"How is the arrangement?" I asked Hong Yue aloud while watching the gasping for breath.

Hong Yue nodded then said: "The clean-up work within the city has been basically completed. In addition, a large number of defensive forces have been recalled from some non-Asian areas and invested in Isinger’s guard work. At present, it seems that the enemy should not be able to threaten the safety of our city for the time being."

"It seems that our work is still not in place. Although this time the capabilities of the Russian players have come It’s weird, but anyway, it’s a mistake in our work, so we need to make a good adjustment. In addition, you have to help me stare at Isinger, and I have to take the time to go to Celestial Court."

When Hong Yue heard that I was going to Celestial Court, he immediately said: "You should have a good talk with Celestial Court. There are also two temples of light and dark. Although they are not as powerful as Celestial Court, they are different from Celestial Court. , Their headquarters and executive agencies are in the world, and their work efficiency is much stronger than Celestial Court. This time the incident is no longer the fault of our guild, but the collective fault of the entire Divine Race in China."

"So I just want to go to them for a little compensation. It's not our fault and we shouldn't be responsible for it."

"That's what I said." After Hong Yue finished speaking, he suddenly remembered Some important things still need to be dealt with, so I greeted me and then turned and ran out of the conference hall, while I was sitting on the throne of the conference hall thinking about some things.

The speaking of which of the Siberian Divine Race invasion is that our guild failed to manage its own guild security, and was invaded by outsiders, but in fact this is not a pure Isinger defense issue. , But a national-level Divine Race defense problem. It's like if an ordinary thief enters your home and steals, in this case, the head of the household has a responsibility for not doing the anti-theft work well. Although this is not the main responsibility, you must have some responsibility. Because if your home's anti-theft work is done well, the thief feels that stealing your home is too hard, so he will definitely give up. However, if your house is invaded by a group of regular foreign troops, then it’s definitely not your business, because in theory, the troops of other countries shouldn’t be in our country, and they can actually attack residential houses on our land. That is the responsibility of the national defense forces, not the responsibility of the head of the household.

This Siberian Divine Race invasion of Isengard is actually the same situation. Although it seems that our city was not well defended and was invaded by the Siberian Divine Race, the greater responsibility lies in the failure of the Celestial Court, the Monster Race, and the two temples of light and dark to do a good job of internal security. Ordinarily, if other Divine Races invade, their native Divine Races should have the responsibility to prevent them from entering the territory of our country. However, this time they not only let people in, but also caused the city of our guild to be attacked. This is obviously the defensive behavior of these Divine Race is not in place. We only take a small part of the responsibility, and most of the responsibility lies with Divine Race. there.

According to my personality, I like to take advantage even if there is nothing to do. This time, the two temples of light and darkness, Celestial Court and Monster Race have made such a big loophole, if I don’t blackmail something. Isn't it too sorry for yourself to come out?

Of course, even if you want to pay compensation, you have to run family by family, and the order must be particular. The first one to go must be Celestial Court, because the first one means that the preparation time is short, and the other party has no time to find excuses to shirk, but once the other party’s responsibilities are fulfilled, I can benefit more. Although the first and the other three companies can definitely fulfill the responsibilities of each other, none of the three companies is as thick as the Celestial Court family property, so even if they fall into the same responsibility, the benefits that Celestial Court can give are definitely more than the other three plus one. Many. In this case, of course, we must go to Celestial Court first, otherwise, once we let them find an excuse to shirk, then our loss will be great.

Since the first goal is Celestial Court, I didn't think about which one to go next. I can wait for Celestial Court to come back and think about it slowly. The most important thing now is to kill them completely unprepared. Of course, there is hard evidence that you can't go empty-handed this time, you have to bring something convincing.

I started to act immediately after I wanted to understand all the content of the matter. "Military god."

"What's the matter?"

"What about the corpses of the Siberian Divine Race?"

" Now, I just prepared Dissection, and I haven’t had time to do it yet."

"Don’t do it yet. Send me all the corpses to the Teleportation Hall. Also, ask if anyone in the guild wants to go. Celestial Court was playing. Called sixteen people to help carry the corpse, and went to Celestial Court with me. I went to the Teleportation Hall to gather. Oh, yes, those sixteen people should be smarter, it might be useful."


After arranging the action, I didn’t go right away. Instead, I found some wood and burned it into ashes. Then I smeared the ashes on my body and face. Then I got some blood and sprinkled some on my body. I took a picture in the mirror condensed by the water mirror technique. After confirming that there was no problem, I went to the teleportation hall, but after seeing the sixteen players here I realized that this was not enough, and people quickly made a lot of black ash and plasma to dress up these players. In the end, when we finished all sorts of things, the sixteen people who were originally glamorous became sixteen defeated soldiers who seemed to have just crawled out of the dead pile on the battlefield.

"President, why are we going to Celestial Court to do this kind of virtue?" A member didn't quite understand why I had to make them such a ghost, so he asked directly .

Don’t even say, the sixteen people that the army god found were really clever, and I guessed my purpose in one go. "Idiot you!" The player took a picture of the guy who asked the question and said, "Don't you know if you see these corpses? Divine Races from other countries have ran to our Isinger to run wild. Did you say Celestial Court? Responsible? We are definitely going this time to ask questions. If we don’t do it a bit miserably, how can we use the question to get mad?"

"Oh, so that's how it is!" I heard that player's Explain that other people immediately understood, after all, these all are the more clever people I asked for, and they immediately understood what I meant as soon as they reminded me.

Look at the sixteen of them. I said with a smile: "Now I’m talking about nothing on my own site. When I get to Celestial Court, you will all pretend to look like a little bit for me. You have to have anger on your face. Don’t hehe haha. We’re here to inquire about our sins. We have to be furious, otherwise people think we have nothing to lose, and the compensation will be discounted."

"Uh, this is for sure. One of the players asked: "Then what...President? Do we have a special reward for this visit?"

I glanced at them and said, "As long as you don’t act for me It’s smashed. When you come back, you have to pick one of the good things that you have extorted. But I’ll say it first, let you pick and let you pick, but the guild contribution point still has to be paid, but you can give you a call. 10% off."


Although you have to pay the guild contribution point, the one I gave is actually a very high discount. The items given by Celestial Court will definitely not be local stalls, and there will definitely be a lot of people rushing to ask for the items when they arrive at the guild. Their priority is a huge advantage, and I have already said that it is OK. Give them a 10% discount. In terms of the price of Divine Item-level equipment, this discount ratio is actually very large. After all, the price base is relatively large, and every discount is worth one-to-one.

After finishing the ideological work of this group of people, I immediately asked them to lift the four corpses on the ground with a stretcher prepared. These are all the corpses of Divine Race in Siberia, but not the ones who smashed the door in the control room before. In fact, the Siberian Divine Race that invaded Isengard’s mobile fortress was not only a few people, but more than 20 people, but most of them were intercepted in the middle of the road, and finally reached the central control room. In fact, it is only a small part of it. As for why these four corpses were used, it was mainly because the strength of these four Divine Races was relatively outstanding. Only by carrying them to Celestial Court could the responsibility of Celestial Court be more serious. After all, if only some shrimp soldiers and crab generals ran in, then Celestial Court could also say that the opponent's strength was too poor to attract enough attention, so that their responsibilities would be lighter.

In order not to give Celestial Court this excuse, we directly carried the four strongest Siberian Divine Races this time. Anyway, they are all corpses now. Dead men tell no tales, we said this Four is the average strength of the opponent. Could Celestial Court still send someone to check it out at this time?

After everything was ready, we immediately entered the Transmission Formation, and then I connected the Transmission Formation outside South Heaven Gate with special permissions. Although this Transmission Formation has always been there, the link to this Transmission Formation requires special permissions. At present, there are only three players in China who have the right to remotely log in to this Transmission Formation. One is me, and the other two are Zhenhong and Gold. coin. I am because of my relationship with Celestial Court Divine Race, while Zhenhong and gold coin are because of national equipment.

After Transmission Formation started, our surroundings changed and we immediately went outside South Heaven Gate. The next sixteen players are relatively smart. Although it is the first time to come to Celestial Court, they put on a dead face as soon as they came out. No one glanced around frivolous, which makes me very satisfied.

After the transmission is complete, I waved forward and then moved towards South Heaven Gate and walked over. Four Great Heavenly Kings, who had been guarding the South Heaven Gate, saw me with so many people this time, and immediately greeted me. After all, I came here by myself before.

"Huh? Isn't this the president of Purple Moon? What are you today?" After Four Great Heavenly Kings came over, I was surprised to find that besides 16 people who helped me, it was unexpectedly It also carried four corpses, and the corpse knew from the look of it that it was not a Chinese person. After all, these were all Siberian Divine Races, and they were white people. The appearance is very different from our Chinese people.

Although I am familiar with Four Great Heavenly Kings, but this time I came to Xingshi to inquire about crimes, so I didn’t say hello to them, so I just raised my hand to say hello, and then stayed cold. The voice said: "This time there is something to ask the Jade Emperor for an explanation, please inform us. Should we wait here or go to the great hall to wait?"

Although I asked like this, there was nothing It means to stop, and Four Great Heavenly Kings is not a fool. Seeing these four corpses, he probably understood something, so the four of them discussed it and decided to let the Heavenly King of Guangmu to give a report, and the others were quotes. So I went directly to Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace and waited.

I probably heard that I came here with four corpses this time, so Jade Emperor didn’t dare to delay. We only arrived at Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace and saw it in less than ten minutes. Jade Emperor led a large group of Divine Immortal out from behind, and before the Jade Emperor was in place, they saw Dainichi Tathagata with a group of Buddhism gods and Buddhas coming in. After these people came in, they didn't say anything, and quickly found their own positions and stood up, and then the boss Jade Emperor came forward to ask questions.

"Purple Moon! Although we are familiar with you, this is Celestial Court after all. As the saying goes, there is Heavenly Might this day, you carried four corpses and ran to me What's the matter with Celestial Court?"

"Nothing. I just want a statement."

"A statement?" Jade Emperor feigning ignorance looks like look at me.

"humph." I pointed to the four corpses of the Siberian Divine Race on the ground and said: "You are not a god or a Buddha here. I don't believe you can't see who this is."


The Da Ri Tathagata next to him interrupted at this time: "President Purple Moon, although we also know that this is the body of Divine Race, we don’t know that you carried the body of Divine Race and ran to our side. What are you doing here? And you still said that you want to ask for an explanation? Look at your smoke and smoke, could it be what happened?"

"Not only what happened, but also a very serious matter. Just. Half an hour ago, Isengard, the central city of our Frost Rose League, was invaded by Russian players. Originally, this had nothing to do with you. However, when the battle was halfway through, more than 20 claimants came out suddenly. The guys of the Siberian Divine Race, and the four you see now are the four ordinary members. These Siberian Divine Races immediately began to help those Russian players to destroy our city, thanks to all the members of our guild Together, after paying huge casualties, we finally succeeded in killing these more than 20 Siberian Divine Races. However, in order to deal with these Siberian Divine Races, the loss of our guild was incalculable. A large number of defensive team members sacrificed. Even our players have suffered heavy casualties, let alone the damage caused by fighting in the city. If this is caused by our guild itself, then we will recognize it, but these all are caused by the invaders, and This intruder is not an ordinary intruder, but a foreign Divine Race that should have been blocked by your Heavenly God Buddhas outside the country. Do you think I should come to you for an explanation?"

Jade Emperor and Dainichi Tathagata have been completely said by me that I don’t know how to answer them. The battle took place in Isengard, and the body of Divine Race was also placed here. This is an ironclad proof. No matter how clever the teeth are, I don't know how to argue in this case. Of course, if you give them more time to think about it, you can still find a lot of excuses for making major events smaller. Although they can’t be trivial, they can at least shirk part of the responsibility, but it’s just that I came too quickly, so that The gods and Buddhas of Celestial Court didn't think about how to explain it for a while, so they called out the current situation.

"President Purple Moon, what kind of gods are these Siberian Divine Races?" Taibai Jinxing, who was standing by, suddenly asked.

"Russian. Is there any question?" I asked aloud.

Taibai Jinxing pretended to think and said: "Speaking of the Russian Divine Race has been destroyed by you? But these...?"

"Theocratic vacuum belt, Naturally, new gods will be born. Your Celestial Court has been around for too long and is exceptionally stable, so it’s understandable that you don’t understand this, but this is not a reason to shirk responsibility."

"I just ask. I don't want to shirk responsibility!" Taibai Jinxing was choked by my words and didn't know what to do. He could only explain and hide behind him.

The King Tota on one side couldn’t get past and said aloud: “Even if we have our responsibility in it this time, we have to investigate clearly before we can make a decision! You can’t ask without asking, right? ?"

I am going to play the role of the suffering master, so I can't be a good person at this time. If Celestial Court is allowed to take the initiative, I won't have a chance, so at this time, Celestial Court can't be given a chance. It must be ruthless, and whoever comes first will be killed.

Directly turning to Li Jing's direction, I walked towards him and said, "You can just ask what you want to investigate. I am just a broken can anyway. My Isinger is such a beautiful one. The city, what is it like now? You want to investigate? No problem, now I will let you investigate, come, let's go down and look at the corpses of the heroes in our guild to investigate." I said as I went. Li Jing is still unreasonable. At this time, how can I dare to go sideways with me, being pushed back and forth, and finally stepped on the air and fell off the steps next to the great hall.

This Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace is different from the human building. In fact, it has only one wall besides the roof and the ground, and this wall is not complete. This wall is the divine wall behind the Jade Emperor, and there is nothing in the other three directions. The roof is supported by those huge pillars, there are no walls around it, and the floor of the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace is much higher than the surroundings, just like an altar, so Li Jing, who retreats and retreats, was finally stunned by me. I squeezed it down and lost my lord.

When Taibai Jinxing saw Li Jing fall down there, he opened his mouth and said, "Aiya, President Purple Moon, even you..." Taibai Jinxing just opened my mouth and threw it with a murderous look, and it turned out forcibly He stuffed all the words behind him back, and the Old Guy who was choked was coughing straight over there, and he didn't know if it was really choking or pretending.

Seeing that I am just like a cockfighting who catches and destroys others, the Heavenly God Buddhas over there dare not interject. Jade Emperor knew this situation was useless, and he still had to come out.

"Aiya, President Purple Moon, don't you want to be so angry now!"

Before the Jade Emperor's voice fell, I immediately replied: "If I lead someone Your Celestial Court was smashed, can you still talk to me so peacefully?"

Jade Emperor, who was choked to death by me, didn’t know how to take the conversation at this time, and it was cold for a long time at the end. The field is still talking. "Well, it is indeed our Divine Race's responsibility to foreign Divine Race to appear on the land of China, but the situation is not quite clear now. Would you please let us know the situation?"

" Okay, after waiting for so long, your words are the most intimate. I just came to ask for an explanation. These guys will talk to me as soon as they come up. You know you will take the responsibility directly. Okay, I listen to you and want to know Just ask what you want."

When Da Ri Tathagata heard what I said, he was stunned for a moment. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the Heavenly God Buddhas next to him staring at him. If you do, it is tantamount to inheriting this responsibility. After I understand this, Tathagata can’t wait to give myself two big mouths, but I can’t swallow it again after I have said it, so I can’t help but brace oneself and continue: "If this is the case, then I will ask."

"Excuse me."

"This..." As soon as Dainichi Tathagata opened his mouth, he realized that he didn't know what to ask. It was only after raising his eyes to look at the Heavenly God Buddhas outside the circle. Thinking of it, he still didn't know what to ask. However, since I have already said this, it is impossible not to ask. However, after thinking about it, he still thinks that people will hate if he talks rashly at this time, so this guy made a bad deal, and directly looked at Jade Emperor and said: "I think it is more appropriate for the Jade Emperor to ask about this kind of thing." /p>

Jade Emperor almost fainted when he heard that the Great Sun Tathagata came, and you dare not offend people to make me stand out, right? However, even though he was angry, Jade Emperor knew that this time was not a time to argue with Dainichi Tathagata. Besides, he was the Lord of the Celestial Court and the leader of the Heavenly God Buddhas, at least between Hongjun Sect Lord and Hongjun Sect Lord. Before the three guys Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and Lao Tzu came out, he was the largest in the Celestial Court, so he wouldn't be able to get ahead at this time.

"In that case, then I will ask. This time these...the Siberian Divine Race...what did they go to your Isengard for?"

"Harass And destruction." I directly replied: "At present, Russian players are planning a large-scale invasion of our territory, and these people are planning to infiltrate our Frost Rose League to destroy them, so that we have no time to manage the borders. Defense work so that they can have the opportunity to invade our country. You are also responsible for speaking of which. After all, this is homeland defense. Divine Race should take the initiative to intervene."

When I heard this, Dainichi Tathagata quickly explained: "Although our Divine Race also has the responsibility of keeping the soil, the division of responsibilities is very clear. We are not good to intervene until the other party has not occupied or established a city!"

"There are many excuses." A player who followed me suddenly interrupted at this time neither too big nor too small.

"What did you say?" Because they didn't accept what I said, the Divine Immortal around was not afraid, because this player hadn't seen it before, and they didn't feel anything amazing.

The player did not have stage fright after being questioned, anyway, I was in charge. "What I said was the truth." He pointed to the corpse on the ground. "Look at the Divine Race in Russia. Don’t say that you are responsible for keeping the soil. They can even bypass the rules and run to our country’s land to give their citizens a front-line. But what about you? People are all bullying at our door, but you are still here to sit idly by. We are being beaten so miserably, you don't say anything to comfort you, are you still busy investigating this and that? You guys? How can we be peaceful?"

"impudent!" A Divine Immortal I don’t know points to the player and raises his hand as a slap gesture, although the distance between him and that player is still more than ten meters , But here are all powerful, besides, a slap is nothing to Divine Immortal. However, this time can't let him succeed. As soon as the guy raised his hand, I flashed directly in front of the player, and then raised my hand and slapped it back. Because I was going to look angry, I also tried my best with this slap. Not only did I blow away the vigor that the guy had played in the air, but I also slapped the rest of my strength firmly. Guy's face. He only heard the bang, and the guy swung his head and flew out of the edge of the great hall.

"Oh, I finally climbed up... I rely on..." Pagoda Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing, who just climbed up from the edge of the great hall, just took a head and found a humanoid object leaping towards him , He was not able to react, and he was immediately knocked down by that person, and then the surrounding Divine Immortal all let out a cold sweat for no reason.

I am also very surprised by this accident, but I can’t laugh or apologize at this time. I have to be hard-hearted to the end, so I didn’t even see it, but among the sixteen players behind. There were a few people who were not able to hold back their smiles and shivered there. I was afraid that they couldn't hold back their laughter for a while, that would be really unlucky.

I took advantage of the chance that the Heavenly God Buddhas over there hadn’t reacted yet, I yelled directly: "I didn’t see you at the Divine Race in Great Siberia. Now we people have come off the battlefield just now. , This is still scarred and bloody, you are actually embarrassed to hit my person? What do you think of you? Is it just a responsibility for you to keep the land? Where does your faith come from? At this time, if you don’t unite as one, when will you wait?"

"Quite your anger!" Jade Emperor comforted: "It was that guy’s personal behavior just now. It doesn’t represent us Celestial Court. Okay! Okay, well, I won’t investigate this time. Can we not ask if we don’t ask? Your Frost Rose Alliance has indeed suffered a great loss this time. The corpse of this Siberian Divine Race is not fake. , So we believe that President Purple Moon will not confess. That is the case. Since this incident is indeed our responsibility has not been fulfilled, can we not compensate for Isinger’s loss? Celestial Court compensates you one third...... Oh No, half. Report the number of losses you have, and we will compensate you half. In addition, we will give you something extra, which is considered as our support for your resistance. After all, we are not the only one in the land of China, the Celestial Court, so we are responsible. We can’t bear it all. Of course, our responsibility will not escape. As for the question of counterattack... Where is Pagoda Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing?"

"The end is here." Li Jing listened to Jade Emperor Shouting to myself, he hurriedly ran up from the bottom of the steps and stood in the middle of the great hall. Cup one fist in the other hand and saluted.

"Now I order you to assemble 300,000 heavenly soldiers and go to the Sino-Russian border to coordinate defenses. If foreigners dare to enter China to nuisance the land, you will intervene on the pipe in the name of passing by. One tube."

"I will understand." After Li Jing finished speaking, he immediately turned around and ran out.

Jade Emperor immediately looked towards me after seeing Li Jing leave and asked: "Are you satisfied with my arrangement like this?"

I nodded and said: "There are still some gods and Buddhas here. I’m in a bad mood before. Don’t blame me. I’ll accompany you here.” As I said, I made a circle of the surrounding Heavenly God Buddhas, and then said, “Although these things are generally It's almost there, but others always bully us like this. It's not a problem that we have been passively beaten like this. So I want to discuss something with the Jade Emperor."

"You said."

"I want to ask the Jade Emperor to borrow two people."

"Borrow someone?"

I nodded and said: "Everyone has seen the situation now. This Siberian Divine Race can play Entering our country, other Divine Races are certainly possible, so I think, instead of being passively beaten like this, we should take the initiative and go to their turf to play a bit. If we can dig a city and a half by the way, it would be fine. By increasing our territories below, you can also earn more Power of Faith income. This is a good thing for everyone."

"A good thing is a good thing, but our people can’t get out!" Dainichi Tathagata suddenly said. This guy is different from the Jade Emperor. The original Buddhism was developed in China after being unable to mix in India. Later, the Chinese Buddhism flourished, but it surpassed India’s native Buddhism. This shows that Buddhism was originally a pioneering spirit. Divine Race. Therefore, compared to Jade Emperor, a guy who wants to eat and is too lazy to do something, Da Ri Tathagata never misses a good opportunity.

"Although you can't get out, we can get out, but there are foreign gods and Buddhas in foreign countries, and their battle strength is too strong. Although our guild has also established a chaotic and orderly Divine Race, but You all know that the newly formed Divine Race forces are not very strong. Although I have recruited some high level Divine Races from other places to participate, after all, I have become a guild Divine Race. The battle strength has dropped drastically. I can’t handle those foreign Divine Races. So, I want to borrow some high-level personnel from you so that I can go to foreign countries to compete with their Divine Races. With the current strength of our Frost Rose League, as long as the gods of those countries As long as there is no way to interfere with our actions, we can cannibalize their land and population in a large amount. When the time comes...hehe, you know."

As soon as my words were spoken, the Heavenly God Buddhas all started. Think about it. This is different from the previous situation. They actually knew that I was here to compensate, so they pretended to be ignorant of the situation. Now when this is to help them get benefits, they are of course thinking very seriously.

After thinking about it for a while, Jade Emperor suddenly asked: "What kind of personnel do you need to help you? You know, my Celestial Court is not the kind of divine race, Inner Member has it. Strong cohesion, they are not willing to leave Celestial Court easily. What you meant before is to transform these people into members of your chaotic and order Divine Race, so that you can bypass the Heavenly Dao regulations, and then you can I have gone abroad. But even if I agree to lend someone to you, they may not be willing to go!"

"I have actually thought about this issue."

"Oh , Do you have a plan?"

I nodded and said: "My plan is actually very simple. I don’t need too much manpower, and I don’t need the famous Great Immortal. I only ask you some questions. Divine Immortal."

"Question Divine Immortal?"

"For example, the monkey." I reached out and pointed at the top of Jade Emperor's head, and then Jade Emperor and the Heavenly God Buddha one When I looked up, I found that Sun Wukong was sitting on the beam of the room and gnawing peaches.

"How come you go up there, you monkey There was no place for me, it happened to be spacious, so I sat on it."

"Making a fool!"

I looked at Jade Emperor and said, "You have seen it too. Sun Wukong is his nature. It’s fun and there are no rules. In this Celestial Court, I get bored and cause trouble for you. It's better to let him go to our Divine Race of Chaos and Order, where there are few rules, and we have everything to do every day. Although Wukong has a stubborn nature, his battle strength is very high. I will take him to foreign countries to harm those foreign Divine Races. This will save you troubles and help you develop the source of Power of Faith. Why not do such a good thing? What?"

When I said that, the surrounding Divine Immortal also began to be nodded. After all, Sun Wukong is born with a temperament. It is impossible to be quiet wherever he goes. You expect him to sit there quietly. Meditating quietly is absolutely impossible. So Celestial Court has been tossed during this period of time. These Divine Immortal and Buddha have basically been harmed, so when I heard that there was a chance to send away this millennium scourge, I immediately said that this was a great thing.

Although Jade Emperor also bothers Sun Wukong, he knows that this kind of high level talent is hard to find, and it is of course the best to keep it, so he still a little bit reluctant to let go. However, he hadn't spoken yet, but Sun Wukong himself spoke first. "Purple Moon is much more fun on your side than Celestial Court. I want to go and I want to go. I have a good time with you and I want to go there."

Jade Emperor listened to Sun Wukong himself Having said that, he sighed helplessly: "It's nothing! Since you, the monkey-like monkey, also likes to go, let you go."

"many thanks Jade Emperor." I bowed immediately after saluting. Then he said: "But this Wukong alone is not enough, I want some other manpower."

Jade Emperor immediately said: "Is there anyt

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