The so-called earthworms of Yamamoto Fifty-Five are indeed exactly the same as earthworms under normal conditions, but the volume of this so-called earthworm is not at the same level as the real earthworm. In reality, most of the earthworms are only a few millimeters in thickness, and those that can grow to one centimeter in diameter are all monster-class earthworm kings. However, compared with the earthworm in front of him, the mutant earthworms in reality are simply weak. We can't tell the exact diameter of this so-called earthworm's body, because the soft bodies of these guys have completely filled the gaps between the stone forests. However, because of its own soft features, even if it is squeezed, you can walk through the narrow gaps of the stone forest without worrying about getting stuck. However, it is precisely because these earthworm-like monsters are always in a state of being squeezed, so we don't know what kind of shape these guys will become if they enter the wide space. Anyway, what we can predict is that this thing can pass through the passage normally without being squeezed and deformed. It is transformed into a two-way six-lane tunnel through the mountain without any further expansion.

Such a large creature is actually said to be an earthworm. Isn't this information error a bit outrageous?

"Did you make a mistake? If this thing is also called an earthworm, wouldn't our Giant Dragon Race call a gecko?" Hong Yan said as he looked at the giant beast who was approaching quickly.

"This thing is really an earthworm!" Yamamoto Fifty-five said somewhat guilty: "It's just a little bigger."

"Such a big earthworm?" Ke Listina asked.

Yamamoto Fifty-Five thought for a while before nodded, and then said: "It's really an earthworm! Don't believe me." As he said, he raised his hand and played a small Fireball. This kind of little Fireball belongs to the trick level entry magic, even Onmyouji can use it. After all, it is really only entry level magic. Many players will learn to use it as a lighter. It’s not too convenient to light a torch and make a bonfire. . Of course, the original function of this thing is not as a lighter, but as a real attack magic. It's just that most of the players of the illegal division will not have much huge might after learning this skill, so they can only be used as a lighter. If used by a mage such as Christina, who specializes in shaping, the formidable power of this magic will be no less than an anti-tank grenade.

The small Fireball used by Yamamoto Fifty-Five is less than ten centimeters in diameter, and its formidable power is amazingly small. Even if it is used as a torch, it is not bright enough. However, just such a small Fireball, after hitting the big earthworm, it exploded a hole as big as a washbasin in the guy's body, and also sprayed a lot of translucent mucus from it.

With this attack, the aggressive big earthworm over there turned around immediately, got back from the gap in the stone forest next to it, and then used a faster speed than when it came. Like running long distances.

"Damn, so weak?" Looking at the earthworm that was directly shot by a little Fireball, his red jaw almost didn't fall off.

Yamamoto Fifty-Five explained helplessly: "In fact, it is not weak, but timid. Although the physical strength of this thing is really not very good, but if they can be a bit fierce, they can be stronger. , I think this size and speed alone can cause a lot of damage. But unfortunately, these things are really less courageous than mice. As long as they get a little bit of damage, they will immediately run toward the lair. Anyway, they are weak. That kind of type."

"In this way, those female demons should be thankful that only female demons can infect that kind of curse and become this kind of irrational monster." Kristina suddenly Such a sentence came out headlessly.

Radamantis asked suspiciously: "Why do you have such an idea?"

Kristina explained: "It's very simple! This kind of earthworm Since it is the main food of the female devil, and the battle strength of this thing is so weak, it means that the difficulty of obtaining food for the female devil is almost zero. The other party happens to have only biological instincts, which means that there is no reason. Since there is no Reason, it will definitely prey and reproduce according to instinct, but because the predation conditions are too good, reproduction will definitely become uncontrolled, and the final result will inevitably be a population crisis, and then the ecological system will collapse, and finally all evil Demon General will be in After eating up all the creatures here, they all starved to death. But, luckily, the female demons here are not an independent species. They are a sick state that normal female demons become infected after being infected, so there are no males among them, that is Can’t breed, even if the difficulty of hunting is very low, but because the number will not increase, and the female devil itself does not have the habit of hoarding food, it will not have any bad consequences. If there is even one male devil in this place, then I guess We don’t expect to see other demons here, because they will definitely die because of the loss of population control."

Several people who didn’t understand before heard Christina’s explanation. All understand. In this way, we can find female demons here thanks to the absence of male demons. Of course, it's useless if they have, because the desires these female demons show are mainly focused on appetite, and the desire for reproduction may not really exist. After all, they are cursed to become like this, and they are not mutant creatures.

Since we have figured out that the earthworms here are actually harmless, we don't worry about being attacked. Chasing the previously injured big earthworm all the way in one direction, that guy is exactly the same as Yamamoto Fifty-Five said, as long as he is injured, he will look for the direction of his home and rush all the way, but there is a problem during this period, that is, the degree of injury. If it's not very difficult to deal with, they won't just run home all the way, but after a period of time, they will find that they have been harmed without contact, and then just stop and continue to crawl around. Anyway, the level of intelligence of this thing is really almost equal to nothing, and almost all reactions are stress reactions.

The damage caused by the little Fireball released by Yamamoto Fifty-Five just now is really nothing to such a big creature. It is only equivalent to a piece of skin wiped off by something, although it will hurt. , But you don’t have to worry about it. So, the guy we were following stopped shortly after running. But with us following, this guy is destined to be unlucky. As soon as he stopped, he was made up by Yamamoto Fifty-Five, and then the guy started running again.

After tracking this thing all the way for more than 20 minutes, we finally found that we had reached the edge of the cave, which is the home of the big earthworms, and we also found the den of the female demons. Not to mention, it's really not far from the earthworms, because that nest is just above the earthworms' nest.

"I rely on, why so much?"

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