"King, come with demons and monsters to see if that guy can withstand our special attack."

"Understand." King After a flash, it suddenly disappeared by my side, and in the next second it appeared in front of Qiye Huixun.

"hey hey hey, big man, don't bring such a gangster!" The beauty of the Nine-tailed Fox sent by gold coin screamed when the king appeared.

"Anyway, you can't handle it alone, let us play with it." As the king said, he drew the heavy sword out of his waist, and followed his hands with a strong force, and the sword blade slashed with just one click. There was an extra layer of purple flame, and it seemed to be quite similar to the Ghost God form of Nobunaga Ghost.

"Are you really thinking that I can't do anything about you?" Qiye Huihun, who was ignored, yelled angrily.

"It looks like you really have nothing to do." Just after Qiyehuihun finished the previous sentence, suddenly he heard someone talking behind him, but he was surprised after turning his head back. I found that I didn't know why there were two more people behind me. One was a beautiful looking beauty, and the other was a handsome guy. The two looked a bit like siblings at first glance.

"Don’t be so surprised? Don’t you have to be so scary?" The younger sister of the two suddenly said, and then moved towards Qiyehuihun and cast a wink, but Qiyehuihun did. It’s as if was struck by lightning, because he found that his blood volume actually started to decrease again, and what’s more terrible is that not only the blood volume, but also the mana value began to fall along with him, at this speed. I am afraid that the current super state will disappear in less than twenty minutes.

"Damn, damn, you all go die for me." Qiye Huihun knows that this can't go on anymore. Among the three guys who just came, there must be someone who has the same special attack as the beauty before. Ability, now that the abilities of several people are superimposed on each other, his life force and magical power are rapidly declining, and if this continues, he will be finished immediately. Therefore, Qiye Huixun decided not to talk nonsense with them, and directly killed or repelled each other.

The angry Qiye Huixun has a layer of strange rays of light vacated on the whole person. This rays of light looks a bit like golden light, but it is still red and a bit bronze. It feels, but it is much brighter, and with the appearance of this layer of rays of light, Qiye Huixun's movement speed has started to increase significantly. He rushed towards the bully of the four who seemed to be the best. After all, there were only two women among the four, and the other one was obviously the Nine-tailed Fox. The previous fights proved that the Nine-tailed Fox is difficult to entangle. Therefore, Qiye Huihun wanted to get a little bit of bargains on this weak-looking woman here.

She was not surprised to see the other party rushing over, she just took a step back slightly, but she suddenly disappeared in front of everyone at this step. Qiye Huihun suddenly rushed over but rushed to the air. When she looked back, she found that the other party had run behind the man who looked like her big brother.

"If you have the ability, don't run." Qiye Huihun couldn't help but screamed after discovering that the opponent could teleport. After all, this kind of ability is very annoying, and he restrains a melee system like him. serious.

After hearing Qiyehuihun's words, Yanmei didn't have the slightest plan to come out and die, so she directly said with a laugh: "I am not a warrior. If you don't hide, can you not kill it?"

The king took a step forward and pointed the heavy sword in his hand to Qiye Huihun and said: "If you have the ability to fight with me, I want to see how capable you are."

" Come back.” Just when the king was about to challenge, my voice suddenly came from behind.

The king looked back at me in surprise, but finally he waved his hand and returned to the training space with demons and monsters, and Nine-tailed Fox Xianger over there was also after hearing the summon of gold coin. He quickly turned into a kitten-sized white fox, then ran back to gold coin and climbed onto her shoulders and squatted there.

Qiyehuihun looked at us with a little surprise. We don't know why the situation is beneficial to us, but we suddenly gave all of our demons back to Summon. This is obviously unreasonable.

"What do you want to do again?"

"What do they want to do, they are just on guard." A voice suddenly appeared behind Qiyehuihun, and our side The people also immediately gathered together to form a horizontal line of defense, obviously being wary of something.

Hearing that voice, Qiyehuihun turned his head and looked behind him, only to see a very ordinary guy, and didn’t think there was anything special about this person, but our reaction It clearly shows that this person is extraordinary, otherwise the impossible will bring us all together in fright.

"Who are you?" Qiye Huihu asked, looking at the guy who had just appeared in confusion.

The guy who was asked did not answer Qiye Huigui's words, but on the contrary, the previously killed Nobunaga Onishu was resurrected, and it seemed that he was not excited. Upon hearing the question of Qiyehui Hun, Nobunaga Oni Shou directly reprimanded: "How do you say it? This is our great Eight-Branched Giant Snake. If you don’t like to call him the Great Snake like us, you can also directly respect him. There was a big voice."

"This guy is the Eight-Branched Giant Snake?" Qiye Huihun suddenly felt like a sudden realization. "After a long time, this is Eight-Branched Giant Snake. It's no wonder that Purple Moon becomes a quail."

"We are not afraid of him, we are afraid of the Power of Faith in his hands. . With ability, you tell that guy not to use Power of Faith, and see if we can't kill you or him." Zhenhong defended unconvincedly.

"To be afraid is to be afraid. Is it interesting to say so much?" At this time, Nobunaga Guishou almost jumped up and down like a henchman. This waist is really straight up like never before. But it’s no wonder that people are here, and excitement is also as it should be by rights.

"hahahaha, little girl is still so sharp-tongued." Eight-Branched Giant Snake's veteran tone satirized the red.

A few of us here unanimously stretched out their hands and grabbed the real red who was about to rush up, and then Hong Yue stood up and said: "I said Eight-Branched Giant Snake, you are a goddess, you have fallen into This kind of rateless goods are mixed together, and you are embarrassed to come out and sway, if I were you, just dig a hole and bury yourself, and the saving is embarrassing. Yes, just like what you did before is pretty good."

"You..." Eight-Branched Giant Snake was originally a monster, so Qi training won't be much better, and he exploded immediately after being so excited.

Seeing the angry Eight-Branched Giant Snake, Zhen Hong and I leaned in the middle immediately, and then both gas energy flames were on our bodies, while the gold coin stepped back half a step, fingered behind, and then Wave forward. "Heavenly Sword is one-Guardian." With a sigh, tens of thousands of Flying Swords appeared in front of us, and densely packed ones arranged in front of us to form a wall. The wall of this wall faces the Eight-Branched Giant Snake. All are sword points, and our side are all sword hilts.

Almost the gold coin just finished the sword array, and Eight-Branched Giant Snake hit it head-on. Just heard a jingle, those Flying Swords were all knocked out, and the Flying Sword defensive wall split up and in pieces instantly. However, following the defensive wall, Zhen Hong suddenly shouted: "Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist Ultimate Profound Truth Ninth Style-Heavenly Dragon Inextinguishable Body." With the shout, Zhen Hong suddenly took a step forward. At the same time, her arms were tightened slightly forward to form an arc to make a hard attack with her chest. At the same time, her body also burst out with a dazzling golden divine light.

Boom... the metal crashing like Hong Zhong suddenly rang out, making us feel that our heartbeat is about to stop. Circles of golden aperture rippling on the real red body accompanied by loud noises, and she herself was forcibly knocked off the ground by the Eight-Branched Giant Snake and flew past my side.

I didn’t have time to worry about the real red situation. I went straight into my full body form, and at the same time, I heard Christina’s voice calling from behind: "The Queen’s Covenant."

Almost The moment I heard the shout, I felt an incomparably powerful force injected into my body. At that moment, I even had the illusion that I could destroy heaven extinguishing earth. However, these all are distracting thoughts, I didn't care much at all, and rushed directly to meet the Eight-Branched Giant Snake.

Just now, the breakthrough sword array was hit by real red again. Now the Eight-Branched Giant Snake is an arrow at the end of its flight. The impact of this kind of payment is almost exhausted. What you fight is your own strength. However, its own strength does not completely refer to the strength of the attribute value. Combat skills, on-the-spot adaptability, and even luck, these are all strengths.

The Eight-Branched Giant Snake, who just rushed in front of me, didn't stop, straightened his right arm, pointed it into a sword, and moved towards my chest. Now that I have activated all my brain functions, I am working at sixteen times the normal human speed. Although the speed of the Eight-Branched Giant Snake is lightning fast, it is just faster in my eyes, and it hasn’t arrived yet. The point of reaction. As soon as his fingers touched my breastplate, my already raised right arm suddenly sank, and the elbow directly hit his forearm, instantly smashing his arm down, while my left hand He stretched forward directly in the direction of the force of this action, grabbed his left arm in the surprised gaze of Eight-Branched Giant Snake, then turned and followed the direction of his impact, which was a direct shoulder fall.

Superimposed by the power of the two of us, Eight-Branched Giant Snake couldn’t resist at all at this time. I could only watch myself flying over my head, and then slammed the ground behind me with a bang. A large radial crack appeared. However, this does not mean that the first match is over.

Eight-Branched Giant Snake, this guy dares to provoke us when several great experts in our guild gather together. Isn't this courting death? Now I happen to have the initiative, and he is really sorry for not torturing him to death.

Taking advantage of the chance that the Eight-Branched Giant Snake was knocked out, I quietly figured out the Black Tortoise Armor film bounced in the direction of the real red, and at the same time I kicked the belly of the Eight-Branched Giant Snake suddenly. Just jumped out from him. "Take it over."

As soon as I got out of here, gold coin rushed up, with fingers hooked and pointed: "Hua Ting, Qing Feng." The Flying Sword, one blue and one green, and two flying Swords suddenly disappeared. From the sword array, moved towards the Eight-Branched Giant Snake on the ground and flew over. The Eight-Branched Giant Snake, who had just recovered somewhat, suddenly found that the two Flying Swords immediately turned over and jumped up to dodge. Who knew that the two Flying Swords suddenly flashed in the air and turned into two streams of light, one blue and one green. The speed was instantaneous. It was raised several times, and it hit the Eight-Branched Giant Snake in the blink of an eye. Although the Eight-Branched Giant Snake itself is a body, and it is also from the Great Demon monster, it is naturally thick against high blood pressure, but the two Flying Swords are not to be trifled with, almost just in the blink of an eye. Eight-Branched Giant Snake had been sliced ​​back and forth at least a thousand times, only to hear the jingle in the sky. What I didn't know was that hundreds of people were sparring with iron bars.

Although it didn't hurt much, but was hit so many times in a few seconds, Eight-Branched Giant Snake felt ashamed. With an angry slap, the two Flying Swords were directly knocked out, and the gold coin did not remedy it, and directly waved, and the two Flying Swords returned to her.

Eight-Branched Giant Snake saw the Gold coin accept the Flying Sword and thought our attack was over. Who knew we wanted to laugh at us when we suddenly saw a golden silhouette jumped up and directed at him Come.

After discovering the golden silhouette, Eight-Branched Giant Snake was like trying to get away, but before he had time to run, he suddenly felt his body sink, and then the whole person seemed to be caught by something. It was pulled down with a bang, and at this time, Zhen Hong just rushed in front of him, and when he stopped his legs while running, the whole person threw a punch while sliding. "You..."

Eight-Branched Giant Snake didn't know what he wanted to say, anyway, as soon as he bounced out a word, he was hit by a real red punch in the face. With only a bang, Eight-Branched Giant Snake seemed to have been hit by a meteorite. Just like teleporting, the whole person flew to the mountain where the Frost Rose hit before, and took the remaining half of the mountain. Also broke up.

Because I have been watching the battle of Eight-Branched Giant Snake before, this guy was suddenly knocked into the air. Of course, Nobunaga Guishou and their heads immediately followed and turned around. The result was that the speed was too fast. , Many people almost flashed to their necks.

Seeing that the Eight-Branched Giant Snake was thrown into the air, Zhen Hong looked at her fist unexpectedly, and then said with a smile: "Does it look pretty good? Boss, this thing Will it be used for me in the future?"

I thought about it and thought it was nodded in the end. Although the Black Tortoise Armor movie was a token of Black Tortoise, it was given to me after all. Of course it is inappropriate to give it to people casually, but Real Red is the main force of our guild, and it is also a tough route. The absolute power of Black Tortoise and Absolute Defense characteristics are very compatible with Real Red’s ability, so Black Tortoise The Armor film can only play the greatest battle strength when it reaches the real red. Of course, I have to say hello to Black Tortoise after this matter, but I think it shouldn't be a big problem.

Ghost Nobunaga and they watched that the red punch knocked the Eight-Branched Giant Snake into the air. They thought that the Eight-Branched Giant Snake would soon pop out of the mountain to take revenge, but they surprised them. The Eight-Branched Giant Snake over there was silent for a long time. Half a minute passed, and the mountain was still extremely quiet, and the people on Nobunaga's side began to feel a little scared. The one who supported them before came and hoped to get back the previous interest. This is good, the boss who supported them was actually knocked out.

In fact, the Eight-Branched Giant Snake was not killed. After all, he is a goddess, and he is also one of the area guards in Japan, and his strength is also very strong. I recently got the divine force core with a lot of Power of Faith. His strength is advanced by leaps and bounds. It can be said that it has become a top-level existence even in Divine Race.

However, although Eight-Branched Giant Snake is awesome and powerful, the problem is that he didn't take us seriously just now. Because he underestimated the enemy, he didn't open all his defenses, but the structure was directly hit on the head with a fist from Zhen Hong. If this fist goes down at most, it means that the Eight-Branched Giant Snake will have a bag on his head. Although he is really red and heavy, but his Eight-Branched Giant Snake is not an ordinary person after all, this fist will not do anything to him. Sample. It's a pity that he didn't see me hitting the Black Tortoise Armor into Real Red's hands before, and the punch just now was Real Red's activation of the Black Tortoise Armor's own skill-Force of Black Tortoise.

strictly speaking Force of Black Tortoise is not an offensive skill, but a state. In this Force of Black Tortoise state, the holder will get a part of the power of the Black Tortoise body, and this part of the power will be superimposed on the user to have the Force of Black Tortoise. However, the ratio of power extracted by this skill is not fixed. The higher the user's own power, the higher the ratio of extracted power. The power attribute of True Red is higher than mine, so she can extract more power with Black Tortoise Armor. Just now, Real Red has almost extracted 95% of the power of the equivalent to Black Tortoise body, plus Real Red's own power. After the two were superimposed, the punch hit the Eight-Branched Giant Snake's head directly, and you said what good results can there be.

This is the Eight-Branched Giant Snake holding a divine force core with sufficient Power of Faith in his hand. Change to a normal Divine Race, maybe this fist will really give you a KO.

"By the way, that guy won't really be killed by you, right?" After waiting for a long time, the Eight-Branched Giant Snake didn't come out, and even I was not calm. Even if you know that Zhenhong used the Black Tortoise Armor film, it won't be over with a punch, right? Even if Black Tortoise came by himself, it was impossible to KO the Eight-Branched Giant Snake, right?

As we were talking here, we suddenly felt a shock from under the ground, and then looked at the collapsed mountain on the opposite side of the dust, and then we saw a huge silhouette from the collapsed mountain. Drilled out of the rocks.

"Damn, is this going to work hard? Even the body has come out!" At this time, the heartless big pot of rice ran over to complain.

"Be careful, everyone. Eight-Branched Giant Snake is probably really going to work hard." The mountain over there has been lifted up, and eight huge heads have risen from the smoke and dust. Below those heads is a larger silhouette slowly standing up. This is clearly the body form of the Eight-Branched Giant Snake. Even in the Divine Race war, his real body, which he rarely reveals, is revealed at this time. This is definitely fizzy. After all, as a Divine Race, it is really embarrassing to be beaten like this by a player.

"Purple Moon...I have to kill you ten thousand times today!" Eight-Branched Giant Snake, who fully revealed his body, roared angrily, because eight heads pronounced together, so the voice was listening It also brings an echo effect.

However, a loud voice does not mean it makes sense. I directly said: "Sorry, I'm only more than two thousand level, not so many lives for you to kill. Besides, do you think that you can catch up with me if I don't want to stay here? If you are a bird, learn from others. What kind of tunnel? After being buried under Mount Fuji for so many years, can you still fly?"

"Purple Moon..." Eight-Branched Giant Snake responded with a louder roar. The so-called slapped people without slaps in the face and cursed people without revealing the shortcomings. What I said just now was basically to sprinkle salt on people's wounds. Eight-Branched Giant Snake used to be the second only to Phoenix’s demonic beast, but was forced to go to Japan to drill into the volcano to heal. This is a lifetime stain for the Eight-Branched Giant Snake, who I'll be anxious to mention him. However, we are impossible to reconcile with him anyway, and don't care what his reaction is. It's best to be able to piss him off directly, and we have earned it.

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