"Seventeenth Layer is not enough, but running a 10th layer may still be necessary." Supreme Taoist said.

"10th layer?" I looked towards Supreme Taoist with a little confusion and asked: "Isn't there a Seventeenth Layer?"

"Seventeenth Layer has Seventeenth Layer, but before I have told you that there are a dozen Super Monster Kings that cannot be taken away for the first time, so you don’t need to go to the bottom two floors. The dozen Super Monster Kings are concentrated in those two floors, except In addition to them, there is only 16th-layer and an optional Monster King, but it’s not cost-effective to run alone for a Monster King. Let’s look for the upper layers and forget it."

" If you don’t go to the next two layers, there are 15 layers, right?"

"Yes, there are 15 layers, but the fourth layer is empty. The Fifth Layer only has the weakest Great Demon. , I guess you don’t like it, so it’s more convenient for us to start directly from Sixth Layer."

"Then let me ask, is the Monster King more powerful as you go down?"

Supreme Taoist didn’t hide anything, and directly nodded and said: “Yes, so the sixteen Super Monster Kings you can’t choose are all concentrated on the bottom two floors.”

When I heard this, I suddenly remembered that before Supreme Taoist said that in addition to the sixteen Super Monster Kings I cannot select, there is also a Monster King that can be selected in the following two layers. Then if you follow this kind of Monster King, the more powerful it is. The deeper the setting of King is, doesn't it mean that the remaining one is at least the top 20 of this group of monsters? In this way, it doesn't seem to be impossible to run a trip for him alone. Although everyone is equal, it is obviously not cost-effective for Boss to go to the United States in order to hire a small worker, but if the person to be hired is Einstein, I don’t think any Boss would mind a trip in person. Bar? It's the same in this game. If it is for an ordinary monster to make me run into hell, it is indeed a bit unworthy, but if it is for a Monster King among the top 20, then it is another matter.

"Old gentleman. I think I still want to see the only Monster King that can be selected in the Sixteenth Layer hell."

Supreme Taoist is amazing and didn’t directly reject it. , But said: "I know what you mean. You must be thinking that the person who can be locked up with those great powers must also be super powerful characters. Getting a Monster King like this might be better than getting three or four. Ordinary Monster King is still useful. How? I guessed it right?"

This is not something that can’t be said, so I also generously admitted that Supreme Taoist’s guess was right, but I I also heard it. Supreme Taoist seems to mean that there is something wrong with the only Monster King that can be selected. Anyway, it is the type that is not suitable for recruitment.

Sure enough, after hearing my confession, Supreme Taoist immediately said: "If you believe me, then don't go to see this Monster King. There are close to two hundred Great Demons in the Heavenly Prison, but only Only this one is not suitable for enlistment. The others, even those Super Monster Kings who don’t let you take it out for the first time, are not as troublesome as this guy."

When I heard Supreme Taoist, I was even more troublesome."

Became curious. It is said that the Monster King imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison is detained according to his strength, and since this guy is in the Sixteenth Layer, it is not the most experienced Monster King, but why the Supreme Taoist would say this is the most troublesome What about?

Anyway, Supreme Taoist is my guide now. If you don’t understand me, just ask. "Well, I don't know where is this Monster King trouble?"

Supreme Taoist saw that I obviously wanted this Monster King and explained in detail: "Let’s tell you this. This is one of Heavenly Prison The Monster King imprisoned in the middle is not the same as the monsters outside. In the impression of mortals, monsters are very evil. They like to eat people and do things that hurt the heavens and peace. Of course, this is with us. Celestial Court’s propaganda is related, but you are also considered as an insider, so I won’t tell you those falsehoods. Actually, not all monsters are evil generations. You should know this too. After all, you are also Monster Race. The relationship is also good. Of course, there are indeed many villains in the Demon, but that is all because the Demons are living in a bad environment, because there is no room for development, they can only improve their own strength through cannibalism and sorcery. .Do you understand this?"

I nodded to show that I understand. The truth of Supreme Taoist is actually very simple. Almost all of the abundance of Spiritual Qi on the land of modern China is occupied by Celestial Court. After all, the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court won the Demon Immortal Battle of Supremacy back then, so of course the resources are in the hands of Celestial Court. NS. As a result, it will be extremely difficult for Demons to extract Spiritual Qi. Only relying on the Spiritual Qi cultivation between Heaven and Earth, it can only be said to be starving and not eating enough. Some temperament tenacious or good luck find that some small spirit vein demons can still take the right way and slowly cultivation, but most demons have no choice but to find other ways to supplement Spiritual Qi because of their difficulties in life. The easiest and most direct way is to eat people. Therefore, the folk rumors about monsters are basically not good. After all, monsters that do not eat people are hiding in the mountains and forests. Most mortals come into contact with monsters that come out to eat people. People think that monsters are all monsters. Cannibalism.

However, the actual situation is that the monsters actually have their problems, and even if the cultivation is so difficult, most of the demons are still obediently and honestly cultivated. The monsters that really come out to eat people may Not even one third. However, Celestial Court is not a monster family after all, and the two sides are still competing. Therefore, Celestial Court's external publicity simply vilified the Demons. Over time, the idea of ​​monsters eating people will become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Supreme Taoist continued after I confirmed that I understood what he just said: "What I just said was the modern Demon, but the Demon before the Celestial Court was established was not like this. At that time we Celestial Court has not yet occupied all of this Chinese land, but witches, Taoism, demons, spirits and some other beings live together on this land and compete for survival resources. At that time, Great Demon basically had its own land of cultivation. , And they are all large-scale spiritual spring ground veins with plenty of energy. The Spiritual Qi supply is much faster than cannibalism. So, at that time, Demon simply didn’t bother to eat people. It’s better to take a sip of Spiritual Qi. It’s more refreshing. Besides, cannibalism will contaminate Karmic Retribution, and in the end, the cause and effect will not be worth the loss. The Monster Kings imprisoned in our Heavenly Prison are all ancient Monster Kings captured when the Celestial Court was just built. Basically They are all the demons of their own cultivation, so they not only do not eat people, but as long as they are not contaminated with their own interests, they are very peaceful. After all, the demons of the era are basically cultivated by nature, and they are said to be the veins of the Son of Heaven. It’s not too much. Oh, by the way, the three Divine Beasts you know are actually the same as these Monster Kings, but they later formed an alliance with our Celestial Court and were not put into this Heavenly Prison."< /p>

I nodded and said: "Understood. You demon in Heavenly Prison are like political prisoners. The reason for being locked up is that they are different from the political opinions of those in power, not that there is a problem with their personal style. In addition to the difference in philosophy, it’s not an exaggeration to be called a good person in his personal style. I’m right?"

Supreme Taoist nodded and said: "That’s what it means. Although these Demons and Celestial Court is not all the way, but to say that the evildoers are basically nonsense, deceiving those ignorant mortals. However, the Monster King I just told you is the only exception here. This Monster King does not know how to respond It’s inherently cruel. Not only did we have a large number of fairy friends on the Celestial Court side. The Monster King killed by this Monster King even within Monster Race has double digits. If it weren't for the monster that happened to fight both sides with the Great Demon, the first Great Demon in the Monster Race, and we haven't recovered our vitality, we simply couldn't catch the Demon in this Demon. Moreover, because the monster was continuously injured in that battle and lost the true essence of its core, even the monster core was smashed by the daofather with Life-Source Magical Treasure, and it was not kept locked in the 16th-layer Heavenly Prison. The strength of this Demon's heyday, I don't think it is too much to set up an 18 Layer for it. However, even if the Demon's strength is greatly damaged, the Monster King is not an opponent. Besides, the Demon's temperament is too tyrannical, you may not be able to control it even if you get it out, so I think it's better not to watch it. "

Although Supreme Taoist explained in detail, the more he said that, the more tempted I became. Is expert still lacking temper? Moreover, the strength of this Demon at the beginning is so strong, which shows that he has a good talent. , As for the current strength loss... Power of Faith is afraid of not enough strength? Other Divine Races are due to insufficient Power of Faith, so generally only those cultivation members are selected to train quickly, but we are different! There are so many Power of Faith. We don’t have to worry about input and output at all if we can’t run out. The only thing we need to worry about is where the limits of the cultivation object are. Compared with those with fast cultivation, we need those with unlimited potential. No matter how much investment, it’s good for us. It's worth it.

"Old gentleman. Although you and I have explained a lot, I still want to check it out. You may not be quite clear, we also have some methods of our own. When those ordinary Monster Kings arrive on our side, we can entice them to benefit, and then we can discipline them with the deterrence of Celestial Court. As for this disobedient thorn... We actually have some thunderous methods. "

"If you insist on doing this, President Purple Moon, then I can't help it. Anyway, I just mention it. As for whether to choose or not, it's up to you to make your own decision. "Supreme Taoist started to lead the way and took me to the Heavenly Prison.

Hell is not actually a vertical tower prison. It is actually more similar to a chain store. The difference is This is a chain prison. The Eighteen Levels of Hell are built on the eighteen levels of the underworld. Of course, the impossible between them is only the difference in height, so going from the First Layer Hell to the Second Layer Hell is not simply the next one. The stairs are over. The place we are going to now is the Fourteenth Layer prison. As for the levels above, I just jumped over.

Just now Supreme Taoist also said that this is the Heavenly Prison The Demon among them is detained according to the level of strength. The higher the level, the worse the strength of the Demon, and the deeper the level. I can only choose five monsters this time. Go out, there are at least a hundred Demons among the above levels, and there is simply no way to take them all at once, so instead of wasting the five precious spots directly on those low-level Demons, it is better to go straight to find the most powerful ones. In fact, if you follow I mean, let’s look at the 16th-layer first. Anyway, you can’t choose the Seventeenth Layer. There is one for the 16th-layer. When the 16th-layer is finished, I will go to 15 layers, and most of them will be 15 layers. Use up the five places so that you don’t need to look at the others at all.

However, although I think so, Supreme Taoist strongly recommends that I start from the top and look down. I previously rejected his suggestion not to recruit that very vicious Demon. If I don’t listen to it this time, it seems to be a bit of refutation. After all, this Supreme Taoist is also a transcendent existence in the Celestial Court, and they helped me do it before. I have a good relationship with me after equipment. In this case, he should not cheat me. Although his suggestion may be different from mine, his starting point should be good, so even if there is It’s not good for me to ignore him at all. In this way, after comprehensive consideration, I still follow Supreme Taoist’s suggestion and look down from the top, but I didn’t completely follow Supreme Taoist’s opinion from the top. , But directly from the 14th-layer. Anyway, the 14th-layer is still a deep place, so Even if my Demon is not the kind of super bullshit, at least it won't be too dishonest.

I didn’t know that when Heavenly Prison was in hell, my guess about Heavenly Prison was a place where there were seals everywhere, and five steps, one guard, and ten steps. However, when I learned that Heavenly Prison was actually cultivated in hell, I began to imagine that Heavenly Prison was actually a place like hell. Dark, cold, and lifeless, there may be many instruments of torture and inhuman torture. However, all of the above did I realize when I actually arrived at the 14th-layer Heavenly Prison, it was totally fucking untouched.

Although Heavenly Prison was built in hell, the environment in this place is not at all gloomy at all, on the contrary, it is horribly sunny. Even more frightening is that all the Demons here are actually free-range. Eh... it’s a bit inappropriate to use the word yang, but the meaning is basically correct.

From a distance, this Heavenly Prison looks like a mountain villa next to the road. When you get closer, you will find that it is actually a health resort. Two Ghost Generals in armor stood at the entrance of the villa. They seemed murderous-looking, but the villa door behind them was not closed. To be precise, he doesn't have a door panel at all in that villa. This so-called gate is a Chinese classical style gatehouse, but the inside of the door frame is empty. Not only does it have no spell Formation such as prohibition, but there is no door panel installed.

"I said Supreme Taoist? Are you sure this is Heavenly Prison, not your Divine Immortal holiday in Celestial Court?"

Supreme Taoist laughed directly when he heard what I said, but He did not answer my question, but took the lead and walked over. However, what surprised me was that when Supreme Taoist just walked to the gate, the two Ghost Generals, who had not moved a bit since we saw them, just like the sculpture, suddenly took the Guandi knife in their hands. A horizontal direction to the middle blocked the Supreme Taoist's path.

I originally thought that Supreme Taoist who was blocked like this would definitely go crazy, but to my surprise, instead of going crazy, Supreme Taoist quickly admitted his mistakes very politely and said: "Ah sorry, forget the way. That's it!" As he said, he hurriedly took out something that looked like a post from his pocket and handed it over.

The two Ghost Generals withdrew their broadswords immediately after Supreme Taoist stepped back, and then one of the Ghost Generals took a step forward and took a look at the post, and then looked at it in my surprised eyes. Zhang Bangwenjuanbajuanba directly into his mouth. After swallowing the essay of the chapter, the Ghost General turned around and returned to the door, and then clung out his hand vigorously: "With special permission, Supreme Taoist and Purple Moon will enter. Please."

Supreme Taoist this I was nodded, and then I walked in first. I was stunned by the two Ghost Generals behind me. It wasn't until Supreme Taoist found out that I hadn't followed and turned my head to urge me to remember and ran two steps to chase in.

The two ghost soldiers who led us before found a place on the side of the road and sat down after we entered the gate. Seeing that they did not intend to come in. Obviously, the defense of this place is not so lax. Although there are no door panels and isolation measures, these two Ghost Generals seem to be very simple.

It’s hard to ask in front of you. I waited until I got inside before asking Supreme Taoist. "What kind of Ghost General are those two just now? Why don't you give up your face? The Jade Emperor didn't dare to be so arrogant when he saw you?"

Supreme Taoist said with a smile: "I advise you When you see them, be polite. Although they won’t be able to guard you even if you are polite, don’t mess with them. This kind of Ghost General only has thirty in total. . Among them, eight pairs of two guarded at the entrance of the 14th, 15th, 16th, and Seventeenth Layer of Heavenly Prison, and two guarded at the entrance of Eighteen Levels of Hell. The remaining two Ten are Ten Temples Yama’s bodyguards, two for each. The reason why Wukong didn’t do anything to Yama when he was making trouble in the underworld was because he was blocked by two Ghost Generals, even though they couldn’t control Wukong. What, but Wukong can't help them."

"Is it true?"

"Of course." Supreme Taoist said: "This is splitting heaven and earth The innate female fetus bred by the Extreme Yin Qi of apart, that is, born as a ghost, is not a ghost transformed from the soul of a living person after death. In this underworld, they need to eat as much as the living people on the earth. drink, shit and piss, but all they eat are hell evil spirits, and they drink the Three Thousand Feeble Water. Moreover, these 30 Ghost Generals are all true Ghost Spirits who have heard daofather preach back then, just because of Yin Qi’s personality is rather strange, so it became the Ghost General of this underworld. In fact, it’s really necessary to speak of which. Within this underworld, no matter whether it is Hades or Bodhisattva, none of them can beat these Ghost Generals. Yes."

"This is too fierce, right?" I heard that my saliva was almost down, and I hope I can get two of them back to keep the goal. But having said that, I seem to be the King Yama of the 11th Hall, so since the first ten Hades have their own Ghost General guards, I don’t have one here. Is this considered a different treatment? Well, it seems that I have to go to Celestial Court to ask about this configuration when I have time. We can't help but give it to us.

Leave aside the Ghost General thing here. I followed Supreme Taoist directly and entered this Tenth Layer Heavenly Prison. As a result, I saw the second courtyard wall not far from entering, but here and There is also no gate outside, and what's even more outrageous is that he didn't even see a guard. At any rate, there are two awesome guards outside. I haven't even seen a ghost shadow here. Are they really undefended?

"I said Heavenly Prison, is the management too lax?"

Supreme Taoist knows why I asked, so I directly replied: "In fact, it is not lax management. , The main reason is that the status of Demon here is different, and no one needs to guard."


Supreme Taoist explained: "You think! These guys are from the past. Li Shantou and our Celestial Court are facing the king of the mountain. They all know that their power has been annihilated. Now they are left with the general without an army. What can they do when they run out? Not to mention that the shape of the Central Plains has been fixed. Even if they haven’t, it’s difficult to develop with the abilities of these guys. Although they are very good in fighting, we at Celestial Court have developed into what they are now, and the singlehanded out of these people is just continuing to fail, so we say , Even if we don’t send someone to look after them, most of these guys won’t move."

"Damn, doesn’t that mean I can’t move these guys anymore?"

" That's not true. These guys actually want to go out and have a look, but our Celestial Court has always had concerns, so we have been monitoring this side, and these guys can't say that they have completely lost faith in life. , But I also know that fighting against Celestial Court is hopeless, so if we don’t let them go out, they won’t resist. Your request to release these people today just happened to have this opportunity, otherwise you thought the Jade Emperor would be that simple I promised you?"

I think so. What a shrewd guy is Jade Emperor? If that kind of person can knock something down, I'm trustworthy, but this kind of opportunity to send benefits out of nowhere shouldn't happen. In fact, when Jade Emperor and I proposed to ask for Demon in Heavenly Prison before, we were rushing to repay the money on the spot. Although I offered to take away all the Demon, the real purpose was to hope it could be Bring out three or five Demons and it's almost the same. Who knows that at the end of the Jade Emperor, they actually agreed when they discussed it. Although only five can be selected for the first time, after all, except for the eighteen Demons that can never be taken away for the first time, the rest are basically agreeing to me to choose whatever they want. This result really surprised me. But anyway, it was a good thing, and I didn't think about it. Anyway, when I got to Isengard, it was all my subordinates. It was true to increase my strength.

"Well, old man! Where are the demons here? Why is there no one in this yard?"

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