We are here to watch the lively wait-and-see attitude and the panic of the group of co-players, but from the big hole they dug out on the ground, it came. There was a very terrifying scream, and although the sound was not loud, it made everyone feel like hair stands on end.

All normal people instinctively feel scared about this mysterious thing, because it is human instinct. However, the difference between humans and animals is that we have our own subjective thinking that can suppress some of our instincts. It's just that even if we suppress fear, fear is fear after all. This will not change.

As the second player was killed directly, everyone on it was dumbfounded. The player was attacked after only five or six meters down, which shows that the monster has come up. However, just when we thought it would appear at the entrance of the hole in the next second, we suddenly realized that a red prompt box popped up in front of us.

This prompt box appeared very abrupt, simply without warning, so all of us were taken aback. In the previous system update, "Zero" removed the system hint for a period of time in order to improve the realism of the game. As a result, everyone found that this would affect the gameplay. The result was changed again, but although it was changed back, The number of system hints is suppressed in a very small range. Basically, you can only see the system operation panel and some special hints when necessary. Under normal circumstances, the screen that the player sees in the battle is the same as us. In reality, what you see with your own eyes is the same, and there will be no messy things superimposed on it.

However, today this prompt box appears very strange, because this prompt box not only occupies almost the entire Central Region of our line of sight, but it is still opaque. In other words, as long as this thing is not closed, we will not see the up ahead picture, even if someone rushes over from the front, we will not see it at all. Moreover, because this is a prompt box popped up by the system instead of a phantom, it is impossible to bypass this thing and see the following screen no matter what skills are used. To be honest, let alone now, even at the beginning of the game, the prompt box has never appeared in this way. After all, this design has seriously affected the player's game. After all, those hints are just assistance. If the player's entire line of sight is blocked, how to play? Even if you can quickly turn off this prompt, even if you are suddenly blocked by something for a quarter of a second during the battle, it may cause a change in the battle situation. This shows how much influence this thing has.

Because this kind of unreasonable prompt box appears very strange, so all the players on our side are stunned there, and from the corner of my eye, you can also see that the joint teams outside The players were also stunned on the spot, apparently they also saw the same prompt message.

Although I was surprised why this thing appeared at this time, now that the prompt box is out, I still have to get rid of it, so I just read it at the fastest speed Prompt content.

Many people don’t look at the various prompts when using the computer, but will habitually click to confirm or cancel directly, because in many cases, these prompts are very boring , Has no practical meaning, so everyone has developed a habit of clicking on it almost immediately after seeing it. In many cases, they don’t even know what the pop-up prompt box prompts.

Although this habit is very common, there are very few in-game hints, so I or for it in case I read the full text. Fortunately, there is not much prompt information. We quickly read the content, but the prompt content surprised me very much.

The content of this prompt box is a warning, telling us that the upcoming creature may bring some people's uncomfortable reaction, and there may be an extremely bloody picture next, so the system directly A dialog box pops up, asking the player to choose whether to set the blood level now.

"Zero" itself has a realism setting. The higher the percentage you set, the more bloody the picture you will see. When the bloody degree reaches 90%, the picture you see Basically, it is no different from the real picture. In other words, in the case of 90% realism, if someone is chopped with an axe in the abdomen, you will not only see wounds, splashes of blood, and even the intestines flowing out of the abdominal cavity and other things. Some messy internal organs. In short, this is no different from reality. If what you see happens in reality, the result will be exactly the same as what you see.

However, if the bloody level is lower than 90%, the system will gradually hide part of the bloody settings. Assuming that it is the person who was hit by the axe just now, if someone only turned on 50% real A player with a degree of degree sees that all he can see is estimated to be a red wound and a small amount of blood flowing out. If it is only 30% true, then the blood will not appear, even if you chop a person into meat. The only thing you can see in mud is meat, there will be no internal organs, blood, and the like, and the wound will be very fake, so you won’t be disgusted.

However, if you set the realism to more than 90%, or even 100%, not only will the game screen you see will be very bloody, it will even bring you some enhancements in battle strength , Which is why many players like to turn on the bloody mode. Of course, this system is exclusively for adults. If children enter the game, the maximum realism simulation is only allowed up to 60%. You can't adjust it if you are under 18 years old.

The prompt box given by system this time directly integrates the interface for adjusting the realism. There is an option to keep the current setting, and there are several options that are not the same level. The value interval is set at 10%. Players can directly select a value on the pop-up prompt to complete the work of adjusting the value and closing the interface.

After reading this content, I chose to keep the settings without saying a word. Anyway, I also came out of the Longyuan Base Biological Laboratory. What disgusting thing I haven't seen? This little problem is simply not a problem. My previous system reality setting has always been 100%, and of course it will not be changed this time.

Speaking of the reality setting, there are several names called: blood level, violence level, limiter level, etc., anyway, this is called a lot. It can be seen that this setting does not simply refer to the bloody degree of the screen seen, but according to my understanding, this thing also includes the degree of pain feedback after the player is injured. For example, in the case of 100% realism that I set, the pain feedback will be about 80%. If you are injured at this level, it is actually quite painful. In addition, the realism is directly related to the appearance of some restricted-level pictures. Of course, the restriction level I am talking about here does not refer to bloody restrictions, but to adult content restrictions. Don’t forget that each country’s game zone in "Zero" implements each country’s own cultural management laws, which means that certain special service industries are illegal in our country, but legal in some countries. . And if you don't want to see something that you can't accept, you can use this reality setting to block these images.

Because I chose not to modify the settings here, the picture is very gorgeous under the 100% realism setting, mainly because in the 100% realism mode, the human body The blood spewed from the injury and the wound wounds are actually more exaggerated than the real situation in reality. After all, 90% of the realness is the real situation, and 100% have used some exaggerated elements. However, this way the picture looks more visually impactful, and considering that 100% realism will increase the battle strength, I always only use 100% realism.

Although the speed of my selection here is very fast, it is not the first one to come out, because someone just clicked an option and turned off the screen without looking at the prompt as I said before. .

Although everyone chooses the speed to be fast or slow, there are not a lot of approaching prompts, and the slowest person only took more than ten seconds to get it done. And just after everyone confirmed their choice, a strange cry suddenly came from the hole below. The voice was not strong, nor was it very loud, on the contrary, there was a sharp and piercing voice.

Just when everyone was attracted by this sound and wondered what kind of monster would emerge next, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the big hole in front.

Because we are far away from the big hole, there is no sense of crisis like those Korean players, Russian players, and Japanese players. Therefore, we were not scared by this dark shadow, but rather immediately produced " "Why is it so small".

Yes, the creatures that jumped out of that big hole were not big, or even small, because the black shadow seemed to be smaller than the body of a normal person.

The creature is very fast. After jumping out of the hole below, it immediately knocked down a hapless Korean player. After all, the most on-site is Korean players, so the probability of being knocked down is the highest. And with the fall of this player, we finally have a clear view of the creature's appearance.

In fact, when this creature appeared in everyone's sight, we felt a little dumbfounded, because the creature in front of us could not even be regarded as a monster, because it should be called "she".

Yes, what popped out of the hole was a woman, at least in appearance it should be a woman. However, the appearance of this woman is quite amazing, because she turned out to be naked. If someone sets the authenticity below 80%, then the woman he sees should be painted with frosted glass mosaics on key parts, but I used 100% authenticity, so I directly saw a completely naked Woman. Of course, I don’t have any interest in this woman at the moment. It’s not me, Liu Xiahui, but the woman’s body is so dirty that it’s like being rolled in cement dust with a body of vegetable soup, although she doesn’t. Any piece of clothing, but all I can see is a thick layer of ash-gray stains. As for her skin... the thing can only be seen through perspective. In addition, the woman’s face is completely invisible at the moment, because her hair is very long, and there is no trace of combing at all, just like Zhenzi draped there, the bits and pieces that cover her face, except for the bits and pieces that can be seen. I can't see anything about the shape of my face. In fact, I guessed her gender by relying on her body curve, because the ash on her body is almost like a layer of tight clothes, separated by such a thick layer of ash, she said she didn’t wear anything. , In fact, it is no different from wearing it.

"This is the monster?" Christina looked at the woman over there in surprise and asked me in a low voice: "It's all a person in any way!"

"Maybe it is The monster who knows the Transformation Technique is humanized in order to pass through that small hole." Gold Coin reminded.

It makes sense to say that, and if we want to know the answer now, we can only wait to see what "she" will do next.

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