After the Korean player negotiated the price with us, he heard a scream before signing the agreement, and the source of the sound was another survivor.

It was not just a Korean player who was caught at the scene. The Japanese Onmyouji who was betrayed by this guy as a shield was also not killed under our control, so I heard us After the deal here, the guy immediately began to struggle and curse.

For this guy’s behavior, the Korean player said with a smile: "You little Japanese always treat our players from the Republic of Korea as lower-class people. I’ve seen it a long time ago. You’re not pleasing to your eyes. I’m just going to use your news for a little bit of money. What can you do to me? Don’t think that you Japanese can create this kind of restriction on divine force. I’m afraid of you. Now you It's just a prisoner. Just shut up."

After he said this, the Japanese player was stunned for a while, he was very surprised, obviously quite surprised. But this is also normal. After all, according to the normal understanding, this Korean player betrayed their information, and they were originally allies before. In this case, he cursed the opponent, even if the opponent is not ashamed, he should not be so arrogant. Therefore, his surprise is very normal. However, although the performance of this Japanese player is normal, I feel very abnormal in my heart.

The Korean player was still discussing with me just now that according to the agreement, he must keep the secret of his betrayal information, but in a blink of an eye, he did not hesitate to announce in front of the player that he was watching them. The Japanese are not pleasing to the eyes to sell information, the contrast is too great.

This abnormal reaction made my heart a little alert, but then the Japanese player suddenly recovered from consternation, and began to scold the Korean player more excitedly, but , Just as he scolded, I heard a special voice from my crystal communicator headset.

The crystal communicator of our guild does not receive a particularly large signal range, so if the distance is very long, a relay station is needed for transit. This is why our guild had to set up crystal communication on the Pacific Ocean in the first place. The reason for the repeater. This place is Demon Realm. It is an unopened map, which means there is no repeater for us. Therefore, the signal that my communicator can receive must come from the nearby area, and the distance must be very close, because of this signal. It turned out to be a set of new identification numbers.

Our Frost Rose League is a very large guild. We have many expatriates engaged in espionage activities all over the world. The biggest espionage group is Masaga Matsumoto and their gang. Although the earphone part of our crystal communicator is small in size, it can still be found if you check it carefully. Therefore, generally only those strong expatriates will wear communication headsets at all times, because basically no one can get close to check their bodies in detail. However, some of these spies are ordinary persons with very low knowledge and ordinary status. For such people, it is inevitable that they need to be checked sometimes, so they cannot always carry this in-ear communicator. Although they also have them, they will only be taken out when they are used, and they will be put away as soon as they are used up, and they will not be kept hanging.

However, in order to deal with special needs at certain times, these people also need a way to recognize each other in a short time, and this way is an emergency recognizer. This emergency recognizer is actually an ultra-thin magic scroll designed based on the principle of magic scroll. The area of ​​the reel is very small, and it can be used repeatedly. Usually, you can control it by your will as long as you put it in your underwear and stick it on your body. When needed, you can directly input a small amount of magic power into it to activate the scroll. Once this thing is activated, it will play a short period of ringtones continuously. Of course, this ringtone is played on the communication channel of the crystal communicator, not that the scroll itself can pronounce it.

As long as this reel is activated, the crystal communicator within a certain range can receive the signal, and because the reel is very small, the transmitted signal decays quickly. Its maximum range is only more than a thousand meters, and the farther you are from the reel, the weaker the signal received, and the characteristic is that the ringtone will become smaller. Conversely, if you are close to the source, the ringtone will increase.

This design is specially designed for use in certain situations where direct communication is inconvenient and the relationship between the enemy and ours needs to be confirmed. On the one hand, it can help us identify our own people.

What I hear now is the sound of the recognition bell, and the volume is very loud, which shows that I am very close to that person in our guild. Apart from the people who came here with us, there are only two people left. In other words, one of the Korean player and the Japanese Onmyouji is our own.

This kind of thing is really amazing. It made us all stunned. After all, people in our guild have communicators, including the Divine Race of the guilds of Ladamantis, so When that oneself started the scroll, everyone on our side was taken aback.

Although it was very unexpected, we are all high-level personnel. They responded quickly and did not show any abnormal expressions. I reacted immediately, and directly said to the gold coin that held the Onmyouji with a sword over there, "Take that guy farther away."

Of course, my words are used to test these two. Which one is his own, because the Onmyouji was pulled away, and the Korean player didn’t move, so as long as the ringtone in our ears changes in size, then we can be sure that Onmyouji is our guild’s own person. On the contrary, this Korean player is ours. Of course, because gold coin is dragging the Onmyouji away, the result she heard should be the reverse of ours.

Sure enough, as gold coin dragged the Japanese Onmyouji away, our ringtones immediately began to show a downward trend, and we immediately understood it. The Japanese Onmyouji is our guild’s spy, and the Korean player here is the real enemy.

Gold coin of course also knew that this person next to him was his own, so he pretended to drag that guy behind a big rock where we couldn’t see it, and then immediately changed his expression. Laughing hehe let go of the guy and gave him a thumbs up, while continuing to scolded in a very angry voice: "What are you arguing about? You don't have to be so anxious to die, right?"

The Japanese Onmyouji sorted out the messed up clothes on his body and yelled a few words deliberately at the outside. Anyway, it meant resolutely not cooperating. Gold coin followed loudly said: "You guy seems to be courting death deliberately?"

The Japanese Onmyouji immediately replied stiffly: "If you have the ability, you will kill me, at worst it is It’s only two levels off. Don’t expect to ask me anything. I’m different from a dog that wags its tail when it sees people."

The Korean player here has a face upon hearing this. It became very bad immediately, but he couldn't say anything. After all, he was still a prisoner, but he was not qualified to interfere with us in dealing with other prisoners.

After the words of Onmyouji from Japan, gold coin immediately said in a pretended angry voice: "Okay, okay, you are really good. In that case, then I will meet your requirements." He took out the sword in his hand and pointed it at the guy's thigh. Of course, he had already used gestures to remind him before he started.

The Japanese Onmyouji was called out pitifully immediately after he was recruited, because he was actually stabbed with a sword, so the cry was quite realistic.

After a sword stabbed the gold coin, he immediately threw a medicine pill to the player, and then made a call gesture. After seeing that the other party had brought up the communicator, he nodded and adjusted his own. His expression pretended to be a lingering anger and walked out from behind the stone.

After the Korean players over there heard the scream, they saw gold coin come out again with an angry face, and the sword in her hand was still dripping blood donation, apparently just now Kill people with this thing.

Without waiting for this guy to continue to observe, I said directly to the Korean player over there: "Okay, the person who got in the way no longer exists. We can continue the previous transaction. But let’s say it first. , I can’t guarantee your previous condition of not disclosing information to the public, because you have also seen it, that guy already knows that you are going to sell the news."

The Korean player used it immediately at this time. A very annoyed expression said: "I just thought about the pet egg before, and forgot that there is an outsider present! It's so colorful! But forget it, at worst, I won't cooperate with them in the future. Anyway, these Japanese people are doing it themselves now. It’s not very good. I shouldn’t have time to trouble us. However, after all, I have to take a lot of risk, so the price will increase a little bit more."

" hey hey hey, go back on one's word is not a good habit."

"I am not go back on one's word, besides, our agreement has not been finalized yet. Isn't this discussing with you? "

"I don't care what you say, anyway, the three monster eggs are the limit, I will never give you anything more." I deliberately pretended to be very angry and said.

The guy on the opposite side said with a laugh: "This thing was made by the Japanese specifically to deal with your Frost Rose League’s Divine Race. Are you sure you really don’t want it?" That guy is obviously the same It's our look. However, just as the guy triumphantly prepared to wait for me to compromise, I suddenly drew the sword of eternity and swept his neck like lightning. "You..." looked at me in amazement, this Korean player didn't even want to understand why I would start directly.

While he is still alive, I said directly: "Remember, our Frost Rose League will not be threatened by anyone. No matter how important your news is, we don’t necessarily need you. Announcement. As long as we know that something was made by the Japanese, we can always find it." After I finished speaking, I gave him another sword, and then I reached out and pushed on his head, and the guy’s head immediately Rolled down from his neck, and his body fell down with a puff.

In fact, the reason why the start is so simple is completely because of the letter from the Japanese Onmyouji over there. Just after the gold coin came out from behind the big rock, the Japanese Onmyouji who had brought the communicator used the communicator to contact my communicator. Because the distance is very close, it can communicate even if there is no relay station.

The spy player told me in the communicator that the Korean player was here to scam money. He didn't plan to tell us the truth at all, because the crystal was simply not a Japanese product, but a Russian product.

After the Korean player was killed, we immediately ran behind the big rock, and the Japanese Onmyouji smiled and greeted me: "Hello, President. Hello, boss."


I nodded and asked: "Why are you with these people? Did you break into the other party specially?"

The Japanese Onmyouji nodded and said: "I originally followed Masaka Matsumoto mixed, but recently Masaga Matsumoto discovered a crystal stone in Japan. Once it is detonated, it can release a special kind of energy, thereby suppressing the release of the divine force of all the gods in the area within a certain period of time. It is a particularly effective weapon against Divine Race. Masaga Matsumoto knew that this thing was of great significance, so he began to arrange for us to follow up and investigate this matter. I am one of the only two people in charge of this matter who have successfully mixed into the enemy's interior. One, now I am also a member of the other party, so I can act with them."

"Do you plan to use this identity as a cover to investigate the exact source of the crystal?"

The player nodded and said: "Although I haven't touched the manufacturing source of the crystal yet, I already have a general direction. It won't be long before I go back to get access to some information about the production base."

I nodded and said: "Good job. Go back and stare at it. The crystal is of great significance. You must figure out where the manufacturing site is, and it's best to get the production method together."

"I know this."

I nodded and said: "Then you should commit suicide now and go back. If it is too late, it may cause suspicion."

"That's not necessary." This The Japanese Onmyouji player immediately said: "I can get into the opponent's organization for a reason. I have a lot of skills that I don't use in battle, but are very useful in ordinary times. One of them is suspended animation."

"Fake death?"

The other party nodded and said: "This is a deception skill, which can make my body enter a completely static state. Whether it is heartbeat or other fluctuations, it will be completely silent. Is dead. And the best part of this trick is that you can make the opponent’s battle report directly pop up a message showing that I have been killed, and let the opponent settle the EXP."

"I rely on , You are too bad, right?"

We are not calm after hearing this guy's explanation. The system battle notification is an auxiliary tool prepared by the system for players. This notification bar is usually not displayed, but you can check it actively. In this, as long as you fight with other players, you can see that the opponent’s name and guild information are displayed here, followed by the report during the battle, such as how much damage you have caused to the opponent, and the opponent has caused you How much damage or something. Although this data is very simple, it can be used to identify the game name and guild belonging of the combatant, and if it is a monster, you can see the type name of the monster. This information can help players identify targets in battle, and can also be used to sum up experience gains and losses after the battle. Of course, confirming the death of the target is also one of the main purposes. For example, if you cover the enemy with a big move, and you want to see if the opponent is dead or not, just look at the battle notification, because if you kill the target, there will be a line of information that shows you killed the player so and so and how much experience you gained. Class information. However, if this thing does not appear, it means that the other party is not dead yet. This method can be used to accurately confirm the life and death of the enemy. It can be said that this is the judgment given by the system, and the system itself is the Sovereign in the game, which is truly a god-like existence, not the Divine Race in the game. It's just that the battle strength is relatively strong. The system is absolutely invincible in the game, and it is illusory, and it is also omniscient and omnipotent. As far as this feature is concerned, the system in the game is very consistent with the description of God in reality.

Because of the high-end status of system in the game, players never thought of questioning the battle information list. If a player sees a warning in his battle information list that the target was killed by himself, even if the opponent suddenly jumps up to give himself a sword, it is estimated that the players will only be surprised to think that the opponent has any ability to resurrect in place, absolutely not I think about the system giving fake news. From this, you can see how reliable the system information is in the player’s mind. Even if the facts are in front of them, players will find their own reasons to help the system, and they will never think that the system is wrong.

It is precisely because the player has such a deep trust in the system, the skills of this Japanese Onmyouji seem to be too bad. Although this ability is just pretending to be dead, it also pretends to be too fucking like a goddess. Moreover, this ability is not as useless as the guy himself said, I can think of several uses just thinking about it now.

For example, if you are surrounded by enemies and the other party wants to kill you, then you just have to find a chance to pretend to be dead if you are sure that you can’t escape or fight. Players in the game fight each other, and death is the end. Few people will abuse the corpse, because the system has restrictions on this, and the behavior of corpse abuse will increase the evil value. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the opponent will kill you at most and look through whether there is any equipment or something. After discovering that there is no equipment, at most, they will turn around angrily and leave. In this way, it is equivalent to getting rid of the opponent's chase. Although it is not good to say, it is really easy to use.

In addition to the problem of being surrounded by players, this skill can also be used to fight ambushes. Don't say that you lie on the side of the road and get some blood to install the corpse, and then wait for the player or the monster to approach and then you can suddenly launch an attack. Although you can install corpses without this skill, the problem is that neither the player nor the monster is stupid. The player's intelligence is very high and can judge whether you are really dead from many aspects such as your heartbeat, magic fluctuations and even Life Aura. These things can only be detected with skills in the game. But monsters are even more straightforward, they can directly listen to heartbeat or smell your body. It can be said that if you want to pretend to be dead in front of the monster, it is basically a death. However, with this skill is different. The player's detection ability and the monster's senses are useless to you. You can install a corpse and give it to him as soon as the enemy gets closer.

Of course, our Japanese Onmyouji spy does not seem to be able to use the second function, because he is Onmyouji and lacks explosive power, so even being able to approach the enemy is useless, but makes himself more dangerous.

However, in terms of his Onmyouji occupation, there is actually another very useful method, which is to summon a bunch of undead creatures after knowing the enemy’s course of action in advance. He went to the side of the road to load the corpse, but actually took the opportunity to direct the battle.

Be aware that Onmyouji is similar to most summon mages. He himself is the weakest link. Many players encounter summon players who immediately focus on the opponent’s body, because as long as the summoner is killed, he No matter how strong the summon is, it is useless. However, this Japanese Onmyouji player can hide himself in the form of a corpse, so that even if the enemy clearly sees an individual lying here, he will not take the initiative to attack this side, which is equivalent to preventing the opponent from finding his weakness. Such a bargain is definitely of great significance for a profession like Onmyouji.

In fact, in addition to the above methods, I think this skill can also be used for tasks. For example, in places such as nests with powerful monster guards, monsters will not stand guards full of holes and valleys. Even if there are wandering monsters, patrols must be wave after wave, and there must be a gap in between. With this skill, you just need to install a corpse when you encounter a patrol and wait for the patrol to pass before you go inside. Of course, this method is suitable for some tasks, because it depends on the monster type. Some monsters have higher intelligence. If you find a corpse that moves a little bit and then a little bit, you will definitely doubt it even if you don't see how the corpse moves. Also, those monsters who like to be clean can't play in this way, because people will dig the corpse as trash and bury it directly. Also, the lairs of scavengers must not be played like this, otherwise they would just give people fast food.

Although there are some limitations, I think this ability is quite powerful. At least players with this skill only need to be smarter, and their life-saving ability is absolutely top-notch, and it can still be used in the right situation. Take the yin person, at least this time the Korean player was yin.

Looking at each of us enviously, the player laughed a few times, and then said: "Because I have this skill, I can use myself to pretend to have deceived Miss Gold coin as an excuse. They won’t think I’m going back late."

I nodded and said: "Then do you know what they are doing here this time?"

That Japanese Onmyouji The player immediately nodded and said: "Of course I know that this is also one of the reasons why I participated in this mission. This time they came to look for a material called the Heart of Iron and Stone. This thing is one of the necessary materials for synthesizing that kind of blasphemous stone. One, and it’s the main ingredient, so the output of the Desecration Stone is directly dependent on the amount of the Iron and Stone Heart obtained. If I can get the Iron and Stone Heart here, I can directly follow them to produce the Desecration Stone in the name of an escort. Where is the stone, so that I can get closer to the other party’s production base."

I nodded and said: "Then you will follow us for now? Let’s go down and get some for you. When you look back, you will say you pretended to be dead. After fooling us, secretly followed us all the way down to the origin of the heart of iron and stone, and then ran out while we inadvertently snatched a few pieces. Or if we were afraid that the other party would not believe it, it would be said to be ready to escape after snatching a few pieces. As a result, we found that we could not run away, and then successfully deceived us with the pretending to be dead and brought back the heart of iron and stone."

"This method is good." The Onmyouji nodded and said: "That I'll follow you, the president first. But you have to be careful in a while, there should be a lot of creatures under the kind that just attacked us."

"How did you know?"

< p>"There is an introduction in the introduction of this task, but it didn't say what monsters look like. Oh right..." The guy said here suddenly said with a laugh: "There is another news that I forgot to mention. In fact, those monsters are correct. The way to deal with it is not to kill."

"Not to kill? How to deal with it?" Obviously, we can't understand how we don't kill.

That guy said with a laugh: "This kind of monster is actually a beautiful demon from Demon Realm, and it must be a high-level demon with extremely strong battle strength. Because of a kind of magic, he loses his mind and becomes a wild beast. They generally exist, and their hearts will gradually cool and harden, and finally become a stone and be spit out. This completely petrified heart is the iron and stone heart we want."

"I rely on this material. The origin is really weird!" Gold Coin said.

The player went on to say: "What's even more bizarre is that this magic is the same as the magic in fairy tales. It can be dispelled."

"hey hey hey, don't you Will you tell me that I need to kiss to get them back to normal?" asked the red face with a disgusting expression.

Fortunately, the player shook the head, but what he said made Zhen Hong disgusted again. "Kissing is just one of the steps. 1st Step, you must first get the iron and stone heart, and then pour it with your own blood. The iron stone heart will melt as long as it touches the blood donation, and then it will be restored to a vigorous heart. But, this During the process, blood bags cannot be used to store blood in advance, and blood must be bleed on the spot. Also, although the softened heart has changed from a stone to a real heart, it will not beat. However, as long as the heart is softened, then this heart corresponds to that one. Only a female devil will sense it, and then take the initiative to come over. In the process, her desire to attack will drop to a very low level. What you have to do is to lean up carefully without causing hostile attitudes, and then move Give her the heart back. After she gets her heart, she will swallow it in one bite, and then you have to hurry up, there will be a few seconds of stiffness after she swallows her heart. Use this time to kiss and hold on for ten seconds not to be free. After that, the other party will return to normal. Not only will it return to a completely normal Demoness form, but it will also directly have a 100% favorability for you. With this favorability guarantee, whether it’s catching a demon or wanting to do something else, I think It’s not a problem, right?"

When he heard this guy’s words, he was really red and shook his head disgustingly, but Radamantis asked with bright eyes, "Where is the heart? We are here. Go ahead? Oh by the way, is it okay to use Divine Race blood for that thing?"

"Hey hey hey, why are you so excited?" Christina looked at Ladamantis Asked.

Radamantis was so overwhelmed when he heard that there was a free beauty collar, but suddenly when he heard Christina's words, he remembered that he was not the only one around him. Speaking of which Radamantis does have some special hobby. For example, he likes to grow Banshee's Banshee lair, which is a kind of weird hobby, but in summary, this guy seems to mainly like beautiful women. It's just that the way I like it is a bit deviated from the habits of normal people.

The player who was asked was embarrassed and laughed, and then said: "these all are recorded on the reels, but I don’t know what the specific payment is. The people we are here with this time have all agreed. , Everyone saves one or two female demons, and then extracts the rest of the iron stone heart."

"I can probably predict that the output of the stone of blasphemy will not be high now!" Said.

In fact, this matter is already obvious. As long as these female demons are dispelled from the magic, they will become similar to the existence of the familiar, and even if handled properly, they can not occupy the position of the familiar. After all, the friendship is already full, even if they are free to follow. By your side, as long as you carefully maintain this favorability level, you can completely use it as a favorite that does not occupy the position of a favorite. Where can I find such a good thing? Besides, according to the meaning of this spy player, the level of these female demons is not low. Now the monsters in the game are so scarce, the price is sky high. Suddenly there is a high-level familiar that can not occupy the position of the familiar, so why not grab the head?

For such a precious thing, the system will not be opened in large numbers, so the number is definitely not large, and even if some such female demons can be found, most players will definitely turn them into demon familiars, because in addition to For those large guilds that need to fight Divine Race frequently, it can be used occasionally. Most guilds and individual players simply don’t use this kind of blasphemous stone. Considering that the main material of the stone of blasphemy is the heart of iron and stone, and this is equivalent to saying that making the stone of blasphemy requires the consumption of high-level familiars such as female demons. This investment is too scary. Therefore, the output of the Stone of Desecration is definitely not too high, and the specific output depends on the conversion ratio of the Heart of Iron Stone into the Stone of Desecration. If it is one to one, then I estimate the output of the Stone of Desecration. Maybe you can't even reach the double digits.

"I don’t know the specific output. After all, I haven’t touched their core production base. The production of this thing must be very secret. It’s impossible to get trust and get in."

I nodded and said: "Then don’t wait, go down and look for it. By the way, if you encounter those crazy female demons on the way, don’t kill them. Catch them all. Get up, this is an important resource."


After everyone answered complied, they began to walk to the entrance of the cave. The four female demons that popped out before have all been killed. Although it is a pity, there is no other way. Originally, I thought that I would just use the heart of iron and stone of these four female demons to give the spy of our guild to hand in a mission, but after asking for a moment, I realized that it was useless, because in addition to the drop of blood to soften the heart of iron and stone, The only way to know which heart belongs to which female devil is to watch her spit it out with your own eyes. So now, even if we reach those female devil’s lair and find the place where their hearts are stored, we can’t find which four hearts are. Belongs to the four female demons who were killed. Of course, if we have good luck, we can soften all the other hearts. If we go to dogshit luck, we can select a female devil every time, and the remaining four must be the dead four. . However, this probability is too low. We are almost certain to get the hearts of the four dead female demons directly in the process. According to our spy, the female demon whose body is dead, her heart There won't be any changes, but once you drop blood on this heart that has no body, the heart will rot and disappear after softening, because it has no place to go back.

Considering this situation, it is also unlikely that we will transform all the hearts on the spot, so we can almost confirm that we can’t find the four female demons that cannot actually be transformed. Can be used as the heart of the material. And this kind of iron and stone heart can no longer be used as a material if it is softened, so even if it is used to prevent corrosion, it is useless.

Although it is destined to waste four hearts, we have nothing to do now. Anyway, whether we can safely get those hearts is still two things, so we didn't think much about it. Everything can only be judged after seeing the actual situation.

I don’t know if it’s because there are only four female demons in this vertical well. After we jumped from here, we didn’t encounter any obstacles. Although this vertical well can’t fly down, I have an infinitely stretchable dragon tendon cable. I directly fix the cable head on this side to a large rock, and then lead everyone into a ball and descend directly. Not only does it speed Fast and safe.

That is to say, my dragon tendon cable has super tensile strength, and its length is unlimited. It is estimated that most people will bring the rope down, because the depth of this vertical well is actually two heights when we land. Thousands of three hundred and 81 meters, this data is the unfolding length of the dragon's tendon cable, because the stretched length of the dragon's tendon cable has a reading, so I directly measured the depth of the vertical well.

For the depth of two thousand more than three hundred meters, ordinary ropes are obviously not usable. With the forbidden area here, I think the normal way of descent should actually be along the entrance after entering the hole The opposite side of the floor, that is, the top of the vertical well, climbed to the vicinity of the cave wall, and then climbed all the way down the cave wall like rock climbing.

In fact, for players in the game, as long as there is no monster interference, this cave wall is still easy to climb. Because the walls of this vertical well are not smooth, but rather rough, there are bumpy rocks everywhere, and some relatively large protrusions are even enough for two people to sleep side by side on it. There are these stone platforms as the intermediate place to step on. With the player's physique in the game, as long as i

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