"Don't burn it yet!"

"What's the matter?" Pandora asked, holding the head and looking back at me.

"Make sure that the egg is still inside, okay?"

Pandora was nodded after hearing what I said, and then started to disassemble the head and said, "You really are Be careful, it's just an egg, even if it wants to hatch, you have to... oh bad!"

"What's the matter?"

Pandora turned around and took his hand from the old woman's She pulled her head out, and then I saw something like pale-yellow pinched among her brain-stained fingers. Although I haven't seen anything in this shape before, I'm pretty sure it's a shell of some kind of insect, because it looks like an insect and it's empty inside.

"What do you think is the probability that we will find an insect in this huge world?" Pandora asked aloud.

"Then it depends on who is looking for it." As I said, I stretched out my hand to get the white waves summon out. "Go and find that thing, press and follow it. Don't attack yourself, wait until we get there."

Bailang nodded went over to smell the shell, and then sniffed on the ground for a while. Suddenly moved towards a certain direction and quickly chased the past. I think about it or say to Pandora: "Thank you for a run! White waves may not be able to do it alone."

Pandora nodded turned and summon out of his undead war horse jumped up, and then ran after the white waves. Into the purple mist in the distance.

Pandora is chasing the insect, and we can’t take a rest here, because the insect’s Life Source beast is still here. This creature, which looked a bit like a hybrid between a giant dragon and a biped wyvern, didn't fly, but kept yelling at us on the ground, not knowing whether it was threatening us or bluffing.

Although this guy looks more hideous in appearance, we are not worried at all. After all, we are crowded and have good strength. The life source beast of that guy may have good battle strength, but We are at a disadvantage in comparison. With Supreme Taoist and Hades, plus me and the Peacock King, we have the ability to kill that thing even if it is the most powerful thing, even more how this thing shouldn't be abnormal to that point.

The chief insect hunter over there obviously also knows that our battle strengths are not simple, so for a while, they hesitated and didn't know what to do. However, since our strength is superior, we naturally won't wait for it to prepare slowly.

Looking at the chief insect hunter being surrounded by us, I winked secretly at Hades and Supreme Taoist, both of whom are very smart and nodded. After confirming that they were ready, the black magic halo under my feet suddenly lit up, and the magic power of my whole body began to soar instantly. The chief insect on the opposite side was obviously very accurate in sensing the fluctuations of magic power, so here I am. The moment the wave of magical power appeared on the side, I locked my eyes with my eyes, but when it was attracted by me, Hades next to him suddenly shot out a small version of the devouring light ball. . Although this ball of light is a bit smaller than the previous one, but considering that it expands after hitting the target, the chief insect hunter doesn’t know what the formidable power of this thing is. What it can do is try not to be hit. .

However, when the chief insect hunter over there suddenly turned around to avoid the light ball, an azure metal circle suddenly flew from behind without warning and hit the back of its head. superior. Even at a distance of tens of meters, we heard a very loud muffled sound, and the heart of the shocked people jumped, showing how strong the impact was. The chief insect who was evading the ball of light originally didn't expect to be attacked by a sneak attack. His body was suddenly stopped, and his head was smashed directly to the ground by that huge force, making another impact.

The chief insect who was attacked by Supreme Taoist sneak attack knocked its head on the ground. In order to maintain balance, it immediately used its wings to support the ground. As a result, when the wings moved forward, Hades’s ball of light It suddenly turned a corner and flew back, then hit the guy's spine from behind, and instantly expanded into a light sphere about one-tenth the size of the previous light sphere. Although the sphere of light is only one-tenth of the previous size, but even so, the scope of the sphere of light has expanded beyond eight meters, so when it disappears, the chief insect's back has a diameter of eight meters. Huge pothole.

Because Hades aimed at the exact center of the back, this hole not only gnawed off a large piece of meat for chief insect hunting, but even cut off the spine in half, leaving the rest The lower half obviously couldn't support such a large body, and it broke apart on its own, making the chief insect hunter's movement that he wanted to stand up suddenly and collapsed directly on the ground.

"Don't listen, get rid of it completely." I immediately reminded me after seeing that the thing had been recruited, but I didn't want everyone to stop. This chief insect hunting is not a creature that can be left behind, so talking nonsense with it is meaningless, and killing it directly is the most correct choice.

In fact, how long I reminded, just when everyone instinctively thought that the other party had lost the ability to move and was ready to breathe a sigh of relief, the strange creature was supported on the ground and found that it was completely unable to get up. There was a self-destructed bang. The formidable power this time is not big, the key is that it was too sudden. We were all taken aback here, especially when the red who had just rushed up to prepare for melee combat was turned back.

The explosion is obviously not the main purpose. After the self-destruct of the Life Source beast that hunted chief insects, although the flesh and blood pieces of us were splashed, there was still a huge red mist after the explosion. The black shadow of shook. Although we haven't seen what it is for the time being, we have all guessed it. It is most likely that the chief insect hunter is the main body of the thing.

Starting from the initial assembled beasts, this chief insect hunter has been hiding in the corpses of other creatures and controlling them to fight, but as our damage to these corpses becomes more and more serious, these corpses Gradually, the possibility of using it was lost, so the chief insect hunter had to take off the corpses of the creatures that it commanded layer by layer, and now it should have nothing to command. So I guess that the eight achievements in front of me are its essence.

"Be careful, step back first." Here is the only Supreme Taoist who has had experience in frontal combat with chief insect hunting, reminded: "When chief insect hunting only the body is left, the battle strength will be greatly improved. So the more you go to the back, the harder it is to deal with. And beware of the tentacles of this thing, don’t be entangled in your head, once your head is taken off, it can immediately use your skills to fight, when the time comes more troublesome."

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