Because Banshee was completely out of control, the huge chief insect immediately started to move again, but I was a little relieved that it did not go to the trouble of Heavenly Prison, but directly Come over to us.

"That thing is here, what shall we do?" The monster girl stepped back and asked me loudly what to do.

For this situation, I don’t know what to do. At the moment, the only way I can think of the least loss for our guild is to subdue the chief insect hunting as soon as possible, and then think of a way. Check Supreme Taoist and Ghost Messenger on the side of Hades, in short, try to suppress this matter as much as possible, and don’t let Celestial Court know our situation.

However, although I know what to do, I don’t know how to do it now.

The battle strength of chief insect hunting is obviously exploding. Basically, our side is considered expert, but it can't help it. As for those Ghost Messengers...that's just cheerleaders, it doesn't work at all.

"Supreme Taoist, can you please help me out first, I will ask someone to come over and fix this trouble."

"If you ask me to do it, I will also be able to stand it! "Supreme Taoist said while running back with us. In fact, we are already on the run now. Firstly, the chief insect hunter over there rushed over, and it won’t work if you don’t run. Secondly, you need to take that thing away from the vicinity of Heavenly Prison first, so that it won’t look back and stare again. Go to Heavenly Prison.

Of course I also know the truth about Supreme Taoist, but I also know that Supreme Taoist said that it can't stop it entirely because it is unwilling to pay the price. For Supreme Taoist this time, it’s just taking me to lead people. Dealing with this chief insect hunting is completely out of the scope of the mission. If he doesn’t care, the chief insect hunting may cause some damage in a short time, but it will bring damage to Supreme Taoist itself. In fact, there is no responsibility. As for dealing with chief insect hunting in the future, it is actually not a major event. Those experts at Celestial Court are not for nothing. When the time comes, just come up with a dozen high level Divine Immortal that can be played, and with three or five assists, you can basically take down the chief insect hunting without any damage. However, if Supreme Taoist is allowed to carry it by himself, the block will definitely block the chief insect hunting. However, Supreme Taoist himself must consume some disposable equipment or medicine pill and the like, and he also has May be injured. These are all avoidable losses for Supreme Taoist, and of course he is not willing to go desperately.

However, although Supreme Taoist feels that it is a loss to fight the chief insect hunting desperately now, as long as he can help me temporarily hold the chief insect hunting, then I have many ways to remedy the current situation. After that, things will become much simpler. Of course, Supreme Taoist is not bad to me, but it is just a little help, like this kind of obvious need to work hard, of course he promised it impossible without hesitation. After all, the Supreme Taoist is not a job of sacrificing oneself!

Although Supreme Taoist will not rush to hunt chief insects, this is based on huge losses. However, for Supreme Taoist’s losses, I have a way to do it from other aspects. Compensatory.

"Old gentleman, I won't say anything else." I just reached out and threw a Power of Faith storage tank over. "This is a 10,000-unit storage tank. As long as you can help me hold the thing for ten minutes, I will give you another ten times the size after it's finished."

Because I have sold a few before. Power of Faith is given to Celestial Court, so Supreme Taoist knows the Power of Faith storage tank produced by our guild. After all, the Power of Faith sent to Celestial Court is packed in this storage tank.

Supreme Taoist, who didn’t think it was necessary to work hard, took a big turn after seeing this Power of Faith storage tank. He opened the mouth of the bottle and took a sip, and then it was as if he had been hit by blood. , The whole person suddenly became energetic. Take out the Universe Bag directly and plug the storage tank inside. Supreme Taoist turned around immediately without saying anything, and then shouted out while still holding the magic weapon: "I can last for at most half an hour, and I don't care about it over time!"

"Ten minutes will do." After getting the Supreme Taoist's promise, I also quickly took out the communicator on my body. After opening it, I discovered that this place does not seem to be where I am in the underworld. The crystal communicator is temporarily This range has not been covered yet, so there is no signal. In desperation, I threw the knotty in my hand to the little monster girl next to me, and then shouted: "Take care of your brother, I will move the soldiers, and I will be back in ten minutes."

"I'll be with you!" Cao Wa suddenly popped out and asked.

I thought about it for a while and said: "You stay and help Supreme Taoist to hold that thing."

"Oh, then you can hurry up!"

< p>"Got it!" After I explained the situation here, I didn't care about the actual situation. I just summoned out of the bird and jumped up. "Asuka, at full speed, how fast and fast."

"Where do you go?"

"The 11th Yama Palace of the guild."


After Asuka is at full speed, I don't directly summon Ling and Xiaochun, and then give Asuka a variety of states. Anyway, I do everything possible to accelerate. Fortunately, there is a Transmission Passage between the eleven palaces and the princes here. We don’t need to fly back across the endless sea, so the distance is actually not very far.

With less than one minute, Asuka went straight to the nearest Transmission Formation, pushed away a Ghost Messenger that was about to go to Transmission Formation, and dropped a sentence of emergency, and immediately used Transmission Formation. The Ghost Messenger originally wanted to curse, but before opening his mouth, he found that there was a small bag in his hand. When he opened it, it turned out to be a Soul Crystal the size of a mung bean, and immediately Le's mouth grinned to his ears.

I opened the communicator as soon as I came out of the Transmission Formation. Although it is still in the underworld, this is the 11th Yama Palace controlled by our Frost Rose League. There are signal base stations for our crystal communicator nearby, so you can use the communicator here.

"Military god. Emergency situation. I need high level fighters! I must be here in five minutes."

"There are many people who can be there in five minutes, Russia People have stopped fighting, and all personnel have withdrawn to the Russian side of the border. Therefore, the situation of the battle has stabilized, and our high level personnel can be transferred."

"Then choose the best one. All are recruited for me. Oh, yes, you must be able to fight in the underworld."

"Understand, take your location as the coordinates, the staff has been notified, and they will arrive in 3 minutes."


"Who have you notified?"

"Kristina, True Red, gold coin, Big Wheel Peacock King, Hades, Ladamantis, Pandora Are these people enough? If they are not enough, I can transfer them again."

Although the military god said that the Russians now have the intention to retreat, the battle has not completely ended after all, so the transfer of personnel also needs to be watched. In the case of the situation, impossible took all the high level personnel from the guild away. The personnel that were ordered are all superior in strength and suitable for fighting in the underworld, while others are not suitable for fighting in such a place.

I thought for a moment and said: "Sign Hongyan a special permission, I need his help."

"Hongyan? Okay, let him go on the road, but It may take some time. Do you know the speed of Hongyan......"

"How long?"

"It may be more than thirty seconds later than others at most."

"That's okay, let him be as soon as possible."

"Already on the way."

The efficiency of the military advisor is very exaggerated, because the computer can operate in multiple threads. , So usually I was talking to the military god while the other military god had already arranged everything. This speed is the fastest.

I waited for about one minute at the entrance of Transmission Formation on the side of the underworld, and I saw Hades, Pandora, and Ladamantis riding over on their mounts together. The three of them immediately jumped down from the Underfire Horse in front of me, and then Hades asked aloud, "What the hell is the situation so eagerly for us to help? Didn't you go to Celestial Court before? How did you get there? The underworld is coming?"

"Don't mention it, we are in big trouble here. Oh, yes. It just happens that you are close, so hurry up and help me get a few Power of Faith containers."


"Want to be full?" Radamantis asked.

I am nodded. "Don't take too big, one hundred thousand units will do. Take a few more ten thousand units and five thousand units."

"Understand." Radamantis replied complied and turned around to fetch Power of Faith, and gold coin arrived just after he left. After dozens of seconds, Real Red ran over with Christina, and then the Peacock. Hong Yan just arrived when Radamantis hurried back.

As soon as I saw the people, I let them all go to the Transmission Formation without saying anything, and then choose to send them directly. As soon as the rays of light flashed, we went directly to the transfer point I reached before. After getting out of the Transmission Formation here, I stopped talking nonsense with the guards here, and threw out a small bag of Soul Crystal, and then greeted everyone to leave.

Because there is Hongyan in the team, the speed is impossible as fast as when he came. After all, the speed of Asuka is incomparable. Although Hongyan is an Epic Grade giant dragon, it can't compare the speed with the jet-type flying bird, so it took us more than two minutes to get back to the location where the chief insect was hunted. But it’s not bad. Supreme Taoist is more interesting. At all costs, he finally nailed chief insect hunting to this place, and to my surprise, there was a huge wound on the body of chief insect hunting. , Was obviously beaten by Supreme Taoist. Of course, in order to hold the chief insect hunting down, Supreme Taoist himself is also very embarrassed. The original divine poise and sagelike features are now messed up like an escape. But compared to the chief insect Supreme Taoist hunting there, at least he was not injured. Of course, this also has a lot to do with his magic weapon.

I used to go to Transmission Formation for more than a minute, and it took more than two minutes to come back, and it took less than four minutes to add one piece. It took more than three minutes to wait for the personnel to gather, and it took only seven minutes to add one piece. Many minutes, less than eight minutes. Supreme Taoist previously said that he could last for half an hour, but he didn't know that it would be like this in eight minutes. Thanks to my quick return, otherwise I doubt that Supreme Taoist can last for fifteen minutes. Obviously, the strength of this chief insect hunting has far exceeded Supreme Taoist's estimate.

Seeing that a large group of people here come back, the Supreme Taoist and the supporting grass baby over there are all relaxed. They resisted the chief insect hunting but it took a lot of effort, and now they can safely deal with the chief insect hunting when the reinforcements arrive.

"Damn, what is this?" Zhenhong exclaimed as soon as he saw the chief insect hunting in front of her, not because of how ferocious the chief insect hunting is, but mainly because of its strange appearance. , And also a little disgusting.

Compared to the real red, the Divine Races over there did not have much reaction. Among them, the peacock actually knew this thing.

"Isn't this chief insect hunting? Why haven't you died yet?" The peacock asked in surprise when he saw the chief insect hunting on the other side.

"For now, don't worry about how this thing survived. Let's get rid of this thing before talking?" I reminded loudly.

"How about the battle strength of this thing?" I was too rushed on the road, and I didn't have time to explain to them the battle method of hunting chief insects. Fortunately, they are all experts. Collect data before the battle. It has become a habit.

Although I really want to explain, Supreme Taoist seems to be a little busy, so I don’t have time to explain to them for the time being, so I directly called Duojie and the monster girl to ask her to help. Explain, but I just picked up the weapon and rushed up. Anyway, you have to suppress this thing first!

The combat capability of chief insect hunting is actually not particularly weird. Its battle method basically depends on the heads that are robbed. The head of Banshee, who was robbed by chief insect hunter before, sprayed out a lot of dragon flames from the dragon head he used when he controlled the chief insect hunter. It can be seen that as long as the opponent's head is obtained, the opponent's combat skills will be basic. Can be used. Now, many of the heads on this guy can know the specific ability at a glance. As for those who don't know, it is useless to discuss now. You can only talk about it when you encounter it. As the main body of chief insect hunting, the ability of chief insect hunting is actually the ability that giant beasts usually have-the ability to prevent high blood pressure is strong. Although this ability seems very simple, it is super practical, and with the ability of those brains to cooperate, this battle strength directly goes to heaven.

In fact, if it weren't for the huge formidable power combined with these abilities, hunting chief insects would not be so difficult. After all, Supreme Taoist and I are both very strong existences, and it is impossible for us to work together. It is naturally the existence of Super Niu Cha.

As soon as I rushed to the Supreme Taoist, I immediately threw a lot of yellow charms. As soon as those charms flew out, they flew directly at the head of the chief insect hunter. At this time, this guy is still using that faucet. Seeing a circle of talisman paper flying over to hunt the chief insect, immediately opened his mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of dragon flame, instantly burning all those talisman papers into fly ash. This is not the end, and the talisman paper was burned out. The chief insect actually changed the head of the ugly old woman to the position of his main head, while the previous dragon head returned to the tail.

As I said before, among the ten heads of this chief insect hunter, we have no idea what abilities we have, and this old woman’s head is one of them. In fact, I didn't even figure out the specific race of the whole ugly old woman. After all, this guy is a human-shaped head. It is probably caused by the Transformation Technique, which means that the body is Unknown Creature. Besides, even if the head of this old woman is really human, but with human's panacea ability, it can learn anything, so it is even more unclear what the head's ability is.

Because I don’t know the specific abilities of this head, as soon as the other party puts on this head, I immediately put on an emergency brake. First, I will apply two layers of protection to myself. Not to mention, my judgment is really very accurate and timely. At the moment when I finished the protection, the old woman's mouth suddenly moved. Although I couldn't hear the sound, I didn't hear the sound, but when she was chanting a spell, I found a lot of black mist around me. . The mist did not fly over from the chief insect hunter, but appeared directly beside me, and then rapidly increased and circled my body. Fortunately, thanks to my protective magic in advance, these black mists can only circle around me, and can't touch my body at all.

Although the Supreme Taoist on the other side did not protect himself in time, his baby is not good-looking. I saw that the black mist around him just appeared, and the daoist robe on his body suddenly golden light flashed, and the black smoke immediately burned up, and it was completely burned in a second or two. .

Seeing that Supreme Taoist is okay, and the black fog on my side was blocked, I immediately rushed forward again. Although I don't know the effect of this black mist, I at least now know that the ability of this old woman's head should be cursing. Sure enough, that head was not suitable for melee combat. When I continued to rush over, the head suddenly flashed and then returned to the tail. At this time, the chief insect hunter's main head was replaced by a Phoenix head.

Seeing the appearance of the Phoenix head originally used, I thought this guy was going to be fireproof. Who knew it was a sudden cry of phoenix and then spontaneously ignited.

When I saw the thing burning up, I just listened to it instinctively, and I immediately heard the reminder from Supreme Taoist. "Don't stop, it's for healing!"

Phoenix can all be reborn from the ashes, and this guy can get the other's abilities as long as he possesses the head of any creature. Now you can use Phoenix’s Nirvana skills to reborn from the ashes when you put on the Phoenix head. Once the Phoenix creature completes the reborn from the ashes, it can instantly regain its full body state. Not only the health is fully restored, but also the magic and magic power. All skills cooling can be recovered. So, Phoenix is ​​a very difficult creature.

"Want can dream of it!"

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