The magic of dawn bombs sounds a lot like thunder bombs, but the two are not the same thing at all.

Thunder Bomb is a standard Earth Element magic, while Dawn Bomb is a hybrid magic. In terms of formidable power...Thunder Bomb may be slightly higher in terms of absolute damage output, but in fact, Dawn Bomb is more effective. In fact, the reason for this situation is entirely because the two methods of action are not the same.

Thunder Bomb is Earth Element magic, so it is easily offset by magic resistance, and if the opponent has Earth Element dedicated defense spell, the formidable power will be further reduced. On the contrary, Dawn Bomb is different. The advantage of the mixed system spell is that in addition to the general protection skills of the entire system, the opponent cannot find the protection spell that specifically restrains it at all. Relatively speaking, the special protection type spell has at least better protection against the attack of the system. The general-purpose spell is improved by more than 80%, and even more than three to five times stronger.

Because of the fact that the whole system of protection is not effective in the protection magic, and the single system protection cannot block the actual situation of the mixed spell, the actual killing effect of the mixed system spell is generally far longer. Super single line spell. Of course, although the mixed system spell is indeed better, the usage rate is actually not as good as the single system spell. In the final analysis, it is because the mixed spell is difficult to use and has a high failure rate. It is basically difficult for general mages to guarantee the success rate. To put it bluntly, the requirements are too high for an ordinary person. It is as if the fighter jets in modern warfare must have more formidable power than submachine guns, but can you equip every soldier in the country with a fighter jet? In the end, the war had to rely on guns, because the fighter jets were too high-end and too expensive for the country to use, and soldiers would not use it.

This mixed system spell is the same. It is indeed very difficult to deal with, but unfortunately the total amount of magic power of the average wizard can't hold up, and the magic control power can't keep up, so the average wizard will consider using this big trick to make it gorgeous when they have the initiative. The ending, and the only high-end mage like Christina who can use spell at all times.

Compared with Christina’s rainbow jet, the difficulty of this dawn bomb is actually a little lower, but its lethality is not low at all. In addition, there is another advantage of using dawn bombs at this time, that is, this magic can actually be used as a flash bomb. Of course, the flash caused by this kind of magic that hurts even the gods is by no means comparable to ordinary flash bombs. In fact, when this thing explodes, it will produce continuous full-wavelength radiation for about thirteen seconds, including visible light and invisible light.

In these 30 seconds, within a radius of 30 kilometers near the explosion point, the brightness of all areas that are not covered will be close to the brightness of the sun's surface, and this brightness is no longer just bright. In fact, the effect of the dawn bomb erupting is like lighting up a small sun in the explosion area. It will not only radiate super strong visible light, but also radiate super heat energy, so in these thirty seconds, All surrounding objects that can burn in the air will be ignited within a few seconds, even the human body, if there is no shelter, will start to burn after up to ten seconds. Basically, this effect is similar to that of nuclear weapons. The difference is that the dawn bomb does not produce long-lasting nuclear radiation. It will only radiate a large amount of visible light radiation within the 30 seconds of the explosion, and there will even be some gamma radiation. Horse rays and other rays that can be called nuclear radiation are emitted, but this radiation will only work within 30 seconds, and once the time limit is exceeded, it will immediately disappear.

Eight-Branched Giant Snake obviously doesn't care about nuclear radiation. He can lie in the lava for so many years. If he is afraid of radiation, wouldn't he be killed early? As for things like glare...Although it won't cause any harm, it's easy to do things like blocking the line of sight.

Although strong light can cause us to lose sight like the Eight-Branched Giant Snake, we don’t care about it. Our mount is a long spear, and the long spear's eyes are on the back of the body, it is not used to see the road at all. Long spear During the flight, long-distance flight relies on geomagnetism to navigate, while short-distance obstacle recognition relies on bio-radar. Anyway, it does not require eyes to see things. So the Dawn Bomb, a super flash bomb, will affect the sight of the Eight-Branched Giant Snake but not our escape. Besides, Christina’s Dawn Bomb was dropped between us and the Eight-Branched Giant Snake. Even the Eight-Branched Giant Snake is not afraid of radiation, but the high temperature in the middle is not something he can resist. So if he doesn't want to plunge into the little sun, he can only stop and go around.

We have all entered the supersonic mode here, and the time for the Eight-Branched Giant Snake to make a bend is enough for us to fly out more than a mile. As the distance increases, the Eight-Branched Giant Snake will become more and more impossible to catch up with us.

The angry Eight-Branched Giant Snake relied on the memory of the past to bypass the dawn bomb, then rounded from the side and started chasing. When the 30-second time limit was reached, he was surprised to find that the surrounding airspace was already We are completely lost.

"Damn it!" Eight-Branched Giant Snake angrily spewed out eight flames and burned the surrounding ground into a fire sea, but this kind of venting was of no avail, and we had completely disappeared from his sight. . We can’t find our Eight-Branched Giant Snake. The final page can only turn around and fly back in awe, trying to wipe out all the ordinary players and mobile angels in our guild who haven’t left. Although we can’t catch the big heads of us, but Those mobile angels and ordinary players who can kill us can be considered a bit of face.

However, when Eight-Branched Giant Snake returned to the previous battlefield, he was completely dumbfounded. The battlefield is now in a state of sorrow, but the problem is that all the wailing players are Japanese players and Korean and Russian players who came to help Nobunaga Onitaka, and none of the mobile angels and players from our guild are present.

"Guishou Nobunaga! What's the matter?" The angry Eight-Branched Giant Snake roared and yelled Guisou Nobunaga's name for him to explain, but after waiting for a long time, it turned out to be That mummy-like guy.

"Report that Ozogami, Nobunaga Guishou has just been killed, and now this will probably be waiting in line for resurrection!"

"Has been killed again?" Eight-Branched Giant Snake asked in surprise, "Didn't I have shooed Purple Moon and them all? Why are you still beaten up? Could it be that you guys can't even handle a few ordinary players of the Frost Rose League and tin toys? Is it?"

The mummy helplessly said: "Report the big snake god, this is actually not our incompetence, but the people of the Frost Rose Alliance are too cunning. Just after you chased Purple Moon and they left, we were The flying ship injured by the hired foreign aid unexpectedly came back, and after the ship came, no one was sent down to fight with us. What directly covered the face was a large piece of liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb that was thrown down here. I was caught off guard. He was killed and wounded countless people at the time. On the other hand, Nobunaga-kun was also unfortunately hit by a large liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb during the chase. The result was..."

"Asshole I'm so angry!" The angry Eight-Branched Giant Snake looked left and right as if looking for something, and finally suddenly found the mountain that was overturned before, and then flew over and started facing the collapsed one. The mountain is attacking indiscriminately, so it's clear that it's just venting. It's just that the mountain is pitiful, and it's not counted as being knocked down twice in a row, and it actually has to whip the corpse!

Just when Eight-Branched Giant Snake was holding the flame hair here and couldn't come out, we were also miserably sitting on the smoking Frost Rose. Compared to Eight-Branched Giant Snake, the situation on our side is actually not much better. But compared with them, we have an advantage, that is, the initial set goals are basically completed.

The main purpose or for that we came here this time was to prevent the secret of the communicator from leaking. Although we could not get that thing back in the previous battles, at least I was bombarded by a big attack and left scum. Scum. Even if it is Nobunaga Ghosts and they have the ability to pick up all the pieces back, it is estimated that they will not expect to fight back in three to five years. So, this secret is basically kept. The only pity is that the communication terminal that was destroyed was not an ordinary commodity, but a regional communication hub, equivalent to a national program-controlled exchange group. This time, it was directly bombed, and a new one would be needed later. Although we have our own technology and can make this thing ourselves, the materials used to make this thing are not cheap at all, and the most important thing is that the production process of this thing is very troublesome, and there is no way to industrialize it. We can only rely on a special engraving magic array. The formation diagram of the master uses magical power to condense the magic knife one blade after another. This process is very costly. If one or two formation diagram divisions estimate that they will not be able to handle a device in a few years, our guild has a lot of money and people, so we use the method of unlimited blue bottles plus double formation diagram divisions. .

Making a communication hub can allow up to 33 formation diagram divisions to work together at the same time. This is the fastest, but the general guild will not be able to make up so many formation diagram divisions. After all, the cultivation of this profession is extremely difficult. Gao, one or two occasionally appear just like the legendary Level 8 mechanics, they are definitely a bunch of characters who will break their heads in the guild. Almost all of the formation diagram divisions in this guild are trained by our guild. Generally, they are players who have this kind of hobby. After joining the guild, our guild will provide all-round support. If you want to upgrade, you have a dedicated team to help you brush up the experience. I will let you know what equipment is needed. The whole bank will help you find it. If you can't find it, you will release the mission. Grab it directly. In this way, our guild can forcibly cultivate a group of high level formation diagram teachers, and it turns out that although this profession has a huge investment in the early stage, the output in the later stage is more than ten times more terrifying than the investment. The magic technology in this guild, in the end, actually comes down to the formation diagram master, because the magic device simply lies in the magic array carving, and most of the magic array carving and research cannot be separated from the formation diagram master.

When our guild produced this communication hub, we directly let 33 formation diagram divisions start work together, and there are thirty-three formation diagram divisions waiting next to them, that is, sixty at a time. Six formation diagram divisions. Other guilds can make up 20 formation diagram divisions, even if the guild’s manufacturing capabilities are very good, but the number of formation diagram divisions in our guild has reached more than two hundred and eighty, which is a general strong guild. Ten times. However, it can also be seen from this that we call 66 formation diagram divisions together to make this communication hub is actually a very exaggerated investment, after all, nearly 1/4/2021 of the guild’s formation diagram divisions have been gathered together. , This in itself is already very impressive.

Of course, it is not enough to rely on double personnel alone. There is also an unlimited supply of blue bottles, that is, mana potions. Thirty-three formation diagram divisions work together. If any Human Demon is not strong enough, he will immediately replace him, and then he will fill the blue bottle to replenish the magic, and the person who takes over his work will run out of his magic power. Exchange with him again, so that two people and one post ensure that everyone is a skilled worker and maximize the speed. The only drawback is that it costs money and people. That is, our guilds are rich and imposing. Generally, guilds don’t say they are reluctant. Even if they have so much money, they don’t have so many formation diagram divisions.

Although it is troublesome to rebuild a communications hub, this is a problem that money can solve after all, and in our guild, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem. However, there are other problems that cannot be solved with money.

The manufacturing process of the communication hub is extremely complicated, so it can only be built at a specific location, and this location is obviously impossible in Japan. Therefore, once this thing is finished, it needs to be shipped to Japan, and it has to be handed over to Matsumoto Masaga and the others. However, our identities with Masaga Matsumoto are here, and there can be no positive exchanges between us. If you want Masaga Matsumoto and I to fight in front of everyone, it’s absolutely fine, but if we have a meal together, it’s definitely because of a big problem. Therefore, this thing cannot be shipped blatantly.

Although there is a secret underground transportation line between us and Matsumoto Masaka, it is actually a supplement to some materials, and most of the materials in the game can be loaded into space equipment . In this way, it becomes quite simple to carry a small space equipment to smuggle supplies. But the problem is that the communication hub is considered guild equipment, and guild equipment cannot be put into space equipment. However, this communication hub is very large, even if it is disassembled as much as possible into a size that Matsumoto Masaga can assemble by themselves, the largest parts are slightly larger than the refrigerator. This kind of bulky thing itself is not very concealed, even if it is entrained in the cargo, it may still be found. In addition, because Matsumoto Masaga is not all our spies. Although the forces of Matsumoto Masaka are actually under our control, this is actually because Matsumoto Masaka is under our command. It does not mean that Matsumoto Masaka’s gang all regard themselves as Chinese. In fact, not many people in Matsumoto's Central Africa have a good impression of China, and many of them are right-wing fanatics. The reason why they are willing to follow Masaka Matsumoto is completely fooled. Like this secret transfer mission, simply cannot let these people know. In other words, even if the new communication hub is completed, and if you want to send it to Matsumoto Masaka, not only must you hide from the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others, but also most of the people under Matsumoto Masaka. Can't let them know about this.

To do this, Masaka Matsumoto can only use the secret spies that I arranged for him at the beginning, which are actually members of our guild. Some of these players are Chinese players who have registered accounts in Japan, and some are Japanese players like the girls from the Sakura Club. They are all members of our Frost Rose League, but they are registered as Japanese players. So they can follow Masaka Matsumoto in Japan, and because of their dual identities, there is no need to hide our relationship with Masaka Matsumoto.

However, although this kind of personnel can be used to complete this kind of transfer task, the problem is that there are obviously not many players like this kind of spy. As our high-level spy in Japan, Matsumoto must be There are many secrets that real Japanese players cannot know. These things can only be done by these spy players, and the number of these people is not many, so many times Matsumoto Masaka's hands simply no one can use. If the new communication hub is to be transferred this time, it will definitely consume a lot of manpower. When the time comes, it is estimated that the confidential personnel on Matsumoto's side will be even more stretched.

So I said that this time we bombed the communication hub and our losses were actually not small, but this loss can only be regarded as a tactical loss at best, and our strategic intention is to protect us. The intention of the relationship with Masaga Matsumoto has actually been fulfilled.

Compared with our understanding of our own gains and losses, Guishou Nobunaga looks quite dizzy.

After Eight-Branched Giant Snake finished venting there, Nobunaga Guishou arrived again, and everyone could only clean up the mess and leave the scene. During the period, Nobunaga was hit hard by the gun god guy. One comparison. After all, it was a normal task, but in the end, we had to fight against a large group of front-line experts from our Frost Rose League, and finally shot down our spaceship. This beam is considered big. Even if the gun god can use the task at that time and have to use it as an excuse to shirk it, will we easily let him go? Obviously it is impossible. Therefore, the gun god this guy finally insisted on a big compensation from Guishou Nobunaga before he would give up, and Guishou Nobunaga was already overwhelmed by the anger of the Eight-Branched Giant Snake, and he couldn’t fight with the gun anymore. The gods were noisy, so I was afraid of ordering the Eight-Branched Giant Snake, so in the end he pinched his nose when the gun gods made a noise, and he wouldn't be so easy to talk at another time.

After dismissing the spear god, Guishou Nobunaga will discuss with the high level players of a stick to discuss what is going on in this battle. It was clear that they had robbed Matsumoto Masaga's things before, and then Matsumoto Masaka wanted to snatch it back, but in the end, how did they and our Frost Rose League smashed together? Moreover, the most important question is that they have sacrificed countless people before and after, and the amount of money they spent is also an astronomical figure. What can be the specific gains? Didn't catch anything. That's right, they shot down the Frost Rose, but the problem is that they are flying again, and they didn't even touch it. As for the casualties on our side...

Are we dead? Have it? There's none?

In the end, Nobunaga and the others combined, after a long time, they were all in vain all day, and in the end a large group of people and a lot of money got in. This is definitely a model of trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off!

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