"Did you find anything?" Radamantes also leaned forward and asked.

I made a gesture of lowering my voice, and then pointed to the front. Radamantis and Christina immediately lowered the volume, and then followed me and moved forward carefully.

In fact, we don’t need to be so careful, because once we have an absolute advantage over the previous group in strength, this can be seen from the previous Pandora’s slaughter all sides, although the other party In the end, I almost killed Pandora, but that was because the other party had something to restrain the divine force, but our side is not only Divine Race. Christina and I are also really red and gold coin are players. There is also Hongyan who is guarded by the guild, and is not affected by that kind of thing. Therefore, we still occupy the absolute initiative here.

Secondly, no one on our side uses torch, that is, there is no light source, and gold coin still takes a stealth symbol for each of us, so under normal circumstances, our side There is no probability of being discovered. Of course, the normal situation I mentioned does not include our deliberate exposure of the target.

After carefully approaching the passageway, we immediately found the location of the other party, because they all hold torch, so in this dark hall, their place is bright, of course it’s just a glance I saw it. However, I did not pay too much attention to the location of these people, but first took a look at the structure of this hall.

This hall is actually very huge, much larger than an indoor sports court. The center of the hall is the lowest, and the surrounding circle rises upwards, which looks a bit like the structure of the Colosseum. However, there are many pillars in the center of this hall, as well as some horizontal passages. It seems that it should not be used to watch the beast games. After all, those things may help the central creatures to run into the auditorium. . Of course, it does not rule out that magic prohibition will be activated when it is used.

The entrance of the passage where we are located is not on the ground, but in the middle of the wall, and there are more than ten meters high from the ground below. Originally, there was a quick step extending all the way to a horizontal passage below, and there were stone steps on that passage connecting to the ground, but at the entrance, the unfathomable mystery was broken. It looks like It seems to be destroyed by something.

Because there is a lack of steps, the nearest step on the opposite side is still more than five meters away from us. This distance is very difficult for ordinary people to pass, but we are not ordinary people here, and we have no plans to go up. There are no barriers on both sides of the steps. If you go up, you are completely exposed to the air. Although our side is darker, it does not rule out the probability of being discovered.

After looking at the situation there, I just turned back and spoke to them in a low voice, to keep everyone quiet, and then I ran to the passageway and jumped down from here. As soon as my body lost its support, I started to fall, but I spread my wings lightly without flapping, so I relied on the buoyancy of the air to glide and land, and finally landed on the ground as lightly as a cat. There was a slight noise.

As soon as I landed on my side, other people also landed one after another. Although they used different methods, they were all very quiet. Except for Divine Race, which is a high-end player, they are all existences with very rich combat experience, and secret infiltration is an important part of combat experience, so our side is also very quiet on the ground.

After landing, I gestured for everyone to approach, and then started to move forward first.

To be honest, stealth is actually quite rare in such a place. Mainly because the environment here is rather bad. First of all, the ground of this place is not flat, but a multi-step structure, which has a certain slope, so you need to be careful under your feet. Secondly, there are stone fragments everywhere in this place, just like mines, we will make a sound as long as we touch it. Third, this place is a closed environment. In this environment, the echo will be very strong, and there is no external noise, the noise intensity here is very low, so any small sound will be amplified very clearly, so our movements are greatly restricted. However, we were relatively lucky, because the other person was beating and beating somewhere in the middle of the hall and didn't know what they were digging. The sound of their knocking on the stone is now the biggest noise here, and there are still some of them talking, so the movement is still quite loud, just enough to cover some of our voices.

With this hidden advantage, we carefully touched the opponent's team, and then began to observe the team.

At first I heard Bailang’s description that these people were all NPCs, but when I got closer, I realized that this was actually a player team, and not only was it not an NPC team, there was not even a single NPC among them.

These players are obviously from a guild, and the badges on their bodies directly prove this point. From their dialogue, it can be found that these people are actually Korean players, most of them are Koreans, but the small group of people as the leader has two whites and one three Japanese. The three Japanese people are easy to recognize because they are all Japanese specialty occupations, one of them is Onmyouji, there is also a ninja and a Japanese warrior. The two white men should be Russians, because I seem to have seen one of them once before. Although I don’t know what’s the name, he did appear next to the ice-bound Banshee, which means that this person is ice-bound. Banshee's men. The other white person is not very sure compared to the one next to him, because although this person has obvious white characteristics, he still has some characteristics of other races, and it feels that the probability of being mixed is mostly.

These leaders gathered together to discuss something in a low voice, and did not participate in the excavation work, while in the central place, there are several Korean players busy digging pits, just don’t know. What are you digging?

When I first saw these people digging pits there, I wondered why these people were dumb and digging there. After all, the players’ skills in the game are very formidable power, and some of them can be used. Come to the skills of quarrying mountains. Of course, digging a hole in the ground is a very simple matter. However, these people don't use skills, but simply use the metal tools in their hands to knock and knock, not to mention the slow speed and effort.

However, I soon realized that the ground might be weird, so I quickly lowered my head and put my hands on the ground. Kristina and the others saw that my movements were lost, and they put their hands on the ground and felt them carefully. They found that the rocks on the ground actually had the effect of shielding magic. If it weren't for being too close for the other person to hear, we would almost have to call out.

Because we didn't know what the other party was going to do, we didn't act rashly, but wanted to see what they were digging. Anyway, most of these people are enemies. After we expect to kill them, we dig ourselves. It's better to let them use the residual heat to help get things out first, and then we can grab them. This is called waiting for work.

Although the opponent’s digging method is strenuous, the speed is not really slow. In less than 20 minutes, a large pit of more than one meter in diameter and at least two meters deep was opened on the ground. , Just when we were worried that the other party would dig for a long time, there was a sudden bang in the big pit below, followed by a scream.

When we heard this sound, we immediately got up to 120,000 points of energy, and the other party immediately rushed to the entrance of the hole, and then pulled out a player from the inside, while the other guy who went down to dig a hole The whereabouts are unknown.

"What's the matter? What about Jinji?" After pulling the opponent out, the leader among the Korean players asked the player.

The guy named Jin Er immediately said: "It fell! We digging and digging, and suddenly the bottom went through. I supported the walls on both sides and didn’t fall, but Jin Er did not come. And the reaction fell down."

The Korean player was obviously not really worried about the golden second, he just wanted to know what happened below. He directly ordered several people around him: "You guys go down and see the situation."

"Yes." A few Korean players quickly walked to the entrance of the hole and put down a triangular derrick, and then hung up the pulley. And the rope, and then grabbed the rope and jumped down, while on the other side of the rope, several players were pulling.

As the player continued to drop, the voice of that player came from below. At first, someone threw a few torches to him, and then someone played him a little more. After a few seconds, the player yelled and said: "Guild Master, the bottom seems to be very deep, our rope may not be long enough!"

"Then you should cut the rope and fly down to see."


"Okay." After the player finished speaking, he began to untie the rope. As soon as he let go of the rope, he screamed and fell all the way like a weighing mound. The people on it were all the same. Frozen, then someone reacted that there must be a forbidden area below.

Although I can't see the situation in the cave, I can roughly guess what it is. The bottom of this is mostly a deep hole, and it's the kind of hole with forbidden airspace. In this kind of place, you can only put yourself down with a rope. If you want to fly down, you basically jump off the building, so the previous player originally planned to fly down, but he committed suicide.

"What should I do now?" Several players next to him looked at the guild leader and asked.

The South Korean player’s president was asked for a moment, then turned his head and looked towards the Russian players and Japanese players around him. Those two groups of players were also there not knowing what to do. In the game, everyone doesn't care about many things that you dare not do or can't do in reality because there are many ways to do these things in the game, and they are very simple. However, this hole is now obviously depriving the players of the ability to be similar to the reality. You can't see where the edge is around the huge hole, so the method of climbing the wall is completely useless, because you can't touch the wall at all. But the rope was not long enough and the flight was restricted. There was simply no way to descend safely.

Fortunately, these people also come prepared. One of the Russian players quickly took out a large bundle of special ropes from their storage space and threw them on the ground for them to replace the original ropes.

Actually, the rope brought by Korean players is not long enough, but is useless. The rope is worthless. With so many Korean players here, it is not a major event to bring a rope that is hundreds of kilometers long. But the problem is that the rope itself has weight. If you hang a rope vertically, a limit length will be formed according to the strength of the rope itself and its own weight. If the length exceeds this limit, the rope will break itself due to its own weight. In this case, the longest rope can only reach a certain length. To make the rope longer, you can only consider reducing the weight of the rope or increasing the strength. However, most of the way to reduce the weight of the rope is to reduce the diameter, and the diameter of the rope is often proportional to the strength, so simply using a thinner rope cannot increase this limit length.

The ropes contributed by the Russian players are obviously not ordinary ropes. Those Korean players hurriedly changed the ropes and tied one of them to a player’s body, and then let it jump down. The person who pulled the rope began to slowly lower the rope to let him go down gradually.

As the player continues to deepen, the upper rope is constantly getting shorter, but when there is about half of the upper rope, those who pull the rope suddenly move forward. As soon as it slipped, many people reacted and began to pull back forcefully, but it seemed that something underneath was playing tug of war with the person above, even though they were able to pull a lot of force. When the two sides were in a stalemate, I suddenly heard a bang. It turned out that the tripod used to hang the pulley broke because it could not withstand such a large force.

Without the tripod, everyone suddenly tilted backwards, and then fell into a big somersault, but soon these people stabilized the rope again, but it was strange that it was useless this time. strength. Those who felt the huge pull before were a little confused. The leader was the leader of the player looking towards South Korea. The other party understood that this person was asking for his own opinion, so he shouted: "Come on." < /p>

With this prompt, the people behind immediately began to pull up, and soon the rope that was put down was pulled up, but in the end they only pulled up the rope, and the player was gone. . What's even more frightening is that the rope's fracture is not a sharp cut mark, but an explosive shape, which shows that the rope is broken.

Unfathomable mystery lost another person, and the Korean players also started to be a little confused. But the discipline of these people is pretty good, they just talk in a low voice, and don't really do anything.

Kristina cautiously approached me and said to me in the guild channel: "Guess what's down there, president?"

The voice of gold coin is in The channel said: "Does this still need to be guessed? It is definitely a monster!" Kristina immediately said: "Of course I know it is a monster. I let you guess what it looks like. "

"There are so many monsters in this game, how do I know what monster it is?" Gold coin said.

I immediately said: "No matter what monster it is, it is our turn to eat up this group of talents first. When the time comes, we can at least know in advance what kind of things we are fighting. But I I think It shouldn't be a particularly powerful creature."

"Why?" Christina and gold coin asked together.

"Because I didn't feel any energy fluctuations."

"Maybe there is magic forbidden or something in that shaft?" Christina asked.

Don’t say it, Christina really forgot if I didn’t remind me. This monster is not directly exposed in front of us, but separated by a floor more than two meters thick. The material on the ground is obviously very special, and the setting to isolate energy fluctuations on it is also very normal.

"It's really hard to say what level of stuff there is. But I don't think it's a smart thing at least."

"This is true." Listina did not refute.

In fact, everyone can see that if this monster is very smart, it will definitely cut the rope at once, instead of playing tug-of-war with the people on it. In this case, it can only be said that the creatures below have no vision. They must have bitten or grabbed the target as soon as they came up. Then when they pulled down, they found that the rope behind them couldn’t move, so they could only Played a tug-of-war game with the people above. If someone with intelligence sees that person with a rope tied to his body, even if he doesn't cut the rope immediately, at least he will kill the player first and then cut the rope. Anyway, he will definitely not play tug-of-war with the person on it.

Regardless of whether the creature is very smart or not, we think this thing is definitely not easy to deal with anyway, otherwise it will not be so terrible to kill a player. Since the players who have been put down can be used as vanguards, naturally they will not be the weakest. The existence of cannon fodder is used on the battlefield. In this kind of expedition mission, it is not the strongest battle strength that must be the mechanism or pathfinder master. Anyway, it will not be an ordinary person, so the person below has no response at all. Being attacked without sending it out can only mean that the creature below is very powerful, and that player was dropped in an instant, and even the opportunity for him to send a signal to remind the person above did not remain.

Because this person’s death was obviously not an accident, but something attacked him, so there were some differences in the choice of the next person to enter. After all, the people here are not stupid, and no one wants to Go down and hang the monster, isn't it? However, these Korean players have not yet quarreled with the result, but the warrior among the three Japanese players suddenly stood up and wanted to go down the well. Not to mention, the warrior way is sometimes useful, at least the Japanese have never lacked Suicide Squad members.

"How long do you think that guy can last?" A matter of no concern to oneself, a few of us who were watching down the well made a bet, anyway, it makes no difference to us. . Unfortunately, the result came out before we had time to place the bet, because the monster apparently climbed up. The Japanese player may suddenly scream less than five meters after being put down, and then the rope broke.

"Damn, you can hold on for two more seconds!"

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