We are planning how to deal with those Siberian Divine Races while cleaning up the scene. The gate of the command center has been smashed and deformed. Anyway, we have to work hard to open it. Fortunately, this gate can be removed as long as the restraint device on the wall is opened. So although it is troublesome, it can always be repaired. . However, although this door is deformed, it also allows us to understand that the quality of this door is quite good. From the time the other party arrived at this place, until we got a series of things done here, the gate was attacked no less than 20 times before and after, of which more than ten times were done by Russian players, and the last two were From the Siberian Divine Race, but even so, the gate only showed a more obvious deformation, and it would take at least five to ten times for the high level skills issued by the Siberian Divine Race to be penetrated.

In addition to the damage to the gate, we also need to repair some defensive facilities at the gate. Because these things cause greater damage to the enemy, they are given priority when they come up. This situation proves that the role of defensive weapons is obvious, but it also proves that the self-survivability of defensive weapons needs to be improved.

After these trivial matters were arranged for the logistics maintenance personnel who arrived later, everyone was ready to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the situation in the city. After all, we don't know how many enemies have come. Although from a normal point of view, this should be the last wave of enemies, but no one can guarantee that there are really no enemies in the city. So what we need to do now is to do a more thorough and comprehensive inspection of Isengard.

After arranging this task, I originally planned to wait here for them to fix the gate so that they can enter the command center to see the situation of the military god, although the military god in the communicator said that there is basically no damage. , But I still feel more at ease with a glance. However, this wish of mine was ultimately not fulfilled, because just after Hong Yue and the others just started a large-scale search of Isengard, they actually found the lurking enemy.

"Is there anything wrong? The Russians are sick? How many people did they send over?"

"You ask me, who should I go!" Hong Yue reluctantly yelled in the communication channel: "If anyone near Sector 7 has nothing to do, come to help. We accidentally found a den of the other party and ran out of more than 200 enemies. Now we are running around in all directions. We are short of manpower. !"

"What? More than two hundred?" Gold coin's voice was obviously unbelievable. "Are those Russians belonging to rats? You stabbed a mouse nest?"

"How do I know!" Hong Yue helplessly said: "Hurry up, I have a few It’s gone!"

"I've watched the ones here, you go to the right." A really red voice appeared on the channel, and Hong Yue immediately turned to chase the rest after hearing it. The enemy, but the other party knew that they were not strong enough, so they did not gather together in an attempt to resist, but scattered and turned into a single-player mode of action, all rushing around along the various streets and alleys in the city. Fortunately, this is our own city. First, there are enough people. Second, there are many closed gates in the city, so you can change the terrain of certain areas and block some passages when necessary. . With this advantage, our personnel quickly drove all the remaining enemies to a dead end.

"hehe, let's see where you guys are going." Hong Yue blocked a guy and immediately walked over to catch this guy, but the other person turned around like a trapped beast. After finding that there was really no place to run, the circle turned towards Hong Yue and rushed up.

Although the opponent took the initiative to attack, Hong Yue didn't have any intention to avoid it. Although Hong Yue herself is not a melee person, her strength lies there after all, so this little fellow simply of the other party is not in her eyes. Looking at the enemy rushing over, Hong Yue directly raised his hand and a red ball of light bounced out. The guy didn't react quickly and was hit directly on the left shoulder. Then he heard the sound of bang cracking like a watermelon, but this time it was not the watermelon that cracked but his shoulder. However, even if half of the shoulder and the entire left arm flew out together, the guy didn't intend to stop at all, but rushed up more quickly.

Seeing that guy’s behavior, Hong Yue immediately realized that this person’s behavior was abnormal. At first, she thought this person was going to work hard, but now it looks like the other person simply didn’t plan to fight, it’s just two people now. The distance is already very close, and it is too late to run. But after all, Hong Yue's strength lies there. Although it is too late to run, she instantly adds a layer of eggshell to herself.

Mage’s protective shield is definitely the most familiar skill they have practiced, not one of them. After all, the mages are famous for their crispy skin. Therefore, the battle of the wizards is generally immediately to brush themselves a three 5-Layer protective shield. Because the protective shield is very important, so the masters' proficiency in this skill is almost full, and it is very fast to use. After all, Hong Yue is a high-level person. Of course, he is very familiar with this skill. He completed a protective cover almost instantly to protect himself.

Facts have also proved how correct Hong Yue’s choice is, because the moment the protective shield on her body was lit up, the player directly hit her protective shield, and then because of the impact The force was counter-shocked back. However, in the process of falling backward, the guy looked viciously and pulled a strange badge on his chest. He followed Hong Yue and found that his eyes suddenly lit up. Hong Yue, who thought it was a flash bomb, immediately protected his eyes, but in the next second he felt like he was flying. The whole person flew upside down from the narrow passage, and there were a lot of flying out with her. flame.

A few guards on the main road heard a loud explosion sound as soon as they chased them to the entrance of the alley, and then saw Hong Yue flying out of the alley with a large flame. The two guards were instantly caught The shock wave made a somersault, and Hong Yue flew all the way into the shop across the street and smashed a row of counters before finally stopping.

As soon as he stabilized, Hong Yue didn’t care about getting up from the pile of wood chips turned into by the counter, and hurriedly connected to the newsletter and shouted: “Attention all searchers, the enemy has Huge might explosives, don’t approach them, don’t let them approach any important buildings or crowded areas. Don’t try to catch them, just kill them."

The information from Hong Yue can be said to be very good. In time, because the colleagues who reminded her there were many guards who noticed the opponent’s people rushing back, or saw those people running next to the important building on the roadside, but when they heard that the opponent was carrying a bomb, these guards did not want to catch it. People, direct long-range skill attacks detonated these people in advance. Although some casualties were caused in the end, the impact was not significant.

"Are these Russians all terrorists?"

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