Don't care about the situation at Nobunaga Guishou. Although a group of people here are very embarrassed, they are all in a good mood. After everyone boarded the Frost Rose, the captain ordered a full-speed return, and in about twenty minutes we were on Isinger's side. Originally, the Transnational Transmission Formation between Fulcrum City and Isengard was used on the ship’s Transmission Formation. The speed was much faster, but almost everyone on our side was injured, and everyone was dissatisfied with the attributes. Time can take a break. When Isengard's side is here, everyone has just entered the best condition.

After we got off the boat, our group didn't say hello, we just scattered on the spot, and went to our respective tasks. We weren't sitting here for twenty minutes on the boat. Everyone had planned everything after returning home in advance.

According to the content agreed on the ship before, Christina and Gold Coin all dispersed and rushed to the border area to stare at the Russian army, because we always thought that this big army is very possible. It is not a simple pretense of attacking troops, so it cannot be taken lightly.

Except for them, the only ones left are me and Hong Yue. Hong Yue's mission is to go to a city called Tianze Water House to join the elite troops of our guild. At present, this elite force is fighting against the squad of Russian players. This Thousand Man Squad composed entirely of experts was spotted by the elite troops of our guild after the previous whereabouts were exposed. Relying on the advantage of mobility, our guild's troops have fought this Thousand Man Squad three times before and after. The opponent uses some Strange Sects skills or some hidden secret channels to escape magically every time. It feels like they There should be people lurking in our country, because these secret passages are obviously impossible and they happen to happen. Besides, one or two times is okay. Three consecutive times are too strange. Therefore, the other party must have hidden intelligence personnel. Not only did they find out all kinds of road information for them, they even left a lot of secret channels for getting out.

Relying on these secret passages and the peculiar skills of some people in the opposing team, this Thousand Man Squad has repeatedly got rid of our encirclement and suppression, and it is still moving around. Of course, our encirclement and suppression were not all without receiving goods. At least the number of the other party's personnel has dropped sharply from more than 1,000 to less than 300. The loss amounted to more than 70%.

Despite the heavy casualties, the difference between elite troops composed of high level players and ordinary troops is that elite troops pay more attention to individual battle strength, so there is no problem that affects the performance of battle strength after downsizing. However, after all, it’s a loss of soldiers, and the opponent’s overall battle strength will obviously drop drastically. It’s just that this unit still has considerable deterrence in this situation. After all, if nearly 300 high level players suddenly appear in a certain Strategic hub location, the damage caused is still very serious.

Hong Yue’s current task is to dispatch and assist those elite players to handle the last three hundred Russian elite players. In order to ensure the smooth execution of this mission, Hong Yue also used our guild to guard The giant dragons of the city were brought over. Although a hundred or so giant dragons were made up with a full play, the giant dragon is a giant dragon after all, even the ordinary version of the giant dragon is very terrifying. This time more than a hundred dragons were dispatched to hunt down the Russian players who were less than 300. I believe that even if this force cannot be wiped out, it will certainly not be a problem to disperse them.

As Hong Yue led the team and left, I was the only one who came back here. However, my task is not to go out and do anything, but to stay in Isengard.

Although staying in Isengard seems to have nothing, in fact, I have a lot of tasks. First of all, as the president, my staying in Isengard can stabilize the military spirit, and I can command the entire battlefield. After all, the military god is only tactical command, he is not very good at strategic things, at best he can reach the level of a high-achieving student in an ordinary military school, not much. Therefore, if I can stay with the military god at all times, I can guide the entire battle at the strategic level, so that in conjunction with the military god's tactical command, the battle strength of all members of our guild can be maximized.

In addition, in addition to stabilizing the military spirit and the ability to command battles, my staying in Isengard has an even effect.

First, staying in Isinger, I can support any place at any time as a reserve team. Isinger has always been the center city of our guild. All the spheres of influence of the guild can directly connect to Isinger through ordinary Transmission Formation or transnational Transmission Formation, which means that Isinger is equivalent to a transportation hub. From here, you can reach our guild and even any city in the world. Therefore, staying in Isinger, I have convenient transportation and can reach any battlefield that needs me at any time.

Secondly, my stay in Isengard actually serves as an insurance.

We analyzed when the Russians were divided into two teams and attacked our country one by one. At that time, everyone reached a consensus that the Russian players may have more than two invading troops. According to speculation at the time, the main force of the seemingly feigning force in the border area is probably not a feint force, but a real attacking force, just deliberately acting as a feint force to confuse the audience. As for the Thousand Man Squad that Hong Yue tried to intercept, we generally thought that this team seemed to be the main force of the dark, in fact, this is the real feint force. The opponent should also have a more elite super elite squad composed of a few super players or super NPCs. The number of people in this squad It shouldn't be too much, the maximum number of personnel should not exceed two digits, and there may even be only a dozen people. Of course, although the number of this unit is small, its battle strength should be very high. After all, games like "Zero" pay more attention to personal battle strength, so a few high level players can completely match hundreds of ordinary players.

At present, our guild, or the intelligence system of all guilds that accept our guild leadership in China, have not found the third force in this speculation. Although I found some clues, I didn't actually see people, let alone fighting. Therefore, this ghost force has now become our biggest worry. If this troop suddenly ran to Isengard or another particularly important city to make trouble when we were all fighting on the front line, it would cause us very huge losses, and might even affect the frontline battle situation and lead to the overall collapse of the defense system. . The Russian players originally estimated that it was for this probability, so they arranged such a force. If this assumption is correct, then the feint force on the border is likely to be the main attack force, and their current behavior depends on their behavior. It looks like they are feigning attacks, but in fact they are probably waiting for the ghost troops here to create an opportunity for them.

Because of the above reasons, we now need to keep an eye on the various defense areas in the country, and beware that this third force suddenly jumps out to make trouble. There is Christina on the front line and they are scattered in the line of defense. If the third unit appears directly in the line of defense, there will be no storm. I'm afraid that their target is not in the front line defense zone, but in the cities behind. Once a large domestic city is destroyed, the consequences will be very serious.

Based on concerns about this super force that might exist, I was unanimously asked by others to stay in Isinger and sit here. In case that group of people really come, I can definitely let them here. Hit a face full of flowers.

I started the communicator directly after watching everyone leave, and then I contacted the military god and told him that I will now take over strategic decision-making, and he can directly ask me if he has any uncertainties. Of course I'm just making decisions, and I won't really go to the command center. After all, strategic decisions don't appear every moment. Even if I want to sit in Isinger, it doesn't mean that I must sit in the command center.

After confirming the reply message from the military god, I started to look for things I was interested in. Anyway, as long as I don't leave Isinger, I can do anything here.

Due to the principle of proximity, I first arranged for a group of people to come and repair the Frost Rose. This time, the bastard of the military god made a hole in a shot, and the loss was not small. Frost Rose is very exaggerated in terms of materials and production techniques, so the maintenance cost is obviously not too low. It is estimated that it will be difficult for ordinary members to apply for such a large maintenance fee, so I simply approved it directly, and then they will not have to wait for funds to delay the maintenance. As for the problem that such a valuable spaceship can't stop the gunshots... In fact, I think this is a very simple matter.

The Gun God guy is indeed very powerful, but normally he should not be able to sink the Frost Rose. After all, the value of the Frost Rose is there, and the price of the item in the game is basically equal to its quality. Therefore, the defensive power of Frost Rose is absolutely no problem. The reason why the Gunslinger was able to drop the Frost Rose to the ground with a single shot, I think the more reasonable explanation is that Gunslinger must have used a limited edition special bullet at the time.

Although the profession of Musketeer is similar to Archer, there are still some differences. From a similar perspective, their attack equipment is divided into two parts: weapons and ammunition. Archer’s bow and Musketeer’s gun are considered weapons, while archer’s arrows and Musketeer’s bullets are both considered ammunition.

In terms of weapons, it is not much different from other professions. It is also divided into weapons and equipment of different levels. The gun like the gun god belongs to the Divine Item, and it is also a high level item in the Divine Item. , It’s not too much to say that it is a super Divine Item. Archers are of course the same. Their bows are also divided into different categories. A good bow can often add a lot of attributes to increase the various aspects of the archer’s battle strength.

In addition to this weapon, the biggest difference between Archer and Musketeer and ordinary players is that they consume ammunition in battle. The ammunition used by the archer is the arrow, and the gunner is naturally the bullet. Normally, the ammunition used by the two is actually the standard version.

Archer’s arrows have many different types and specifications, among which the benchmark version is also divided into many different types, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they do not have any attributes other than the basic attack power, that is, everyone Commonly said whiteboard equipment. Although the attack power of these white arrows without attributes is different, they can all be counted as standard ammunition because they have no additional attributes. The difference in attack power is only used for archers that do not have the same level. After all, you are impossible to use the same arrow for archers with more than 1,000 levels and archers with more than 100 levels?

Of course, if there is a benchmark version, there must be a special version. There are actually many special arrows of archer. These arrows are characterized by their own attributes, which are usually additional attack power or additional magical damage, and even arrows with self-guided arrows or even Spatial Teleportation capabilities. Although even the whiteboard arrows, after the archer's bow is launched, the bow and the player's own magic attributes will be attached, but the ability to add additional attributes will greatly increase the lethality after all. Moreover, the general special version of the arrows usually will not only add a little extra attribute, as long as it is not a white arrow, the general attribute will be very large, or the added single attribute will have a very large value. Anyway, the gap with the white arrow is very obvious.

However, when it comes to this, I have to talk about the difference between Archer and Musketeer.

In theory, both archer and musketeer will consume ammunition in battle, but the problem is that bows and arrows can be recycled. Whether it's the standard whiteboard arrow or the special edition arrow with attributes, as long as you can find the arrow you shot after the battle and then pull it out, you can continue to use it. Of course, arrows are durable as equipment, and whiteboard arrows do not have a magic cultivator. They will break if they run out of durability. However, even the white arrow can be used repeatedly at least 20 times before it is broken, and the special version of the arrow can be repaired, and even many special version arrows with better attributes are directly returned with attributes. This kind of arrow with automatic return basically means that it will never be damaged or lost, but it takes time to return, so there must be a time interval for continuous firing.

Compared with the archer, the Musketeer is not so lucky. Regardless of whether it is a high-level bullet or a low-level bullet, as long as it is a bullet, it is a one-off. For example, if the archer gets a Divine Item level arrow, all he has to do is to retrieve it as much as possible after launching it, so that it can be used repeatedly. Moreover, almost all of the arrows of Divine Item level have automatic return attributes. Therefore, if an archer gets a Divine Item level arrow, he can use it frequently without any scruples. Come back, neither will be lost nor destroyed by the other party. As long as the arrow is not destroyed during the flight, it will be protected by the automatic return attribute after hitting the target, and it will be in an indestructible state.

But the Musketeer is different. Compared with the excitement that archers got when they got Divine Item grade arrows, the musketeers got the Divine Item bullets as if they got involved in an egg, the expression was absolutely tangled. No reason, because the Divine Item bullet is a one-time use.

The archer spends hundreds of thousands of crystal coins to buy a Divine Item grade arrow that can last a lifetime. It's the turn of the Musketeer. It is so easy to get a Divine Item bullet, and it will be done in one shot. Although the formidable power of the Divine Item-class bullets of the Musketeer is usually startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping, no matter how huge the formidable power is, tens of thousands of crystal coins per bullet, who is willing to use it?

Because of the one-time use limitation of Musketeer’s bullets, don’t look at the high level Musketeer bullets in the game. The probability of appearing is much higher than that of high level arrows, but you can hardly see Musketeer. The use of special bullets is not because other people do not have it, but no one is willing to use it. It’s not really deep hatred. The average player PK, people are not willing to waste special bullets, and when doing high level monster tasks, they must first calculate the gains and losses. If the value is not high enough, the target people would rather die than use special ammunition, or one shot. When the bullet goes down, the BOSS is dead, and the exchanged items are not as expensive as the bullet. What's the point of pushing BOSS?

Based on the above situation, it can be simply inferred that the beam that shot down the Frost Rose before the gun god is most likely to be shot with special ammunition, and the ghost hand Nobunaga must have given extra money before. , Bought this bullet specially, even this bullet was bought in advance by Nobunaga Guishou so that the gun god could use it in this battle. Only in this way can we explain why the formidable power of that beam is so large. That is definitely not a pure high level skill, because no matter how powerful the skill is, the formidable power is not so great.

I can say that I don’t care about the damage caused by the gun god using special ammunition. Because these ammunition are non-reproducible, their output is small, and the randomness is very strong, it is almost impossible to appear two the same ammunition, so even if the gun god can occasionally break out once, it will not pose any real threat to us. Even if it is a nuclear weapon, if there is only one, it will actually not have much deterrent effect. At least a country with a large enough area, fiercely, really dared to get a shot. Anyway, if Japan was hit by two atomic bombs, wouldn’t it also be alive and well? Therefore, even if the formidable power is large, it is not a concern for a special ammunition like the gun god that can only be used once.

Although the attack from the Gunners side is not a concern, the repair work of the Frost Rose is still quite a headache. It’s not just a matter of spending money to build a spaceship. A lot of special materials are needed. Fortunately, our guild’s warehouse can collect it, so I don’t need to look for it anymore, but the engineering staff is a little bit insufficient. Recently, our guild's fleet is re-installing solar furnaces on a large scale, so the number of crew members is not enough. Even if the Frost Rose has a higher priority, it would be a hassle to deploy manpower.

Fortunately, there will be a god of war in our march. In addition to managing the battlefield command, the military god is also part-time in the guild's internal affairs. Check all the workers' information to know who is doing what work, and extract all the tasks that are not particularly urgent among them, and then gather them together. You can start repairing Frost Rose first.

After arranging the maintenance of the Frost Rose, I went to Norin and Jiaha again. Originally, I wanted to come over and ask about the situation of the giant Divine Weapon that can become a robot dog, but I just made a polite statement here before asking about the situation of the giant Divine Weapon. Suddenly, I heard the god of war. Shouted in the communicator: "There was an explosion in the central square of Zone C on the first floor of Isengard Ground City. It was confirmed that the number of intruders was seven and requested reinforcements. President, you'd better go right away. The enemy's battle strength is very high. The third unit."

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