Although the self-destruct of those Russian players caused quite a lot of damage to our guild, it was discovered in a timely manner, so there was no damage. Of course, no one would be happy to be changed like this for no reason, so we are all holding a sigh of breath and want to quickly seek revenge from those Russian players.

However, although we really want to fight to Russia now, what we didn't expect is that these terrorists are not actually the other party's full power. Just when we started to clean up the rubble caused by the terrorist self-destruct, we suddenly heard the sound of peng sound from the mobile fortress of Isengard overhead. Although we heard that the sound was not very loud in the ground city, we must know that there is an Isinger Sky City between Isinger Mobile Fortress and Isinger Ground City! The sound can be transmitted through a city, which shows that it is definitely not a normal movement, but a very, very loud sound.

Sure enough, when we had just determined what must have happened above, we suddenly heard the voice of the military god in the communication: "Report, our airport has been attacked. It has been confirmed. Three spaceships have been destroyed, and one of them can be determined to be completely scrapped."

"What about the enemy?"

"It is totally impossible to confirm."

"What is completely unrecognizable?" Christina's voice appeared in the communication channel and asked.

The military god explained helplessly: "The attackers used a stealth method that we have never seen before, and all the attackers are in a completely undetectable state. Whether it is a monitor or On-site personnel, so far we have no way to detect the presence of the other party."

"Does anti-stealth skills not work?"

"We even I used the magic net jamming bomb that was just configured and it was still useless."

This so-called magic net jamming bomb is actually a weapon specifically used for spell-type skills. This thing itself does not produce Any lethality, but it can cause violent fluctuations in the magic net within a certain range at the moment of explosion, so as long as the magic net fluctuates during this period of time, all nearby spell-type abilities, whether it is magic or Taoism Or sorcery, anyway, except for divine technique and body refinement, all magical techniques will be severely affected. The most direct response is that the magic being released will be interrupted, and the buffs or curse spells that have been attached to the person will also be eliminated at one time. Therefore, in addition to being used by the enemy, this thing can also be used to purify one's negative state, but after the purification is completed, another layer of gain spell must be applied, otherwise it will become a naked state.

It is said that if the opponent uses the invisibility ability, as soon as the jamming bomb explodes, all the invisible people nearby will be revealed. After all, the magic on these people will be useless after the magic net is messed up. In this case, of course the invisibility will fail. But the military god just said that the opponent's ability doesn't even work with the magic net jamming bomb, which is very strange.

Hong Yue's voice suddenly inserted into the communication at this time and asked: "To what extent is the other party's invisible? Is it completely invisible or has a weak spot?"

" Perfect level is invisible. Whether it is moving or attacking will not be visible, even if it is killed, it is useless. We have killed two invaders with covering weapons, but the bodies are still invisible."

When I heard that I couldn't even see the body, I quickly asked: "Are you sure you couldn't see the body instead of being taken away by the other party?"

"No, the body has been captured by us. , You can confirm that the corpse is two male Human Race players by directly touching it with your hands, but you just can’t see it."

We are all surprised at this answer from the military god and don’t know what to say. . The general Invisibility Technique usually has a lot of defects. For example, the invisibility ability carried by my Phantom Cloak is unable to move. Once it moves, it will produce a light distortion like a heat wave in the air. Just a little bit of attention will be enough. discover. In addition, I can also use the magical version of Invisibility Technique, but it can be detected by anti-stealth skills, and it has a worse effect than the Invisibility Technique carried by Phantom Cloak. It will expose itself whether it is moving or attacking. In addition, the invisibility skills like the shadow hiding and the like carried by the night shadow are similar. Anyway, it is either more restrictive or can be investigated. I have never heard of such a thing that cannot be removed even if it is killed. Stealth ability.

According to the military god, they have even controlled the enemy’s body, but they can figure out the opponent’s approximate race and gender with their hands, but still can’t see the body. This shows that This stealth ability is basically flawless, at least there are no known flaws.

Normally, this kind of absolutely incomprehensible ability will not appear in the game, but the current situation is that the enemy not only has such an absolute invisibility ability, but also is not one or two people. Such ability. This really makes us a little confused about what to do.

Although I don’t know where the other party got so many weird abilities and characters this time, the enemy has already hit the door of the house, and we can’t just leave it alone, so we can do it now. The thing is to take part in the battle first, and kill the opponent first anyway, or at least suppress it somewhere so that they can't do damage.

"Attention all high-level personnel, immediately put down their work and participate in the battle without the airport of Isengard Mobile Fortress. You don't need to gather, whoever comes first will go directly into the battle. Try to kill the enemy, remember to try by the way Try your abilities and see if there is any way to make the enemy appear."

"Understood." There was a promise in the communication channel, and then everyone started to run to the mobile fortress of Isengard. Of course, I was also summon. When I got out of Asuka, I flew directly to the ground.

According to the regulations, the long spear series creatures were not allowed to fly inside Isengard, even more how on the ground. But the current situation is really special, so I can't control that much anymore. I just summon the bird and jump on it and fly directly to the Isengard Mobile Fortress.

The speed of taking the city elevator is too slow, and the Transmission Formation is temporarily closed again, so the fastest way is to fly up from the outskirts of the city. I can think of this, of course everyone can think of it, so when I flew up from the Isengard Ground City, I found that there were people taking off from all over the city, and then bypassed the huge Isengard Sky City at the top and arrived directly. Isinger Mobile Fortress.

It was the airport above Isengard Mobile Fortress that was attacked. This location is located at the top area of ​​Isengard Mobile Fortress, which is also a range that is difficult for the enemy to approach under normal circumstances. However, the other party not only came in, but also not one or two people came. Although we can't estimate the number of enemies because the opponent's stealth ability is too strong, at least we can be sure that it is not as simple as one or two people.

Although everyone took off in no particular order, the flying birds were faster, so I was the first to arrive here. Before I landed, I saw a large group of guards from the guild on the ground below shooting arrows at a clearing ahead. I knew that the enemy was invisible, so I was not surprised, but moved towards. The position where the arrow was aimed flew over.

Sure enough, although the other party is invisible, there is no way to eliminate his own existence, which means that the other party just can't be seen, but it's not non-existent. This large and dense rain of arrows would immediately cover an area of ​​the boss, and then I saw that a certain position suddenly blocked several arrows in succession, and the guards on our side were not in vain. At the moment when the arrow was blocked, the two high level elite death shooters who had been waiting behind the archer's phalanx suddenly released their bowstrings at the same time. With only a bang, two arrows with black light hit the empty place in an instant, and suddenly stopped in the air.

Although the two arrows stopped there, they were obviously shot, because the arrows should fall after being blocked, but now the two arrows are stuck in the air. And suddenly changed the direction and moved up and down in the air.

Obviously, the opponent is injured and is running away with two arrows in it. But at this time, he was destined to have no probability of running away, because although he himself was absolutely invisible, the arrow was not invisible. The people around you can't see him, as long as you attack where the two arrows are, there is no problem.

Looking at the escaping enemy, I jumped directly off Asuka and landed directly next to the invisible guy. Although I can't see what this person is in now, I just raised my hand in the approximate position and cut with a sword. It felt as if something had been cut, and then the two arrows that had stopped in the air suddenly sank and then stopped moving. I reached out and touched it, but in the end I touched something sticky and warm, obviously blood stains. But even if this thing got me, I just can't see it.

"Damn, the opponent's stealth ability can even cover the body. I just killed one and cut it in the middle, but the blood spilled is invisible at all!"

"How is it possible?" Hong Yue asked in surprise: "Did you make a mistake?"

"That's right." Then a red voice appeared. "I just slapped one to death, probably because my head was smashed. It may be my brain after spraying my sticky hand, but I can feel that there is something in my hand, so I can't see it."

"I am also here. Found one." The voice of gold coin followed. "I have been sifted into a sieve, but I can't see a drop of blood."

"The opponent's stealth ability is perfect, there is no loophole at all. I think it is impossible to clean these enemies by relying on ordinary personnel. That's it!" Christina said.

I frowned and asked: "Does anyone on your side find any skills that can make the other person visible?"

"Currently, we haven't found any way to make the other person visible. We just found It seems that the opponents are not very strong, as long as they make a hit, they can basically achieve a spike." Hong Yue said.

"It should be the price paid by this stealth ability." Kristina said immediately: "The opponent's attack power is not weak, and under normal circumstances Russians will not be bored. Use such an important invisibility ability on some ordinary players. The opponent must be a high level player, but after using this invisibility ability, defensive power and health have dropped a lot, but the attack power seems to have not changed significantly."

"As long as we don't meet force with force, their defensive power and life value will not be the worst. This kind of price is actually very cost-effective!" Gold coin said.

"Okay, let's not discuss this for now, just think about how to deal with these guys is the right way." Hades's voice intervened and said.

I asked with a little experience: "Hades, can't you see their souls?"

"Just because you can't see me, I want you to find a way! "

As Pluto, Hades should have reached the limit for his soul induction, but even so, Hades still has no way to detect their location through the souls of these people. It's very exaggerated in itself. The other party's invisibility seems to be far more perverted than we thought.

Although it is very strange how this ability appeared, we have no good way to deal with the enemy in this situation. We can only consider some indirect ways to deal with the enemy.

According to the information collected now, it is not difficult to kill these people. The biggest problem is that they cannot be seen. So, what we need to do now is to come up with one or several ways to allow our people to locate each other's location. Even if there is no way to pinpoint it, at least it must be able to fight after being approached by the opponent.

The so-called three heads are the top Zhuge Liang, so many people here, of course, we can think of a solution at once. "That's right. We can use fog!"

"Fog?" I suddenly understood after a little bit of a daze. "Yes! Can you use fog?"

Although the opponent's stealth ability is very strong, there is a weakness, that is, their bodies have not disappeared, which means that their bodies still occupy a certain amount. Space. Therefore, if we create a lot of fog in the vicinity, then the opponent's body must not overlap with the fog. When you look in this way, you will find a blank area where there is an enemy, and as long as it is a blank area, it means that there is an enemy standing there.

Isinger Mobile Fortress has a large-scale camouflage system that can create clouds and fog to cover the entire city. Originally, this thing is to disguise Isinger Mobile Fortress as a cloud and sneak close to the enemy or fly over. Some areas are in Minggan, but this time we need to flip the system. Instead of creating fog outside, we emit a large amount of fog into the city, and finally the entire Isengard Mobile Fortress is filled with this kind of fog.

Because it is a fog of magic, I have preferential treatment to our own people. Although it will still affect the line of sight, the visible distance of our people in this fog can reach about 20 meters. The sight range of non-members of the guild will not exceed three meters in front of them. In this way, our people have the advantage of visual range. Although the opponent's figure must be seen with the help of fog, we can't activate this superior ability, but at least we can make the opponent and our people in a state of black eyes. Anyway, this can at least bring everyone back to the same starting line. It's better than being beaten passively now.

Thanks to the fact that Isengard’s mobile fortress is automated, as soon as we figured out a way, the military god immediately controlled the system in the city and started to operate. Then within two minutes we found that the surrounding area started to fog, and The concentration of the mist rose very fast, and it took almost ten seconds, and the surroundings had completely fallen into a state where they could not see their fingers.

The fog not only obscures the sight range near us, but also obstructs the sunlight. Originally, Isengard has been under the shadow of death clouds, so the light in the city has always been darker. Now that a thick layer of fog is created, it is naturally even darker. Fortunately, seven or eight of the NPCs in our guild belong to Dark Element, so the darker we are, the cheaper we will take.

I feel that the fog is getting stronger and stronger, and the fight is getting less and less. Because people can no longer be seen on both sides, everyone can only rely on their ears to catch the enemy's position. This depends on the enemy’s position, so I can’t make much movement, so naturally everyone starts to move their pace carefully. In the end, it’s clear that this airport is full of people, but it turns out to be like a ghost town, even oneself. The heartbeat sounds so clear.

"Damn, we can't clear the enemy any faster now!" Hong Yue couldn't help but ask in the communication channel after finding that the surroundings were completely quiet. "What if the enemy launches a general offensive on the front line at this time, and we are all consumed here?"

"If there is a real fight on the front line, you will leave here, and there will be me. There are almost people there. Isengard still has a lot of guards, so there should be no problem." I comforted Hong Yue.

Vina's voice also appeared on the communication channel and said: "Hong Yue, don't worry! Our chaos and order Divine Race are all here, can Purple Moon still suffer?"

"Actually, I am quite worried about you." I said to Vina: "You only have one life. I usually have a bottom in my heart when I take the initiative to attack. In this situation, I am being attacked by the enemy's sneak attack. There is no sense of security anymore!"

"President, we are not made of glass, not as crisp as you think!" Aphrodite's voice was obviously arrogant, but I know She intended to comfort me.

He didn't continue to talk about this matter, but changed the topic. I said to the military god in the channel: "Military god, inform the aurora beasts on the devil beast's lair, and let them come quickly. Now it is a good opportunity for them to show their skills."

"Yes. , How can I forget them!" Hong Yue's voice followed.

The combat capability of this aurora beast is not so outstanding. Although it is a very distinctive creature, their battle strength can only be regarded as relatively strong, not the kind that can be reversed. The existence of war. However, under this situation, it is their best fighting environment, because the aurora beast is a devil beast anyway, and for all beasts, the nose and ears must be much better than ours. Therefore, with this kind of eyes almost becoming a decoration, their gang of creatures that can rely on smell and hearing to fight can actually show divine might.

"Actually, I think steel claws and snowballs can also come in handy!" Gold coin reminded.

I immediately responded: "Yes, if any of you don't have suitable familiars to detect, you can release snowballs or steel claws. Their abilities are also good. By the way, take yours. Keep the long spear out."

"Why do you want long spear at this time?" Zhen Hong asked incomprehensibly.

Gold coin responded quickly and said: "Stupid! Long spear uses electromagnetic wave detection, that is, bio-radar. Now this kind of obscured sight has no effect on them. Although they The battle strength is not very good, at least it can help us search for the approximate position of the enemy for auxiliary positioning!"

"You still missed a little." Christina added: "Just let the long Spear hovering near the top of the other party’s head can make the other party be disturbed by the long spear noise, so that the other party can’t locate it by sound like us."

"Good way."

Under the advice of everyone talking at once, we quickly made a lot of guardian long spears, and the aurora beasts and snowball beasts were also dispatched, even steel claws, which are not very suitable for the guardian of this environment. The beast was also taken out.

With so many creatures joining, our search job becomes simple immediately. The long spear's bio-radar can lock the target from a long distance, and then those long spears will fly over the opponent's head and go around in a circle. As long as we find that there is a long spear who is always in circles in one place, then we must have found the enemy, and then there will be many guards on our side under the guidance of the aurora beast and the snowball. After getting close, the long spear above will take the initiative to leave. At this time, the aurora beast relies on hearing and smell to entangle the enemy first, and then our guards directly start to prepare the range skills, and give a signal when it is ready, the aurora beast Evacuate quickly, and the range skills immediately keep up. Even if he can't drop the opponent in one second, at least he can get hemiplegia, and the things after that are relatively simple.

As everyone becomes more and more familiar with this method, our clearance speed is getting faster and faster. The enemies that were exposed to the open ground soon were cleared of bits and pieces, but although many enemies were killed, our mood became more and more worried. Nothing else, just because of the number of dead enemies.

It is said that the appearance of this BUG-gen stealth ability itself is quite abnormal. If there are only a few people, it's better to say something. However, we have killed more than 500 enemies so far. Five hundred players who are absolutely invisible. What is this concept? You must know that this is not a frontal battlefield, but an infiltration operation. The opponent can infiltrate the invisible players with five hundred people, plus those before, which means that a total of close to a thousand people have infiltrated Isengard. This amount is too exaggerated anyway. Moreover, these five hundred invisible players are still not sure that they are all the invisible personnel of the other party. After all, if we are also impossible and everyone is moving in the open space, there will definitely be many people hiding in some buildings or nearby spaceships. In this way, the number of invisible people on the other side is estimated to be at least seven or eight hundred.

To create more than seven or eight hundred invisible people at a time, this is not as simple as making one or two people invisible. It is equivalent to mass production of absolute invisible troops. If the opponent's ability can be reused, that means we may need to face a completely invisible army in the future. How can we fight this kind of battle in the future?

"Guild President, the enemies outside have basically been cleaned up, but the enemies in the building have not been dealt with yet, what should we do?" Zhen Hong found out that no enemies could be found in the outer area. Asked on the channel.

I thought about it for a while and said, "Everyone starts to check those spaceships separately. Each high level player takes a team to check all the cabins inside the spaceship. After checking one cabin, we close one cabin, and finally Spaceship will take off immediately after all checks are completed. Don’t stop at Isengard Mobile Fortress for the time being. Give me all to go to Steel City on standby."


Follow me Order everyone to immediately start to disperse into the nearby spaceship. Compared to checking in the open, the search work in these spaceships is obviously more troublesome. Because the fog inside these spaceships is actually very thin. After all, the space inside the spaceship is not completely connected to the outside world. The fog that flows in through the vents and gates will not be too dense inside the ship, so this invisibly increases the other party’s advantage. . However, because we have a large number of sensitive aurora beasts here, our search work is progressing smoothly. Although there are occasional casualties, at least the spaceship has not been further damaged.

When everyone started to search inside the spaceship, of course I couldn’t be idle either. I just stopped in the vicinity when I saw the Frost Rose, and I took my pets directly to drill it. Go in. Because I have a beast with strong reconnaissance ability like Bailang beside me, so I don't need Aurora Beast to assist me at all. After entering the interior of the Frost Rose, I began to search for cabins one by one while communicating with the bridge on this side.

In order to facilitate my search, all the cabins here have been closed, and then all the people on board here are gathered into several independent cabins. The advantage of this is that it can prevent the enemies who have been mixed up from running around in the ship, and because the control room is closed, it is not so easy for these guys to destroy the body.

Thanks to the excellent effect of this blockade, I actually killed eight invading players in the Frost Rose in one go, but just as everyone found before, these people have very weak defensive power. , Once it is found that it can be brought down with almost two hits, there is no need to use any high level skills, as long as you use ordinary single skills with ordinary attacks, you can achieve a spike.

After disposing of the eight corpses, I confirmed that the interior of the Frost Rose was completely safe, and then I left the Frost Rose again, watching the door slowly close behind me, and then the Frost Rose slowly lifted off from me Then he turned around and walked over to the next spaceship. However, just when I took two steps, there was a sudden explosion from the spaceship ahead, which immediately rang in the communication channel. According to the report of the god of war, someone is attacking the bridge of the spaceship in front of him, and it seems that the isolation door of the bridge has been destroyed.

Just when I rushed to the springboard next to the spaceship in three steps and two steps, a large amount of air flow suddenly spurted out from below the spaceship. Because I was unprepared, I It was overturned to the ground by the airflow. When I got up again, I found that the materials parked under the spaceship were being blown around, and the spaceship was still not up on the berth.

Obviously, this is not our people operating spaceship. Because the other party only activated the jet thruster under the spaceship but did not activate the solar furnace, although the airflow below was very violent, the spaceship actually had no intention of flying. The anti-gravity power used by these spaceships of our guild all comes from the central solar furnace, and the main function of these jet thrusters is actually to increase the mobility of the spaceship. For example, when the spaceship needs to turn, the propeller on the bow side of the spaceship can be activated with the propeller on the other side of the stern, so that the spaceship can quickly turn around in place, and the jet propeller that was activated just now is located on the ship. A set of thrusters directly below the head. These thrusters have only three functions. The first is to assist the solar furnace to increase the ascent speed during emergency climbing, the second is to use the spaceship as an emergency back power for buffering during the emergency landing, and the third is to activate this set of thrusters separately when the spaceship needs to raise its head. The front end is tilted.

Although in theory these thrusters can also make the front end of the spaceship leave the ground temporarily without the assistance of the solar furnace, but this method requires these thrusters to start at full load, after all, they are not. The thrusters used to resist gravity, of course, require the maximum output to support the weight of the spaceship alone. However, those who invaded the spaceship obviously would not use these spaceships of our guild, so even though they turned on these thrusters, they did not let them run at full capacity, just at a very low power. Fortunately, the other party didn't start at full capacity, otherwise I wouldn't just turn around just now. You think these thrusters have to rely solely on reaction forces to get a spaceship weighing several thousand tons off the ground. How violent is the airflow they generate? This kind of power simply cannot be blocked by manpower. Even if the players in the game have the same physical abilities as Superman, they are still very insignificant in the face of such super-large magic machinery.

The huge thruster is still running at high speed, but because I have been prepared, I stabilized my figure anyway, and then crawled to the springboard with both hands and feet. It is not possible to stand up in this state, otherwise the resistance generated by the airflow will be very large, and it will not be as convenient as crawling on all fours.

After getting a little closer to the hatch of the spaceship, I simply jumped into the door of the spaceship with teleportation, and immediately felt relieved as soon as I came in. However, before I had time to stand still, I suddenly stood up to a huge, distorted metal sound of "Um...". Accompanied by several explosions following this sound, I stretched my head out from the hatch and found out that the berth frame of the fixed spaceship was breaking and collapsing.

The berths of these spaceships in this guild are not built on the ground, but a Y-shaped support frame stands there, and the spaceships are all stopped in the V-shaped gap on the top of the Y. of. The fixing frame itself can be raised and lowered. The spaceship can be jacked up for maintenance at ordinary times, and it can also be sunk below the ground when not in use, so that the deck of the spaceship is flush with the ground, so that the spaceship enters the storage mode. It is convenient to protect the spaceship with the armor of the Isengard Mobile Fortress itself.

However, now this spaceship is not in storage mode, but in a fully raised state, so you can see the Y-shaped support fixture, but the fixture just now was given by spaceship itself. Broken alive.

The reason why this happens is because the spaceship is forcibly occupied by the other party, and the other party will not use our system. This spaceship fixed frame is usually controlled by the tower, which is remotely controlled by the military god. When a spaceship needs to take off, it needs to apply for take-off qualification, and then after the military god approves it, the holder will be released, and then the spaceship can take off by itself. However, in an emergency, there is also a manual switch on the spaceship, which can directly release the retainer. However, these intruders obviously didn't know these things. They just found the thruster switch and turned it on. As a result, the huge power of Spaceship directly broke the lock.

The design purpose of these fixed locks is not to restrict the spaceship. Their real function is to fix them when the spaceship is parked and prevent the spaceship from overturning due to the movement of Isengard’s mobile fortress itself. Case. Because of the design concept, these fixers can't actually fix these spaceships well, and in fact, even if they want to fix them, it is impossible.

The power of these aerial battleships is actually very terrifying. Even if we design the holder to be super strong, the final result is nothing more than a break in the overall structure of the spaceship, and then cause the solar furnace to overload and explode. I said before that the solar furnace is basically a mobile nuclear bomb. Once it explodes, the formidable power is very scary. Therefore, we would rather let the spaceship fly out by itself and also impossible to let it explode on the berth of Isengard Mobile Fortress.

The spaceship in front of me immediately jumped up after breaking free from the fixture, and then suddenly flipped and played a backflip in the sky. Because the bottom thruster of the spaceship was not closed during the turning process, the spaceship obviously lost its height during the turning. As a result, the hull was no longer as high as the berth of the Isengard Mobile Fortress when it turned. Thanks to this place is the second city wall of Isengard Mobile Fortress, so there is a drop of several hundred meters below. Although the height of the spaceship has dropped a lot, it did not hit the ground.

The spaceship, which played a stunt in the air, began to spin horizontally as soon as it recovered to its level, but it only turned a few degrees counterclockwise and then suddenly reversed, followed by abruptly before. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the bow of this spaceship directly hits the second city wall of Isengard Mobile Fortress and penetrates into the interior of the wall. At this time, the second half of the stern is still spraying propulsion flames behind. This situation was quickly reversed. The advancing flames instantly extinguished, and an emergency backing of the spaceship pulled out from the wall again, but at this time the bow was basically out of shape.

The shape of the aerial battleship of our guild can be described as myriad. It is in an experimental state and has not yet formed a formal design form, so everyone thinks of what it looks like. The shape of the spaceship in front of us is

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