The number of Russian players landing on our air carrier is no less than the number found in the open space, which means that we have killed nearly two players inside the mobile fortress Isengard. Thousands of Russian players. If this number is simply a calculation of the number of people, it is actually not a lot. After all, this is a national-level war, and an action of about a thousand people can only be regarded as a small-scale operation. However, the invasion of Russian players is strange everywhere.

The first thing is how this troop got into Isinger.

Issinger Mobile Fortress aside, all entrances of Isinger’s ground city are equipped with a special anti-stealth and anti-camouflage detection system, which means that if you want to enter Isinger, You must ensure that you enter the city as you are. Of course, because there are a lot of equipment in the game that can cover the face, in fact, as long as the person is not too famous, it is difficult for ordinary people to recognize who you are. After all, armor or something unless it reaches the level of Holy Spirit or Divine Item. Basically, there are hundreds of styles. Although the number is quite large, considering the number of players, there are actually a lot of people wearing similar equipment. Of course, because the system is set with a personalized system, players can also personalize their equipment according to their hobby in a blacksmith shop, and can modify more than 50% of the appearance of the equipment, basically after modification Before the modification, it was completely invisible to be a kind of equipment.

However, even if the player can modify the equipment to make his appearance characteristics special, as long as he is not too famous, the average player cannot remember the identity of the opponent. After all, in the game Everyday All has to meet hundreds of people, and no one will be fine to write down all of these people. Besides, many people have only one or two chances to fight, which means that most people don’t know each other before the battle. . Therefore, it is basically impossible to identify a hostile relationship based on looks.

However, although the hostile relationship cannot be confirmed by looks, it can be confirmed by other things. The first is the guild logo. Because the system stipulates that players who belong to a guild must wear the guild logo, and they cannot be covered by other things, so unless you add Illusion Technique or invisibility abilities to yourself, others will definitely be able to see you Guild badge. Of course, spies can leave the guild first, and then enter the enemy city as a free player, but there is something to be aware of here. Guilds are not just a simple organization. Guilds in the game have many additional attributes. One of the most direct points is that each guild will add a certain attribute to its members, and this attribute is related to a special upgrade project within the guild. However, no matter how many attributes are added to a guild, there will be more or less anyway, so it will appear. Players with guilds tend to have much higher battle strength than players without guilds. Especially for large guilds, if a member leaves the guild, his strength will drop by more than 20% in an instant, that is, after leaving the guild, the battle strength may only be 70% or 80% of the previous battle strength.

Even if spies temporarily abandon the addition of this attribute for their special missions, they still have to face many problems when mixing into the city. First, after entering the city, all players who do not belong to a guild must wear a special identification mark. This thing will be distributed when you enter the city. Although you can also throw it away, as long as you throw it away, you will be discovered by the army god, because the identification sign of our guild is connected to the army god. The management system. So, as long as you bring this thing, you can't do bad things, because anything that harms our Frost Rose League will be discovered immediately, and if you throw it away, you will also be discovered immediately.

According to this situation, in theory, those intruders are impossible, because whether they enter the city from the city gate or the Transmission Formation or the port, they will be seen the guild logo. At present, our guild and the Russians are at war, and if the other party carries the sign of the Russian guild, they will definitely not be able to enter. And if the other party cancels the guild, he will be forced to issue that kind of identification mark. In this case, it should also be impossible to do anything that will harm our guild.

However, all of the above should have become inappropriate. Not only did the other party come in, but the guild sign was not lifted. From the corpses of the Russian players we killed, we can clearly see their guild logos. Although they do not belong to one guild, they are all Russian guilds. This is no problem. Therefore, how these people entered Isinger and completed it has become a huge mystery. Normally, these people are absolutely impossible to come in with signs, but now they are indeed carrying signs. This is totally unexplainable. As for the setting of contacting the guild first, then entering the city and then rejoining, it is actually impossible. Because, if you want to join a guild, you must have the president of the other guild or Vice-President grant you permission, and this permission must be open face-to-face, that is, if the other party wants to dissolve the guild Those who belong to join the guild after entering Isengard. At least one of their president or Vice-President must be in Isengard, and this kind of thing happened with this impossible. After all, the other party’s president or Vice-President can’t enter with a sign, but they can’t withdraw like ordinary players, because if they withdraw, they can’t come in and give others a guild. Will have permission.

In addition to the source of these people, we also have a bunch of strange problems here.

One of the questions that confuses us is the question about monitoring.

Isinger is equipped with a lot of cat's eye magic arrays. In addition to basic attack capabilities, these magic arrays also have a very important function that is to act as a camera. These cat's eye magic arrays are almost all over the streets and alleys of Isengard, and any place where there is a blockade gate must be the key monitoring area of ​​this cat's eye magic array.

Because the military god can handle multiple signals simultaneously, in fact, our entire Isinger is basically under the real-time monitoring of the military god. However, those Russian players not only ran around the city under this surveillance mode, but also caused multiple explosions and various destructions, and even went to the Isinger Mobile Fortress, which is not open to the outside world. This also makes people feel puzzled. Of course, those invisible players do have this ability, but the problem is that many of the Russian players killed this time were not invisible. How did they avoid our surveillance?

Even if this monitoring issue is not considered, there is still a problem that makes us very headache, and that is the thousands of invisible people we killed in the end.

Where did their ability come from? How did it happen? Are there any weaknesses? We all have a black eye on these things. To be honest, this feeling of standing in the open and being peeped really makes us very uncomfortable. However, now that these problems have been discovered, it should be time to solve them.

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