When I said that Pandora might have an accident, Hades immediately looked towards me in surprise and asked: "Where is their last position?"

"Over there."

After Hades heard what I said, he rushed out. When I saw the situation, I had to follow him and show him the way, but I heard Klee without two steps. Stina shouted from behind, "Why are we all gone?"

I looked back at the corpse on the floor and then at the others and said, "Peacock, trouble you here. It’s okay to deal with it, right?"

The Peacock King nodded said: "You go, I can just watch it here."

I nodded and then I ask others to chase after him. Diss ran out.

Actually, the disappearance of Pandora and Whitecaps’ messages is not far from us, but when we got there, we found traces of battle on the ground, and even I found some on a rock next to it. light blue blood.

"This is... the blood of chief insect hunting?" I looked at the blood and said uncertainly.

Hong Yan brought his head over to smell it, and then said: "No, this smell comes from another creature."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you doubt the sense of smell of giant dragon?" Hong Yan looked at me angrily and asked.

I looked at the red Flame Dao again: "But you only have the skeleton!"

"My fleshy body is being condensed, and it has not been released just because it has not been completed yet. , But some basic abilities have been restored. Thank you for your unlimited supply of Power of Faith. If in the past, this would be something I couldn’t even think of."

I barely laughed and asked Said: "Then I will trouble you to contribute your excellent sense of smell now. My best tracking expert lost himself. I now need someone who is good at tracking to help."

Hong Yan Very refreshingly said: "I didn't help much when I dealt with chief insect hunting before. What is this little thing?"

"That's not to blame you, I didn't let you get close." Facts When I dealt with chief insect hunting before, I did not let Hongyan get close. It was not because I was afraid that Hongyan would not be able to fight chief insect, but because the battle method of chief insect hunting was rather special, and I was worried that Hongyan would be robbed of the head. Moreover, although Hongyan is now in Spirit Dragon dead state, his Dragon Flame is still usable, so if something bad happens, he can still use Dragon Flame to save the field. After all, there is a super large flamethrower. Isn't it a peace of mind to hold the line?

After agreeing to me, Hong Yan began to sniff around the ground here. After simply rotating around this place twice, Hong Yan said directly: "The goal happened here. Fighting, but there was a lot of strange aura mixed in it. It seemed that many creatures suddenly appeared here, and I also smelled a very strange smell."

"Strange smell? What kind of smell? Smell?"

"I'm not sure."

"Don't even know what the smell is?"

Hong Yan is quite embarrassed "No, I actually know what it smells like, but...this thing shouldn’t be here!"

"What the hell do you smell?" Hardy Si couldn't help asking.

Hong Yan hesitated for a while and still said: "It should be Blood Moon Orchid."

"Blood Moon Orchid? What is it?" Gold coin asked curiously.

Hong Yan thought for a while to explain: "It is a very rare flower, because it only grows under the special moonlight, so it is called Blood Moon Orchid, but this thing is only left in Demon Realm, but here It’s the underworld!"

Hades reacted the fastest. He stretched out his hand and found something like a compass from behind and threw it into the sky. After it flew up, it suddenly lit up in the sky. Get up, and then project a large blue faint rays of light. A large area of ​​various messy footprints appeared on the ground around us in an instant, among which there are actually a few marks like hooves.

"Damn! Really have the footprints of the devil!" After I finished speaking, I immediately reacted and hurriedly turned back and shouted at Christina: "Kristina, space capture."< /p>

"Understood!" After hearing what I said, Christina immediately took out a handful of special powder from her body and threw it into the sky. The powder immediately flew away to spread a large area around it. It's all covered in it. However, these powders did not land directly after they flew up. Instead, some of them began to gather in a certain area, and finally gathered into a huge sphere somewhere among us. All the powders were sucked into the three meters in diameter. In the many spherical areas, and then indiscriminately flying among them.

"There really is a space channel!" Gold coin said: "What should I do now? Pandora, the only one who will forcibly open the space link, has been taken away. How are we going to get there?"

"Space Link is not only used by Pandora. At least I will use it if there is a teleportation target." Hong Yan said, he directly used his big claws to pull us all aside, and then faced the sphere. Stare. Just hearing a bang, the spherical area actually burned on its own. The raging fire seemed to have formidable power, but to our surprise Hong Yan shouted: "Fast forward, I can only support it for a while." /p>

I didn't delay hearing Hong Yan's words, so I rushed in with Hades. It’s strange to say that although this thing is driving like a big flaming Fireball, but it really doesn’t feel any temperature when it walks in. On the contrary, it feels a bit chilly, but this feeling lasts for a very short time, only two seconds before and after. It's over around. When we regained our eyesight, we realized that we had reached the other side of the channel entrance, and behind us was a large Fireball that was exactly the same.

As Hades and I passed through the Fireball first, Zhenhong, gold coin, Christina, Ladamantes, and Hongyan followed suit. Of course, Hong Yan had already turned into a human form when I came over this time. After all, Fireball was so big, if it was still in the shape of a dragon, Hong Yan would definitely not be able to survive.

"It seems that my nose hasn't been a problem yet." Hong Yan immediately said after seeing the sight here, and we also completely agree with him, because this is completely Demon Realm, different In the underworld, Demon Realm is more like another world, which is very different from the underworld. Speaking of which Demon Realm is more like the human world. Although the name has a magic word, this place does not seem to be very different from the human world at first glance, that is, the magic power is much higher than the human world.

"Hongyan, quickly smell Pandora where they are?" Hades worried about Pandora's safety and urged as soon as he came out.

Hong Yan was preempted by me before he could speak: "No, I can sense the position of the white waves, just follow me."

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