"Think about Nirvana... Go to your dream!" Seeing that chief insect hunts to Nirvana with all my heart, I yelled quickly, and then turned back to Christy Loudly shouted: "Kristina, cool down!"

"Absolutely zero!" With Kristina's conclusion, the space around us suddenly began to ash-gray quickly Transformation, and it's not only the surface of the object, but also the air and everything around it. Absolute zero is not the same as normal temperature. When an object enters absolute zero, it will not freeze, but will...collapse.

Although elementary school students all know the phenomenon that substances change their properties under the influence of different temperatures, not many people know that there are actually four temperature forms of substances. In addition to our common three modes of gas, liquid and solid, matter will also appear in a fourth form-condensed state when it enters absolute zero.

Although most of the solid matter we see in naked eye shows a dense form, the actual situation is not the case. The molecules that make up a substance are actually not closely arranged, and there are many gaps between them. When the object has a certain temperature, this kind of void will be manifested, so the matter appears in a relatively fluffy shape. Of course, this fluffy only refers to the accumulation of molecules, not that the solids we see are fluffy. However, once the temperature drops to absolute zero, this fluffy form will no longer exist, the gaps between molecules will disappear completely, and all molecules will exist in a dense form. Precisely because of the disappearance of this gap, when the object enters absolute zero, it will show a sudden reduction in volume, and at this time the matter has entered a condensed state.

Kristina’s absolute zero can take out all the surrounding temperature in an instant, so there is no white frost or snowflakes, but directly let all matter including air Entered into a condensed state. In this state, the matter will become ash-gray, and because even the air is condensed, all the matter will directly fall on the ground, and there will be no more suspended matter like dust.

Thanks to Christina’s absolute zero, the flames on the chief insect hunter were completely suppressed in an instant, and the sky began to fall like snow, hua hua was falling ashes. . These ash-gray dust-like things fall very fast, which is not the same as normal snowflakes. This is not snow formed by condensation of water vapor, but molecular dust formed after air condenses, and it has lost the supporting effect of air itself. , These things that looked like dust fell very fast, and within two seconds, an inch thick layer of dust-like atomic dust accumulated on the surrounding ground.

The chief insect hunting over there obviously didn't expect that his Nirvana skills can be interrupted. After all, Phoenix’s skills are actually not easily interrupted. Although this guy was surprised, he was limited by its low IQ, so this state of surprise lasted very shortly.

Although chief insect hunting can snatch the heads of other creatures and then use their abilities, in fact chief insect hunting itself is a creature with simple instincts. Its IQ is not even as high as that of certain dogs. Although in terms of the intelligence of insects, chief insect hunting should be regarded as a smarter kind of insect, the intelligence of this guy is still lower than that of most mammals. The heads it snatched from just provided it with various skills, but not for him to think about problems. Therefore, even if the chief insect hunter has ten heads, the intelligence of this guy is still at the insect level.

Although being stupid is a disadvantage, you have to admit that being stupid also has its advantages. At least, being stupid is so stupid that creatures are less likely to fall into surprise, sluggishness, etc. when encountering emergencies. This chief insect hunting is obviously a type of stupid advantage. After his Nirvana skills were interrupted, he immediately changed his skills. Of course, this guy's abilities basically come from those heads, so changing skills usually has to change his head, otherwise he can only use those skills that his head can use.

The chief insect, whose skills were interrupted by Absolute Zero, directly replaced his head with the sheep's head with fangs, and then saw this guy suddenly open his mouth and spout a red flame. This flame is different from the dragon flame. The dragon flame is like a flamethrower. Generally, the range can exceed twice the length of the giant dragon itself. That is to say, a giant dragon with a length of 100 meters can generally shoot Long Yan sprays more than two hundred meters, and if it is not a Long Yan jet, but a Long Yan bomb, the range can be increased more than ten times. However, this sheep's head is obviously different. Although it looks like flames, the flames have no pressure at all. Even if it comes out of such a big head, it just moves forward. At seven or eight meters, it turned into a fire cloud that rolled upwards, completely deviating from the original spray direction.

Although the direction of the flame sprayed from this sheep's head is completely unreliable, the flame sprayed from this head actually coalesces itself in the air after being separated from the sheep's head, and then forms a flame ring. This burning flame ring stands vertically in midair, a height of more than a hundred meters above the ground, and its internal diameter is at least fifty meters or more.

The appearance of a flame ring is nothing at worst, but after the flame ring is formed, a large amount of purple black gas gushes from the surrounding flames. These gases quickly converged toward the center of the flame ring, and then began to rotate and continue to grow. Soon a huge rotating vortex appeared in the center of the flame ring.

"This is...space channel?" Looking at the peculiar vortex in this huge flame ring, I suddenly found that this thing looks a bit like a space gate, but because there is no space energy fluctuation, So I am not so sure.

My guess here has just come out, and the chief insect hunter over there directly proved it for me. I saw a red giant claw suddenly stretched out of the huge vortex without warning. As soon as the giant claw protruded from the vortex, it immediately buckled the edge of the flame ring, and the blazing fire The fire seems to have no effect on it at all.

With the appearance of this huge claw, soon the other claw also stretched out the vortex to buckle the other side of the flame ring, and then the two giant claws pulled back forcefully at the same time, one A huge monster suddenly jumped out of the burning flame ring, and slammed in front of us with a bang.

The creature that popped up suddenly was also a big guy. It looked a bit like a chimpanzee as a whole. Of course, it was just similar in body structure. It didn't mean that this thing looked like a chimpanzee. In fact, at first glance, this thing knows that it is not a normal creature, because it has no skin, or it has a special skin. Anyway, this guy looks like a chimpanzee with skin off. His whole body is covered with bright red muscles. He looks very strong, but because he has no skin, he is slightly disgusting.

In addition to the lack of skin, this creature also has a very special feature that it does not seem to have eyes, at least I can’t see eye-like organs. Its head looks a bit like a snake head installed in reverse. The overall shape is triangular, but the tip of the triangle is not the mouth but the place where the neck is connected. On the contrary, the protruding mouth is much wider than the place where the neck is connected at the back. And, because there is no skin, this guy's teeth are directly exposed to the air. At first glance, it looks like a row of jagged guillotines. Just looking at it, it feels very scary.

Of course, if only these are nothing, the key is that the height of this creature is close to about 80 meters. This is because this guy’s legs are very short, plus the history of hunchback. With a straight back and legs of human proportions, a few of these things are more than 130 meters tall. However, the short pier's appearance is actually more in line with the laws of natural evolution. After all, this thing looks like a power type. If it is tall and slender, what kind of power is there?

In fact, in addition to the disgusting muscles and the scary big mouth, the scariest thing about this thing is the giant claw that appeared first. This guy also has arms because his body structure is similar to that of a chimpanzee, but his palms are unusually wide, and his fingers have completely evolved into sharp claws. Although they can be bent, they have very low mobility. It is estimated that the grasping ability is very bad. It is used as an offensive weapon.

After this thing appeared in such a shape, it did not immediately attack. Instead, it took two breaths, and then suddenly turned around and rushed towards Christina.

"Block it." As I shouted, Zhen Hong appeared directly in front of the monster. Although this monster has no eyes, it doesn't react slowly at all, and immediately after the real red appeared in front of it, it swiped a paw. When Zhenhong saw the giant claw swiped over, he immediately greeted him with a punch. With a loud bang, Zhen Hong flew out directly, while the creature screamed and rolled backwards. Obviously, both sides suffered a loss just now, but it seems that the real red side has the upper hand. After all, she just turned her head in the air to stabilize her figure, and the monster is really connected. Climbing and flying far away.

The monster here hasn't got up from the ground yet, but the second and third monsters popped out from the flame ring over there.

Same as the previous one, the two monsters that came out at the back are not small.

The second thing that appears is a creature that looks a bit like Saber-Toothed Tiger, but unlike the ancient creature Saber-Toothed Tiger, this thing is the same as the previous creature. The skin and the red and red muscles of the whole body are directly exposed to the air, and a large number of skeletons can be seen directly exposed on the head. Of course, because there is no skin, this guy’s teeth are also completely exposed. Real tigers or Saber-Toothed Tigers are much scary.

It feels like this second creature and the first creature should be creatures under an evolutionary system. They also have no skin, the same muscle tissue is abnormally developed, the same huge, and The same bloodthirsty. As soon as this thing appeared, it rushed towards Zhen Hong, as if to avenge his companion. Moreover, compared with the guy in front, this creature has an advantage, that is, it has eyes. Because there is no skin, the eyes of this thing seem to be staring out, the huge eyeballs are covered with red blood, and it looks like a crazy feeling at first glance.

With the appearance of this creature, the third creature, the front and rear heels, jumped out, and unlike the previous two creatures, the third creature that appeared was actually a flying thing. .

This creature looks a bit like Winged Dragon at first glance, but it is obviously different. Winged Dragon's membrane wings are connected from the forelimbs to the hind limbs, but the wings of this creature are independent, which means that its wings are wings, not as simple as a membrane. In addition, the hind feet of this thing don't look like the claws of ordinary birds, but they are unusually thick and look closer to the claws of an ostrich. Finally, the head and tail of this thing are very special.

The flying creature’s head is in a triangular pyramid shape. This is very similar to some large birds, but the triangular pyramid structure of the bird’s head is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, while this guy is upside down. Yes, the top of the head is flat and wide, but the lower jaw is very narrow. This strangely structured head allows this guy's eyes to see things in front and below, but the top of his head has become a blind spot of vision. As for its tail... it looks just like the tail of an ordinary reptile. The only difference is that this guy’s tail is a bunch of tails clustered together by dozens of these tails, and these tails are very It’s as long as you can see the tails of nine peacocks when you drag it behind you. It’s just that the peacock’s tail is very beautiful when it is unfolded, but its unfolded tail can directly scare people to death.

After the third creature appeared, it turned around and flew towards the Supreme Taoist without stopping, while the skinless Saber-Toothed Tiger creature was rushing to the truth. Hong directly turned around after her in front of her. The target was obviously locked on Lei Kristina, but Kristina was not a rookie, seeing the other rushing towards Zhen Hong and her. At that time, I was always careful, and seeing this thing actually jumped over the real red, Kristina threw a big Fireball over with a direct wave of her hand.

Along with a loud explosion sound, Fireball collided with the creature head-on in the air, and instantly exploded into a heavenly Fire star, but immediately following the huge creature, it jumped out directly. Then he grabbed at Christina who was floating in the air.

Seeing the claws of assaults the senses, Christina immediately flew back, but the speed of the thing was faster, and it seemed that she could not run away. But at this time, suddenly hundreds of Flying Swords flew from the side to form a wall in front of Christina. The monster oh la la slammed into the wall composed of Flying Swords and knocked the Flying Swords out, but its movement was also forced to stop.

Kristina just got out of the attack range and immediately raised her hand and shot it out with a dissociation ray. The monster dodged a bit slower, and a paw was directly decomposed into an atomic state, but it But still jumped to the side with three legs.

Kristina still wants to make up the move, but unfortunately the skinning chimpanzee over there rushes up and paws it. Christina can only hold this paw hard to make up the knife. As a mage, it is not a good idea to exchange injuries for injuries, so Christina retreated decisively and gave up the opportunity to attack.

Here Christina just avoided, the Saber-Toothed Tiger monster immediately turned to the side and planned to attack again. Although there are only three legs, the speed of this guy is not reduced at all. , It’s just that it’s just charge ahead, and within two steps, it suddenly saw a black ball of light flying from the side. The volume of this light ball is only the size of a basketball. Although it is not too small, it really looks like a small black spot in front of this huge monster who is tens of meters in height.

Because the black spot is very small, the monster didn't care about it, but its judgment brought it a disaster. Although the black ball is not big in size, it is very fast. It almost arrived in front of the monster in the blink of an eye. Although the monster did not take it seriously, as far as I am concerned, even if it really wants to dodge, It is estimated that it will not get out. However, after this small ball of light hits the monster, it has amazing formidable power. At the moment of hitting, the black ball of light suddenly began to expand. It only took less than half a second for the ball of light to expand from the size of a basketball. Accomplishment a huge sphere with a diameter of more than fifty meters, and then in less than half a second, the light sphere quickly shrank into a black spot, and then it just disappeared. However, although on the surface it seems that the black ball of light simply expanded and shrunk once, but between one big and one small, the monster like Saber-Toothed Tiger without the skin seems to be bitten by some monster. The mouthful was average, and it lost most of it at once, leaving only the rear buttocks and two hind legs slammed on the ground and there was no movement.

Because the Saber-Toothed Tiger monster was killed by one move, the chimpanzee monster over there lost support and was immediately attacked by Christina and gold coin. Zhenhong jumped up when the monster was forced by Christina’s magic bullet rainstorm and the gold coin’s sword array to be left and right. Gold coin cooperated with the tacit command of Flying Sword to locate her in the air. Leverage. Zhen Hong just stepped on Flying Sword all the way and rushed to the top of the monster's head, followed by a great move, Heavenly Dragon Fist, directly hit the top of the monster's head, just listen to the pu' sound, the monster's mouth and ear holes on both sides instantly sprayed. A large amount of dark red viscous liquid came out, and the monster lost his response in an instant and fell to the ground without pumping it.

After the two monsters on this side were killed, the flying monster on the Supreme Taoist side was also killed by Supreme Taoist and the little monster girl. At this time, the chief insect hunter had already begun to grind back. . However, it is not so easy to run now.

Just as the chief insect hunter was retreating, I suddenly felt a huge suction coming from behind. It didn’t need to look back. Anyway, there were nine heads hanging behind the tail, but even if I saw it. The situation over there is too late to evade. Just when it saw the source of the sudden suction, there were already seven divine light moved towards that looked like a rainbow. It cut over. Although the chief insect had a quick response, it was still swept by a tail. The head like a stone lion was directly cut off.

This chief insect hunting relies on snatching the heads of others to strengthen itself, so these heads are very important to it. Suddenly, a head was cut off. The chief insect hunting immediately There was a strange scream. The sound is very sharp, and it feels like the kind of ultra-high frequency noise made when the stereo microphone and the speaker are too close. Almost everyone on our side covered their ears at the same time, but it was a pity that the voice was still thinking. Obviously, this is not a simple scream, it should be accompanied by a sonic attack, and it is still the kind that reaches the soul.

Although this scream is rather annoying, it does not cause direct harm besides making people uncomfortable. Everyone instinctively covered their ears when they first heard it, but quickly realized that it was useless. Hades immediately drew a circle in front of him with one hand, and then flicked his finger, the circle immediately moved towards Chief Insect Hunter and flew over, passing through the body of Chief Insect Hunter in an instant.

As the aperture passed through the chief insect hunter's body, the guy's call seemed to be cut off by someone, and it stopped for an instant. No, it should not be said that it has stopped, but the harmful parts have been blocked. Although we can still hear the call, there is no discomfort other than the harshness.

Although I don’t know how Hades did it just now, we will not waste this good opportunity. When the chief insect hunter over there screamed because of missing a head, the people who had free time on our side almost rushed up together.

Pandora was the first to attack, not because she was close, but because she used a special skill, which was actually a skill similar to Hades’s light ball that could be swallowed. And this ball of light appeared directly on the monster's body, but unfortunately the range was a little smaller, it just wiped out a large piece of meat on the monster's body. Although the size is not small, it is relative to the size of this guy. This is just too big.

Pandora succeeded here at the same time Ladamantis finally rushed to the chief insect hunter's side, but the attack of Ladamantis is a physical attack, the formidable power is very large, but it is a pity that the attack range It's a little smaller, just cut off that guy's seven or eight legs. Considering that there are more claws under this thing than centipede, cutting off seven or eight claws is really nothing.

Although Ladamantis and Pandora succeeded one after another, their attacks also made the monster over there react. Christina's attack came afterwards, but unfortunately the monster had changed his head at this time. This time it was replaced with the flower-like head. In fact, I'm not sure if this is a head, because it looks like a half-open flower. The petals of this flower are similar to chrysanthemums, and the color is also bright yellow, but the middle flower disk is relatively large, and there are more than a dozen obvious cracks on the surface.

When the chief insect was replaced with this strange flower-shaped head, a circle of pale-yellow light film immediately appeared around its body, attacked by Christina and gold coin All hit the light film and couldn’t get in. The attack by Supreme Taoist and I was also a result. Although my eternity can penetrate into the light film, the problem is that I can’t get in by myself. After eternity enters, I will suffer a lot. The repulsive force, without my support, can't go deep enough, and will be forcibly squeezed out.

"What kind of creature's head is that flower? Is the shading film an invincible barrier?" Gold coin fell back to me and asked.

"The ghost knows what it is. This thing existed before the Celestial Court was established. At that time, all kinds of strange things were all kinds of strange things, and many of them are now extinct. I don’t know what this thing is. Ah! But Supreme Taoist may know."

Supreme Taoist was near us at this time. Hearing my words, he quickly explained: "That's the head of the beast, not the flower. This is the most beautiful beast. We are good at spell defense and restorative spells. We must find a way to break this protective cover as soon as possible, otherwise all the injuries on it will soon recover."

"I rely on, invincible defense is fine. , Actually healed! How can I fight this?" Gold coin looked at the chief insect hunting over there, and then asked suddenly: "Pandora, can't you send it? Can you send it directly in without the protective cover? "

Pandora only hesitated for a while before replied: "Yes, but I can only take one person in, and there may be a period of weakness after I enter, and it takes a few seconds to recover. "

"If this is the case, then I will be the only one to go." Of course I can only rush all the way when I hear such words. Although there are many high level personnel here, most of them are NPCs, so such a dangerous task is still suitable for players. As for the most suitable player to do this, of course it is me. After all, I am not only the strongest here, but I also want to attack and attack, defend and defend. Even if I can’t kill the chief insect hunting, at least I can survive, and there is a need to protect Pandora, and they all I'm not good at this, because I have demon pets, it's much easier to protect people.

When I was ready here, Pandora immediately grabbed one of my arms, and said: "Prepare, three, two, one, go." The rays of light flashed, and Pandora and I directed towards The previous jump actually landed on the back of chief insect hunting over there.

Originally, the chief insect who thought he was safe after propped up the protective cover. Suddenly two more people appeared on his back. The protective cover itself can isolate and transmit, so come normally. Said that outsiders can't get in. However, Pandora's transmission ability is quite special. It can not only forcibly link the closed Transmission Formation, but also forcibly tear an entrance directly in an area with space for protection, so the protective cover for hunting chief insects did not play a big role.

Although I was taken aback, as I said before, low-level creatures with no brain react faster. Although this guy was taken aback, he immediately reacted. Turning his head back, the flower-disk-like head actually opened completely like a flower, and dozens of large snakes popped out of it. However, when the snake heads flew out together, I realized that these were not real snakes, but the special structure on the flower's head, which itself was part of this head.

"Damn! Flash!" I was planning to attack as soon as I teleported in, but as soon as I saw the snake head rushing over there, I could only drag Pandora and ran away. If this is entangled, it will definitely be pulled into that head. Although I am not afraid, Pandora will not work. For safety, I decided to give up the attack, picked up Pandora and ran.

Those dozens of snake-like things are extremely flexible, but fortunately they are limited in length and ultimately failed to catch up with us. They only stretched out to half the position of the chief insect hunting and retracted. Obviously It is reaching the limit of stretching. However, although the head in front of this position is not reachable, there are still eight heads hanging from the tail of this guy. Although these eight heads will become smaller when they return to the tail, it does not mean that they will completely lose the ability to attack.

Seeing that my head couldn't reach me, the remaining tail of that guy immediately stretched out. Among them, the dragon head and the crested head are the fastest. However, because we are standing on this chief insect hunter, we don't dare to use big tricks for chief insect hunting.

If you can’t use big tricks, you can only use physical attacks. Those heads will bite us when they surround us, but when those heads are about to surround us, one of them suddenly rebels. NS. Yes, it was a sudden betrayal. This head is of course the beautiful head, which is the Banshee king we were taking away. In fact, this King Banshee is the monster we want to recruit, and this chief insect hunting is just a parasite on King Banshee. The only difference is that this parasite is relatively powerful, not only swallowing the host, but also developing to a point where it is stronger than the host.

Although the chief insect cannot be suppressed because of the inability to provide blood and soul, the Banshee King is not that delicious. She has been resisting this chief insect hunter. Although she has not been able to take the initiative in the body, at least she has not been completely controlled. Unlike those heads that have no independent personality at all now, they have become part of the chief insect hunter. .

Because he still has her own thinking, this Banshee king also knows that he can’t let chief insect hunting take advantage at this time. If we can’t let us take advantage of this opportunity to control this chief insect hunting, she will sooner or later. It was swallowed by chief insect hunting. In fact, even now, her sanity has been eroded, so many of her behaviors look like mental disorders, but in fact, these are all external symptoms caused by the damage of Divine Soul.

Those heads originally wanted to rely on numbers to surround us in an area, and then strangle us, but this Banshee's head suddenly turned back, directly inserted between those heads for a random drill. In the end, I twisted all the other tails with the tail I connected. In this way, the remaining eight heads behind the chief insect hunting are like a ball of thread twisted together and become a ball of hemp. Simply move. Not anymore.

"Good opportunity." King Banshee won such a good opportunity for us. We can't let it go. It just happened that Pandora had recovered a little mobility, I immediately let her go, and then instantly entered the Divine Domain fit mode. He jumped up and inserted his hand into the body of the chief insect hunter. "Skills-thunder shines."

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