"What happened?" My exclamation caught Christina's attention.

"I didn't see the devil coming out of the cave over there." I replied.

After listening, Christina looked towards the heart in True Red with a slightly surprised look, and then frowned: "But the heart in True Red is obviously unsealed. !"

"It looks like this, but I really didn't see any demon coming out of the cave over there. Maybe..." I suddenly reacted. "Damn it, that demon is not in the cave!"

Before we were able to find female demons in that vertical well, that means these demons are actually running around in the entire underground space. They actually There is simply no fixed range of activities. Therefore, there are demons in the lair, and naturally many are outside. If we put it this way, the preparations we have made before actually have a lot of loopholes. My ghost worm just monitored the route over the cave. If the first female devil to be unblocked came from somewhere else, and in case the movement of the female devil brought a group of females If the demons act together, then we are probably going to suffer. Although we should not be killed by the strength of our group of people, it is still a very troublesome thing for us to be surrounded by a large number of female demons.

After waiting for more than eight minutes, the heart in True Red's hand naturally rotted. Obviously, this female devil had bad luck and was very far away from us.

According to this situation, even now we still underestimate the difficulty of mining this resource. Before, we were optimistic that it was a very productive resource with extremely low difficulty in collecting, but after the result, we found that there were too many female demons, which produced a mass effect and greatly increased the difficulty of mining. Now it seems that not only is the difficulty of collection, but the yield is also a major issue. Originally, a large part of those iron and stone hearts became waste products because they did not have a master, but now it is discovered that these female demons simply won't stay in the cave peacefully, but run everywhere. In this way, not to mention that less than one-eighth of the heart of iron and stone can be unblocked. Even if the part that can be unblocked, there is no guarantee that the female devil will be summoned, because we simply don’t. Knowing which heart corresponds to which demon, so there is no way to predict where the demon was at that time, and once the distance is too far, if it cannot meet within ten minutes, the female demon will rot with her heart, so In fact, the number of these iron and stone hearts in our hands that can truly be transformed into female demons will never exceed one tenth, and may even only be between one fifteenth and one eighteenth.

Such a low production rate, coupled with the difficulty of summon caused by grouping, these female demons are not even high-quality resources, even inferior resources. Regardless of how easy it is to catch us now, it's nothing more than just letting some blood go there and trying them one by one. But what do you think about our group? We can easily complete the task here does not mean that other players can also easily complete the task here, and if we can only complete the task, then the investment will be too great. Just like the appearance fees of actors of different levels are different from the same level, the equipment and various attribute configurations of those of us high level players are themselves a kind of resource. If we use some kind of resource, our human resources will be consumed. Here, you need to calculate additional mining costs. These female demons have already increased the difficulty of mining and decreased their application value due to many reasons. Now, if I have to add such a one, I instantly feel a pain in the kind of eggs.

"It's not a problem to go down like this!" Zhenhong said as she watched as she had just thrown on the ground, now that she had turned into a pile of flying ash hearts. Although she doesn't feel bad for that heart, it was unblocked with her blood. Even if she doesn't care about those hearts, she still cares about her own blood!

"It's really impossible, boss, you call out all your familiars and start chanting together?" Gold coin suggested next.

"Otherwise, I can use my blood." Hong Yan is also quite proactive and wants to take on this task within his power.

I thought about it for a while and said: "The main problem now is not blood, but time and yield. Have you ever thought about it? If we catch one by one at this speed, we How long do you need to delay here? It’s fine if you succeed every time, even if it takes a little longer, at least you can bring back a large group of female demons, and at least you can recover the cost. But you can see. Most of these hearts There is no corresponding female devil. Even if we run into one or two, we still cannot be sure that we are within reach. Even if we want to take the initiative to run against each other, we don’t know which way to go. It’s simply not the way to go. Ah!"

I just finished talking about didn't expect gold coin, but suddenly said: "By the way, we can take the initiative to meet those female demons? They have no time to approach us, as long as we are like Just now I took the initiative to run against each other, wouldn’t both sides move faster?"

"But the problem is that we don’t know where the other party is!" Christina said, "Those After the devil's heart is unblocked, they can actively find it by following the induction of the heart, but we are not the position of the devil, how can we actively find it?"

"This is not simple?" gold coin He said directly: "Don’t you have a lot of ghost worms? They are all sprinkled out in this cave to form a surveillance network, and then as long as you find the female devil appears in any surveillance network, you can know the specific location of the other party. Anyway. The unblocked female demon behaves strangely and should be distinguishable from other individuals."

"But this cave is so big, I need several ghost worms to fill it here. Hours!"

"Then I can't do anything. I really can't think of other methods except this method!" Gold coin said.

Zhen Hong said next to him: "In fact, it’s not impossible to want to be faster. President, don’t you have a monster that can move at the speed of light? You don’t have to arrange those ghost insects, just let Isn’t it enough for your familiar to search for the unblocked female devil in this crypt? With the speed of light movement of your familiar, it takes less than a few seconds to run through the cave? Even though it will be very tiring. , One or two times will make his endurance bottom out, but we can use restorative spells nearby to assist in recovery. Moreover, not everyone needs him to find them. Although there are no girl demons who are not in the cave , But in fact, most of them are still gathered near the cave, so you can arrange some ghost worms near the cave to monitor the area together with the cave entrance, and then once you find that the unblocked female demon is not in this range, you The devil’s familiar can go out and start looking for a target. And if the female devil is within this range, it will save trouble, just wait for her to come over."

I have to say this method is really red. It's really good, of course, it's good for us, but it's not a good thing for darts. Although the dart can move at the speed of light, the energy consumption of this individual is very large, and he is basically about to collapse after running the entire cave. Even if we use recovery spell to assist, the feeling of fatigue will not decrease. So, although this method is very feasible, it is definitely a chore for darts.

Fortunately, Dart belongs to the kind of relatively well-behaved demon. I simply said that he directly agreed, and then Zhenhong had to continue her bloodletting work.

I don’t know if the previous bad luck has returned. Real Red opened ten waste products in one go, making Real Red almost collapsed. Fortunately, the 11th was finally normal, and luckily this time, the female devil happened to be within the surveillance range of the ghost worm, that is, near the entrance of the cave, which was a safe distance. Within this range, there is no need to take the initiative to send it there, just wait for her to run over by herself.

This time, the female devil finally ran to us safely and swallowed her heart to complete the process of removing the curse, and finally stuck to Zhenhong's side with the previous female devil. As Yamamoto Fifty-Five said, these female demons have a 100% affinity for those who provide blood to unblock the heart. Because the two hearts so far are red unblocked, so the two female demons are both She was very affectionate with her, but kept a very high alert for us. If it weren't for Zhenhong's gang with us, they would definitely pounce on us and start attacking immediately when they saw us.

After the second demon was successfully acquired, Real Red opened eight waste products in a row, but this time it means that there are no more items. I don’t know if I’m used to such super low hits. Rate.

The location where the female devil appeared was obviously out of our surveillance range. In desperation, I had to let the darts run a circle, and it took about two seconds for the darts to successfully find the target. The female devil, it turns out that the other party is really outside the safe range, which means that if we don't care about her, she is basically impossible to get the heart before the time is up.

Since the target is found, it is much easier. Directly let Zhenhong ride my Asuka, and then rush towards the location of the female devil. Asuka and darts are my favorites, and they have mutual induction, so you don't need to direct the direction with real red, but real red just needs to hold the heart and wait to be brought to the target area. However, it is not a pleasant thing to ride birds in this kind of underground space full of stone pillars. In fact, this feeling is very scary, because the gaps between those stone forests are often very narrow, and birds spend almost half of their time. They are all flying sideways, and at this speed you will feel that the stone pillar in front of you is alive and proactively leaps towards you, as if you will hit the next stone pillar at any time. But in fact, the flying skills of Asuka are very impressive. In this environment, it can still travel at subsonic speed without hitting anything.

Relying on this method, Zhenhong successfully managed to get more than 20 female demons before his blood volume reached the warning line. The delivery is not bad, and the next bloodletting task will be handed to me. Now, who said that among the players here, I have the most HP besides being really red!

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