Just as the two Russian players looked at the gate in a daze in surprise, the green thorns entwined in front of the gate had crazily grown over a foot thick. Is constantly thickening. The two Russian players reacted immediately after being stunned for a while and quickly went up and brandished their swords desperately to cut the vines, but what they didn’t expect was that although the defensive power of the vines itself was not that great, Several roots can be cut with a single knife, but the problem is that the growth rate of this thing is too fast, not only the cut wound will heal itself, but the subsequent vines are entangled with each other, even if it is broken, it will not fall off immediately. And as long as a second or two passed, the broken vines would reconnect and continue to grow.

"No, burn it with fire!" A Russian player next to him reacted to the skill directly. He raised his hand and a fiery flame spurted out. The vines above the gate quickly withered and withered in the flames, and soon shrank into a mass and fell to the ground.

When the flames were so easy to use, the two Russian players rushed up with excitement, one set the fire and the other prepared to continue smashing the door, but before the two started smashing the door, there was a lot of ashes in front of you. However, Zhong squirmed suddenly, and then saw a few vines gradually lifted their heads from the ashes and began to swell rapidly. One of the people who reacted more quickly raised his hand and cut one of the vines directly with a knife, but the tip of the other vine swelled in a blink of an eye to the size of two people, and then the huge sphere was the same. The tip of the vine suddenly felt like Giant Insect's mouthparts suddenly stretched out to all directions, revealing a big mouth full of spikes.

"Fuck me!" One of the Russian players saw this and raised his hand and threw a flame bomb. Who knew that the huge vine head opened his mouth and swallowed the Fireball, and then grumbled. He swallowed it with a bang, and burped a full burst of black smoke when he was done.

"My God, what kind of plant is this!"

"Can you two not study plants? We are about to be unable to withstand it!" The vines can't afford to stand in the way, but the group of people behind to help them are almost unable to hold them. Especially the four men responsible for intercepting the guards. Although they need the guards of the other party to be less powerful than the mobile angels, the problem is that there are six players dealing with four mobile angels, but here they are four people dealing with hundreds of guards, even if these guards are not as sturdy as the mobile angels. It's not so easy to deal with so many people rushing up together.

The two players responsible for breaking the door here also looked helplessly at the vine brace oneself in front of them and rushed forward. As a result, they just ran halfway and found that one after another rose from the ashes in front of them. A few giant cannibal vines, and what's more terrible is that some very strange giant nuts appeared behind these cannibal vines. Although we don't know what they are for the time being, they won't be any fun if they want to come.

The two players who rushed for the door were strongly resisted by the cannibal vines, and the group of Russian players who carried the blame outside could not stop the crazy attack of so many people at all, and they were almost retreating.

"No way, we can hold one minute at most here, hurry up on your side!" Several Russian players who blocked our guild guard shouted to the player who broke the goal.

The player who broke the door has already been scorched by the vines, but now suddenly he heard the shouts of his companions and replied helplessly: "It's useless if you urge you! We can't rush over here. !"

"Damn it! Ivan, go and help!" One of the players carrying the mobile angel on the other side shouted, who seemed to be the leader.

The player who was named heard the boss’s command but did not act immediately. Instead, he loudly shouted, "What will you do if I leave?"

"His grandma, it’s not broken. Open that door even if we can hold these tin cans, there is a fart?"

After being scolded, that Ivan was obedient, and directly overturned it with a large skill with a big roar. A mobile angel, then turned around and rushed towards the gate, while shouting loudly: "Get out of the way!"

Following this guy’s shout, the two players who were rushing for the door quickly stepped aside, and then I saw the dazzling red light all over Ivan suddenly rushed into the dense vines, followed by a loud explosion sound, accompanied by vine fragments and flames flying around, the plants at the gate A bits and pieces were cleaned up in an instant, but that Ivan was dying, leaning against the door and panting.

"I...I'm dying, the rest is up to you!" After Ivan finished speaking, he fainted with a crooked neck, but the two players who smashed the door didn't have this time. Gongfu helped rescue, and went straight up and started smashing the door.

The two Russian players here were hitting happily. Suddenly, they heard a voice from outside the crowd yelling, but they didn’t recognize this voice, so it’s definitely not theirs. .

Just after the flashing voice shouted, the guards who were attacking the gate suddenly stepped out of a corridor, and then the Russian players inside saw a black armor, behind The guy wearing a Bloodred Cloak rushed over with a rather exaggerated speed.

"The formation, there is a hard stubble!" One of the Russian players shouted to meet the enemy who had just arrived, but the result was completely beyond their expectations. The guy who rushed in from the outside, after reaching behind the last wall, jumped directly over the wall and landed between their Russian players and the Russian players who broke the door. This time scared the Russian players half to death. If the player who broke the goal is killed, they will not be able to free up manpower to continue breaking the goal. It can also be said that their mission is basically a failure. So this group of people turned around in panic and wanted to rescue, but unfortunately the speed was still a little slower.

As soon as Radamantis landed, he rushed to the two enemies by the front gate, and he didn't even care about the attack behind him. The two people who smashed the door felt that someone was approaching behind them. Of course, they couldn't continue smashing the door, but just as soon as they turned their heads, they saw a dark figure rushing in front of them. Even a Russian player almost did not resist, and was squeezed by Radamantis, and then he was lifted up and hit the door behind him with a bang.

Although they were pinched to the door, these two are not ordinary characters. At this time, they still want to resist desperately, but it is a pity that Radamantis pressed them on the door and started immediately. Skill. "Death punishment!"

Along with the activation of Ladamantes' skills, the two guys who were pressed on the door seemed to be shocked suddenly, and the two shook violently together, even I couldn't even make a scream, I could only tremble there like a dying fish.

Radamantis immediately turned around and threw the two on the ground after the function activation was completed, but the two guys did not immediately get rid of this trembling state, but more and more The more serious the trend, but at this time Ladamantis has already collided with the few Russian players who turned back to the rescue.

"Damn, what about the reinforcements that have been agreed?" Several Russians grumbled helplessly, looking at the terrifying Ladamantis in front of them.

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