"Skill—thunder shines."

As my skills were activated, a lightning bolt as thick as a bucket suddenly fell from the sky and hit my body directly , But I didn’t suffer any harm. On the contrary, the back of the chief insect hunting under my feet was instantly blown up with a big hole. The hard scales exploded like explosives inside, and spewed out. His muscle tissue was burnt into coke in an instant, and then it flew out.

This sudden attack caused the chief insect hunter to twist violently. Pandora had to use her magic spear nailed into the back of the chief insect hunter to fix himself and prevent it from falling. The side is not so troublesome. Because of the hole just blasted, I have completely fallen into the muscle tissue for chief insect hunting, and now I can’t fall out.

Although a big hole has been opened in this guy, this kind of damage is basically a piece of meat as big as a five-cent coin from an ordinary person. The same, although it will be very painful, but in fact, as long as it is not in a critical position, it will not be fatal at all, and it is not even a serious injury. It will naturally recover with a little care.

Since the damage is not big enough, I can't let it go. Besides, I'm in its body now. How can such a good opportunity be let go?

The chief insect hunter probably knew that I wouldn’t leave so easily, so I twisted my body crazily and wanted to threw me away, but I was in the big pit on its back at this time. All around is blocked by its flesh, simply can't fall. Of course, this guy's endless twisting itself also caused a lot of trouble for my subsequent attacks. However, this is not a problem.

When my body hit the meat wall of the chief insect hunting and bounced back to the center of the meat pit, I suddenly raised my hands horizontally, and then shot the dragon's tendons toward both sides. The two cable heads were accurately nailed into the muscle tissues on both sides and instantly penetrated into the deep tissues and stuck in the muscles. With these two cables, I won't be thrown around casually.

After controlling my figure, I immediately took out the eternity to cast the thunder sparkle again, the huge electric pillar fell from the sky, ignoring that the guy’s protective cover directly hit the meat pit where I was, and then I took the original two. The large pit with a depth of more than two meters has been extended downward by more than two meters.

Actually, the damage caused by the thunder flash to the chief insect hunter is far more than the physical damage, because this skill itself has a lightning attribute, so it will affect the entire body of the chief insect hunter. And this skill can also weaken the target creature's ability to move to a certain extent, which also brings convenience to my subsequent attacks.

The hunting chief insect hit twice in a row, and the twisting and struggling was obviously slower by half a beat. Taking advantage of this pause, I immediately released the dragon's tendons, and then one-handed a little behind the back. The ring of discipline that has been hanging on my back instantly broke into two and a half months, and then the two and a half months quickly floated by my side and started high-speed rotation around me. During the rotation, the half moon split again, each of which was divided into three pieces, so there were six half-moon-shaped blades around me spinning at high speed like free electrons revolving around the nucleus.

Confirming that Ban Yue has been fully activated, I immediately transformed Eternity into a drill bit and placed it under my feet. At the same time, my legs clamped the upper part of Eternity, and the whole person stepped on it and twisted it in place. Turned.

Because I stepped on eternity under my feet, I turned like a drill and followed that guy’s muscle layer and quickly rushed into its body. The flesh and blood that was cut off for a while was like a fountain. Flying out of the big pit, and my whole person disappeared into the pink blood mist in the blink of an eye like a ground bomb.

The drill on my side is pretty cool, but the chief insect hunting is uncomfortable. Under my high-speed cutting, the flesh and blood of chief insect hunting is like being cut by Ling Chi. The spray was everywhere, and the huge pain caused the huge monster to start rolling all over the floor, but at this time I had penetrated into the chief insect hunter's body, and the normal rolling didn't affect me at all.

When the chief insect hunter was struggling on the ground, it seemed that even his muscles began to cramp. Suddenly everyone discovered that a red sharp horn suddenly appeared on the guy’s stomach, followed by a splash of flesh and blood. , A huge red drill bit suddenly ejected from the pile of flesh and blood, and after leaving the body of the chief insect hunter, the huge drill bit immediately began to slowly stop.

"Damn, I'm so dizzy! I won't be able to use this trick in the future!" As soon as I stopped from the drill state, I felt as if I could not find a sense of balance. I staggered and almost sat on the ground, thanks to Pandora reacted quickly and flew over and pulled me up and ran away.

We succeeded in making a big hole in the chief insect hunter here, and the chief insect hunter kept making sharp and miserable howlings, and there was nothing to chase after it. Obviously it hurt too much. There is no energy to take care of our side.

Because of the severe pain, the chief insect hunting can no longer maintain the protective cover on our body. As soon as Pandora and I jumped out, we saw Hades and Ladamantis launch two powerful attacks. However, only Hades’ attacks were effective. They cut off a large piece of the monster’s body and dozens of limbs at a time. As for the attacks of Ladamantis, it was unfortunate that they were all hit on the monster’s head. . Although the petal-like structure looks very fragile, the defensive power of this thing is actually unimaginable. It actually hardened the full strength attack of Radamantis without any damage, but it was Radamantis. Because he was too close, he was almost dragged into the petals by those snakeheads. However, thanks to the restraint of Radamantis, the peacock took the opportunity to rush up to a colorful divine light and swept it directly to cut the chrysanthemum-like head down to the root.

Although the peacock is not the strongest existence here, it is at least the top three in terms of combat experience. In addition, her attack power is super high, so although her attack frequency is not high, she can produce miraculous effects every time. Don't look at the formidable power of Hades's attack, but the peacock actually hurts more. After all, she only took two shots and cut off the two heads of chief insect hunting.

Because of the loss of a main head, the chief insect immediately began to scream more harshly, and this time we also saw the structure of the chief insect's neck. It turns out that the neck of this thing is not something like muscle tissue or skeleton, but a kind of white tentacles about the size of a human arm. Of course, it is said that the tentacles are relative to our size. This kind of thickness is basically silk thread for the chief insect hunter itself, and there are at least tens of thousands of this stuff in the neck of the chief insect hunter. , Densely packed can be disgusting.

At the moment when the head was cut off, the chief insect roared sharply, but did not give up fighting as before, but suddenly sprayed all the white tentacles from the neck. go out. The first one to suffer was of course Ladamantis. After all, he was the only one who attacked Hades and Peacocks just now, but they all attacked from a distance, and he rushed up alone, so he was the closest to chief insect hunting.

Looking at the tentacles hiding the sky and covering the earth entangled towards him, Ladamantis, of course, immediately began to fly back, and in fact he had already done this before. But those white tentacles were so fast that they caught up with Ladamantis in the blink of an eye and directly wrapped Ladamantis' limbs, head and waist in his strenuous slashing, almost smashing them. The package became something like a mummy.

Although I haven't seen the hunting of chief insects robbing people's heads, the current situation is the rhythm of robbing people's heads. This Radamantis is the first War General under Hades, and it would be great fun if he was picked off here.

"Save people!" I broke away from Pandora's support and shouted directly.

In fact, I don’t want to call people around me know what to do. Just as my voice was uttered, Christina's attack was smashed out like a torrential rain. This time she used her signature skill—Rainbow Jet. Numerous densely packed magic missiles rushed out like a flood after a dam broke, and in the blink of an eye they ran into the white tentacles of chief insect hunting. Although the number of these tentacles is huge, the defensive power seems to be not that great. After being hit by the magic missile torrential rain, there are a lot of breaks, but the problem is that the tentacles seem to be able to regenerate, and the speed is amazing. Coming out, almost almost catching up with Christina's cleaning speed.

Gold coin was holding a Heavenly Venerable sword and pointed to the sky after a little preparation: "sword array-flywheel!" I saw the sword pouch behind gold coin ejected in the blink of an eye. Thousand handles Flying Sword, and then a group of dozens of handles, with all the hilts facing inward and the tip of the sword facing outwards, forming countless sword wheels in the air. Following the gold coin finger pointed forward: "Go." Those flywheels whirled and moved towards the tentacle and hit it. The fast-rotating sword wheels are like cutting blades. As soon as they touch the white tentacles, they immediately crush dry weeds and smashing rotten wood directly into the tentacles, and these flywheels do not just rush past, but rather Those tentacles repeatedly rushed, and the cut white tentacles fell like rain. Cooperating with Christina's attack, it barely blocked the growth of the tentacles.

"Boss, do you have a liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb?" Zhen Hong suddenly asked me.

Although I don't know what Real Red is going to do, I just threw it over. After Zhen Hong took it, she rushed to the back of Chief Insect Hunter and ran through the big hole I drilled and passed. At this time, Chief Insect, who was playing a tug-of-war with Ladamantis, did not notice the real red movement at all. As a result, she rushed directly into the hole, and then quickly fell out from the other side. As soon as Zhen Hong had her head, she immediately ran and shouted: "Everyone is lying down!"

Along with a loud explosion sound, two huge strands suddenly burst out of the chief insect hunter's body. The flame, in an instant, countless fragments of flesh and blood poured down like a torrential rain, and instantly poured everyone on our side transparently. Although Radamantis was also doused with blood, the tentacles on his body suddenly loosened, and the whole person jumped out immediately. Looking back at the chief insect hunting over there, he was squirming hard on the ground at this time. Looking back, you can see that the back of this guy's waist has been exploded into two sections. Although it has not been completely disconnected, the connected part is only a little muscle fiber and the outer skin. The inside has been completely exploded. Basically Even if it is completely broken.

The out-of-control chief insect tail section started crawling all over the floor instinctively. As a result, the body in front of it had no head. This time, the injury was not light, and it couldn’t keep up with the moving speed of the back section. In the end, the self that was born unexpectedly broke the only point of connection to himself.

The chief insect, which has become a two-piece hunting chief insect, has shown a completely different response. The body at the back began to crawl around with the support of the remaining hundreds of legs, but the movements were very uncoordinated, and it felt like a cockroach with its head cut off. Although it will not die, the behavior is complete. It doesn't make sense anymore. Although the body on the other side is long, there is no longer any head connected to it. However, this headless body shows a completely different response from the tail with eight heads connected to it. Although it still has many legs, It didn't crawl on the ground, but started to squirm there, as if something was about to come out of its belly.

Although I don’t know what the situation is now, it’s certain that this thing is not dead, so we didn’t plan to give it a chance. The peacock rushed to shua~ shua ~ shua~ A few divine lights swept over, and then saw that the tail connecting the eight heads had been completely cut into pieces. Those eight heads connected to the tail were sitting on the ground indiscriminately with some strange reactions. Some of the heads have their mouths one by one as if they are about to speak, and some have their eyes moving around, and they don’t seem to be looking at things, but rather like eyeball cramps. As for the other heads, they are also different. Reaction, but after all, there was no complete death.

Here, the peacock sliced ​​the second half of the chief insect hunter. On the other hand, Hades and Supreme Taoist did not move slowly. Numerous attacks smashed the first half of the chief insect hunter like a rainstorm. On top, in the blink of an eye, this guy was riddled with holes like a sieve. However, even such an attack did not seem to completely inactivate the first half of the body. Although the peristalsis was obviously slowed down a lot, this thing still persisted in twitching twice from time to time.

"Is this dead?" Zhen Hong asked as she wiped the blood off her body and got up and carefully looked at the debris over there.

We also want to know about her problem, but for the time being, we don’t know if this is done. Everyone can only watch the results carefully. At least this thing has been Wouldn’t it be possible to have much battle strength after a blast like this? Anyway, when it was complete, we dismantled it like this. It doesn't make sense to be shredded, but it is even more powerful, right?

In fact, this thing hasn't died yet, but this state is a bit strange.

It was not the insect's body that first appeared abnormal, but the chrysanthemum head that was cut off by the peacock before. This head was originally in danger after it landed, so everyone didn’t pay attention to the head for a while, plus the lion head that was cut off was also the same. After landing, there was no movement, so we thought this head was the same. It's dead if you cut it off. Who knew it was all right to drop this thing, and it seemed that he could fight independently.

Just when all of our attention was focused on the corpse of the insect, the chrysanthemum over there was quietly crawling out of many ink-black tentacles. thing. These things got under the ground as soon as they climbed out, and then began to rapidly increase in value underground and quickly extended to all directions. As these things expanded, the head of the chrysanthemum that had been wilted suddenly stood upright from the ground. Arise, and as it resurrected, there was something like a snake head hidden in the chrysanthemum. Those things suddenly stretched out like a goddess scattered flowers, and directly curled up Ladamantis with his back to it.

I don’t know if Ladamantis was lucky today. He just broke away from the white tentacles hunting chief insect and was entangled by the snake head inside the chrysanthemum again.

We found Ladamantis as soon as he was entangled here, but before we were able to rescue, the first half of the chief insect on the other side suddenly had a problem. It was like an explosion. Suddenly, this half of the body exploded. Then we heard an unusually harsh and sharp hiss. With this ugly scream, we saw a huge black shadow from the corpse of the insect. When he came out, he spread out a pair of huge wings covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

"My sun! Why is this going to play infinite regeneration?"

We just complained about the gold coin here, and the remaining insect tails over there are also out. problem. The tail of the chopped chief insect didn't respond much, but the eight heads didn't work. Among them, the old witch had a lot of black silk threads sticking out of her head to push her head up, and then she turned around and ran after she looked around.

Although that head is not going to attack us, what I have to do at this time is to keep the scope of influence of the matter within the minimum range, so of course I cannot let any of the heads go out. Seeing that the thing can run fast with only a pile of silk thread support, I hurriedly said to Pandora next to me: "Thank you to stop it, you can't let that head run away."

Pandora's reaction is better than that. I'm still fast. Seeing that the head over there is actually going to run, I turned around and threw my magic gun upwards and changed the position of a tender gun to catch the gun body, and then hurled forward with graceful movements, the magic gun He immediately shot away, hitting the old witch's head with incomparable precision, and instantly nailed it to the ground.

Also, the gods of Olympus deserve to have invented the existence of the Olympic Games. The innate talent of this sport is really good, at least Pandora's javelin is very slippery.

After the old woman's head was dealt with by one trick, the remaining heads also stretched out black silk threads and stood up from the ground, but because of the previous reminder, the rest of us also reacted. Coming over, gold coin and Christina, who are good at one-to-many, quickly went around and blocked the path of those heads and drove them all to one place. Obviously these brains are intelligent, and their level of intelligence is not very low, because they just saw that we killed the old witch's head and knew that we were a lot of troubles, and they didn't directly conflict with us and were obediently driven to one place. .

Although the head here is quiet, the flower on the other side is not so obedient. I don’t know if it’s a brainless thing. After the resurrection, this thing became very crazy. Grabbing Ladamantis is a mess. Although the defensive power of Ladamantis is good, there is no damage for the time being, but according to this rhythm Sooner or later I will get killed. Of course, we will not sit and watch him unlucky.

Gold coin and Christina went to intercept those heads. Real Red, Hades, Pandora, Peacock, Supreme Taoist went to surround the monster that just broke out of the chief insect hunting body. , Of course, the rest of me can only cooperate with the monster girl to solve the trouble of Ladamantis.

In fact, the attack power of that flower is not very high, that is, the snake heads flying around are a bit troublesome. I tried to rush, but found that I couldn't rely on it at all. In the end, I cruelly threw Eternity out and turned it into a sword wheel and forcibly cut it in. After cutting off countless snake heads, he finally managed to get close to Radamantes, but at this time Radamantes was obviously a little dizzy.

Eternally, a cutting cut off all the snake heads under Radamantis, and Radamantis who lost control immediately fell off. I flicked my hand and shot the dragon's tendons. The head of the cable splayed into claws in the air. After hitting Ladamantis, I immediately banged and bit the armor on Ladamantis' shoulders. Pull, Ladamantis was immediately dragged out of the stray snakes.

"Huh, I finally came out, I thought I was going to die!" Radamantes who was pulled out sighed with lingering fear.

I said with a smile: "Don't worry, you won't hang up so easily with me."

Radamantes nodded looked at the chrysanthemum over there and asked "What about that stuff?"

"I can do this." As I said, I patted it directly on my wrist, and a ghost worm immediately crawled out of the wormhole on my wrist. The ghost worm zhi zhi that just came out yelled twice and immediately spread its wings and flew towards the chrysanthemum over there. After that, the inside of the wormhole on my wrist suddenly burst out densely packed like a flood. Insect infestation. A large group of ghost insects rushed toward the chrysanthemums densely packed. Although they were killed a lot when they came up, more insects still covered the snake heads sticking out of the chrysanthemums. As soon as they came into contact with those snake heads, these ghost insects immediately followed the snake head into the snake body, and more ghost insects simply attached directly to the body of the chrysanthemum and began to bite and drill in, even deep underground. The roots are not let go.

The attack power of the chrysanthemum is not strong, relying on the amazing defense and the repair speed is too fast, but this ghost insect is like the nemesis of this flower. In terms of number, ghost worms have never been afraid of anyone. As for you said that the defense is high... the mouth of the ghost worms can bite all things, so no matter how high the defense is, it is useless. As for the rapid growth... that is just to make these ghost worms more enjoyable.

The original arrogant chrysanthemum has no power to parry in front of the ghost worms hiding the sky and covering the earth. It is completely covered by densely packed ghost worms in the blink of an eye, and it towers high. The pile of worms that had been raised was also deflating at a speed visible to naked eye, and it was obvious that it would be completely gnawed away soon.

After I left it alone, my gaze focused on the new creature that broke out of the corpse of the chief insect hunter, which was surrounded there, compared to the heads that were relatively safe. , This new creature has become the biggest threat, and Supreme Taoist's next reminder also made us more careful.

"Everyone, be careful, this is the Life Source beast that hunts chief insects."

"Life Source beast?" We have never heard of this thing, so we don’t know what it is. It is a Life Source beast.

Supreme Taoist explained: "The body of chief insect hunting is an insect. Although the battle strength is also very strong, it does not like to fight with its own body, so the adult chief insect hunting will choose a very Powerful creatures will serve as the delivery rooms for the next generation. The female chief insect will lay eggs in the body of this creature, and then the larvae will start to gnaw off the brain of this creature from the inside and finally take over the creature completely. The creature used as a nursery room is the Life Source beast that hunts chief insects. Unless you encounter life and death choices, you will not be replaced in your life."

"If this is now Life Source beast, then what was it that we killed before?" Zhen Hong asked.

"That is a corpse puppet controlled by chief insect hunting. It is the Life Source animal that hunts chief insect to control itself. The beast hunts other creatures, and then puts their corpses together to form a temporary body. This body experience According to the situation, they are continuously disassembled and combined, so the shape is not fixed. After the chief insects obtain these corpses, they will also fix the heads of the creatures on the body, so that it can control the heads of these creatures and use their skills and skills before death. divine ability. This is also the origin of the name chief insect hunting."

"This thing will lay eggs, so that means more than one?" I asked in surprise.

Supreme Taoist nodded and said: "There was indeed more than one, but this thing is too harmful and is not a good thing for all living things, so immortals, gods, demons, demons, and witches Almost all of them will be destroyed directly after seeing this. This is probably the last one."

"Fortunately, there are not many of these things. If there are as many insects as flies, then we can There is really no way to survive!" Gold coin exclaimed.

"President, since this is the last one, do you want to catch it for Demon Insect?" Christina asked suddenly.

I shook my head as soon as I heard it. "I don't want such a disgusting thing! Besides, this thing has a different meaning. Doesn't it mean to bring hatred to yourself with this familiar?"

"That's it!" Christina said .

Supreme Taoist also followed: "According to the original agreement, all races have an obligation to kill this thing. Even if you want me, you won't let you keep it."

"Hurry up and kill it, it would be better if such a disgusting thing should be extinct." I said and suddenly looked towards those heads over there and asked: "Supreme Taoist, what's the matter with those heads? Hunting chief insect Still Avatar?"

"Almost." Supreme Taoist replied: "After the chief insect controls the heads of other creatures, it will plant an egg in each head, and then once it has been If you kill them, the owner of these heads will not die immediately, but will regain their original sanity. Under normal circumstances, once these heads regain their sanity, of course they will immediately scatter and flee, which is equivalent to taking out the eggs of chief insect hunting. After these heads leave successfully, the eggs will hatch after a while, and then they will eat up and grow into a new chief insect, and slowly start their own way of growth. It is a way of continuation of the race."

"Damn, you didn't say it earlier!" I hurriedly said to Pandora: "Quickly, the old witch's head, quickly get it back and burn it, so that the eggs in those heads can't be brought back to life!"

< p> "Got it!" Pandora rushed over when she heard Supreme Taoist's words, and then picked up the head immediately and was about to burn it, but she didn't have time to do it but I stopped it.

"Don't burn first!"

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