I have to say that Christina’s guess is very reliable, because the female devil at first’s reaction is indeed a very normal behavior, she is indeed after the heart is softened She started rushing towards us, but it was a pity that we were so far from her position that she ran on the road for ten minutes without seeing us, and as a result, she exceeded the time limit.

Because the evidence for this speculation is relatively sufficient, we have basically determined that this must be the correct reason, so we did not waste the red blood to experiment again, but directly started to challenge those female demons Move to the location of the lair.

Calculated based on the time and location of the death of the female devil before, the time she persisted after the softening of the heart seemed to be only a little over ten minutes. This time is not an integer, so we estimate that every female demon may The value of the devil's persistence time is not exactly the same. After all, the amount of blood required for their softening of the heart is also different, so it can be inferred that the time they can persist should also be individual differences.

In order to ensure that no red blood was wasted this time, we moved forward more than three hundred meters directly at the location where the female devil died last time. This was done to flow out contact. Time, to ensure that the other party has enough time to swallow the heart. Of course, if the other party is not here to swallow the heart but attack us, the time spent for them is estimated to be enough for the other party to estimate our strength. Only a few more seconds can be used.

After moving to a suitable distance, we again began to let the real red bloodletting soften those iron and stone hearts. However, given that the probability of an unowned heart in those iron and stone hearts is too high, we have failed again this time. Fortunately, there were not as many failures in one breath as the last time, and the fourth heart successfully completed the transformation.

After the completion of this transformation, things went very smoothly. Through the ghost worms planted at the entrance of the devil’s lair, I immediately discovered that a female demon fighting at the entrance of the cave seemed to have suddenly heard someone calling. Like her, she, who was crawling slowly into the cave, suddenly stood up and turned and looked towards our direction.

Although these female demons are in human form, because they have lost their minds, they look more like animals rather than humans when they act. Basically, they crawl on the ground with their limbs. Rarely will I stand up. Just now, the female devil stood up suddenly at that moment, and then stared at the direction where we were for two seconds, then suddenly jumped down from the high hole, and the earthworms underneath were shocked and fled in all directions. . However, the female devil didn't have time to control the mood of these foods. After landing, she rushed all the way, and the speed basically reached the extreme speed she could achieve.

From the previous female devil who was successfully attracted, we actually didn’t get anything. At least we can get a sense of the strength of these female demons by comparing the situation of that female devil and the current female devil. Rough guess.

According to these phenomena we have summarized so far, the strength of female demons may be proportional to the amount of blood they need when their hearts are unblocked. The blood volume absorbed by the female devil who was successful before was probably more than 7,900 points, but now the blood volume absorbed by this female devil is only in her early 7,000 points, which is nearly 1,000 points less.

Because the amount of blood absorbed is relatively small, we speculate that the strength of this female devil may also be weak, and when she rushes over, her speed is obviously higher than that of the previous female. The devil is slower. Thanks to our discovery of this problem, so when the female devil flew towards us, I immediately made Zhen Hong run towards the female devil with her heart.

Two people are running towards each other, the relative speed is naturally much faster. Sure enough, it only took more than seven minutes for the two people to meet directly, and the female devil slammed the brakes immediately after seeing the heart held by the true red hand, but she did not immediately show the desire to attack. , But a very complicated and tangled expression appeared. Although we don't know what this expression is about, we don't have much time now. The previous female devil only persisted for a little more than ten minutes, and if the female demon in front of her was really weaker than the previous one, I guess she might not even be able to persist for ten minutes. In this case, of course I was impossible to let Zhenhong study slowly over there, but directly shouted: "Don't be in a daze, throw your heart over."

Zhenhong heard what I said. Realizing that there is not enough time, I just threw the heart out without hesitation. The female devil over there immediately showed an expression of excitement when she saw her heart being thrown out, and then swallowed her heart in the air without looking at it.

After the heart was swallowed, the female devil also landed safely, but she stood on the ground for less than two seconds and then suddenly began to roll all over the floor. Colleagues saw strands of black gas. A large amount of water poured out from her, and within a short while, the surrounding area was completely covered with black mist. However, although these black mists look dangerous, after a test of gold coin, they found that this thing is not dangerous at all. Besides the unpleasant smell, it doesn't have many strange characteristics.

As the black smoke emanated, the female devil on the ground suddenly began to light up with red rays of light, and then, as if she was enduring great pain, the female devil began to roll over and lie down. They were on the ground, and then clasped their hands tightly on the ground, actually grabbing scratches on the hard rocky ground, and at the same time, two big bags suddenly bulged near the shoulder blades behind them, as if there was something. Things have to come out of their bodies. In fact, that thing didn’t make us wait for long. After a few seconds, the bulging skin was completely torn. Only a bang was heard, and two huge bat wings suddenly stretched out from under the skin. Fully open and cover a large area nearby.

Obviously, without the suppression of the curse, some of the characteristics of the devil are beginning to wake up. The bat wings behind this are one of the main characteristics of the devil, and then more changes began to appear in the female devil. Suddenly two purple flames appeared above her head, and as that flame burned, two disc-shaped things gradually appeared on both sides of the female devil’s forehead, and the flame shifted after the disc appeared. When it reached the disk, it continued to burn. As the flame continued to burn, the disc actually began to gradually thicken and bulge upwards, and soon we realized that it was not the disc at all but the roots of the two horns, and then it was as if the candle burning process was reversed. , As the flames continue to burn, the two curved horns began to extend continuously, and finally turned into two complete demon horns, but the two flames showed no signs of disappearing, just floating out of thin air. It burns above the tip of the horns, and it feels as if the two horns are two lighters, except that the flame looks larger.

After the demon horns were fully grown, the female demon did not end her changes, but at this time she no longer looked like the pain she had before, slowly stood up from the ground, and then watched After taking a look at us, he suddenly stretched out a hand towards Zhen Hong and asked in a slightly hoarse voice: "Are there any clothes?" When the devil suddenly asked such a question, it was obvious that he couldn't react, but it wasn't that there was really red alone. Someone on our side responded faster. Although Zhen Hong did not react, Christina quickly handed over a set of clothes.

The female devil glanced at Christina and nodded said thank you, then raised her hand and snapped her fingers on top of her head, and then she saw a ball of black light suddenly Her fingertips shot out, and then she instantly enveloped herself. The light ball appeared very fast, and almost disappeared in a flash, but in such a short instant, the female demon had completed her final adjustment. Not only did she complete her final mutation in this instant, she even took the time to wash all the mud off her body and put on the clothes Christina had just handed over.

Kristina’s costume is obviously a bit small for this female devil. Although Kristina is white, she has an advantage over Asians in height. She is among the whites. Zhong also belongs to the shorter type, so her actual height is not very high. But the female demon in front of her was different. When she stood on the ground, she was almost 1.81 meter tall. This height may not be too exaggerated in a male meeting, but if a woman grows to this height, she looks quite tall. Moreover, as the saying goes, the face of an angel is the figure of the devil. Although the devil and the devil are not the same species, they are related, so the figures of the devil are also very exaggerated. Unlike the chubby angels, the figure of the female devil really exaggerated the proportions of the human body to the limit. Whether it is the towering peak or the willow waist that can be held, it exudes a seductive breath everywhere.

Because of the huge contrast in the figure and the clothes that were originally inappropriate, the female devil froze and put Christina’s ordinary robe out of her sexy pajamas. The effect is not only the hem is obviously short, but the front part simply doesn't fit together, which reveals a deep career line and a large white.

Honestly, she might as well not wear it if she wears it like this.

"Do you know who you are now?" Seeing that the other party had finished changing clothes and completed the transformation, Christina immediately asked.

"I should know. You let me think about it!" The female devil lowered her head and thought for a while and said: "I seem to remember what I am called Gigi or something, it seems that there is a memory problem, I can't remember all Get up!"

"Do you know who you are?" Radamantis asked.

This time the other party answered very quickly. "I'm the first Battallion of Hell Legion, but I don't remember the specific job."

"Then you know your general identity and a little bit of name, but you also remember it. Content?" Radamantes continued to ask.

The female devil shook her head after thinking about it for a while and said: "Probably I can't remember it!"

Kristina looked at the female devil and said to me : "It seems that her memory has been affected by a very serious dormitory. I am afraid that the previous curse is not only a curse. It also contains a certain ability to extract Soul Power. Her current soul strength has been significantly lower. Normal level, and I found that some messy information seems to have been added to her memory. This information should not be her own."

"Can you read her soul?" Really surprised. Asked.

Kristina nodded said: "The soul of normal people is not easy to be invaded, but like I just said, the soul of this female demon is already weak as if it will soon Like dissipating, maybe she has been in that state for too long, so her soul is damaged more seriously! If the soul of the average person maintains at least 50% of the strength, I will need to pay a certain amount of time and price to invade. , But she is now like this...Basically, there is not much difference between being undefended."

"Does that mean that if I use that skill, the success rate will be very high?"

Although I didn't say what kind of skill is that kind of skill, none of the people at the scene are idiots. Everyone knows that the kind of skill I'm talking about actually refers to the capture skill. Generally speaking, the resistance of the magic familiar to the capture skill is mainly affected by the strength of the opponent, and the strength of this strength is actually a side expression of the strength of the soul. After all, "Zero" is a complete magic world, where the soul is here. It is the basis for casting spells, so soul strength also represents energy strength. Natural, powerful creatures must have a solid soul.

When I use capture skills to capture those creatures, I actually seal their souls. Of course, this process will irritate the opponent, which is why the capture technique will cause the captured creatures to resist fiercely. Where. As mentioned in the introduction of capture skills by system, for dying creatures whose artistic conception has been beaten, the success rate of capturing them will be greatly improved. The reason for this improvement is that the souls of the half-dead creatures that have been beaten have entered a semi-dormant state due to physical loss and energy loss. This is the fundamental reason why these creatures are better captured than normal creatures.

Actually, capturing high level creatures is usually very difficult. Unless that creature voluntarily becomes a familiar, such as Ling, otherwise, it is very difficult to capture these high level creatures. of. In fact, not only are high level creatures, it should be said that all creatures in "Zero" are actually very difficult to capture, which is why the familiar eggs in the game are so expensive as they are now.

But if Christina is right, it means that the souls of these female demons are no different from the dying creatures, which means that the success rate of their capture Even if it is not 100%, it is estimated that it will not be too low, and because they must have a weakened state after they recover. The success rate for capturing them under this kind of payment will inevitably increase further.

The combination of so many factors can only explain one problem, that is, these female demons are simply materials specially given away as demon pets.

Of course, even if I really need to capture the pet, I’m impossible to capture the female demon at this time. After all, it’s easy to be a waste of time if you capture it now. You must know that the skill of capturing the pet is right. All wild creatures are taboo. It can be said that this skill is a hate magnet. This is another reason why the success rate of the trainers in the wild to catch the pets is so low. Because even if you subdued the target creature, as long as there are other creatures nearby, and you can’t fix the target creature at once, the capture function you use will summon other nearby creatures to attack you. During this process, the familiar obviously couldn't continue to capture it. If bad luck attracts a big guy, the trainer's own life will not be guaranteed. This is also one of the reasons why the professional strength gap of the beast trainer is so big. After all, the beast trainer who has the ability to stop this messing monster can continuously catch the magic pet. As a result, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the more catching it conversely. The more miserable it is if it is not a familiar, and it even forms a vicious circle in the end.

I just asked about this briefly. The female devil over there didn’t expect my intention. She immediately jumped to Zhenhong’s side and hugged Zhenhong. An arm, and then hiding behind Zhen Hong's back and asked: "Is that person our enemy?"

Zhen Hong was also taken aback when asked like this, while Christina next to him was stunned. It is said with a smile: "It seems that the 100% affinity that Yamamoto Fifty-Five said is really not a joke."

Yamamoto Fifty-five said next to him: "Of course. But of course. Will you get me this kind of female devil in a while?"

I thought for a while: "It's okay, but you can't show it off, at least not until the task is completed this time. Otherwise, your identity is likely to be exposed, and you will not be able to figure out the true origin of the Stone of Desecration."

"I know this." The mountainside that got my approval, Ben 55 was so excited that he almost didn't get it. Bounced on the ground. Although he is the spy I sent to Matsumoto Masaka, and with the high compensation from our guild, his life should be pretty good, but the demon is really rare. Even if it is recognized by other guilds that our Frost Rose Alliance is the second most wealthy, the resource of magic pets is not enough to be chosen by members. Therefore, it can be said that such a powerful magic pet can be obtained, even if it is Yamamoto Go Highly paid players like Fifteen are also happy and difficult to control.

"Okay, okay, let's put aside the question here. Let's start getting a few more female demons as soon as possible, shall we?" Gold coin urged.

We also felt that this statement made sense, so we began to unblock the hearts again, but this time when we found that a softened heart did not rot, my ghost worm did not find any A female demon came out of the cave.

"Damn, what's the matter?"

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