Supreme Taoist seemed to be a little confused after hearing my inquiry, but he still explained: "I don't come to this place often. This is my third time. The last time was hundreds of years ago. It’s weird, it wasn’t like that when I came here!"

"Will the management be too lax and everyone ran away?"


"Do you look good when you are the Ghost General at the door?" Supreme Taoist said irritably.

"But this place clearly has front and rear doors, but only the front door is guarded, and the back here is still open. Besides. Look at the surrounding courtyard wall. This height is considered a strong point. Even mortals can crawl over with their bare hands? Just break the wall and shut down those Ancient Great Monsters? Are you fools?" The Supreme Taoist turned his head and said, "I'm not telling you all Are you there? Those Demons don’t want to run away, so our ban is just to do it. Putting two super powerful Ghost Generals is to show that they value them, but it’s of no use. These guys really want to run, even if that Thirty Ghost Generals are all here and it’s useless. Although the Monster King of the Fourth Layer must not be able to beat the thirty Ghost Generals, if they are determined to run, it’s useless for daofather to come."< /p>

"Your place is really..." I thought for a while and still didn't finish, then suddenly the front of the conversation changed: "But now I'm here to pick someone, this is not even a ghost shadow of you. What should I choose?"

Supreme Taoist is also a little embarrassed to hear this. After all, he had persuaded me for a long time before letting me come to this Fourth Layer, but he came all the way and saw it. An empty yard, this is indeed a bit unreasonable.

"Don't worry! I'll ask." After the Supreme Taoist finished speaking, he immediately turned around and ran to the gate, and then asked the Ghost General who received the post before: "This General, ask you, where are all the Monster King inside?"

"Oh, you mean Monster King? All went to the Punishment Hall over hell to watch the fun."< /p>

"Punishment Hall? Watch the excitement? You mean they are all out?" I suddenly walked out from behind the Supreme Taoist and asked in surprise.

The Ghost General on the opposite side did not answer the question because I was a raw face, but seriously replied: "They often go there. What's so strange about this?"

"I... Forget it!" Helplessly sighed, I turned to Supreme Taoist and asked: "Do you think we are going to 15 layers directly or......?" Supreme Taoist said embarrassingly: "Anyway It's all here, just go look for it! This, to be honest, I don't know that the management here is now so relaxed that they can go out on their own! It was not like this when I came last time!"< /p>

"Please, you said it yourself, the last time you came here was hundreds of years ago. I don’t know how many dynasties have been changed in the world for hundreds of years. You just changed a little bit of rules here. That's not bad. Oh, yes, where is the Punishment Hall? I don't know the road here!"

"Don't you know?" Supreme Taoist gave me a surprised look.

On the contrary, I was even more surprised looking at him and asked: "Should I know?"

Nodded and said of Supreme Taoist as it should be by rights: "This Isn’t it certain? You are also the Eleven Temple Yama? This hell you also have the responsibility of looking after it, okay?"

"Eh...forget about it!"

Since I knew it was wrong, I just said something sorry. Obediently asked Supreme Taoist to find a way to find the Punishment Hall. Fortunately, the Ghost Messenger who led us knew the way, so they took us to the Punishment Hall. There is nothing in the middle, the Ghost General who was guarding the door unexpectedly vomited the same thing like the Emperor Ranking after we were sure to leave, and then returned it to the Supreme Taoist. It is said that this item can be reused. You must surrender this item when you enter the gate and take it back when you come out.

This Punishment Hall is actually not far away from the Heavenly Prison where we are. After walking not far, you can see a large group of continuous buildings after turning a small forest. Hearing the faint screams, as we approached, the voices began to become clearer and clearer, and finally turned into screams of crying fathers and mothers, some of which did not even look like human voices.

Actually, I have heard this kind of voice. Although I am not familiar with this place, I am also a Hades. Even if it is temporary, it is also Hades. So I know some things about this hell. Some. Although I haven't been to this Fourteenth Layer hell before, I saw it in the first hell after I became the Hades, and the sound in it was almost the same as here. Anyway, this place of hell is a place of torture. It's normal for how miserable it is.

Because there is Supreme Taoist here, plus the order of Hades on me, the ghost soldiers along the way see us all busy saluting, after all, there are rare existences like those of Ghost General. .

After arriving at the Punishment Hall, we immediately called a few ghost soldiers to inquire about it, and it turned out that these demons are actually regular customers here, and we asked them as soon as they asked.

"Two adults, those Monster Kings are in Hall Three. We are on the seventh here."

"Three? Where is it?"

"Just behind here. Shall I take you there?" the ghost said enthusiastically.

"Then lead the way." I said directly.

The ghost soldier didn't talk nonsense, turned around and left. We followed him and left the great hall in front of him soon, but before we got to the back, we found a large group of people approaching oncoming. When the ghost soldier saw it from a long distance, he stopped and rushed to us and said: "Two, those are the Monster Kings you are looking for, so they are planning to go back."

I nodded back. The ghost soldier then said to Supreme Taoist: "Are they in jail?"

Supreme Taoist also said with a weird expression: "It should not be counted!"

"Also It's your Celestial Court that has such a weird prison!" As I said that, I walked towards the demons over there first. The Supreme Taoist saw that I had left first and could only keep up.

This underworld belongs to the kind of relatively empty place, with more land and fewer people. There were even few obstacles, so we saw the group of Demon from far away, and the other party also noticed us as soon as they came up.

I’m okay. There is a five-color aura behind this Supreme Taoist, which is very different from the breath of the ghost soldiers in hell. Standing there is like a beacon in the night, as bright as possible How bright. The demons from far away saw the Supreme Taoist here, and then they discovered that there was a very complicated person next to them. They discovered that there is a great power in my body, but the attributes are very messy, and there is actually a certain power that Hades has in it. The Demons don't understand this situation, but they are just like that now, and they have no scruples.

After welcoming us, one of the leading Demon first stood up and gave a slight salute to Supreme Taoist. Although it was considered a salute, it was like a normal greeting and nodding. It was actually very light. As for the demons in the back, most of them stood with their arms around and waited for the guy in front to communicate, and they didn't even want to say hello to us.

Although we now know that they are over, these Demons are all powerful, and now they are prisoners. Even if they know that it is impossible to return in a swirl of dust, they will never Go down to please Celestial Court in a low voice. This is called integrity, and it must never be lost. As for the one who was the first to salute...This guy is actually a sociable master by nature, so seeing people politely has become a habit, and he naturally greeted him. Of course, polite, polite, he is absolutely unambiguous when it comes to real things.

Your Monster King, who took the lead, after paying the salute, directly asked: "Why is Supreme Taoist free to see us prisoners today? The next one seems to be a freshman, I don’t know what it is. Identity?"

"Oh, it's like this." Supreme Taoist briefly introduced to these demons the agreement reached between me and Celestial Court, and then showed them a list.

The Monster King who took the lead touched the article, then opened it and read it carefully, and finally looked towards me and asked: "You are the Purple Moon mentioned above?"

I nodded and said: "Yes. I am Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League. If you are willing to join my organization, then you will become the chaos and order of our guild in Divine Race. We are the same. Chaos and Order Divine Race has the superiority of being blessed by heaven. Although this superiority is a secret, I can’t tell you directly, but as long as you are willing to join, I promise that you will not be willing to leave our Frost Rose League if you are killed. ."

"You said that for a long time it was all bad checks, and you only hope that if you are satisfied with us, let us follow you? Do you think what we think is worthless?" After Monster King finished speaking, he took a slap in the arms of Supreme Taoist, and then looked at me and said: "We are all Monster Kings. We are great and free Monster Kings. You actually want us to give it to you. Be a subordinate? At the time Celestial Court was so powerful, we didn’t succumb, do you think you can?"

"I didn’t think you would succumb because of my strength, I mean let you join us Frost Rose Alliance, become one of us. You created your own independent sect before, and you lost the battle. Now that the Central Plains Dingding, the various Divine Races have basically taken shape, even if you go out, it is impossible to bring up another camp. So. , Your only way out is to follow us. Guild Divine Race and regional Divine Race are two independent existences that do not conflict with each other. Compared with the closed market of regional Divine Race, everyone in the guild Divine Race field is basically the same. Blank, if you join in, you can make great strides in development. Isn’t this degree of freedom higher than in the regional Divine Race?"

"Although what you said is very good, but this kind of thing It’s not something we can simply decide. So, let’s go home first, shall we?"

"Go home?"

"Hey, it is Heavenly Prison." The opposite Demon looked at My surprised eyes knew that I couldn't understand where they were talking about home, so I added another sentence.

As soon as I heard that it was Heavenly Prison, I understood it, but to be honest, I was really not taken lightly by these guys. These Demon's prisons actually call the prison home. But to put it another way, the guards in this cell do not restrict their entry and exit. On the contrary, people outside need special permits to enter. How is this like a prison? Is this entire army compound? Besides, we paid attention to it when we went in to see it before. The inside of Heavenly Prison is simply not a lattice prison with fenced gates, but a set of independent houses. Although these houses occupies only a few hundred square meters each, they are small buildings with two or three floors. In this way, they seem to be one for one person. You said that this kind of community with a single-family villa, there are armed guards at the door, how is this like a prison cell?

Because of these guys getting a little head down, I felt dizzy and returned to the door of Heavenly Prison. As a result, those guys went in directly, and Supreme Taoist and I Actually, we had to show that announcement again for Ghost General to swallow, and then we were released.

When we entered the Heavenly Prison, the demons led us to the front of one of the small houses, and then let us follow in. After pushing open the door of that room, I didn't feel anything wrong, but when I turned around a corridor, I was surprised to find that there was a large lake outside the room on the side of the corridor. Although there is a pool inside the Heavenly Prison, it is simply not as exaggerated as a lake. And there is a lake outside the windows of this house, which is a bit strange.

The Supreme Taoist walking next to me saw me looking outside in a daze, and then turned his head to look at it, and then suddenly explained to me: "The house here has its own compressed space, so it looks It’s different from what you see inside. In fact, each of these houses has tens of thousands of square meters, and there is also an independent courtyard that is more than a hundred times the size of the house. The lake you see belongs to the house. One of the buildings."

"I rely on, your place is treated very good, right? Can I book a room later?"

Supreme Taoist knows I'm telling the truth, So he ignored me and went straight ahead. After passing through the corridor, you came to the front of a room. The door of this room is in the style of ancient China, which is the Japanese structure that everyone knows. In fact, the so-called Japanese-style structure should be a design style in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period in ancient China. The houses I used at that time were the structures of those Japanese-style buildings now. The doors of the rooms are basically sliding doors, and there are no chairs in the house. Everyone is kneeling on the floor. The table in front is also very short. The nine modern coffee tables are about the same.

This place was originally used by the Ancient Great Monster. The traditional style is understandable, but once the door is opened, I am not calm. Is this the living room? Is this a supermarket with no shelves yet? At a glance, it is conservatively estimated to start at at least two thousand square meters, and there is no column in the middle. The whole is a huge space, and a circle of U-shaped seats is placed in the direction of the gate. Of course, these seats are all Japanese style, that is, you need to kneel on the ground.

"I always thought our Frost Rose League conference hall was big enough. I suddenly felt stressed when I saw your living room!"

The Demon who took the lead said with a laugh: "I am just a prisoner. This is just a prison. No matter how big it is, it is not mine. On the contrary, it is your meeting room. Although I have not seen it before, even if there is only one thatched house, it is your own. Meaning. Isn’t it different?"

"As expected of Monster King, my heart is open." After I finished speaking, I turned to the topic without waiting for the other party to answer: "That... Supreme Taoist has been with you before. I've said our intentions, and you all heard about it. As long as there is no problem, I will get you all out. Of course, the premise is that you have to be willing to go out. If you refuse, I cannot take you. I have gone out. If the people who have gone out make trouble, not only will I send them back, but other people will be forcibly repatriated regardless of whether they have gone out or not. the end, the success of this plan still depends on it. See what you guys mean."

What I said was quite polite. Although the matter was actually decided by Jade Emperor and I, this matter still needs the Demon to be nodded. After all, no matter what it is. If the guy doesn't want to go out or mess with me after going out, this thing will obviously go wrong. Of course, if there are only one or two quits, it doesn't matter. Our Frost Rose League is not a soft persimmon. I deliberately promised to go out, and then I will make trouble with me after going out. I naturally have a way to cure them, but the premise is that this kind of Demon can't be too many.

However, I didn't actually worry much this time, because Supreme Taoist has already introduced it before. Most of these Demons still want to go out and have a look. After all, no matter how free they are, they are still in jail. These Monster Kings naturally want to go out, and just like the Supreme Taoist introduced before, these Demons are not the same as modern Demons. It is as if they are both criminals, political prisoners and criminal prisoners, their behavior will be much different. Most of the criminals are extremely wicked people. Although there are some things that have been forced to reverse the case, most of them are not good people themselves. Once they are released, they will probably do something bad again. On the contrary, political prisoners only advocate that they are different from ideology. They will not or will not directly endanger ordinary persons in society. As long as they are not exposed to rights, there will be no problems.

Although these Monster Kings are not political prisoners, their situation is very similar to that of political prisoners, so as long as they don’t have any chance to stand on top of the mountain, they don’t have to worry about anything at all. As long as they don't become the boss of a certain group power again, these guys can do things steadily. In this regard, they are very different from modern Demon.

After I finished talking about things here, the demons immediately started discussing everyone talking at once. There are a total of thirty-two Demons in the entire Fourteenth Layer Heavenly Prison. The voices gathered to discuss are not small, but although their voices are not small, the language they can speak is messy, which sounds true to me. It's the chicken and the duck talking. Not to mention, there really seems to be a chicken monster and a duck monster inside.

I also know that this kind of thing is a major choice in their lives for them, so it is not something that can be settled right away, so I did not urge them. Anyway, we broke the plan of the Russian sneak attack Isinger, which means that their large forces cannot launch a large-scale invasion according to the original plan while taking advantage of the chaotic space under our command. In this case, I don't have to rush back, and even I think that maybe the Russian players' invasion behavior will end here without any problems. Of course, if they continue to invade, I still have to go back, but now everything is stable in the guild, so I don't have to worry so much. Anyway, Celestial Court has promised to intervene in this matter. When the time comes, just find an excuse to pit more than 200,000 of them. I don't believe they dare to continue rushing into our territory.

The demons here are discussing very intensely. On the other hand, Supreme Taoist and I can only sit together. After waiting for a while, I suddenly felt that someone was pulling my arm. Niutou took a look and found that he was a super cute little boy. This little boy looks like about three years old, with a bare buttocks, only a red pocket on his body, and a braid on his head. The two small faces are blushing, and they look like a bite. impulse. But... Although this is a doll that looks only two or three years old, I don't dare to care about it at all.

This is not a neighbor’s kid. This place is Heavenly Prison, a place where monsters are closed, and ordinary monsters who are waiting simply can’t get in. Anyone who can live in this place is the Ancient Great Monster who has a headache even in Celestial Court. So, don't be confused by the appearance of this guy's three-year-old child. This place is where Celestial Court established Early-Stage. Even if this little fellow was arrested at birth, he is still a few thousand years old now. even more how Celestial Court is impossible to catch a useless child in, so when this guy was caught in, he definitely didn't know what level of Great Demon it was. Counting this down, this little kid is 10,000 years old.

"Then what...senior do you have anything to do?"

"Big Brother, I..."

This monster just got milky After shouting Big Brother, I reached out and stopped. "I said you don't make me happy. Do I look so old? You are all Ancient Great Monsters here, do you think any one is under six thousand years old? I'm not even sixty! Your name is My big brother! You made me accept it like this?"

"Hehe, you are very clever." This old monster was dismantled by me and didn't install it anymore, even though he still talked like that. Looks like, but the content of the utterance has returned to its normal content. "Okay, I won't be joking with you anymore. I just want to ask, what is the size of the land controlled by your alliance?"

"Huh?" Although the other party’s question is not impossible to say The question, but this is too simple, it made me a little stunned, but I quickly reacted nodded and said: "Big, very big. Now China Land and our guild have a certain right to speak, although some The places are not our direct leadership, but we can influence the thoughts and behaviors of the owners in those places. Moreover, we also have a large number of direct territories overseas. I don’t know what you are asking for?"

Listen to the old monster. My words immediately nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I agree to mix with you."

"Huh?" The other party's words made me fall into confusion again. This guy doesn't ask what kind of treatment, he will join directly, and it's just because our guild's territory is relatively large. Isn't this too weird? However, it’s always a good thing for people to agree to join, so I just said: “This, although I’m glad you agreed to join, but Jade Emperor and I have also reached an agreement that only five people can be taken out for the first time, and I One quota has been basically set, so there are only four places that can move."

"You mean you don't want me?"

"no no no, me The agreement with Jade Emperor is that you can only bring five this time. If there is no problem, you can bring six next time. Each time you have one more place, you can go out several times. As for whether you can follow this time I will go out together. It depends on the Monster King who finally agreed to go with me. Then I will weigh and take out the recently more useful ones first. After all, they go out to fight for you, right?"< /p>

The monster nodded said: "That's what I said. But I still hope you can take me out as soon as possible. I am different from them. They live here basically the same as outside, although their strength can't be increased by a bit, But I won’t regress, but I’m restrained everywhere, and my strength is always declining. If I stay here for a while longer, I’m worried that my realm will decline. The pure energy loss only takes places with abundant energy. It can be recovered quickly, but if this realm also falls, it will be difficult to practice back."

"Oh, that's it!" I looked at the baby monster in embarrassment. Then he looked back at the Supreme Taoist over there, and finally asked: "Well, can I ask what kind of monster you were before? And what are your abilities?"

"Oh , You said this!" The little doll-like monster said: "Actually, I used to be a grass."

"Grass?" I thought there was something special about this grass, so I just Asked: "Are you talking about ancient exotic grass?"

"No." Little doll shook her head and said: "It's the kind of grass outside. You can see the kind that can be seen everywhere."< /p>

"I..." I wanted to spray this guy a lot, but fortunately, I stopped in time. Although this guy said he was a grass, this is actually simply not a problem. Being able to be locked up in Heavenly Prison, and still in the Fourth Layer, is very telling in itself. Even if this guy was originally a weed, it would be no ordinary grass to stand here. This is definitely a fairy grass level. No, it's not right, Xiancao is not so exaggerated. This is definitely the god among the grass, the battle grass among the weeds. Wanting to understand the command, I cautiously asked: "That... I presume to ask. What is your ability...?"

"Speaking spirit."


"Speaking spirit. Whatever I say will become true."


"Hey, don't faint! You haven't Say if you want me!"

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