The Demon before the Celestial Court was established is really different from the modern Demon. At that time, all of them had their own spiritual spring ground veins for cultivation, so the Demon cultivation speed at that time was better than modern ones. It's much faster, and the creatures that were born when Heaven and Earth first opened basically carried some Innate Spiritual Qi, so they were better than modern creatures in terms of growth.

The demons in the Heavenly Prison are all those that Celestial Court can’t kill or are troublesome demons that are difficult to solve. Therefore, even if these demons are placed in the period before the Celestial Court is established, that’s also A powerful existence that can be counted. Therefore, in such a place, it is simply impossible to have a weaker Demon. Even the most common monster is absolutely incomparable to the outside Demon.

Although the little boy who looks pink in front of me can be said to have no deterrent in appearance, the ability of this guy actually scared me half to death. Yeah! What a terrifying ability is that? It is already a great ability to predict good and bad luck, but this spirit is not to predict the direction of things, but to force things to develop according to the way they have said them. How strong do you say this ability is?

Of course. This little grass's ability to speak spiritually is definitely not absolutely effective. Although this ability itself is relatively abnormal, it is actually limited. This limitation is mainly manifested in the gap between the things spoken by Yanling and reality. The larger the gap, the more power needs to be paid. If the ability to release the existence of Yanling is not enough to support the effect of the Yanling, Then the effect of Ling Ling will change. However, there is an advantage to the skill of Ling Ling, that is, even if it can't fully develop according to the stated situation, it will not happen backlash and completely invalid like magic failure. Even if the language skills cannot be achieved 100%, they will at least be biased towards the predetermined goal, the difference is only the amount of deviation.

Although in this way, this Linguistic skill still needs its own ability as a support to take effect, but in fact, this skill is still very historical, because in most cases you don’t need to change a certain thing at all. Just say it directly, and just change a few key details.

For example, you are going to deal with a super powerful humanoid BOSS, but you can't beat him at all, and the power gap is still very large. At this time, if you have the Ling Ling ability, and you directly use this ability to say that you can kill the BOSS, then because the opponent’s strength is much stronger than you, the Ling Ling will probably not fully achieve the goal this time, at most it will let you Just add some wounds to that BOSS. However, if you change the method and split the conclusion of killing BOSS, you can greatly increase the success rate. For example, you can first set the environment using the language spirit, choose you to meet in an environment that has a limited effect on that BOSS and start fighting. Because the probability of this kind of thing is inherently high, even if the opponent is stronger than you, Yanling can still succeed. Of course, because the language spirits can stack infinitely as long as they don’t conflict with each other, you still have to say in advance that the most convenient weapon used by the other party is being repaired and has not been brought on your body, and that the other party wants to be quiet today and only brought half of it when you go out. Restrictions such as subordinates. As long as these restrictions do not directly harm the boss body, the resistance will be much weaker, which means that the success rate will rise significantly, and after all the words that are beneficial to you are in effect, you will almost have a decisive victory against the opponent. Negative conditions. Therefore, although the spirit of the word also depends on the strength gap between the two sides to determine the effective effect, as long as you master the applicable method, it is actually very scary.

Of course, if you bully enemies who are weaker than yourself with your words, it’s much simpler. You can even tell the almost impossible thing that the opponent accidentally walked and fell to death, and if you are much stronger than the opponent, even this impossible thing is very likely to happen. However, in my opinion, the most practical effective language for this skill is to directly curse the opponent's lucky value. For example, if you directly say that your enemy is in bad luck today, all attacks only deal minimum damage, and a single critical strike does not appear. This kind of command is very simple and direct, and even if it cannot be fully effective, it will greatly weaken the opponent's hit, damage, and crit rate based on the strength of both parties. When the strength of the two parties is not much worse, it is normal to weaken the opponent's battle strength by two to three percent.

Knowing the terrifying of the grass demon in front of me, I immediately changed my previous attitude and said enthusiastically: "Your ability is very useful. Although I cannot decide whether to take you out this time, I To be sure, your ability is very important to me, so if I can’t find any particularly powerful guy among them for a while, I will take you out."

Although I seem to have made a Promise, but in fact, a closer analysis will reveal that I actually said nothing. Fortunately, Supreme Taoist’s intelligence is more reliable. The Demon here is basically a more honest personality, that is, there are not many flowers, not as cunning as modern Demon, so this little grass demon will be temporarily after listening to my words. I let it go, I didn't continue to pester me.

Just when the little grass demon's self-recommendation was completed, the large group of Demons who were in a meeting there finally completed the discussion between joining and not joining. In the end, a representative was selected from these demons and told me that they all hope to go out and become free, so I can choose any of them to leave first, and those who are not selected will not be angry, as long as I can guarantee that they will eventually It's okay to get them all out.

Of course, I will not play any tricks for this kind of basically determined thing, and I directly promised to get them all out, and then the next step is to start the data registration in a harmonious atmosphere.

The battle strength of these Demons is actually not too specific. It can only be said that the strengths of the Demons in the prison are basically close to the same level, so I want to take people out. Nor can it directly pull people based on rankings. Besides, the race of Demon is different from Zhengshen. Divine Immortal's abilities are basically the same, the difference is that the abilities are different, just like the different levels of a professional player. However, the power between Demons is not like this. Compared with immortal Buddhas with ethical inheritance, Demons are mostly self-cultivation, so their abilities are basically all myriad. Some of these abilities may be very useless, but many of them are very powerful and very strange abilities. Moreover, because those who can enter the Heavenly Prison are all special Demons, those Demons with relatively ineffective skills have already been excluded. In other words, no matter how strange the power of Demon here is, it must be very strong. So, I now need to understand what these demons have in particular, so that I can decide who to take out first.

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