"Hey hey hey, what should I do now? That guy is going crazy!" Da Guofan asked nervously.

"What else can I do?" Hong Yue said, and then suddenly summon went out to guard the long spear, turned and stepped forward, and yelled, "Run!"

"Oh." The idiot of the big pot rice was stupid and complied, and then he reacted and exclaimed: "Huh? I rely on it!" Lose one's head out of fear of the big pot rice found that everyone around was actually running with Hong Yue , He was the only one who stood there stupidly, and quickly summon jumped out of his long spear and started to evacuate quickly. Eight-Branched Giant Snake, the guy's body roared and rushed up less than a second after the big pot of rice jumped onto the long spear on time. Looking back at the huge head that was close at hand, I was so scared that the big pot of rice screamed, and then let the long spear accelerate while complaining: "Is there anything more terrible than this?"

Don't Said that, the voice of the big pot meal on time hasn't faded here, and more terrible things have happened over there. Just when the on-time cauldron rice was just finished shouting, Eight-Branched Giant Snake suddenly opened the mouth of one of its heads, and then the cauldron on time just looked back, and it happened to see that gathered in the mouth of the Eight-Branched Giant Snake. Sphere of red light.

"Fuck me!"

Just as soon as I uttered the words Eight-Branched Giant Snake, the Fireball in the mouth suddenly spurted out, and I was so frightened that the big pot of rice was directly on time. I hug my head because I'm going to hang up. However, just as the Fireball was about to hit him, a clear phoenix cry suddenly appeared behind him, and a huge Fire Phoenix suddenly spread its wings behind him and used his chest. Forcibly connected this flame bomb. However, Phoenix itself is a Fire Element aggregate. For her, fire is the Source of Life, so this fire bomb did not cause any additional damage except for the fact that the impact was so big that she turned a big somersault in the air.

Finding that Fire Phoenix behind him helped himself withstand the attack, the cauldron was finally relaxed on time, and he quickly urged the long spear under him to activate the supersonic assault mode to accelerate the advance.

Seeing that the on-time big pot meal has started to accelerate, I beckoned, Xiaofeng quickly flashed into the training space so that the next big mouth of Eight-Branched Giant Snake took a bite, but Eight-Branched Giant Snake's body didn't slow down because of this, but instead accelerated and charged up. Even though our guardian long spears have entered the supersonic assault mode one after another, the Eight-Branched Giant Snake can actually slowly narrow the distance between the two sides. In other words, the speed of the Eight-Branched Giant Snake just running on the ground is already supersonic, and it is obviously faster than the supersonic speed that guards the long spear.

Seeing the Eight-Branched Giant Snake chasing closer and closer, I can only let Christina and gold coin enter the volley first. Although their long spears are no different from others, they are both legal professions. They understand auxiliary skills and can speed up their mounts, and they can both run and attack without being delayed by interception tasks. Own speed of action.

Kristina and Gold Coin, who received the notification, immediately took the initiative to slow down their long spear a little bit, and then fell to the back of the team, but they soon discovered that I actually appeared By their side.

"Huh? President, why are you back?" Gold coin asked in surprise.

"Can you two run away after the interception? My Asuka has special skills. It is a trivial thing to get rid of the Eight-Branched Giant Snake at speeds above ten times the speed of sound."

"But President, do you plan to take us to run with us?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" I said, suddenly reminding me loudly: "Be careful!"

As I shouted, the long spear of gold coin quickly rolled and avoided the big mouth bitten by the Eight-Branched Giant Snake. This guy has too many heads, a long neck, and a large attack range, which can be said to be very difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the long spear on our side has very good mobility, otherwise I really dare not scream in front of this guy.

"What are we going to do now?" Christina asked me.

"Find a way to slow him down and buy everyone time."


Actually speaking of which, our guild’s guardian long spear In terms of speed, it surpasses Eight-Branched Giant Snake, but the problem is that long spear and Eight-Branched Giant Snake move in different ways. Long spear relies on its own jet propeller to fly, that is, it relies on normal aerodynamics to accelerate. This acceleration method can produce a fairly high propulsion speed, but the problem is that the acceleration time will be relatively long. Usually long spear takes up to two minutes to accelerate to extreme speed, while the Eight-Branched Giant Snake runs on the ground, so his acceleration time is very short, almost in the blink of an eye. So even if the actual flight speed of the long spear is actually faster than the Eight-Branched Giant Snake, it may still be caught in a short time.

In order to buy everyone time to escape, I can only take Christina and gold coin to find a way to slow this guy down.

Speaking of deceleration, there are many auxiliary skills that can be used. Unfortunately, the more troublesome thing is that Eight-Branched Giant Snake is a descendant of God, and it is also from Great Demon, so the resistance of this negative energy is better. High, so almost all curse abilities have no effect on him. In other words, the effect is minimal. Therefore, it is impossible to count on these auxiliary states to limit the speed of the Eight-Branched Giant Snake.

You can’t use curse methods and you can only attack frontally, forcing the opponent to slow down or block it.

Kristina knew that she didn't have time to slowly grind the Eight-Branched Giant Snake, so she didn't use the rainbow magic that she is best at, but just started rubbing the big move. Kristina’s rainbow magic is designed by relying on the setting of mandatory blood deduction of 1 point after hit in the system setting, because according to this setting, the person hit by the attack, no matter how high the defense is, this attack is formidable. No matter how low the power is, he will be deducted at least a little bit of blood, which is a compulsory punishment. And Christina’s rainbow magic just ignores the opponent’s defense, specifically uses a large amount of low-level magic to concentrate on attacking a target, and then uses this forced deduction of blood to directly consume the opponent. Considering Christina’s magic launch speed, plus magic does not exist MISS said, as long as it hits the target, it will inevitably take effect, so Christina’s rainbow magic is actually very lethal in a short time. Can consume a lot of life value of the target.

However, Eight-Branched Giant Snake is a goddess and is born of Demon. The length of his blood tank is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary BOSS. To polish his life value, you can even think about it every hour. Do not think.

Kristina’s mission is just a temporary interception, not really trying to fight you with Eight-Branched Giant Snake, so she decisively gave up the rainbow magic, and started rubbing when she came up. Big move, and a single shot is a super single attack magic.

"Dawn Bomb."

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