"Purple Moon, I have heard of you for a long time, and I also know that I am not your opponent, but today, it is not so easy for you to kill me."

"Oh? Since you know everything, what gives you such confidence that you can fight with me for a long time today?"

"Because of this." The monk suddenly moved from Two gleaming crystals were taken out from his body. This crystal is not the same as ordinary crystals. Its texture is not completely transparent. Instead, it is filled with a considerable amount of impurities. It looks like a bit of polished transparent plastic with a lot of inclusions. The feeling of bubbles. In addition, apart from not being completely transparent, this kind of crystal has a very special feature in that sharp edges and corners are almost invisible. Although its surface has edges and corners like most crystals, these edges and corners are excessively formed with multiple continuous obtuse angles, and there is no sharp, acute-angled structure. In addition, this thing has a slightly special point that it seems to be an unprocessed source stone.

What we see in reality, whether it is a diamond or any other gemstone, the last thing you buy is basically a processed gemstone. The shape of this gemstone is very regular, and the surface reflection angle is all It is specific, so it looks very bright. However, in fact, most of the gems were not what they looked like when they were bought when they were first mined. These gems will go through a series of processing processes before they are sold. However, there is actually not that complicated process in the game. Although gems need to be mined in the game, it feels as if the gems are caught in the rock. As long as you break the rock, the standard craftsmanship gems of Eight Stars and Arrows will be taken out, except for the magic crystal, which is more in shape after production. Except for the occasional processing of strange flowers, most of the gems can be used directly after they are mined, without any processing.

However, the two pieces in the hands of the monk who say they are gems are actually very strange in shape. Not only are they very irregular in shape, but one of them is big at the two ends and small in the middle. It looks like a shelled peanut, while the other one has a nearly spherical structure. Anyway, the shapes of the two gems are very irregular.

Although this gem looks inferior both in appearance and texture, it can even be said that it will not be seen by someone else when it is thrown on the side of the road. However, this gem at this time makes me have to pay attention to it. , Because just in my magical induction, this thing is constantly exuding a kind of terrifying energy fluctuation, and this fluctuation is very stable, it can be seen that this is not an instantaneous explosion, but a normal state.

A substance with such a high energy level, no matter what it is, must be a very dangerous thing. Of course, if you can find a way to use the energy in it, then it will instantly transform into a super battery, and then let the existence that uses it become a terrifying existence.

"You probably don't know this thing. But I believe you can feel the irresistible power contained in it." The monk said quite confidently.

I nodded and said: "You are more than half right. I really don't know this thing, and I can really feel the power in it, but you don't know one thing."


The monk was also puzzled when he heard what I said, and I asked: "Oh? What is it that I don't know?"

"The thing you don't know is..." With my voice, a large number of phantoms of my familiars suddenly appeared next to me, and then they quickly flew into my body, and with the influx of the familiars, the energy fluctuations in my body began to show up. The geometric progression continues to climb. "What you don't know is...that is not irresistible to me, because I am also a monster of the same level!" As I finished speaking, a huge magic array suddenly appeared under my feet, and then followed With the shining of the disc, a terrifying force began to wreak havoc in the space. The surrounding air continued to appear in the surrounding air with golden tiny arcs jumping randomly in the air, and the magic array on the ground was not only getting brighter and brighter, but also More small magic arrays are still being filled in, and this huge magic array combination is still absorbing huge energy from the air in the continuous rotation.

The monk over there is also capable of practicing, and of course he also feels the energy in me, and in his induction, the energy intensity in my body has risen to him in the blink of an eye. The energy contained in the two things in his hands is comparable. At this brief moment, the monk was really scared. He took two steps back in panic, and then suddenly felt that he had hit someone. When he looked back, he realized that it was his three accomplices.

One of the guys saw the monk turning around and questioned him loudly: "What the hell did you say to Purple Moon guy? Why did this guy run away suddenly?"

" I...I..."

The monk hadn't organized the language yet, and saw that the golden arc on my side began to beat more and more violently in the space, some huge arcs were like the devil's minions. Crawling on the ground, stone slabs cracked wherever they passed, and some of the small fragments even tended to float away from gravity.

"hey hey hey, is it a big game this time?" One of the Russian players looked at me standing in the center of the magic array with long hair flying like a Demon God. Shall we make a strategic shift first?"

"Agree." The guy next to him replied complied and suddenly turned and ran, and then the guy who proposed and the other guy immediately started to run with them, just three people Just turned around and ran for two steps, and suddenly I felt saw a flash, and then realized that I actually appeared in front of them.

The three of them hurriedly braked and turned around to run again. Unfortunately, when I turned around, I found that I in the center of the magic array hadn't moved. But when I looked back, I was really blocking the road. Stand there on the ground. One of the three guys who reacted the fastest suddenly shouted: "This is a phantom, don't be afraid!" Hearing his shout, one of the remaining two immediately rushed over to the one who was in front of them. Just after running two steps, I saw that my arm in front of me seemed to lift a bit, and immediately after him, he flew directly over the heads of his two companions to the monk's side.

"Damn, don't you say it's a phantom?" After falling to the ground, the guy complained while clutching his stomach and rolling there.

The remaining two guys were also stunned. After two seconds of mental struggle, one of the two guys suddenly turned around and rushed to the side, although there are a lot of our guilds over there. The guard is here, but at least it's safer than mine. However, just when he just took a step, the golden light flashed beside me who was blocking the road. Two new me suddenly appeared on both sides of the blocking me, and then there was a golden light. Shine, the two sides of these three mes began to flash out one by one, exactly the same me, and then in less than three seconds, at least thirty people appeared around me and formed a loose wall of people. Enclosed completely.

"Damn, it's no help!" The three were forced to retreat to the monk, and then one of them carefully touched the monk with his elbow and asked, "What should I do now?"

"Don't worry. These all are illusions." After speaking, the monk suddenly took the Buddhist beads hanging from his neck, flicked it in his hand, grabbed the beads with both hands and suddenly collapsed Broken, the buddha beads that had been gathered together immediately flew out, and his colleague still muttered: "Buddha's radiance opens the way."

The dozens of buddha beads that were shot out changed in the monk’s Sanskrit voice. It became a golden ball of light and shot away, but when they were about to hit the encircling circle, they suddenly all turned towards the me in the center of the encircling circle and flew over. Although dozens of me appeared around to form an encirclement, but the first I appeared before was not in this encirclement, but stood alone in the field and stepped on that huge magic array.

Those flying out Buddha beads suddenly seemed to ignite after turning, and instantly changed from golden light particles to golden fireballs, and then they crashed into the central one. I. However, at the moment when those huge golden Fireballs were about to hit me, those people suddenly noticed that my figure standing in the center was blurry and pulled out an afterimage in the air. It felt like I was practicing some martial there. The arts moves are the same, but because they move too fast, they can’t see the silhouette at all. However, they at least see one thing clearly, that is, along with a burst of jingle, all the big Fireballs flying towards me are all blown up and scattered into the sky. golden light particles, and then it is like the burst of fire like fire gradually disappearing into the air.

"Well, this is too strong, isn't it?" Several Russian players were completely scared. It is not difficult to defend against that kind of trick, but I am definitely the only person who can defend against that kind of attack in such a perverted manner in the case of a sneak attack.

After dispersing all the surrounding light balls, I calmly turned to the monk over there and said, "I am not a demon or evil spirit. You used the slayer's way to deal with me, did you make a mistake? What's the situation? By the way, I know a little bit about Buddhism, do you want to try it?"

The monk put on a defensive posture and said, "That's what you need to learn."

"No, you just lie down." As I said, I took out a scroll directly from my body and threw it forward. The scroll unfolded automatically as soon as I shot it, and then The air itself turned into a scroll larger than a bed sheet, and then directly covered the monk's body with incomparable accuracy.

Originally, the scroll is made of cloth, even if it’s bigger, it’s impossible to have much weight, but this time the situation is different. Although this thing looks light and fluttering, when it falls, it looks like it’s a one. Shanfeng immediately shot the monk directly on the ground, and no matter how hard he struggles, he is completely motionless. When the three remaining people around looked at the scroll, they only noticed a few big letters with golden light on the upward side, but unfortunately they didn't know any of them. But even if you know it, it's useless, because the word written on it is "Om Mani Pad Mi Hum". Even if they know Chinese characters, they are completely impossible to understand what it means, because this is the Five Fingers Mountain that sealed Monkey Sun back then. The words on the seal posted above. This is simply not Chinese, and the six characters are just the Chinese pronunciation of Sanskrit, so even those who know the characters are useless.

"wu wu wu ...... Uh oh so thick......" The sound of the monk struggling for help continued to be heard under the huge scroll, but the seal was completely motionless against the ground, and very The strange thing is that the seal against the ground is actually completely flat, and there is no person underneath it at all. It feels like the monk has been photographed on the ground or photographed as thin as a sheet of paper. Of course, this is actually impossible. Isinger’s ground is not made of ordinary materials. I can’t cut it with idle weapons. The human body is naturally impossible and harder than our floor tiles, so he was impossible and was photographed into the ground. As for being knocked flat... it would be even more impossible. . If this guy can call below, it means he is not dead. He is not a rubber man. How can he live after being photographed into meatloaf?

In fact, the reason why the seal can’t see the protrusions is completely because the guy was sucked into the seal, so I can’t see the protrusions, but I can’t lift this thing now, because Once uncovered, he can come out. In fact, this thing is what I got from Dainichi Tathagata after Buddhism was destroyed, and the setting of this scroll in the game is different from the setting in Journey to the West. The scroll in the original Journey to the West was written as soon as it came, but the scroll in the game was not written temporarily, but a special equipment of Divine Item level, which is unique in itself. Had it not been for Buddhism to be broken up and the Tathagata would fall into the Pingyang City, I would not have been able to get such a good thing.

The scroll itself does not actually have any attack power. Its only use is to seal an enemy. As long as this thing is aimed at the target and thrown out, it will automatically track it until the opponent is covered underneath. After that, the thing will enter invincible mode, and no one can hurt it except the one who is still on the scroll can uncover it. Of course, it does not raise. But because this thing has no attack power and cannot move after covering the target, although the effect is very powerful, it has little practical value. The more useful situation I can think of is that when you encounter multiple powerful enemies, you can use this to temporarily trap one enemy to reduce the opponent's strength, and then come back to solve this goal alone after solving other targets. The effect is the same as mine. The crystal bubble is similar, but the effect is stronger.

"Okay, I have taken that evildoer, how are you three going to die?" After sealing the monk, I turned to the remaining three and asked.

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