Of course, it will not be an ordinary small character who will attack Isengard. Frightening alone will definitely not be frightening, so the remaining three guys finally decided to put up a Desperate struggle, of course, this will not have any impact on their final result.

The attack power of these three people is pretty good, and they cooperate with each other very well during the battle. If you deal with ordinary players, the battle strength is definitely very strong. After all, they have three people, they can cooperate with each other, and also It can learn from each other's strengths, and cooperate with their high damage. Undoubtedly, the damage to ordinary players is very strong. However, this combination has a disadvantage, that is, once a certain point in the whole cannot block the external pressure, then The entire combat team will then collapse. I am number one in the battle strength list. Needless to say, individual battle strength is not terrifying. Any one of the three players is not my opponent, so once I cut into this battle group, they simply can’t stop me. Attacks, the final result was just to be defeated by me.

It took almost five minutes to bring these three guys down, which was relatively quick. After all these troubles are dealt with, the pesky monk is left, but this guy can't make much trouble alone. After the seal on this guy was lifted, the guy suddenly jumped up from below, but he probably guessed that he is now impossible to defeat me by his own strength alone, so this guy has no plans to fight with me, directly Get up and run out.

I don’t care much about a guy who has no fighting spirit. As soon as he came up, I gave that guy a single attack skill to knock him down to the ground, and then the guards from the guild around him swarmed in twos and threes. Then he pushed the guy to the ground, and then there was nothing wrong with me.

After all the four people here were settled, I continued to inquire about the current situation with the military god, but the information obtained made me quite puzzled.

When we had a meeting before, the result of everyone’s discussion was that this third true hidden squad should be a super combat team composed of a few real elites, and the number of personnel should be less than 20. However, the news from the military god is that more than 30 people have been discovered so far, and there is an infiltration team of an uncertain number that is rushing around inside Isengard. To be honest, this situation is very abnormal, at least I think this is much worse than our initial expectations.

In addition to the wrong number of people, the battle strength of the people who attacked us this time is also obviously problematic. Although these can be regarded as experts, the strength of these people is still too low. Dealing with a militarized fortress like Isengard can't be done by just a few combat players who can fight. As the hub-type war fortress of our guild, Isengard's own defense force is unprecedentedly strong, and there are only two ways to deal with such a place. Either it is to use dignified frontal warfare, use a large number of regular troops to fully assault, completely defeat our defense line, and then take a destructive blow to the city, which can completely break the city's defense. The second method is to use this third sneak attack squad method, using a small number of personnel to form a special attack squad, and use a strategic strike force to directly bloom in the center.

However, although the battle strength of the people who came this time is still relatively strong, it is still inferior to the strategic level of the large section, and the other party is using the method of rectifying the attack... This is obviously not enough. So I said that this time the other party's actions were very strange. With such dozens of first- and second-line experts, at most they can create a few small explosions and then kill some guards. It will not produce any fundamental changes to the overall existence of our guild, which means that this kind of behavior is terror. The attack is almost the same, which will make the ruling party feel very upset, but in fact it will not cause any substantial harm that threatens the ruling system, and may even cause resistance and lead to greater unity of the opposing nationals.

I probably know one thing about the Russian leaders. Those people are not stupid, so naturally they don’t come up with this kind of fainting, so I think it’s weird. What is Isinger here for? They worked so hard and used so many people. Could it be that they came here to kill some of our guards and destroy some urban buildings outside? This ratio of input and output is too uneconomical, right?

I can't figure it out here, and others can't figure it out either. The think tanks of our guild have analyzed together for a long time and haven't figured out what the other party is doing. Moreover, even if we don't discuss those general directions, this action alone seems very weird.

The number of people that the opponent sneaked into this time is still uncertain, but the number of enemies that have been discovered should be less than a hundred people, and the battle strength of these people is basically at a stage where the strength of the battle is more than enough. Such a group of people is supposed to be a force of very difficult to deal with, but they did not gather together to attack any key department of our guild, but all dispersed, some were single-player actions, some were 3 or A group of 5 people, anyway, it is divided into many squads and rushing around the city, I don't know what they are doing.

Because there was an explosion in the city at first, we thought at first that these people were running around in order to arrange bombs and other things, but later as the containment operation unfolded, we discovered that these people were not None of them had the ability to arrange bombs. After all, Isinger has a lot of monitoring equipment inside, and there are hidden golems and cat-eye detectors everywhere, so it is said that what bombs these people have to deploy in the city is almost impossible.

However, instead of planting bombs, they are running around in the city, which is even more strange, and as the battle continues, we seem to find that the other party is deliberately leading us The guards of the guild ran around the city.

"Can you tell me what the situation is right now?" In the newly opened communication channel of Military God, I Hao Rose and they asked about the situation. Now all high-level players in our guild have been connected to this communication network. Although everyone is busy with different things in different places, the assistance of communicator does not prevent us from working while meeting.

As the chief representative of the Zhinan Group of our guild, So Mei was the first to speak. "According to our analysis, the other party is not simply destroying the city, nor is it an ordinary attack. Their purpose seems to be to lure our people to move around, and let us constantly mobilize our troops to stop them. On our side, After analysis, all the staff members speculated that they may be testing some aspect of our ability."

"A certain aspect of ability?" Hong Yue asked: "You mean they are testing our city defense. Mobilization ability?"

"It should not be." Su Mi said: "Our defensive mobility ability itself is not a secret, and Isengard has not been attacked. The previous enemy should know us. The city’s ability to mobilize defenses, and unless a large-scale siege is launched, this kind of data is of little value. The other side sacrificed so many high-level players to investigate such a data. It would seem too trivial."

"That means they are really planning to invade Isengard on a large scale?" Da Guofan, a speechless guy suddenly said, but Bingling scolded him back for his tone barely fell.

"You idiot? You don't know how strong Isinger's defense is now. Where does the opponent's troops go to attack Isinger?"

Hong Yue also followed Said: "Yes! Isinger is no longer the original Isinger. There are no millions of troops to attack for more than three or four days. It is impossible to pose any substantial threat to Isinger, and even if the opponent can be The city has gathered millions of troops and attacked us continuously for seven or eight days. At the most, it has caused a relatively large defensive pressure on Isengard. It may also be possible to break through the city wall in some areas, but this is only the first breakthrough in the city. It’s just a wall. The subsequent second city wall and third city wall need to be played for at least 5-6 days, and the opponent must ensure that they must continue to invest in troops during this period without any interruption. Of course, the entire attack process is still We must ensure that our guild cannot have any external support, otherwise they will be impossible to take Isinger."

Rose opened the mouth and said after Hong Yue finished saying: "Strike against Isinger is impossible. Yes, the millions of troops Hong Yue said are simply the ideal situation. According to our current actual situation, it takes at least 12 million regular troops with the current average battle strength to attack Isinger. With the help of the city equipment, it will take one to two weeks to attack the ground city of Isengard. As for the Sky City part... everything is empty talk on the premise that the air force in our guild cannot be suppressed. Besides, we are still talking. There is an Isengard mobile fortress. If this is all calculated, the opponent will need at least 15 million ground troops and no less than 2 million air units to completely occupy Isengard, and the entire battle process may require Perform half a month or more. No matter which of the above situations is, it is basically impossible to achieve the current situation, so the probability of a storm is basically zero. Of course, if the opponent's head is caught in the door, it may actually do it. It doesn’t matter if this happens, it’s nothing more than losing some funds to help our guild make a collective big upgrade." Escalation actually refers to losses and rewards in war. Because the city will definitely be destroyed in different degrees in the siege, and there will inevitably be a large number of NPC casualties in the battle, these are all kinds of property losses to the city’s owner. However, according to system regulations, if the defender wins a city battle, he will receive a large amount of EXP rewards. This EXP reward depends on the attacker’s overall battle strength and battle time and other factors. According to the formula calculated by the great man, it can be said that the defensive battle is the fastest battle method for gaining experience, and the siege battle is the fastest way to spend money. Once the Russians really want to invade Isengard, our guild will inevitably lose a lot of city maintenance fees, but for the same we will get a lot of EXP rewards. And, if there are a lot of Russians out there, this EXP may even make all the players in our guild go up to a dozen Level 20 collectively. This overall improvement can definitely make our guild's battle strength take a big step forward. Therefore, if the Russians really attacked Isengard with their heads flooded, not only should we not worry, but on the contrary, we should celebrate it warmly.

Of course, in fact, this probability is basically zero, just like what Hong Yue and Rose said, so don't think about that kind of good thing.

After the probability of early detection of large-scale siege wars was eliminated, there was a heated discussion on our side. Christina later asked whether the other party was checking the command system of our guild, because we The crystal communicator of the guild is currently known by various guilds outside, but they do not know the specific communication capabilities of this communicator, so they have always wondered why the command system of our guild is so efficient. Of course, the existence of the military god is even more a secret to the laymen's guild players. After all, even our guilds seldom know the news about the military god. Although they almost always have to communicate a lot with the god of war, in fact, except for the high level leaders of our guild, most branch members have never seen the god of war.

Although the God of War appears as a player in the game, he is a computer after all, and he does not usually have the habit of wandering around. Moreover, he has to act as the central switch of the crystal communication system. Commanding the large and small battles in the guild all the time, and also supervising a series of things such as logistics and security, it can be said that he can't stop for a second. Because of these too many things, the military god basically never moves in the central control room. Every time he appears in our Conference Hall, he will leave an Avatar in the control room, and such an Avatar is actually There are hundreds more on the list. These Avatars are all a special kind of magic puppets, which are different from mobile angels. These magic puppets mainly strengthen the communication ability and the ease of operation, because the military god needs to rely on these built-in communication center Avatars to carry out the guild communication network. Unified management with the command system, so there can not be too much operating delay and calculation burden. Therefore, the design of these magic puppets is as simple as possible, so that military god colleagues can manipulate them to accomplish things that they can't handle with one hand.

Because there are so many things that need to be cared about at all times, the god of war basically never leaves the central control room, which also caused the situation that most players in our guild have never seen the deity of the god of war. The laymen are even more unable to talk about it.

However, even for the purpose of investigating the source of our guild’s communication capabilities, the other party’s aggressive actions seemed too strange. Need to investigate. Our communication command ability can be investigated on any battlefield. Although it will sacrifice a lot of people, the problem is that the sacrifices of low-level players can be used to replace the sacrifices of high-level players. Although the number of sacrifices may be More, but in fact the loss will be smaller, and this time, in order to create such an experimental opportunity in our Isenger, the previous investment in the early stage was too much, and it was still not a cost-effective behavior.

After Christina’s speculation was rejected, both Bailing and Eagle also put forward their own conjectures, but after the analysis, they still felt unreliable, and in the end everyone could only be there to be silent. No one can think of what the other party is here.

"Do you think these Russians are sick? They came all the way to our side and ran all over the city without doing anything. Is it just to come and play peekaboo with us? The cat won't make it?" Cauldron Rice said impatiently.

We all know that Russian players impossible are here to play peekaboo, they definitely have what purpose, and the value of this purpose is definitely worth it, but the more we know this, the more anxious we are. Because we don't know what the other party is going to do. This kind of situation is really depressing when someone knows that someone is going to do bad things to oneself, but doesn't know how to do bad things to oneself.

After discussing for a long time, no one can analyze it and there is no reasonable explanation. In the end, the meeting can only be suspended temporarily. After all, many people are now fighting on the front line. It is always distracting to fight while having a meeting. We can only let everyone think of something before contacting the military god, anyway, we can establish a continuous communication here anytime.

Although the discussion for a long time did not come up with any valuable results, but the invaders in the city couldn't ignore it. I had no choice but to continue to catch mice all over the city.

Speaking of which these guys are not very good in battle strength, but their ability to run is very strong. In our city home court, they still have a way to scurry around under our noses, and they have It can also launch a small-scale sneak attack on us. Although it is of little practical significance, it is really annoying.

After killing seven or eight groups of teams in one go, the number of action teams still running around in the city finally became less, and it took another ten minutes to kill five groups of action teams. Our side finally calmed down, but the total number of action teams that were caught or killed by us before and after was more than 20 teams, so the number of Russian players who invaded Isengard would not be more than 100. It is more than two hundred people. Such a number is really scary. We must know that even the special elite force that we were pursuing forcibly into China is only a thousand people in size. There are more than two hundred people invading Isengard. This scale is too strange. A little bit.

"This should be the last one, right?" A Russian player was trampled on the ground, and then his head was pulled back, the resistance of Gaba disappeared instantly, and I dropped his head and I connected Communication asked the military god.

The military god even a computer is now full of doubts and said: "It seems that it is really over. This is the last team we found. It has been ten minutes since the beginning of no new discovery. Invaders."

"That should be done. But why do I always feel something is wrong?"

"To be honest, I also think something is wrong here, but This is already the case. When we don’t think of what the other party can do, we can’t make further speculations. We can only do our best to do what we can."

"You are really a pragmatist. ."

"I am a computer after all. Although there are quantum computing units, my logic program is still a two-dimensional system based on true and false judgments, which is too much like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies. I can’t understand it. What I can do is to do everything I can do to my best. As for the enemy’s plan... Only when it happens can I adapt to the situation."

"Okay, Let me do this first. I’ll go around the city and let me know immediately if you have any new information."

I left the corpse in my hand after talking to the military god. The guard, then turned around and summoned Ye Ying to ride up and started wandering aimlessly in the city.

In fact, I also have a lot of things to deal with at this time, but I don’t know why, I just think there is something wrong in the city, so I almost instinctively searched in the city . This feeling that something is going to happen makes me very uncomfortable, but no matter how we look for it, we just can't find any clues.

Reluctantly walking through the city, the streets have gradually begun to restore order. Many amateur players have begun to flock to Transmission Formation after the blockade is lifted. After all, many people are in a hurry. After a delay, it is naturally more tense now. However, there are more people rushing out and a lot of people entering, so instead of becoming so deserted, the city has become more lively.

As the largest super city in the game, Isinger’s permanent population and the number of floating populations are very scary. Think about the international metropolises in reality. The players in the game plus NPCs , The number will only be a lot more than that, one can imagine what kind of prosperous scene it is. However, even though there are people everywhere on the road, I still feel that something is wrong. I can see someone bowing to me from time to time while walking on the road. After paying the courtesy politely, I sometimes feel a moment of heart palpitations.

In this strange atmosphere, I walked to Isengard’s central square area, which was the place previously hit by the explosion. At this time, the restoration work was almost complete. Our bank has the most powerful engineering maintenance team in the world, and the speed of construction and maintenance is second to none. Moreover, as I said before, the other party’s weird infiltration behavior can actually not cause us much harm. It can even be said that this can be regarded as superficial wound at best. This square can be said to be the most severely damaged place, but even here, it took less than 20 minutes to be completely repaired, and it is conceivable that other places must have been completed. This repair speed... wait.

As soon as I thought of the repair work, a trace of inspiration suddenly flashed through my mind, but this feeling of thinking of something but unable to grasp it made me depressed there. Turn around but don't know what to think.

Getting down from the back of Yeying helplessly, I sat down beside the unfinished central fountain and meditated. The players passing by all looked at me suspiciously, some of the courageous came over and wanted to take a photo or something, but they were all blocked by the automatically appearing Qilin warrior. Ling didn't know when he ran out and sat next to me, while several other familiars also sat or stood guarding by my side. They know that I am thinking about things, so they can only help me eliminate the interference around me and let me focus as much as possible.

"The repairman...repair...repair..." I muttered as I lowered my head in thought. "Repairing things need to use a warehouse. Warehouse... Warehouse... Logistics system? Maintaining the system? No, it doesn't matter. So... Workers are needed in the repair process... What did the other party attack the workers for? No! So what else is missing? Yes? Workers are needed when the repair work is in progress. To mobilize materials, it needs to be closed...closed...damn it!" At that moment, I suddenly thought of a kind of probability, and then the whole person was shivered in fright. Suddenly jumped up from the ground, I withdrew my demon and stepped on the night shadow and ran wildly while shouting at the communicator: "Military god, run, the other party's target is you!"

"Huh? You? What's the situation?"

"The opponent's target is you! You will be transferred immediately. No, you can't transfer! The communication core is destroyed and the result is the same. You immediately mobilize all defense forces to go to you To protect the control center, I'm talking about all the power, let Vina and the others go together, and enclose the control center in an iron bucket for me."

"I have notified them, and all the guards are rushing. Come, but can you explain to me what they are doing?"

"The people that the other party sacrificed before did not come to make trouble, they are pre-investigation." I ran and explained.

"Preliminary reconnaissance? Those people? They really want to attack the city?"

"It is not to attack the city, but to kill you, or to destroy the command core. By the way, you Don't say it, let me know that Christina and gold coin are still red, call back all the elites of our guild, and let them go directly to you with the Transmission Formation of the Temple of Chaos and Order, fast! "

"It has been notified, you continue."

"The other party's previous behavior was simply not purposeless. They came for preliminary investigation. Do you remember Russia before Is the arrangement of the people?"

"Of course, I am a computer. What can I forget?"

"The opponent's main force is on the border line and put on an offensive posture , But there has always been only a small range of friction. Therefore, we judged that they were feigning, but then we felt that their behavior was weird. Therefore, we judged that this unit might have dual responsibilities. Maybe the Early-Stage mission was a feint, and then it would At a certain time, the feint attack turned into a real large-scale invasion. Didn’t we still infer from this situation that there is a third hidden power in the other party?"

"We all know this! But why The other party’s target is the military god?" The voice is from Hong Yue. Obviously, the military god opened the previous conference channel so that everyone could hear me. But this is just right, saving me explaining one by one.

"Don’t you understand? Our previous guess is not wrong. The opponent’s main force is indeed the real main force, but they are not waiting for the third force to attack the city behind us and let us deploy personnel. Decrease defensive power, the opponent simply wants to paralyze our command system. The one we killed before was indeed the third secret force, but they were not the only one, and there was a fourth force. This third force was just a reconnaissance force, they The mission is to use our own battle to create damage, and then let us repair the city. Because of Isengard’s high degree of automation and our guild’s command system’s superb command ability, the other party guessed that the command core should be very They are rare, so there are definitely not many such cores. Therefore, they judged that Isengard’s city management system should be integrated with the command system on the battlefield."

Hong Yue Hearing this, I suddenly realized: "When we repair the city, we need to temporarily shut down the magic power in that area, and then only the command line is left for the magic wave to transmit. If it is a single place repair, it will be nothing, but if it is more All areas are destroyed. When repairing, you can know the direction of the command system line based on the magical fluctuations generated by the signal of the command system. As long as you collect a lot of information on these lines, you can infer the core of the command system, because these lines No matter how you turn, it must eventually converge towards the core, so the more the signal area of ​​the cheats, the closer to the core."

The military god followed: "That means the other party's previous behavior was looking for me. Where is the location?"

"It should be the location of the crystal communication core." Rose said: "In this case, everything is clear. The other party is indeed planning to invade on a large scale, but our guild’s battlefield command system It’s too strong, so they hope to paralyze our command system, but the crystal communicator uses non-directional connections. If it can’t destroy all nodes, it’s meaningless to simply destroy a certain turntable. So the other party has no way to destroy all of us. Under the premise of the transfer equipment, I hope to destroy the central command core once and for all, thinking that no matter how many transfer equipment there are, there is only one command core, so as long as the core is destroyed, all our communication command systems will be paralyzed. At that time they are launching a big With a large-scale invasion, our guild forces that have adapted to this point-to-point command will enter a state of no command at all. In this way, our battle strength will be weakened by at least more than half. This is really a good plan for the other party!"

"Thanks to the boss, you thought of it in time, otherwise we would be extremely unlucky if we were actually handed over by each other this time!" Christina Said.

"Now it may not be unsuccessful!" I said directly: "I am rushing there, but the other party may also arrive before me. So..."

< p>"President, you are really a crow's mouth!" The helpless voice of the military god appeared in the communication channel.

"What's the situation?" Hong Yue asked anxiously.

"The other party has reached the gate on my side. Now I can hear the killing shouts outside, and someone is smashing the door."

"The gate can still be held. Live?"

"I have put down the armored door, and it should last a while."

"That's good, I can only take two minutes at most. It's here."

"Chairman, hurry up. I am all the components of the crystal communication core. The other party can rush in for a second to destroy the scum here!"

"I know, don't hurry!" After I finished speaking, I asked again: "Christina, true red, gold coin, where are you?"

"We just arrived at Transmission Formation. It takes time in the past!" Christina's voice came from the communicator.

"I rely on, so far? All those who are rushing to the command center, pay attention, report the position, who of you is the nearest?"

"I am the nearest!" A female The sound was suddenly inserted into the communication channel.

When I heard this voice, I was a little stunned, because it was not the voice of a member of our guild, but... the voice of Polsephone.

"Porsephone? Why are you in the vicinity?"

"Now you just leave it alone, I can go and block for a while, but you have to hurry up Come to support! I am not fighting Divine Race, I am not good at fighting!"

"I have one minute and I can get there. You can support it for a while first."

"It's okay, I'm coming soon." Radamantis' voice actually inserted after Polsephone's voice. "I'll be in the vicinity, and I can be there in 30 seconds at most."

"How long will it take you, Napolsephone?" I asked loudly.

"I'm here, I won't tell you anymore, I want to concentrate on fighting."

Porsephone, who just rushed out of the central control room, immediately found the central control room. The chaos outside has turned into a pot of porridge. This place was originally an important area for the guild. Of course, it is impossible to guard. In fact, this place not only has its own dedicated defense force, but also many additional protections, the most important of which is the Temple of Chaos and Order. Because the Temple of Chaos and Order Divine Race is very close to this central control room, if there is any problem, we will be able to get support soon, but we really don't understand it. There are obviously a lot of monitors in the outer circle area of ​​the central control room, and the guy in the military god is always staring at all communication channels, including those of the monitors. Ordinarily, if there are outsiders approaching the area, he should He could have discovered it long ago, but he didn't realize it until the other party started smashing the door. This was really weird. However, there are too many strange situations today, and we have no time to deal with them now. It is true that we must first find a way to keep the central control room.

In fact, it's not just our side that is depressed, and the intruder's side is not much better than ours.

Although we have known that our core control room is impossible without guards, the other party used a one-time consumable for this action, and successfully deceived everyone’s sensory success. The mixed into the outer circle area of ​​the central control room. However, just after they entered the outer area, they didn't know what was going on, the door of the central control room suddenly closed by themselves, and then a large group of NPC guards swarmed in from outside. This is not over yet. On both sides of the door of the central control room, four huge metal cans actually rose from the ground, and after these metal cans were opened, four mobile angels that they had never seen before came out of them.

Although the shapes of these four mobile angels are different from any of the previously known mobile angels, the mobile angels are a series after all, and there are still some common things that continue in their bodies. , So several Russian players present recognized these four as mobile angels at a glance, and they are definitely new models that have never been seen before.

Although I don’t know the battle strength of these four mobile angels for the time being, these people at least know that we impossible to place ordinary goods in such an important position outside the central control room, so they know even if they don’t use their brains. These four mobile angels are definitely a very difficult one. Fortunately, the people they came this time were not ordinary people, otherwise they would not da

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