Although Demon Realm feels similar to the main map, the same green plants everywhere and the same sun shone brightly, but this place is still a limited open map for gamers. So I don’t dare to lead everyone blindly. Even though my team is moving forward following the position of the white waves, I have never dared to increase my speed too much. I only dared to advance cautiously, afraid of jumping out halfway. Something you haven't seen makes something happen.

For a map that is not officially open to players, the players who have been here can be described as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, and every time they come there is a short stay, usually using Demon Realm is a mission transition area, not the main mission map, so the information here is still a mystery to most players.

According to the mutual induction between Bailang and me, I can confirm that Bailang is not in a dangerous state now, so I am not in a hurry, and the distance between us is indeed shrinking rapidly, because Bailang There seems to be taking the initiative to move closer to us.

"It's the front, you should be able to see them when you go around the hill." I pointed to the front and said.

Hades was the most anxious, an acceleration surpassed me and rushed to the side of the mountain. This small mountain bag is actually limited in height and small in area. Hades can see the situation behind it by detouring the side of the ridge, but after reaching the top of the mountain, he did not stop and wait for us but jumped over.

Because Hades entered the back of the mountain, we couldn't see his situation on our side. I had no choice but to speed up and rush up, just in case something happened.

Fortunately, when we chased up the mountain, we saw that Hades had joined the white waves, but what made our eye socket cracked was that the situation was completely different from what we thought before.

I didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Bailang, so I didn't worry too much, but when I saw them directly, I realized that it was not that they were all okay, but Bailang was okay. Now Bailang no longer has the elegant and unrestrained appearance. The long white hairs on his body are all entangled together, as if there are a lot of yarn balls hanging on his body, and the more horrible to see is to let the hair beat. The reason for the knot-blood donation. The reason why Bailang's hair became like this was entirely because his body was covered with blood and mud, and what was even more shocking was that the blood still seemed to belong to Pandora. What I saw when I stepped up the ridge was that Pandora was carried on the back by the white waves, and Hades was cautiously getting her down. It was obvious that Bailang and Pandora were in danger, and then Bailang ran back with her.

Although I don’t know why the powerful Pandora was injured and the White Waves was fine, but the current situation is not the time to understand this, we still need to quickly solve Pandora’s problem. After all, this is a high level talent in our guild. , It would be troublesome if it just hangs up like this.

"Go away." As I shouted, I spread my wings and glide directly from the ridge, and quickly landed by Pandora's side, and then in Hades's surprised gaze Two metal cans the size of a refrigerator were pulled out directly from him. "Yes, use this Divine Transformation to help her heal her injuries." As I said, I passed the two pipes on the huge tank directly into Hades's hands.

Hades also froze for a while before he suddenly reacted and quickly picked up the pipe and held it in his palm, but when he wanted to rescue Pandora, he found that he was holding the pipe in his hand. The extra hands went to help. After looking around anxiously, he unexpectedly glared at his waist and directly lifted off his waist armor, and then inserted the openings of the two pipes into his body.

Although this method of self-mutilation is relatively ruthless, it does not pose much threat to a god after all. After inserting the two tubes into his abdomen, Hades immediately put his hands on both sides of Pandora's forehead, and then turned his head towards me nodded.

When I saw Hades’s signal, I immediately said: "You hold back, I'm about to start." Without waiting for Hades to answer, I just pretended to open the two jars at the same time. Valve, and then saw Hades's body tremble suddenly, obviously caused by pain, but he quickly controlled his body, and then dazzling purple rays of light in his hands, and there was no response originally. Pandora also groaned suddenly, but there was no more movement after the groan, but watching her stretched brows at least proved that the treatment was still very effective.

In fact, those two jars are not ordinary things, but the Power of Faith that I promised to give to Supreme Taoist, but now things are urgent and can only be used to save lives. Fortunately, there are so many guilds of this stuff, so just look back and find some for Supreme Taoist.

With this thing, Pandora’s situation has finally stabilized. She was originally large and small with at least a few hundred wounds, which looked terrifying. If it weren’t for the strength of the body, she was probably dead. It's been several times, but even so, she was only left with her last breath. If we hadn't arrived here in time, I guess Pandora would hang up here.

Although Pandora's injury is under control, Hades is obviously under very heavy pressure. This Power of Faith is indeed a very good thing for Divine Race, almost as important as equivalent to food for humans. However, eating more nutritious things is not so comfortable, and the current state of Power of Faith is as if it is desperately pouring ginseng soup into the stomach while donating blood. Although human ginseng soup is absorbed, it will be transformed into nutrition to make the body produce a lot of blood, but the problem is that this process is not completed instantaneously, and Hades is now constantly transforming Power of Faith into divine force on the spot, and then forcibly Rushing into Pandora's body helps her naturally existing divine force to recover from her injuries. In this process, Hades is like a converter. Although there is a lot of energy flowing through his body, in fact, it is not only not a good thing for him, but it is a huge harm, if it is not because he is a person. With the existence of Lord Divine Grade, such a thing can make a god faint directly in just a few minutes. Of course, even if it is as strong as Hades, it does not mean that it can be supported indefinitely. After about ten minutes, Pandora's injury will heal bits and pieces, while Hades is suddenly without signs at this time. The gold coin fell directly, but gold coin stood next to him and reacted very quickly. He stretched out his hand to support Hades, and Hades fell into the hands of gold coin and immediately lost consciousness. If it weren’t for Divine Soul It was stable, I almost thought I had another god.

After Hades fainted, we don’t have much power to heal Pandora. Ladamantis is not good at this kind of thing, so he only absorbed a little Power of Faith and then A few more important key points were treated in a targeted manner. As for the innocuous parts, there is no way for the time being.

"Chairman, what should I do now?" Ladamantis asked me after he got it done: "Boss and Pandora are in a coma, and only me and Hongyan are the gods here. And it can hurt Master Pandora like this. The creatures here must be very experienced. Are we not safe here?"

I have no objection to what Radamantis said. , And I think so too, but the problem is that even if we have to go, we have to go! After all, Hong Yan is not a speciality of the Space System. This kind of transmission cannot be used frequently. Besides, when we came over, the space channel was just opened not long ago. Hong Yan can use the advantage of the incomplete recovery of the space barrier to directly penetrate another one. Hole ran over. But now we have been here for a while, and the channel entrance over there has been healed very well. In this case, how can we find the coordinates to go back? Although there are several people on our side who have the ability to open space barriers, finding the opposite position in the space channel is not what we are good at.

Faced with this situation, I can only talk to Radamantes and the others. After Radamantes heard what I said, he remembered that we no longer have the coordinates to go back. If you don't find a cross-region Transmission Formation, you simply can't go back. Of course, this kind of Transmission Formation is not too hard to find. In fact, there are many Transmission Formations from Demon Realm to the human world, but there is a limitation, that is, Demon Realm creatures cannot easily enter the human world, while human creatures are It is not easy to enter Demon Realm. But we are here now, and we will not be affected by this rule when we go back. After all, we are the existence of Human World, not Demon Realm creatures. That restriction will not prevent human creatures from returning to the human world.

"It looks like we still need to find a Transmission Formation first." Christina said.

Gold coin suddenly remembered and said: "By the way, President, you can quickly ask Bailang what attacked them?"

I also care about chaos, I patronized before. I'm worried about Pandora's problem, but I have forgotten the situation here. If according to my previous guess, the creatures that attacked Pandora and the Whitecaps should be quite powerful, and we don't know what the reality is. It happens to be here. Bailang can ask.

Bailang is not a dog. His intelligence is comparable to that of humans, so it’s useless. I asked. As soon as gold coin reminded him, he said directly, “I’m not sure what’s going on either. "

"Are you not sure?" This answer made us all stunned, because Pandora and Whitecaps acted together, and Pandora was so injured that Whitecaps actually said that he didn't know what was going on, you said How can this kind of thing not make us feel strange?

"Did you get separated later?" Christina asked.

Bai Lang shook his head and said: "No. I mean I don’t know why Pandora was injured."

"You should start from the beginning and talk about everything. We are in the mist!" I reminded.

Bailang nodded started to talk about it from the beginning, and we quickly understood what happened to them, but after listening, we were a little surprised how this happened.

First of all, Bailang got my instructions from the underworld to hunt down the chief insect egg that ran away, and then I asked Pandora to follow along just in case. The situation behind this was basically normal. They quickly caught up with the chief insect egg, which had broken its shell and evolved into an insect about the size of a puppy. Although this insect hid in the body of a ghoul, there was a white wave in it, which simply failed to lie to it, and was found directly, and then a battle broke out.

Although the chief insect itself is very strong in battle strength, it is just a larva that has just emerged from its shell. Where can it go even if it is experienced? So the larvae hunting chief insect was quickly shot out of its original shape under the encirclement of Bailang and Pandora, and then the thing had to run away. As a result, because Pandora and Bailang were too fast, they simply had no chance to run away. The chief insect larva, who was forced to look impatient, finally performed a big move to temporarily force back Pandora and Bailang, and then self-destructed half of the body to release energy and enter a super space door to run away.

Pandora and Bailang who reacted naturally couldn't let the chief insect larvae run away, so they chased them in. However, although the passageway was opened by the energy gained from the loss of half of the body by hunting chief insects, because it is already an arrow at the end of its flight at this time, the space gate itself is not very stable. Suddenly two more teleportation targets were added, and the originally unstable Transmission Gate naturally collapsed completely. Of course, after the space gate collapsed, it didn't mean to let them disappear directly, but to dump them all to Demon Realm's side.

As soon as the larvae of the chief insect hunted out of the space door, they immediately started to run, but at this time only half of their body was left. Because the wound was bleeding continuously, it was useless no matter how to run. The strong smell is like a beacon, constantly guiding Bailang and Pandora to pursue them.

After catching up with the chief insect hunting larva again, the two sides basically cannot say that there was a battle. Only Pando pulled his hand and released a small skill to catch the last larva. However, at this time there was a little accident.

When Pandora successfully captured the dying larva, a large group of people suddenly emerged from the forest. Originally, with Bailang and Pandora’s abilities, it would not be easy to get close, but because the goal to deal with was to hunt chief insect larvae, their attention was focused on hunting chief insect larvae, and they didn’t care much at all. The surrounding situation, coupled with the fact that the opponent may have used some ability similar to concealed aura at the time, the result was very easy to be approached by the opponent.

At first, it was no problem for these people to appear. The key is that one of these people actually said that they wanted the half of the chief insect in Pandora’s hands. Pandora’s answer was also super simple. The chief insect was burned to ashes. When the other party saw this situation, he was immediately furious, and then commanded his men to encircle Pandora and Bailang to let Pandora and Bailang follow them. Of course, Pandora and Bailang would not ignore such people, and the two sides broke up and fought in an instant.

In the beginning, Pandora's abilities were very powerful, it can be said to be slaughter all sides. Those people couldn't even survive a move in her hands, and almost half of them were wiped out in the blink of an eye. At this time, the other party realized that he had encountered a god, and then someone took out a crystal from his body and crushed it into fragments. As the fragments broke, the surrounding air suddenly added some kind of energy that the white waves could not explain. Fluctuations, and this energy fluctuation seems to be able to suppress Pandora’s strength, so that Pandora’s battle strength began to plummet, and at first he killed three or five people, but soon became weaker and weaker, and finally he was connected by the opponent. After cutting out hundreds of large and small wounds on his body, he finally gathered the last trace of strength and released a big move to push his opponent back. The White Wave, who had been using the Avatar mode in the vicinity to interfere with the enemy’s actions, also knew that his side was no longer there. The opponent's opponent was gone, so Bailang immediately retracted the Avatar, rushed over and picked up Pandora and ran. Of course those people are impossible. The enemy ran away when they were about to win. It's a pity that the white waves are still fast even with the individual on their back. They ran out of the opponent in the blink of an eye between the woodland that was originally criss-crossed. The sight range of the opponent, but the opponent's person is simply unable to keep up with the speed of the white waves, and can only be thrown away helplessly.

"It turns out that the divine force was restricted. No wonder I was injured like this." Christina said after listening: "In this way, we don't have to worry. Hearing what Bailang said, the other party seems to be injured. It just limits the divine force and does not affect our magic, so they should not be our opponents."

Radamantis is also nodded and said at this time: "Although my divine force will Being restrained, but as long as you can still fight, there should be no problem. Anyway, you can usually fight with us goddesses, which is equivalent to the land god, and the other party can’t limit your power and can only be beaten. In this way Our danger is no longer there, and I think we should go and find the other party the other way around."

We don’t have any doubts about Ladamantis’s suggestion, because we all know Lada Mantis means. Now we need a Transmission Formation to return to the normal map, and there must be a gathering point where those people come, and as long as the gathering point is found, the Transmission Formation will definitely be found. This is only the first factor, and the second is that the other party uses something that can limit the divine force, which is a thing worth studying. According to Bailang’s statement, the person without the slightest hesitation took out the thing and used it directly. If that kind of thing can really limit the divine force, then when we fight Divine Race in other countries, it can take a big advantage.

Of course, the above two reasons are not all, and the third reason I guess may be that Radamantis wants to take revenge.

Although Hades is a Pluto and specializes in the dead, it is different from the Divine King of Zeus. Hades looks cold and cold on the surface, but in the bones is actually very A gentle person, he is more like a parent in the Hades, like a father. Although this is a strict father and has always been reserved, the manifestation of fatherly love does not need to play with you at all. It is a kind of existence like Qin Tianzhu, giving people a feeling of an umbrella.

Because of the status of Hades in the mind of the gods of the underworld, the respect of the gods of the underworld for Hades is from the heart, and because of such a Good leadership has made the Plutos extremely united. Everyone is like brother sisters in a big family. Although the distinction between respect and inferiority is still obvious, the feelings are very good.

Now Pandora is injured like this by the other party. Hades fainted himself in order to heal Pandora. How can ordinary people swallow this breath with such serious consequences? What's more, Radamantis is a Divine Race, which itself is the existence of aloof and remote. Even now that our Frost Rose League has become much more approachable, Divine Race is still Divine Race, and their pride penetrates in the bones. , It’s not that you can get rid of it if you change it. Under what circumstances can you say that if you don't take revenge, how can Radamantis be willing?

We all understand these thoughts of Radhamantis, but in fact we also have the same thoughts. Although my relationship with Hades and Pandora is not as good as the brothers’ hands and feet, I’ve always been very good to my subordinates. Whatever happened to Pandora, I can be regarded as a member of the Frost Rose League. I was actually injured by others. How can I swallow this breath?

Since everyone agrees, there is nothing left to say. Let the white waves lead the way, and we will follow all the way back. However, although we want revenge, Pandora and Hades have become two burdens. They are all in a coma now. Although they seem to be in a stable state, we are going to fight. It is not suitable to have two deities in a coma that cannot fight. After thinking for a long time, I finally opened the door of the earth and ran to discuss with the mother of the earth, wanting to let the two wounded and sick take a rest here.

The mother of the earth has always been very tolerant of such small things that do not involve rule issues. I just said it and asked others to directly agree, and what surprised me was these two people this time. I don’t know which way I’m going to have good luck, but when the Mother Earth is in a particularly good mood, she directly agreed to my request and asked me to place the person directly in the Mother Earth Temple instead of my Qilin. The grassland where the warriors are stationed.

This Temple of the Mother Earth is not an ordinary building. Everything in this place has rules. As long as Hades and Pandora sleep here, they can absorb a lot of Rule Power, although It may not produce any actual laws for them to use, but at least the battle strength can definitely rise by a large amount. If good luck understands any small laws, the strength may even be overturned. This is definitely luckier than the Mark Six lottery.

Of course, I am grateful for the enthusiasm of the Mother Earth today. Then I asked my Qilin warrior to help carry the two Divine Races into the Temple of the Earth Mother. Mother Earth actually surprised me again, she actually asked me to arrange people in the small garden in the center of the inner court of Mother Earth God's Temple. This garden is the Central Region of the Temple of Mother Earth. There are buildings around the plane, and here is a garden. It is planted with incredible super plants, like a divine fruit that can be upgraded to more than ten levels by eating one. It's almost as worthless as weeds here, and more fruit than this is all over the ground. Of course, I’m not stupid. I can take the fairy fruit from Celestial Court. Every time I go to Celestial Court, I feel like a devil enters the village, but I don’t even touch the fruit from the mother of the earth. I've touched it once, even without looking at it more. Because I know what you can touch and what you can’t touch. It’s also because I know how to score. So even sometimes what I do may seem abrupt, but whether it’s Celestial Court or Mother Earth I haven't really blamed me.

It’s not annoying to take advantage of it. It requires technology, and I happen to be good at it.

After bringing the two people in, the mother of the earth asked me to put them by the fountain in the middle of the garden, and then the mother of the earth kindly touched the foreheads of the two people, and then After thinking about it, I got a little water from the fountain next to it and blew it directly on the faces of two people. After the water drops fell on the faces of two people, it was as if they had fallen on the sponge, and they disappeared in an instant, but I could see that the expressions of both people had changed. Obviously, they entered from the uncomfortable state before. In a state of restful sleep.

"Okay, just leave me here, you can go to work if you have anything."

"That...Is there nothing for the mother goddess to do?" I asked carefully road.

"Why do you ask?" The Mother of the Earth asked in surprise.

I touched my head and replied straightforwardly: "Because you seem to be very good to me today, I always feel unsure in my heart!"

"Then I will treat you next time It's better to be a little bit fierce to keep you steadfast." Mother Earth said jokingly.

Of course, I hurriedly told forgiveness, and then evacuated quickly after a few compliments. Although the mother of the earth is in a good mood, I still have things to do. I can’t always delay here.

After we came out again, we swiftly hit the road, and soon we reached the place where Pandora and Whitecaps were fighting together. This place was originally a mountain forest with a small slope, but the trees are very dense, but now it looks like a typhoon has just been bad, there are broken wood stumps all over the ground, and there are a lot of turned over dirt and big pits. Anyway, it was almost a matter of inserting a sign to write the battlefield ruins.

"I said, how many people did you kill each other here before?" I asked, looking at the severed limbs that can be seen everywhere. It's not that I am troubled, but because I have too many broken limbs. This place has obviously been cleaned by the other party, and the bodies of those people have been taken away, but the remaining limbs have not been taken. This shows that there are too many people and the other party can't be too busy, so only the corpses are taken away Some unremarkable parts of the main components are not taken care of. But even so, there are still broken hands and feet everywhere in this place.

Bailang replied very simply: "I did not kill a few people at the time. Although the opponent's strength is not very strong, but also not soft persimmon, besides, I am not a particularly powerful creature. Not happy. These all are caused by Pandora. Her speed at killing enemies is too exaggerated. When she shoots her opponent, she is killed or injured. At that time, I saw her surrounding her like a meat grinder. People who are within two meters of her will change. It flew out in a pile of fragments."

Radamantis said next to him: "That’s Master Pandora’s magic gun battle skill, a very powerful skill that can be used on the battlefield. There is no way to stand within two meters. The adults used this kind of battle skill when they took us to fight against the Vatican guys before. In the chaos army, it is like entering an uninhabited state."

"It is worthy of being the second in the underworld!" I sighed, and then said: "Hurry up and look for anything that interferes with the divine force, the residue of the crystal or something in the air. These energy fluctuations are okay."

After hearing my words, several people immediately dispersed and started looking for what I said, while Bailang looked for the place where the other party crushed the crystal in his memory. Those crystal shards.

The results of the final search were very bad. Except for the fact that Bailang barely got some white powder because he remembered the location, he was not sure whether it was a powder of crystal shards. Everyone found nothing, but this situation is also unexpected. In, there are not many strange things to everyone.

After leaving this place, we began to track forward under the guidance of the white waves, and found that there was a stone building not far forward from here. The structure of this building looks very much like a temple, but it has been abandoned for a long time. Not to mention that the outside is covered with vines, and even big trees have grown on the top, which shows that this thing is definitely old. However, even though this thing is a long time ago, the other group of people just got into it.

We followed the smell left by these people into the building, and then we found that the other party left more information. After these people entered this place, because they encountered plant roots in the passage, they used a sharp Mountain Splitting Saber to cut off a lot of plant roots. The fresh plant fragments on the ground are the best evidence. Moreover, we also smelled the odor after the burning of grease in the passage, indicating that the other party had used torch. But we are useless.

None of us are ordinary people. Most people have their own night vision capabilities. If you don’t, you can use spell to supplement it. No lighting is needed. Compared with torch's rays of light, the night vision ability is obviously better. After all, the farther the torch's rays of light, the darker, so the lighting effect is actually very bad. The reason why players use the magic torch is just because it is cheap. After all, the thing is a common consumable. Although the unit price is not high, the frequency of use is too high, and the consumption of accumulated over a long period of time is not small.

With these obvious traces, our search progress has been significantly accelerated, even if there are some deviations, don’t worry, anyway, the other party is leading us in front, we just need to follow along.

After chasing for a distance, we suddenly noticed some echoes in front of us, and it seemed that someone was talking. The person who was walking in the front raised hand directly, and the people behind immediately stopped at full speed. Christina leaned forward and asked: "What's the situation?"

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