the search and successfully find the female devil. However, the final structure is very surprising.

"What did you say?" Darts didn't come back directly after spotting the target, but instead made contact with me on the spot using contact.

At first, I wondered why Darts didn't come back, but after I saw the screen shared by Darts, I completely understood it.

On the ground not far in front of the dart, a female demon is trying to sprint in our direction. Her expression is obviously very anxious. However, beside her, a large group of gray insects gathered. The shape of this insect is like small stones with six legs. If they stop where they are, they will definitely be regarded as a stone and ignored. Who would have thought that the stone on the side of the road is an insect?

Originally, we found a kind of weird insect, which is nothing at worst, but the point is that these insects now surround our very important goals. This is not a good thing. The female devil was obviously very anxious to come over to retrieve the heart to complete the fusion, but she was extremely jealous of the insect on the ground, she simply did not dare to rush forward, so that the delay was simply not enough, and she was not in touch at all. Within the range, so if this continues, the only result is that the female devil and the heart here are flying ashes together.

"This is really troublesome!" Looking at the situation over there, I said very helplessly.

"What happened to you there?"

"I don't know how to make a bunch of insects pop up, and the female devil is blocked over there and can't get through Now."

"Will those demons be afraid of insect?" Christina asked in surprise.

At this time, a female devil standing next to us suddenly asked: "Are you talking about an insect that looks like a stone?"

No one else saw the appearance of the insect, so I was the only one who replied: "It is indeed an insect that looks like a stone. Do you know what it is?"

"Know Yes, but if it’s that kind of thing, it’s impossible.” The female devil said, “We don’t know what this kind of insect is called. Although we still have memories of the cursed period, it was muddleheaded at that time. We don’t know the names of these things at all. What we know is that this kind of insect itself seems to be Immortal Body, even if it is squashed, it can recover slowly, and their defensive power is very high, almost not afraid of any physical attack, as for magic We don’t know if it’s not effective. Anyway, we don’t use magic during the cursed period, and there is no other creature in this place that uses magic."

"Immortal Body "Is this Immortal Body really immortal?" Radamantis, who was next to this answer, asked in surprise: "Is this Immortal Body really immortal?"

"This is not very clear. Our kind Under the circumstances, the whole person is muddleheaded and has no thinking ability, so it is impossible to study the ability of this kind of insect. We just rely on instinct to judge that this creature cannot be killed, and even if it is killed, it is useless. However. , Now I think it shouldn’t be impossible to kill."

"Oh? How did you know?" Christina asked.

The female devil explained: "In fact, this kind of insect itself is the food of those big earthworms. Those big earthworms will swallow these insects together with a lot of rocks when they prey, and how to digest them later. We don’t know. But it seems that big earthworms can digest these insects."

True Hong is taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune and said: "Haha, whether we can solve these insects, anyway President, your bet is completely ruined. Even if we have a way to solve those insects, there is simply no way to complete them in time."

What Zhenhong said is actually very correct, because of our time. It is no longer enough, so even if there is a way to solve those insects, we will not have time to arrive at the scene within the specified time. Helplessly, I can only admit that this gambling failed, but Yamamoto Fifty-Five on the other side took a roller coaster to the clouds again. I thought I had no chance this time. Didn't expect came suddenly. A mountain road twists around each new peak. I got a promise from so many people here at once. For Yamamoto Fifty-Five, it was just like buying a lottery ticket on the road and winning 5 million. It was really a surprise and a surprise.

I don’t have much excitement about Yamamoto Fifty-Five. Although our promise is an incredible thing for him, it’s not a thing for us, nothing more than I promised to help him complete a task. The tasks that Yamamoto's fifty-five strength can receive will be too difficult for me. It is like the examination papers accessible to elementary school students are certainly not too difficult for high school students. Yamamoto's Fifty-Five's strength wants to be too low for me, so the tasks he can contact must not be so complicated that even I would have to spend a lot of time.

After the bet failed this time, I didn’t think about the issue of the insects. Anyway, this is only an isolated phenomenon, and it won’t necessarily happen every time, and even if we solved the wave of insects in the past. Use it, because next time there will not necessarily be a demon in the place where the wave of insects is. Besides, we don’t know whether the heart of iron and stone can be unblocked next time.

In fact, my good luck has basically come to an end. Then I failed three consecutive hearts of iron and stone in one breath, closing the true red music from ear to ear, and ended up fourth. This one actually succeeded again. In the future, the situation will become more normal. Basically, there are several failures and one success. Although there are still successes and failures, the ratio is obviously much higher than that of true red. At least I can guarantee five to six iron stones. There must be one or two in his heart, and sometimes even three or five in a row, but the situation of eleven in a row like the previous one has not happened again.

The subsequent unblocking work was changed to true red after my blood volume was insufficient, but her blood volume was not fully recovered, so in the end my familiars still had to come out to replenish it. After a while, otherwise it would be hard to get so many hearts.

It took us about four hours to basically complete the transformation of the iron and stone hearts here. In the end, there were about two hundred left unsealed, because we also want to make some in the future. This kind of blasphemy stone, and this iron stone heart is the necessary material. We currently don’t know the exchange ratio between the Heart of Iron and Stone and the Stone of Desecration, that is, how many Heart of Iron and Stone it takes to complete the Stone of Desecration. If a ratio of one to one or higher is better, if a stone of blasphemy requires several or even more hearts of iron and stone, then it will be troublesome. Although the role of this stone of blasphemy is to deal with Divine Race, so there are not many opportunities to use it, but why should we prepare one or two hundred? After all, we can’t guarantee that every time we encounter Divine Race, we will have the opportunity to bring it from the guild. The only way to meet is for everyone to bring some on their own, so that it will come in handy whenever we encounter it. However, if you carry it with you, even if you only prepare some for those who have the ability to fight Divine Race, the demand is quite high. So I say one or two hundred stones of blasphemy is the limit. We must at least guarantee that we can produce so much in order to barely enough.

"Yamamoto Fifty-Five, it's up to you to go back this time." After I got the task of the iron and stone heart here, I transferred some iron and stone hearts to Yamamoto Fifty-five, and then Of course I took the rest with me.

Fifty-five Yamamoto also knew that his mission was very important, so he was nodded very seriously. Later, under his guidance, we returned to the ground, but the route after that was different.

When we came here before, we came here directly by teleportation, but Yamamoto Fifty-Five came here with the group of Koreans. They walked on a secret space channel. This is not a mere transmission port, but a natural and permanent passage port, so it is easier to go back from here. However, according to Yamamoto Fifty-Five, there is a Korean guild stationed at the entrance of this passage, which means that we are impossible to go with him.

"Who said that we can't go there together?" Christina directly retorted after reaching Yamamoto's fifty-five words: "We just passed together and there is nothing at worst, right?"< /p>

"But won't my identity be exposed like this?" Yamamoto Fifty-Five asked.

Kristina said with a smile: "Who said we are going to pass by the way of companions? Can't your mind turn around?"

" Turning?” Yamamoto Fifty-Five was obviously caught in a misunderstanding of thinking. Such obvious prompts didn't expect.

Radamantis really couldn’t see it, so he reminded: "If you can’t be a companion, then you can be an enemy! Do you always act in acting?"

There is Radamantis So Yamamoto Fifty-Five finally reacted. "Ah, I understand, what you mean is to make me pretend to be chased by you and let us go over there?"

"You finally want to understand." I said.

"This method is okay. Then we need to plan carefully. The situation on the other side is quite special. In addition to the Korean guilds stationed at the passage, there are also some Japanese players over there." Yamamoto Fifty Five said.

"Japanese player?" I curiously asked: "Matsumoto Masaka's person?"

"No." Yamamoto Fifty-five explained: "Matsumoto Masaka's in Japan Although his status has been restored, his external appearance is too tall. Many Japanese players feel that this cooperation with Koreans and Russians is a bit shameful, because the dominant force in this cooperation is Russia. The Koreans took the second place due to the large number of people. The Japanese side is not only in a state of being led, but worse is that there are not enough people, so even the status of Koreans is not comparable. This way Matsumoto Masaga If you join in, it will inevitably be inconsistent with the image he has established, so Matsumoto Masaka will send people like us to infiltrate the enemy's interior and steal information as a private person."

"You are not the only person this time? "I looked at Yamamoto Fifty-Five and asked: "How many spies Matsumoto Masakah sent to get in there?"

Yamamoto Fifty-five shook his head and said: "I don't know. Although we are. The probability of people leaking secrets is not high, but we are spies after all, and some rules still have to be followed. One of the most important ones is not to connect with each other, all in a single line. Even if one of us has a problem, At most, it only affects his superiors and subordinates, and will not be connected to other lines, so that each line is independent and does not affect each other." It's all basic common sense, but many people in the game regard the game as a kind of entertainment, so many things are done carefree and not caring. Of course, Masaga Matsumoto is obviously not one of them. He can't get on with me before turning to me, so unlike most players who don’t have a burden, he is forced to sell himself and has to be cautious. Those espionage activities are all strictly managed, and they are executed completely in accordance with some content in reality. Although this situation seems a bit fussy, I have to say that confidentiality is indeed a lot stronger.

Since Yamamoto Fifty-Five doesn't know what's inside, we won't ask. After a brief communication, we found the entrance and exit. This entrance is not guarded on the Demon Realm side, so we can sternly set up a posture here, and then following my instructions, Christina directly threw it out with a burst Fireball, while Yamamoto Fifty-Five was ahead of schedule. One step jumped out before the Fireball burst.

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