"I rely on, why so much?"

Although the female devil’s lair is very easy to find, the location is directly above those of the big earthworms, but, The number of female demons is really scary.

According to the introduction of Yamamoto Fifty-Five, these cursed mutant female demons should be a very high level familiar, and the difficulty of obtaining is much lower than that of ordinary familiars. It can be said that it is a super resource with super valuable and very low acquisition difficulty.

Because we know this is a very valuable resource, we instinctively believe that the number of this resource must be very low, that is, the number of female demons must be very small. After all, the game has to consider the issue of balance, so impossible has the kind of super high value, super easy to get, and a very large number of resources, because this kind of benefit is contrary to the concept of the game itself. As a financial bomb, the most important ability of "Zero" is to attract gold, so if a large number of easily available resources are given, it will reduce its own ability to attract gold, because the resource itself is a form of money. If players get a lot of money, then it is equivalent to saying that the game operator is posting money to players in the reverse direction. It is also for this reason that the game is impossible to pick up the same kind of resources, even if there is, it is very small.

Because of the above speculation, we think that these female demons will definitely not be many. After all, we have already seen battle strength. Although it is not bad, but for us top players, these should be regarded as very ordinary creatures. That's right, the high-level demons before being cursed are indeed very difficult to deal with characters. For example, Ling and Linglong by my side are both high-level demons. Among them, Ling is the standard Archfiend branch, which is the orthodox demon among the demons, while Linglong is a succubus, a minority, but also a high-level demon.

Linglong has only joined my monster pet army for a short time, so there are not many battles, but Ling's record is very outstanding. From this we can see that the battle strength of the higher demon is actually Very good. Although Ling is a special individual, even among high-level demons, it is considered a relatively rare type, but after all, ordinary high-level demons are not bad, so these demons are still relatively powerful creatures. However, although these female demons are all high-level demons, they are all cursed. Although they were very strong before, the problem is that the curse has caused them to lose their intelligence as demons, and they have all become low-level creatures. Although their physical fitness is still preserved, it is not only the demons that are most proud of. It is physique, the magic of the demons is also very powerful. So now these cursed female demons can't be considered what a powerful creature, but once they are converted back to their original form using those iron and stone hearts dripping blood, their battle strength will soar. This means that the difficulty of capturing these female demons is much lower than the value after capture. After all, their battle strength will be significantly improved after capture, which is tantamount to unreasonably increasing the value of the resources in their hands.

For this reason, we believe that this female devil belongs to an efficient resource with less input and more output. The particularly efficient resources given in the game are generally extremely scarce. Yes, it's the one that won't let you take advantage of it in vain anyway.

However, when we saw the number of female demons here, we suddenly realized that our thinking had entered a complete misunderstanding.

We initially thought that these female demons themselves were not high in battle strength, and after they were captured, they could become very powerful creatures through the ceremony that lifted the curse, so that their natural value became Very impressive. That's why we think that the number of these female demons must be very small. However, in fact, the system uses another method to balance this situation, and this method is called-accumulation of numbers.

Assuming that Man Eating Ant is a very precious resource, collecting a Man Eating Ant can sell for hundreds of dollars. So, considering that a Man Eating Ant is worth one hundred, and then comparing the difficulty of capturing Man Eating Ant, we will conclude that capturing Man Eating Ant is a very simple and quick way to make money, because Man Eating Ant no matter how powerful it is It's just a kind of ant. One or two Man Eating Ants are simply impossible to pose any threat to humans. Therefore, at first glance, capturing Man Eating Ant is a low-risk, high-reward thing. However, in fact, when Man Eating Ant impossible comes out one by one and two, the action units of others use at least tens of thousands as the basic unit.

Because of this situation, when you need to catch Man Eating Ant, you will first encounter tens of thousands of Man Eating Ant, and then they will definitely not wait for you to catch them one by one. When you catch them, these Man Eating Ants will swarm up and attack you. In order to save your life, all you can do is kill the Man Eating Ant who is attacking you or run away. The result of running away is that you cannot get a Man Eating Ant. If you kill the Man Eating Ant who is attacking you, you will not only need to take a big risk, but also after the remaining Man Eating Ant is not enough to pose a threat to you, its The number has obviously dropped to a very low level. In other words, although the number of Man Eating Ants is huge, and each one is easy to catch, once they gather in a group, it will become very dangerous if you have to catch any Man Eating Ant. Fight with the mortal danger, and more importantly, in the end you are destined to not catch many Man Eating Ants, because most of them were killed in the battle.

This is the so-called difficulty increase caused by the accumulation of numbers.

These cursed female demons are obviously more troublesome creatures than Man Eating Ant, and their battle strength is much stronger than Man Eating Ant. And the quantity is the same as terrifying. I took a simple observation here, and there were hundreds of them hanging on the walls of the nearby caves, and how many of them remained in the back of the cave is unknown.

With such a large number of female demons gathered together, if we want to attack them, we will inevitably alarm all female demons. In the end, we can only kill these female demons in large numbers for self-protection, and finally wait for the remaining female demons to be insufficient. Only when we threaten our lives can we have spare time to catch alive, and at this time the female devil must be almost dead. In other words. In this process, the number of female demons we can obtain is actually extremely limited, and the threat we need to face is very huge.

After we want to understand all of this, even if we completely understand it, this female devil is definitely not a high-quality resource that allows people to pick up cheap. Just want to do it, this is a bunch of hard bones. The investment is big and the return is small, and unless you plan to not move one, as long as you plan to start, you have to do it to the end, otherwise the loss is even greater, because as long as you can't completely control their number within a safe range, you don't want to catch To any female devil, that is to say, the previous battle is tantamount to doing nothing.

"Boss, what shall we do now?" Looking at the large number of female demons in front of him, gold coin asked a little embarrassed.

I thought for a while and looked towards Yamamoto Fifty Five and asked: "Does the scroll you see say how this female devil is going to catch it?"

Yamamoto Fifty Five shook the head said: "The scroll only mentions that these female demons are creatures that can be transformed, and did not say the specific capture method. The original task of the scroll is to let us come and collect the petrified heart! "

"But won't collecting the heart of iron and stone cause them to counterattack?" I asked when looking at the female devil over there.

Yamamoto Fifty-Five said: "In fact, it is not that complicated. What you need to do to get the heart of iron and stone is to catch some small insects that are very common here, and then perform simple Training. After the training is completed, you can ask them to help move those iron and stone hearts out."

"Train the insect?" Kristina curiously asked: "How exactly do you train?" Make it clear."

"It is a small creature that is very common here, about the size of a rabbit, and its intelligence is quite high. There are a lot of these insects here, and its own blood There is a very pungent smell, so neither the female demons nor the giant earthworms will touch this kind of insects. In addition, these insects have a relatively high level of intelligence. You just need to catch them and feed them. After that, just like training a puppy, I picked up the heart-shaped stone and gave it to eat in exchange. Then those small insects would understand the truth, and then they would go to the female devil’s lair to steal the heart by themselves. The heart is the female devil’s own heart, but because it is excluded from the body after petrification, it has no meaning to them, so the female devil simply doesn’t care about these hearts. Even if they are stolen, they don’t care, not at all. Will move those insects. So, as long as we don’t show up, relying on these insects can steal the hearts of those female demons."

"It sounds like a good way, but this kind of insect Is it really so good to train?" Christina asked: "You don’t need a special animal trainer to train, right?"

Didn't expect Yamamoto Fifty-Five actually really nodded and said: "Sister Christina’s guess is accurate, but don’t we have a president? The world’s first animal trainer is here, what are we worried about? The team I followed before was just A half-hearted animal trainer can handle it. I don’t believe that the chairman himself can’t handle it."

Being said by Yamamoto Fifty-Five, everyone thinks it makes sense. After all, I am the number one in the world. A player, and my main profession is animal trainer, so if even a normal animal trainer can handle it, I can definitely handle it too. However, the method that Yamamoto Fifty-Five saw was originally designed to get those hearts, but now we have to take the female demons back with them, which becomes a bit complicated.

"Since this is the case, I can't compare it to this." Christina suggested: "We still use those insects to get the heart out in the usual way, and then directly use the curse-releasing one in the vicinity. Ways to lead the female demons out of the lair one by one, so that’s almost enough?"

I have to say that Christina’s method is quite good, at least we have a simple idea here. All felt that there was a good feasibility, and before there was no better method, we had to make do with this method first.

Since you want to use the Yamamoto Fifty-Five method, you need to find those insects first in the 1st Step. Fortunately, these insects are said to be more than those earthworms, so it is easy to catch.

In fact, the number of such insects is indeed a lot, because we are still looking for a large group of unfathomable mystery behind us.

These creatures are not so much an insect, but I think they are more like crabs crossing over or lobsters without tails. Their bodies are covered with a crab-like carapace, and there is a pair of huge signatures in front of them, and there is a tail pin that looks like a scorpion behind them. This strange shape looks very hideous, but according to Yamamoto Fifty-Five said it is actually a scavenger, and it is not harmful, unless you actively attack it, or even if you climb over your feet, it will does not pose any threat to you.

We were puzzled at first about the reason for the unfathomable mystery of this kind of creature, but we quickly found the reason, because we found that gold coin was eating snacks all the way.

Although these insects are scavengers, they don't mind if they have fresh things, so the dregs that fall from the food that gold coin eats all the way become food for these little things. Moreover, because they were timid, they didn't dare to lean on, so they could only pick up and eat after us. The result was that when we realized that there were already a large group of insects behind them.

Since the insect has taken the initiative to find the door, the 1st Step is omitted, and the training can be started directly. Of course, before we started, we still found a place as far away as possible from the lair. After all, this is the door of the house, and there are a lot of female demons coming in and out.

The 1st step of training these insects is to establish goodwill relationship. This is relatively simple. Just sprinkle some food directly. In addition, I am an animal trainer professional, and my charm is inherently high, so for Establishing a good relationship helps a lot, and it took me almost a few minutes to run back and forth between these insects without disturbing them.

After these insects are adapted, the rest is simple, nothing more than forming a conditioned reflex, making them realize that the heart-shaped stone can be used for food. This process needs to be demonstrated first, so I directly used the animal trainer’s ability to temporarily manipulate creatures to control such an insect, and then asked it to lift a piece of gravel the size of a heart, and then I took the stone, Give a piece of food, and the simplest exchange is complete.

As Yamamoto Fifty-Five said, these insects have very high intelligence. Although they cannot think like humans, they have a strong ability to sum up experience. I just went through the training again, and immediately an insect reacted and started to spin around, and then I found a stone of the same size on the side and brought it over. Seeing the appearance of this leader, I immediately took out a piece of food and replaced the stone, and then the insect also ate the food excitedly and turned around and ran out. Obviously, I completely understood that the stone can be exchanged for food. reason.

I had something I wanted to understand, and the rest of the insects also reacted, and then started looking for stones to send to me. However, what we want to collect is not the stone, but the petrified heart, so I started to classify the stones they found. Don’t give food if the shape is too different, or the size is too different, and let them see the correct size and shape of the stone. Although I can’t tell them in words that it is the shape of the heart, the intelligence of these insects determines They have very strong logic analysis capabilities. After summing up, they soon realized that I have requirements for the size and shape of the stones, and not all stones can be exchanged for food. Therefore, the stones we finally obtained have become more and more reliable, and some insects can even specifically select stones that are very close to the shape of the heart.

Although a lot of food was wasted during this training process, these foods are only the lowest food, that is, the lowest compressed dry food sold in the system store. Players generally unless it is true I’m short of money and I’m terribly short of money. I usually won’t bring this kind of food. After all, the taste is really ordinary, and because there is a sense of taste in "Zero", everyone will generally consider buying something delicious, even if they know it is. Fake, but the taste in the mouth can be really felt. Therefore, in addition to not being able to supplement nutrition, the food in these games is actually similar to the real creatures. Moreover, for those beauties who want to stay in shape, this kind of food that can eat special food without producing any calories is simply perfect. Of course, the food in reality still needs to be eaten, after all, the game Eating inside, the real body will not get energy supplements along with it.

The dry food we use now is the cheapest compressed video in the game. Considering the taste is really average, the price is super cheap. It took more than three hours to train these insects, and the food thrown out at the end was less than ten crystal coins plus one piece, which was really drizzle.

After the three-hour training was over, we began to consciously move towards the lair over there, and the search range of those insects also moved, and soon we moved to the one over there. The outer circle area of ​​the nest, so that the range where the insects collect stones can cover the location of those holes.

In fact, if the female demons over there have even a trace of normal intelligence, this method of ours will be useless at all, because although we hide more strictly, those insects are constantly in us Coming and going around is equivalent to pointing out where we are, but the thinking of these female demons has degraded and only the fighting instinct and hunting instinct are left, so even if they clearly see this strange situation, they are completely Turn a blind eye. After all, those insects are neither food nor threat to them. Instead, they can help clean up some leftovers in the cave to reduce the strange smell of mildew. Therefore, the behavior of these insects has been completely ignored in the past. Even if their behavior was obviously abnormal, no female demon came to take a second look.

Although the method of Yamamoto Fifty-Five has been basically completed, when we can get those hearts, it depends only on luck, because we can't actually direct these insects. Of course, I can remotely control these insects, but there are two problems. The first problem is that I can only remotely control three insects at a time. After all, I have too many familiars. This skill is relatively useless for me, so there is no special training, so the skill level is still very low. However, even at full level, this skill can only control a hundred units at the same time. So, the number of insects I can control is very small. Of course, this is not the main problem. The real main problem is that this kind of control is not a macro control like commanding a pet to fight, but a direct control like operating a remote control car.

Familiars have their own thinking, you just need to tell them your intentions, and they will decide what to do. Of course, if you specify how to complete it, the familiars will follow suit. , But if you don't specify it, the familiar will find its own way. At the same time, if it is a place that is relatively far away, or that is the kind of oblique place, the ability of contact between the familiar and the owner can play a role. After the senses are shared, the owner and the pet can see what the other party sees and hear the voice heard by the other party. Anyway, as long as the signal captured by the other party's senses, the other party can sense it.

This kind of shared sensory ability between the master and the pet is like a remote control robot equipped with a synchronous video transmission, so that the commander sitting in front of the monitor can adjust the command at any time to make this Remote control robots to better complete tasks.

However, it doesn’t work when using control skills to control other creatures. These controlled creatures are only temporarily controlled, and you can’t share vision with them. In other words, once these controlled creatures get out of your sight, it’s useless even if you can manipulate this creature, because you simply I don't know what to do to make it complete the task correctly. As for directly issuing macro instructions. This is also useless, because this kind of manipulation is that the player directly occupy the opponent's nerve center instead of the opponent's brain to issue instructions, and the opponent simply has no ability to execute. Even in the process of being controlled, the target creature will completely lose its senses, that is, it cannot see or hear. The action of the other party depends entirely on the remote control person to observe with his own eyes, otherwise he will fall into a state of complete loss of direction.

Because the drawbacks of this control method are too great, I have no way to directly control those insects crawling into the female devil’s lair, because the position over there is too high and deep. , I can't get in at all, so naturally I can't see the situation inside. Once the insect enters, I will lose the control target. Even if the signal is not disconnected, I don't know how to control it. As for controlling the insect first and then releasing it... this method is also useless, because after the insect is controlled, there will be fear and hatred, which is the same as normal people being forced to do this and do that by putting a dog chain around the neck for no reason. . When you are chained, you may be temporarily obedient because you know you have no ability to resist, but once you are free, can you continue to talk and laugh as if nothing happened? Although these insects are not as complicated as humans, their intelligence is not low. Once you manipulate them, you will form a hatred relationship with them. Even if the other party knows that those hearts can be exchanged for food, they won't cooperate with you anymore. I did a simple operation to demonstrate the situation of replacing food with stones, but the seven or eight seconds of control made the insect alert to me, and it took a long time to completely give up the alert. This is because I have a high charm, so if I want to change my estimation, I just turned around and ran away.

I can’t control the insects to crawl over, so I can only let them search the past slowly. During this period, they move almost all the gravel in the nearby area just like mopping up. They have been taught in the distance that they only need stones of a certain size and shape, or I guess we will have to hide in another place after a while. Because soon our location will be buried by various stones.

However, this place is a stone forest after all, and there are so many high level creatures running back and forth. It is normal for occasional battles to get some rubble. Over time, there are a lot of stones in this place, and there are many stones that are close to the size of the heart.

In this way, we waited for another hour outside the lair, almost losing patience, finally, a turning point appeared.

An insect that could not find a suitable stone in the vicinity finally entered the cave there because of the expanded search range, and of course it found that the petrified hearts of the female demons were very consistent. Our request, so it was excited and ran back directly with a pliers holding a heart.

In fact, the plan is really starting here, because it was only guiding those insects before. After the lucky insect brought back the heart, I immediately took a heart excitedly, and then gave ten times the amount of food as a reward, and gave an extra piece of high level food, and of course the other heart was also The same treatment. That is to say, this insect gets twenty times the amount of food plus two small pieces of extra food in one go.

Those insects are not easy to find heart-shaped stones, so every time they find one, they will bring it back immediately, so they can only get one portion of food each time, but in fact they can Carrying two stones the size of a heart at once. In the female devil's lair, the petrified hearts are all piled together, arranged very densely, and there is no interference from other stones. Naturally, this insect brought back two hearts at once.

Change to twenty times the food in one go, and there are additional rewards. Then insect immediately compared with its own developed brain, and then came to the conclusion-this is going to be posted!

After the role model appeared, other insects immediately realized that the heart-shaped stone in the cave over there was more valuable. In fact, this iron and stone heart itself is a magic item. Although it looks similar to a stone, it is actually different. So, when we realized that our reward for this thing was higher, those insects were no longer satisfied with collecting ordinary stones, but flocked to the devil's lair over there.

Here I have to despise the thinking ability of those cursed female demons again. Although their brains are not strictly speaking stupid, it seems that their logical thinking ability has all disappeared. After discovering that the petrified heart could be exchanged for more and better food, those insects hardly went to other places. They all shuttled the heart back and forth between the cave and me, and finally lined up an avenue composed of Insect subs. Usually we see those small ant groups working together to carry the corpses of large insects, densely packed to form a long black tie. If this creature with a little brain looks at the situation, it will inevitably find that there is a problem here, but the female devil over there still has no response.

Since the insects finally understood that the heart is what we want, the efficiency is immediately different. The number of female demons in this place is astonishing, but the number of hearts is even more astonishing, because this place is a place of exile for such female demons. All female demons cursed on it will be thrown down to this place, which means that the female demons here are constantly supplementing. After they arrive, they will complete the final mutation here and spit out petrified hearts, and their bodies may gradually die due to accidents, age and a series of problems. Although these dead female demons passed away, these hearts have turned into stone and will not disappear suddenly, so the number of hearts here is actually N times more than the number of female demons we have seen.

Such a large number of iron and stone hearts really surprised us. From the time the first insect brought back the correct iron and stone hearts, we collected about one in the next hour or so. There are more than two thousand iron and stone hearts, and the insects behind are still lining up and moving here like a conveyor belt. It can be seen that the reserves of iron and stone hearts here are absolutely amazing.

Although we are not sure for the time being what this thing can be used for in addition to the summon female devil, and the iron and stone heart that gains trust for Yamamoto Fifty-five, we only need three, but we still Still planning to sweep away the heart of iron and stone here before leaving. After all, it has already taken four hours to complete the previous preparations. It makes no sense to retreat early when the final harvest is unreasonable, right?

Our collection work finally took more than two hours to complete. At this time, the number of iron and stone hearts in our hands has reached more than 23,000, and the following insects are still from time to time. I shipped a few, but the number has obviously started to decline, and many insects came back with only one heart at a time. Obviously, a large number of iron and stone hearts were sent over there. Thanks to our guild players who have Phoenix Dragons, if we use ordinary space equipment to install these iron and stone hearts, we simply don't expect to be able to plug more than 20,000 in at once. After all, although this heart is not big, there are more than 20,000 trucks piled together. Players rarely have such large storage equipment.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the insects finally couldn't find more hearts, and I directly used the skills of the trainer to send out the meaning of my leaving. Although the trainer cannot transmit consciousness to creatures other than his own demon pet, he can use his skills to express some super simple meanings, such as expressing friendship, expressing basic emotions, expressing to leave, and other basic communication. As soon as I released the information like this, the insects stopped immediately, and then all dispersed after hesitating for a while. Obviously they understand that I no longer exchange food, and they have also discovered that the heart is out of stock.

With the final income, more than 20,000 hearts, I left this lair a very long distance, and then asked Yamamoto Fifty-Five: "What do you think of this distance?" Yamamoto Fifty Five shook the head. I was surprised and asked: "Is this not far enough?"

Fifty-five Yamamoto shook his head and said, "It's not that it's not far enough, but I don't know. The scroll just says that the blood is dripping on the heart. The softening can summon those female demons, but I don’t know what the specific process is. Maybe the summon will fail if the distance is too far, or another female devil will attack her after being exposed to the curse, maybe even Lifting a curse will provoke a unified counterattack from all female demons. I don’t know this. The scroll just mentions that this method can be used to transform female demons into the best partner, but there is no introduction to the specific process."

"Then what shall we do?" Zhenhong asked.

Kristina said: "Since everything is uncertain, then experiment."

"How to test?" Gold coin said: "In case it is the last In that case, when a curse is lifted, a group of female demons can be found to attack. We can’t hold it!"

"I think Christina’s words make sense. Even if the devil does come, we don’t need us to carry it.” I said, “Even if the worst happens, it doesn’t matter if the curse is lifted once, and it doesn’t matter. A heart, so it’s okay for us. All we have to do is to set up an observation post on the female devil’s lair, and then start the healing ceremony from a far away. No matter what happens, we should be able to immediately find out, and then just You can judge what to do according to the situation. In case all the female demons are rushing over, we at worst don’t want this heart. Throw it away and run away. I don’t believe those female demons can really chase them all the way. Let's run."

After hearing what I said, everyone felt that there was some truth, so they started to arrange. However, only I can do the last thing, because the terrain of this place is too complicated, and general communication will be disturbed, and even the telepathic ability between me and the demon will be greatly disturbed. Therefore, the method that can be confirmed to be used in the end is to use my ghost worm as a monitor, and then place a ghost worm at every interval behind for signal relay.

The ghost worms I have here anyway, do not consume cost, and can be discarded at any time. At the same time, because of its small size, it is generally not easy to cause direct attacks by those female demons.

In order to complete this plan, I directly began to arrange more than a thousand ghost worms all the way from the cave to this side, and a total of seven or eight kilometers long route was laid out during the whole process. With such a long passage as a buffer, even if the female devil over there rushed over, it should have time to run away.

After laying out these things, I started testing. First of all, the heart needs to be softened. This process wastes blood, so Zhenhong comes from because she has the most blood.

I don’t know if it’s bad luck. After True Red has used six consecutive hearts, there is no corresponding female devil, because as soon as the curse is lifted, they immediately begin to rot, and it takes only a few minutes to become The dust in a place is as fast as a fast camera. Fortunately, in the game, as long as it is not the kind of heavy bleeding caused by the body being cut off, under normal circumstances, how much blood a player can release is only affected by the blood volume in your game attribute. In other words, the player’s blood volume in the game is not tied to the weight in reality. Pure melee players like True Red have a high level. If they are bleeding slowly, hundreds of kg of blood can be rel

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