Just when a few Russian players thought they were going to be planted here today, and we all believed that today’s crisis was over, the outer courtyard wall of the central control room was With a sudden bang, a big hole was directly blasted open, and then a dozen guys with shining whole bodies walked in from outside.

There are a total of seventeen new personnel, which is a bit more than the Russian players here. Moreover, compared with the Russian players here, this group of people is obviously the same. Seeing it gives people a very cool feeling. Of course, this feeling mainly comes from the equipment of these people. Although the style of the equipment on these newly arrived personnel is have nothing common with each other, and the color is also myriad, no matter what color and style of clothing, they have one thing in common at the end, that is, the equipment of these guys are all mirrored. , So that even the black parts look shiny.

"It's really a luxurious combination!" Looking at the sudden appearance of a large group of people, someone from the Russian players who were desperately sighed, and with his voice, our people It also reacted suddenly and instantly divided into two parts. Some of them continued to attack the Russian players in the middle, while the rest immediately formed a new line of defense on the opened courtyard wall.

"Who are you? This is the guild of the Frost Rose League. Outsiders are forbidden to enter. Please exit immediately." A Guard Captain who stood in front of the intruders spoke coldly to the group in front The person said. Although I know that these people's eight achievements are the reinforcements of the people inside, but at this time, it is still best not to increase them without adding additional enemies.

"You actually know who we are, why bother to ask more than once?" One of the group of people who rushed in straightforwardly stated his attitude, and then faced the people behind The person said: "Well, don't worry about the miscellaneous fish, you will have completed the task if you rush into it."

"If you want to enter, you have to pass my level first." I don't know when a few Russians have been settled. The player's Radamantis suddenly walked out of the defensive team. In any case, Radamantis is a Divine Race after all, and it was once one of the Big Three of the Underworld, and the Olympus Divine Race itself is a battle Divine Race, and the Underworld is the most in the Olympus Divine Race. The one who can play, as one of the three giants of the underworld, Ladamantis is naturally the type that is super able to play. Even if it is now a guild Divine Race, the strength has dropped a lot, but because of the sufficient Power of Faith support, the strength of their chaotic and order Divine Race has recently recovered a lot, almost almost catching up with the original. The state of its heyday. Precisely because of this, these few players who could not be regarded as Peak strength were really not enough to see in front of them, and they were all evened out in threes or twos.

Without the group of Russian players at the gate, the guards here have moved all their attention to the enemies here, and the seventeen invaders who have just appeared here are also Opened a posture and prepared to fight with Radamantis and the others.

"Really didn't expect, the lackeys of the Frost Rose Alliance dare to provoke us real Spiritual God." The leader of the other group looked at Ladamantis who stood up and said.

Radamantis was not a very good-tempered existence, of course he wanted to break out when he heard such words, but before he could speak, a majesty suddenly came from outside. the sound of. "The unconcerned wild child is indeed impossible and understands what politeness is. Even a divine force core has not been fully formed and dare to come out and scream, and yet claim to be a Spiritual God? You are worthy of being a god?"

As the voice appeared, I saw a large group of people walk in from the door outside the central control room. The one headed was actually Hades in black armor, and the one behind him was already replaced by Battle. Poseidon of Armor. With the presence of these two Generals, there is basically no suspense in the battle. Of course, the so-called non-existent suspense means that these people have already impossible to rush into the control room. As for how much damage will be caused to Isengard... this is really hard to say.

Actually, I don’t feel relaxed at all now compared to before, even though I have known the arrival of Hades and Poseidon from the god of war, and Radamantes is already on the scene, But I also saw the enemy on the other side from the eyes of the mobile angel, and I happened to know these people.

In fact, the seventeen who just rushed in were not players, but Divine Race, the real Divine Race, not a guild Divine Race like Divine Race of Chaos and Order. These Divine Races should actually be called Siberian Divine Races. They are a new Divine Race formed by filling the vacuum zone after the Russian Divine Race was destroyed. Compared with the veteran Divine Race, the emerging Divine Race is more pioneering and daring to take risks for profit. However, the emerging Divine Race is a new Divine Race after all. Compared with the old Divine Race, they lack the foundation, and there is no such thing. A calm and solid spirit of hard work, in the bones is more inclined to opportunism.

Because there is no background, so I don’t know who is fearless. Because these guys are all emerging Divine Races, and there is no older generation of gods, they naturally don't know the sky is how high and the earth is how deep. So shout, these guys actually did an unimaginable thing-transnational operations.

For us players, transnational action is a very simple thing, and this is also a behavior encouraged by the system. After all, the national war system is specifically opened in the game, which not only kills players from other countries Adding the guilt value can wash the guilt value, and the EXP obtained by the player who kills other countries is often many times better than the player who kills his own country, and the higher the hatred value of the two countries, the EXP will increase accordingly. In addition, in addition to these incentives, the system also gives players from various countries a lot of convenience in launching national wars, such as opening national channels to facilitate contact wars, or setting up some conflicting tasks to allow everyone to approach each other. There can be reasons for countries to go to war with each other. This is the best proof that the system supports national warfare.

However, all of these things are aimed at players. Regarding the national war between Divine Race, system gave the opposite opinion.

All gods who leave their country will be severely punished by the system. Although each Divine Race has its own way to avoid this punishment, the process is extremely complicated, and the investment is large, and there is a certain amount of investment. Dangerous. With so many restrictions, the general Divine Race is basically impossible to leave the country. Besides, national-level wars are impossible to fight with one or two people, and even if a country's Divine Race sends its members out of the country, it can only send a few people over. After these people passed, they faced each other's national Divine Race, the result can be imagined.

Because of this situation, gods generally do not go abroad easily, which is not only troublesome, but also too insecure. You must know that the gods are all NPCs, and there is no way for them to resurrect indefinitely like us. Therefore, the gods cherish their own lives very much. It is not true that there are things that cannot be done without going out. Generally, Divine Race will never leave the country.

However, although Divine Races of various countries will not easily go abroad, the Siberian Divine Races in front of them have come out without any scruples. I think there are three reasons for this situation. First, because there are no veteran Divine Race members, I don't know what the system punishment is, so I underestimate the intensity of this punishment. Second, because it is a new Divine Race, they were all ordinary high level NPCs who suddenly gained strength. The sudden increase in strength gave these guys a crazy confidence in their battle strength. This is because they suddenly gained strength. And the arrogant emotions that produced made them very arrogant, and it could even be said that they completely ignored the existence of everything. The third and most important point is that because these guys have just become the new Divine Race, their divine force core has not yet been completely condensed. The result of the divine force core of this semifinished product is that they already have a certain Divine Race power attribute, but at the same time they are not completely constrained by the rules of the system, as soon as they easily ran to the land of China. If their divine force core is completely condensed, when the time comes, let alone the question they dare to dare, even if they dare, they simply can't make it through. The system will directly start Rule Power and directly bombard and kill the gods who are trying to forcibly enter other countries.

Because of the above reasons, this scene was caused, which caused these guys to directly impulse our city unscrupulously.

Although the behavior of these guys is quite idiot, and they will inevitably pay a huge price for it, the current situation is still quite unfavorable for us. For nothing else, just because this battlefield is in our Isinger.

If things like war are possible, it’s better not to happen on your own country’s territory, because no matter whether you win or not, as long as your country becomes a battlefield, it will definitely cause huge damage in the end. . Therefore, it is best not to fight the war on the territory of one's own country.

Now our battlefield is not only a no-man’s land, but one of Isengard’s core areas. Although there are no large-scale energy equipment nearby, the problem is that the control centers of our crystal communication and command system are all concentrated here, and there are also many guild buildings nearby. What's more terrible is that both sides of the war here are Divine Race. Can you imagine the huge destruction that will be caused when the two groups of gods fight? So, these guys are here to fight with the Divine Race of our guild, which is still a very reminding thing for us in the Frost Rose League. Although I believe that Hades and Poseidon will control the destruction of this battle to a certain extent, but after all, in the battle, they can only say that they try to be careful not to destroy the city, but the enemy will not consider this. In order not to harm the city, Poseidon will inevitably affect the performance of the battle strength. When the time comes, turning the battle into a stalemate may cause the damage to become more serious.

A combination of many factors makes me feel that Isinger is super insecure now.

"What are you? How dare you speak up in front of our Siberian Divine Race?" The leader of the gang of Siberian Divine Races opposite saw Hades appearing and immediately yelled at him. This guy doesn't know Hades at all. Although they may have heard of it, they haven't met each other and don't know what Hades is like.

Hearing the arrogant words of the other party, Ladamantis immediately asked the mountain to teach the other party, but Hades reached out his hand to stop him. Compared to the fellow Radamantis, Hades's brain is obviously much better. Although Magicstrate is a job that requires brainstorming, it can only be regarded as simple brainstorming. It belongs to a skilled trade. You can basically understand how to do it as long as you are not stupid. However, the work of Hades, the Pluto, is much more complicated. After all, it is the Helmsman of the Pluto system. He has to make general predictions for many things, so he has a high demand for thinking ability.

Because of the frequent contact with these things, Hades is obviously much smarter than Radamantis. After the opponent's provocation, not only was he not angry, but he walked in front of Ladamantis to block him, and then began to slowly say: "Don't think that if you don't know me, it means that I am an insignificant little character, and I want to do it. If you know who I am, you will find that you are a rateless little fellow if you don’t know me."


"Don't get excited. I am If you don’t believe me, you can find out about Hades’s reputation."

"You are Hades?" The leader of the Siberian Divine Race opposite is finally serious. stand up. Although their emerging Divine Races are a bit of a newborn calves do not fear tigers, they are fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth all day long, but Hades's reputation is really too famous. Just like the guy Anubis, Hades's name is also very famous in the world. This kind of powerful Divine Race can frighten people wherever they go. Therefore, even the hairless brat of the Divine Race who was scared of almost nothing was shocked by Hades's name.

Seeing that the opponent was frightened, Hades did not directly oppress the opponent to choose to surrender or something, but began to blow up his glorious history with the opponent. To be honest, for the hairless brats of the Divine Race in Siberia, the battle experience of a veteran god like Hades is almost like an idol story. It is a fascinating listening to these guys, if not because of the current atmosphere. No, maybe Hades continued to say that they would not have any complaints for three days and three nights. But, is it possible for a former boss like Hades to tell a story to a group of brats at ease? The answer is obviously impossible.

At this time, the reason why Hades patiently tells these guys about his glorious deeds in the past is not really to show off, nor is it to educate these little fellows to let them Surrendered directly, but because he wanted to...delay time.

Compared to Radamantis, Hades is much more calm. He is very clear about the current situation. Although he and Poseidon are here enough to block the invasion of these guys, the problem is that if they really fight here, Isengard will definitely be destroyed after a large group of Divine Race battles, and this is definitely not the case. The results they want to see. Therefore, Hades has to wait until all the reinforcements that can be rushed to arrive here, and then use the opponent's strength ten times a hundred times, and use an overwhelming force to force the opponent to surrender or escape directly. As long as there are enough people here, it can be divided into two parts, one is dedicated to attacking, and the other is dedicated to protecting the city from being affected by the aftermath of the battle.

In fact, this strategy of Hades is exactly what we hoped for. From this, we can see how important it is to have an experienced and veteran Divine Race in your guild. . If you change to a hairless brat, even if it is higher than Hades’s battle strength, you will fight the enemy to death as soon as you come up. Then the opponent will be finished, but our city will also be finished together. That's really wanting to cry without tears!

After learning that Hades has controlled the situation in the communication, I also slowed down a little bit, not because I’m not in a hurry, but because I don’t want to beat the grass to scare the snake, if If the people on our side suddenly gather on the battlefield at a high speed with an energetic and bustling speed, even if the opponent is not experienced enough, they will notice this situation and reflect that we are deliberately delaying time, so what we have to do is Try to increase personnel to the battlefield area as smoothly as possible, and gradually replace the previous low-level combat units while gradually concentrating high-level personnel here, to ensure that the number of our personnel in this field does not change significantly so as not to cause the other side to be alert.

This idea of ​​mine quickly learned of all the combatants who came through the army's divine ability, and after everyone knew it, they were a bit full of speed. As for the central control room The ordinary person member moves out a little bit.

The first people who rushed to the scene after my order was given were Christina, gold coin, and Zhenhong, and then Hong Yue. The four people arrived at the door carefully, and then changed positions with the guards over there, and moved a little bit behind the crowd with the help of the guards in the front row. Although under normal circumstances this behavior of blocking the line of sight alone cannot hide from those gods, the current situation is that the attention of those guys has been attracted by Hades, so we only need to move the range. If it's not too big, there won't be any problems.

Before the four of them moved to the right position, Pandora and I reached the gate almost one after the other, but Pandora was pulled by me and did not enter the yard, and I whispered to her. After a while, Pandora immediately turned around and left here, and Aphrodite who arrived later was also called down by me, and then lurked at the gate with me.

With the arrival of Aphrodite, the subsequent Divine Race of Chaos and Order began to arrive one by one. After a few minutes, the outside of the courtyard wall was full of Divine Race of Chaos and Order, thicker. There are actually more than fifty people gathered here. You know this is not an ordinary NPC guard. These fifty people are all first- and second-tier high level Divine Races, and their battle strengths are all top-tier ones. Among them, there are more than a dozen of them at this level alone. Such a large group of people, if you pull out, attacking the city is basically the same as playing. If I lead the team and there are more than 50 people following, even if it is the headquarters of a Divine Race, we can push forward like a bulldozer, and no one can stop us from moving forward.

However, even if we have gathered more than 50 high level Divine Races here, I still did not issue an attack command, but let a large group of guards who had just arrived here start from the door. The previous one walked in a little bit, and at the same time the guard inside was also moving out. Although this method seems like a blood exchange, the speed is slow. But the guards inside the courtyard have been replaced by us in just a few minutes.

The only ordinary guild guards that have been replaced are those of level eight or nine hundred. The reason why battle strength looks exaggerated is because they are city guards. Before the city is completely captured, they will have the city guard’s unique attribute bonus. This bonus allows city guards to fight in their own city. At that time, it showed the battle strength several times the normal state, so that a city guard of 8000-900 can easily bring down a high-level player of 1200. However, these people have no problem dealing with players, but they are not enough to deal with Divine Race. Therefore, I had to transfer all the elite commandos from this guild to temporarily replace them with guards attributes, and then have their battle strengths increased several times.

These elite commando teams were originally used to guard the city, but their mission is different from that of the garrison. They are not responsible for fighting in the city, but for fighting outside the city. Once the city of our guild is attacked, these commandos will carry out sneak attacks on weak units such as the enemy’s rear baggage, mages, and commanders that are attacking the city from the periphery of the city.

Don’t hear that these people specialize in dealing with logistics units with poor battle strength and think that they are weak. On the contrary, these people are actually very strong. The opponent's logistical battle strength is indeed very weak, but the problem is that the enemy is not stupid. How could it be possible for these people who are unable to fight back alone to sway behind them? In a regular siege battle, everyone will mix some more powerful personnel in the logistics force to place the logistics force under attack, and before the siege battle reaches the final stage, the high level personnel of the siege party will not go to the front line, but will conserve strength and store up energy in the back and wait for the city to be broken in a spurt of energy. It's like in ancient times when the General was fighting before the war, he would go out and fight before going back. Generally, he would not participate in the battle again until the city wall was breached.

The same situation in this game. Before the city wall was breached, low- and mid-level combatants were fighting. The high-level personnel waited for the city wall to be breached or when their rear forces were too weak to attack. Command unit. Because of this, the enemy’s rear defense is not an easy job for a sneak attack. This requires a sneak attacker to have a super attack power and a super high speed of movement, which can reach the enemy’s weak spot in a short period of time, and then quickly After solving a large number of valuable target units, quickly evacuate. And even if it is discovered by the opponent's high level personnel, it must have the ability to easily escape from the opponent's subordinates without being entangled. Otherwise, once it is surrounded by a large number of opponents, it is really winged and don't expect to fly out.

Because of these reasons, the units that harass the enemy's rear defense in the city defense are actually the elite of the elite, not only the battle strength is terrifying, but the athletic ability is also super powerful. Now replace the ordinary guards with these personnel, and we can feel more at ease here.

Although the range of our actions is actually quite large, the group of people on the other side obviously didn’t pay much attention to other places, probably because they didn’t have enough people to come to us. For consideration, so simply don't care about our little actions.

Although the Siberian Divine Race of the other party does not care about our actions, Hades did not relax his observation of the surrounding situation for a moment. After confirming that our preparations have been completed, he Suddenly interrupted the previous bragging, and then said to the little fellows of the Siberian Divine Race over there, "How about? You know how good I am? If you understand the strength gap between us, then surrender obediently, we The chaos and order Divine Race is actually not long after establishment. I am hoping to attract a large number of useful talents. Although your strength is not good enough, but the potential is good. If you can join our chaos and order Divine Race, then I promise, within two months. Let your current strength increase by more than 50%. If you are willing to work hard, it is not impossible to double." Supported by Faith, this group of Divine Races in our guild can be said to be the most comfortable of all Divine Races ever. While other Divine Race forces are still trying to increase the utilization rate of Power of Faith and generate the most energy with the least amount of Power of Faith, the chaos and order Divine Race in our guild are thinking about what every day. You can put a little more Power of Faith into your Divine Soul to absorb it, because before, like other gods, the chaos and order Divine Race who waited for Power of Faith to get down the pot has suddenly become a nouveau riche. Seeing so much Power of Faith that I couldn't eat, I was really anxious.

Although what Hades said is not a big talk, it deliberately weakened a large part of it, because he was afraid that the guys on the other side would not believe it because it was too beautiful. As a result, the opponent's Siberian Divine Race still didn't believe it.

"Hey, are you a liar?" A Siberian Divine Race clamored: "In two months, the strength increased by 50%? Your chaos and order Divine Race's Power of Faith is too much to use up? "

Although the chaos and order on our side, Divine Race, I really want to say nodded: "It's really too much to use, even the containers are full and there is no place to put them." But, don't say such things. I can't say it, even if I say it... Someone can believe?

No one on our side can answer the conversation. The Siberian Divine Races over there immediately thought we were speechless, and then one of the leading guys pointed to Hades and said: "We admire you as Old Senior. As long as you don’t stop us from completing the task, we won’t care about you. We will respect you in the future, but if you have to be our enemy, don’t blame us. You're polite!"

"Do these guys know how to write dead words? Talk to Hades like this?" Dalun Peacock King was standing next to me and heard what the guy inside said Those words almost didn't dislocate the jaw. Although Peacock considers herself to be a very awkward character, she does not dare to accept that kind of words! Although she has never really fought with Hades, from the usual observations of each other, they should be in the state of birds of a feather. In terms of battle strength, Hades may be slightly weaker, but Hades is a commanding and controlling field type, and the battle strength is basically equal to that of the Peacock, which is scary enough in itself.

For the peacock, I did not pick it up, because the situation inside is now taking a turn for the worse. The Siberian Divine Race with hairless brat over there was supposed to be listening to the story before. Now Hades doesn’t tell the heroic stories and they are naturally no longer polite. If you don’t want to speculate, you just start fighting.

Hadis sees that all the personnel on our side are here, and he simply stopped dealing with each other, and said directly: "Since you are unwilling to cooperate, you can't blame us. Pandora, Let’s do it."

As Hades shouted, the Siberian Divine Race on the opposite side looked around instinctively to see what kind of back-hands we had arranged, but they didn’t see it. People discovered that a large number of purple light particles suddenly appeared in the surrounding space, and then followed them in a panic to discover that their divine force could not be mobilized.

"Damn, what's the situation?" A Siberian Divine Race cried out in panic. After becoming gods, they can be said to have achieved Taoism once, it was the time of arrogant and domineering, but now their support of arrogant and domineering has suddenly disappeared. How could they suffer such a huge contrast?

Although most of the Siberian Divine Race were shocked by the sudden change, but also not everyone was shocked. One of the guys calmly said: "No! Haven't we already become gods? I have heard of the Forbidden Demon Realm, but have not heard of the Forbidden God Realm?"

"You didn't listen I said that it’s because you don’t have knowledge. Don’t think that things you haven’t heard of don’t exist.” At this time, I walked in with a swarm of chaos and order, Divine Race, from the door. The group of guys on the opposite side have all become gods without divine force. Except for a better physical fitness, they are equivalent to becoming ordinary persons. Seventeen ordinary persons faced one to two thousand people on our side, what would you say would be the result? So I am not at all worried about these guys' counterattacks, anyway, they are basically finished now.

The Siberian Divine Race that denied the Forbidden God Realm before heard what I said and immediately asked: "Does the Forbidden God Realm really exist in this world?"

I went there Polsephone was nodded, and then Polsephone walked to Hades to face the Siberian Divine Race and said: "You haven’t heard of it because this Forbidden God Realm is a very rare large-scale The divine technique, to release it requires at least 20 deities to participate at the same time, but this divine technique can only seal the number of deities that are half less than the number of participants, and requires that the total amount of divine force of the deities participating in the release of the divine technique must exceed The total divine force of the suppressed target is twice that, that is to say, in the case of the same strength, two deities are required to seal a deity, and the sum of the divine force of the two deities must exceed that The divine force of a deity is more than twice that of the divine force. Moreover, once the divine technique is activated, the two deities will be in a state of complete loss of the divine force like the sealed deity before it is released."

"In other words, you have lost the divine force now?"

"Yes. But there are more than 34 people in the Divine Race in chaos and order here. You only have seventeen. People, there are twice as many people on our side, which means that we need three 14 gods to completely seal you, but we have a large number of people, so we used fifty gods at one time to use the Forbidden God Realm together. However, even if it is Temporarily sacrifice fifty gods to seal your divine force, we still have at least six gods who can fight. And... this divine technique will not react to anything other than divine force."

"You, you, you...You mean..." The Siberian Divine Race panicked pointing at the approaching me and Christina and asked: "You said they...?"

"Yes." Polsephone said with a smile: "Their magic power and Battle Qi and other things can still be used, and only the divine force is sealed. I even lost the Divine Race Divine force can also use magic and some other energies, but our Divine Race call is based on divine force. Therefore, you have no way to use magic at all, and the only thing you can use is the little equipment on your body. Comes with attributes and your physical fitness. Oh, right. One more thing I forgot to remind you. After the divine force is sealed, the physical fitness of the god will not be as strong as usual, because our body is actually strengthened by the divine force, and once the divine force is sealed, the physical fitness will not immediately become an ordinary person. But it's a little bit degraded, and it's very fast. You should have only half of your usual physical strength now. "

"What? "The Siberian Divine Race had only half of their stamina left, and it was still declining. They immediately tried it in a panic. The result was really the same as Polsephone said. They found their own strength. The decline is very severe, and now I don’t even have half of my usual strength.

"Damn, I'm fighting with you! "A Siberian Divine Race finally couldn't stand this depressed feeling and screamed and rushed up, but it turned out to be pinched by the two mobile angels from our side, one from the left and the other, and then pressed with the backhand. The handcuffs are on the ground.

The handcuffs are not ordinary things. They are handcuffs with special divine force markings. Although the handcuffs themselves are made of ordinary stones, they have the markings. In order to seal the role of divine force, as long as it is not the kind of super god, ordinary gods will become an ordinary person as long as they bring this thing. Let alone resist, walking is estimated to be strenuous. After all, physical strength is also the same as divine force. I was sealed, and I only had to carry a pair of stone handcuffs of more than ten kilograms when I was in a normal state of human strength. This is convenient.

Looking at the companion being dragged away by us, there is nothing left over there. The staff were not calm anymore, screaming and rushing up, but the guards on our side walked out one after another like catching chickens and grabbed all those guys and pressed them to the ground, and then divine force one by one. The shackles were brought up, and those guys instantly became lambs to be slaughtered.

"Okay, Pandora, we are OK here. "After seeing the last Siberian Divine Race being handcuffed, Hades immediately notified Pandora to revoke the previous seal f

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