"What do you want?"

"What I want depends on your attitude." Looking at the guy on the ground, I smiled evilly.

The guy I stepped on doesn't seem to be an idiot. After I finished speaking, he only hesitated for two seconds before nodded and said: "I can meet your requirements, but there is a premise."

"Are you sure you know what I want?"

That guy nodded and said: "What else can there be but the Stone of Blasphemy?"

" The Stone of Desecration? Is this the name of that kind of crystal?"

"no no no, the Stone of Desecration is a kind of man-made item, and the crystal is just a carrier. Just like a magic scroll, it’s made of sheepskin or Although dragon skin production will affect the size of formidable power, they are essentially magic scrolls."

I nodded and asked: "What is your requirement?"

Although this The guy has been completely controlled by us, but I didn't use his life to threaten him, because the player's life is important but not absolute. If it is in reality, you can use a person's life to threaten him to do a lot of things that he ordinarily absolutely impossible to do. Although there are some people who cannot be threatened, it is effective most of the time. But here is the game. The death of the player is only one or two levels off. Who would really take this kind of thing into account? Obviously not. So, although I have controlled this guy, his life is not worth much compared to what he wants to say. The only thing I can count on now is that the stone of blasphemy was not made by them, but they got it from someone else. In this case, if he tells the origin of the thing, it is not his own interests that will be lost, but the interests of the person who made the stone of blasphemy. If it is to sell the interests of others, I think many people can do it. come out. After all, everyone has more or less selfishness.

"Let go of me first. Anyway, you guys can't escape here. You can't keep stepping on me and talking to me, right?" the guy said.

I nodded lifted my foot from him, and then motioned to Radamantes and Zhenhong to let him go. After the guy got his freedom, he got up from the ground, and then slowly patted the dust on his body, seemingly calm.

"Okay. Can I talk now?"

The guy was nodded, and then said: "I have three conditions. If you can meet my three I’ll tell you everything I know about the Blasphemy Stone. But, I can only tell you what I know, and there’s no way I don’t know."

I nodded Said: "Let’s talk about your terms first, let’s see if we can get along."

The guy laughed, and then said: "I believe you should accept my terms, because of this thing. All fools know the value. But I can’t get any benefit from it myself, so I might as well get some rewards from you."

What this guy said makes sense. If this kind of blasphemy stone can really suppress the divine force, then its value must be very exaggerated, and this guy is a Korean player. Such a complicated thing is unlikely to have been researched by ordinary small guilds, and there is only one large guild in Korea. Therefore, this thing is unlikely to be produced by the Korean guild. The only probability is this thing. From Russia or Japan. Then, the credibility of this guy's previous words is very high. After all, it is completely understandable for Korean players to sell Japan or Russia to gain their own interests.

"Let’s talk about the conditions first."

"The first condition. You must not tell anyone about our transaction. I don’t want to be hunted down after I go back. "

I nodded and said: "It is reasonable, you continue."

"The second condition. I want you Frost Rose League to give me a guarantee."

< p>"What is the guarantee?"

"I promise that I will never be targeted in your Korean guild war. Of course, if such a large-scale battle occurs, my guild It happens to be arranged on your hostile position. I will inform myself in advance that the people in the guild will just behave and run away, so you also have to promise not to kill to the last one to us in the battle, and to walk like us. Let us pass through a cutscene."

This is actually not a problem, so I still agreed. In fact, the first two are mutually beneficial conditions in themselves. They are good for him and the same for us.

"Since the first two are accepted, then the third one should give me some practical benefits. My news can't be given in vain, you have to pay for it."


"Not much, not much." The guy directly stretched out three fingers.

"Three million crystal coins? Don’t you think it’s too much?"

"no no no, I don’t want crystal coins. I want magic eggs. Three Familiar egg. The rank must not be lower than eight hundred, and at least one of them must be one thousand or more."

"Are you crazy?" I looked at this guy pretending to be surprised and asked Said: "Do you know the price of the monster pet eggs on the market now? There are actually two more than 800 level plus one over 1,000. You know that these three monster eggs can be exchanged together. Is there a small battleship?"

"That’s your business, I just need to know if you change or not."

To be honest, if it’s another guild. In the first place, this price may not be offered, and in the second place, it may not be willing, and even if the first two are satisfied, I guess that few guilds will agree, because even if they know the news, they may not be able to The crafting technology of the Stone of Desecration is available, and even if you get it, there is no way to copy it. The most important point is that the value of this kind of purchase may not be worth the value of the three magic eggs for the average guild.

Although Divine Race is not unfamiliar to players, most of the current players actually have very few opportunities to contact. If it is just to deal with those Divine Races, and to pay such a big price, it is really too uneconomical for the average trader. It is as if nuclear weapons are a powerful weapon for a second-rate power, and if they can be obtained, it is worth paying a lot of money. However, if it is for a tribal armed force in a small African country, nuclear weapons are too high-end. Even if they are obtained, they are basically useless. They can only be placed at home for self-satisfaction. In fact, they are not practical at all. significance.

However, our Frost Rose League is precisely the kind of guild with the Divine Race guild. Therefore, this meaningless thing for other guilds is of great significance to us. In this way, the price offered by the other party seems really difficult for us to refuse. I have to say that this guy is a negotiation expert. At least he can find our bottom line.

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