Facts have proved that fighting with Divine Dragon in the sky is purely a courting death act. The ghost hand Nobunaga who can barely resist awhile on the ground just now is a living target in the air, really red. Don't be polite with him, and went out a dozen big moves in one go. The last finishing move directly pressed the ghost hand Nobunaga from the isothermal layer all the way down the isothermal layer and slammed into the ground like a comet. The entire ground near the battlefield seemed to be shattered. As Nobunaga and Zhenhong sneaked into the ground, the surrounding ground began to crack continuously, and a large amount of lava spewed out from under the ground, causing the rest of the people. All had to move the battlefield to continue fighting.

Everyone here is busy avoiding lava, but there is a loud rumbling under the ground on the other side. Suddenly, a piece of soil the size of a train skin flies up to a height of ten meters. Lost power and crashed down. As the huge clod of soil smashed to pieces on the ground next to it, an orange red arm suddenly stretched out from the edge of the big hole left by the flying clod, and then slapped it on the ground next to it. He pushed it hard, followed by a human figure that was covered with hot lava like a mud monster and climbed up from the pit.

As the human figure left the big pit, the lava attached to the surface of its body quickly flowed down, but more lava still condensed directly on its body surface into a rock shape, and finally followed The man's movements continued to disintegrate and fall. Eventually, after most of the lava was peeled off, everyone finally realized that the silhouette was really red.

"Hey, are you okay?" I just rushed the remaining high level players, including Seven Nights Resurrection, and I turned my head and asked.

True Red seemed to be very tired, found a larger stone and sat on it, and then replied: "It's okay, but the magic power output is too fast and it’s a bit overheated."

“It’s strange that you just dropped the lava and it’s not hot.” ​​Hong Yue walked over as he said. A few meters away from his friend, he realized that the hot people on Zhenhong’s body couldn’t get close. After thinking about it, he said, “You can’t do it like this now. The method cools down directly, you should wait for the armor to cool down!"

"I know." Zhenhong said and glanced at the expert invited by the group of ghost hands Nobunaga that we were stuck together, and then I asked: "Why don't you fight?"

I just stepped aside so that Zhenhong could see Qiye Huihun, and Zhenhong was also seeing Qiye in a semi-incorporeal form. After returning to his soul, he immediately understood what the situation was.

"Enter Super Mode again?" Zhenhong asked casually.

I nodded looking at Qiye Huihun over there in distress and said: "I said you can’t just let me kill once? What's the point of supporting this super mode like this? So many of you , Even if we can run away one or two, the rest will die here? It’s up to you, although this super mode can let us take you temporarily, but how long can you last? Once the time is up, it’s still dead, not as good as everyone. Is it okay to save things?"

"hmph, Purple Moon, you and me are absolutely irreconcilable, as long as I can make you unpleasant things I will not let go. Even if I can’t change anything, it’s disgusting and disgusting you and me Happy too." Qiye Huihun angrily replied to me.

Since it's all about it, I can't say anything anymore. Looking at the Qiye Huihun over there, I directly hooked my finger towards the back. Christina and gold coin, who had not been involved in the siege of these high level players before, immediately walked over, standing behind me on the left and right, and asked: "Is there anything we can do for you?"

I made a stab at Qiyehuihun. "Now, you two go try it! I'm the guy who has nothing to do with him anyway. All my attacks are ineffective against him. Although I can block all his attacks, my attacks are all ineffective against him. It is better to stand. While waiting for his skill time to pass. You see if you can handle his invincible mode. As long as you can touch him, it will be easy!"

Kristina looked at Qiye over there. Returning to the soul: "It seems that there is no problem, the president, your attacks are completely ineffective, which means that magic attacks and physical attacks are useless, right?"

I nodded and said: "You have anything else How to attack?"

"Of course." Christina said, she gently raised her right hand and sprinkled it out like a seed. A black half-moon suddenly appeared, and then the electricity It shot out, and the Qiye Huihun over there was directly passed through by the thing before it had time to react. However, even though he was taken aback, Qiye Huihun still had no response after the half-moon flew over. He looked down at the position where his waist had been cut in surprise, only to find that it was okay to relax.

Looking at the Seven Nights Resurrection that was completely unresponsive, Christina frowned and said, "It seems that the space system doesn't work either!"

"Maybe you can try Try a special attack." Gold coin suddenly put his finger to his mouth and whistled. With a bang, a small group of purple flames suddenly appeared in front of her, following the flames suddenly and rapidly spinning up, faster and faster, and with the rotation, the volume of the flames was getting bigger and bigger, blinking In between, it became a large Fireball with a diameter of more than four meters. After the huge Fireball was formed, it suddenly burst, and a huge white fox popped out of it. "Xiang'er, come on."

Following the gold coin's order, the Nine-tailed Fox immediately jumped and rushed to the Qiyehuihun over there.

Although he knew that he was mostly immune to all attacks in this mode, Qiye Huixun did not intend to stand there and let people fight casually. He immediately showed up when he saw Nine-tailed Fox rushing up. The attacking posture only made him didn't expect the forward Nine-tailed Fox but suddenly disappeared when he was about to pounce in front of him. Before he could react, what happened suddenly heard a sweet voice that was so crisp that a man couldn't hold it just by listening to the voice: "What are you looking for, handsome guy?"

Although the voice was very nice, Qiye Huixun let out a cold sweat, because just now, he suddenly discovered that he had lost blood, and he still didn't know how he had lost blood.

"Aiya, handsome guy, why are you ignoring people?" The sweet voice sounded again, and Qiye Huijing had to turn his attention to the source of the sound, which is behind him, just... With a beautiful face that was so glamorous and impulsive, Qi Ye Hui Hun suddenly appeared as if was struck by lightning, because his life value suddenly dropped a little at that moment. Although the loss was not large, it was indeed blood loss, and it was even more serious than before. But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this blood loss turned out to be a continuous state rather than a single attack, and his blood volume has been declining at a steady rate.

The Qiye Huihun who discovered this situation dare not care about any beauties! He quickly backed away desperately from the big beauty in front of him. Thinking of the white Nine-tailed Fox that just pounced on, Qiye Huihun suddenly understood something. Looking at this beauty again, although her face is very beautiful, she still has a noble aura when she first saw it, but when she looked closely, she only felt the debauchery in the bones, and the beauty of this beauty was also completely matched. equipment. Two-piece white fur, the upper body is an ultra-short shawl and a short waistcoat, the sleeves are short sleeves, and the body only covers the junction of the chest and abdomen, revealing a white and tight waist. . Further down is a short Little Pi skirt, the same white fur texture, asymmetrical design, the position of the left thigh is exactly at the base of the thigh, it may have to be admitted, but the longest part on the right is not It's just one third on the thigh, in short it is the kind of structure that is super material saving. Under the short skirt, of course, there is a pair of white and long legs. The corners of the unconscious mouth of Qiye Huixun who looked at the white flowers began to hook up, and his face showed a silly pig brother. But... It was just that moment, Qi Ye Hui Hun suddenly woke up, because he found that his life value seemed to be opened when he observed this beauty, and began to drop crazily. This change scared Qiye Huixun to death. When the special mode was turned on before, there was no damage in the 300 rounds of the fight with me, but now, after just a few glances, the health of this beauty has dropped by 1%. This effect is also scary. You know, he still doesn't even know how people attacked him.

"Handsome man, why are you hiding so far? I have something to say to you. Can you lean closer!" The snow-white beauty looked at Qiye Huihun so far and started to sprinkle Jiao Lai, and Qiye Hui Hun was in a cold sweat and discovered that with that beauty's aegyo offensive, his blood volume decline rate actually increased again.

Although he hasn't figured out what's going on yet, but Qiye Huihun is not stupid at this time, he can at least be certain that his blood loss must be caused by the beauty in front of him. Therefore, he made the most correct judgment. Even if you can't kill, at least you have to interfere with the opponent's attack.

The idea of ​​Qiyehuihun is actually very correct, but it is a pity that this beauty is not so easy to deal with.

The Qiye Huihun who wanted to understand suddenly moved towards the beauty and rushed over, but the other party did not evade, but said with a laugh: "Aiya, handsome guy, have you finally figured it out? "

"I'm dying to you!" Qiye Huihun roared and rushed to the beautiful woman and swung her sword and stabbed in the past, but the beautiful woman turned dexterously and avoided the tip of the sword, and then she was perseverance. Said shyly: "Aiya, handsome, you are so good? It doesn't matter, as long as you like it, people are willing to cooperate with you."

"I..." Qiye Huixun's whole face was irritated by this. It turned red at the moment, but then suddenly became pale and white again, because he found that his life tank seemed to have leaked just now, and it went down a lot in an instant. Fortunately, it just suddenly dropped a lot. Then he resumed his previous descent speed, otherwise he would be dead in less than twenty seconds at this descent speed.

"Huh? Handsome guy, why aren't you here?" The beauty looked at the static Qiye Huihui said with a smile: "Is it because I am not passionate enough? What style do you like? What? Cross-dressing? Or have any special preferences for looks and figure? It doesn’t matter, just say it. I can satisfy you."

"You go die for me, I will be satisfied!" Qiyehuihun I really didn't dare to be distracted this time. After so few times, he has probably figured out some doorways. The beauty in front of him seems to be deliberately provoking his heartstrings, and as long as there are obvious thought fluctuations in his heart, his blood volume will drop rapidly, and as long as he can calm down, the blood volume decline speed will immediately slow down.

However, although I probably summarized a little bit, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension to do it. Qiyehuihun itself is also a youngster of full of vigor, and it has survived the sky at the age of twenty-seven or eighteen. How many men of this age can really sit back and relax? The first reaction to seeing a beautiful male is to have an instinctive impulse. Although most people can restrain this impulse to a certain extent and will not have much influence on their behavior, the impulse itself is inevitable. Especially when the other party actively shows all kinds of hints.

Although Qiye Huihun knew that as long as his heart moved, his blood volume would drop, but his heart couldn't calm down. Of course, there are only a few possibilities to see this kind of beauty who makes people squirt a nosebleed to seduce oneself with all the stops, and still be indifferent, even those who don't even have the slightest thoughts in their hearts. 1. This is a woman. 2. There is a problem with this guy. Three, too old or too young, there is no such impulse.

Qiyehuihun obviously does not belong to any of the above situations, so he can't calm himself down completely, at most he can only suppress thoughts in this area. This suppression was immediate. Qiye Huixun found that his blood volume declined significantly, but the problem was that although the speed was reduced, the blood volume drop continued. This would only last for a while. Of course, in terms of the duration of his super mode, most of the time he can quit this skill mode before his blood volume is exhausted.

Looking at Qiye Huihun desperately chasing and killing the white clothed beauty that just emerged, we are discussing the situation one by one as if watching lively. As the person leading the attack, gold coin naturally has the most say. While watching the attacks of her own demon over there, she said to us in the guild channel: "It seems that some special attacks can still work. Xiang'er is a Nine-tailed Fox, and her special ability can absorb anything. The life force of the male creature who is tempted by her strengthens his own battle strength for a short time. The Seven Nights Soul is obviously not immune to this type of attack."

"But your special line is not replicable, this kind of experience is right We don't seem to be of much help, right?" Hong Yue asked.

"At least I can contain him." Gold coin suddenly turned to me and asked: "By the way, President, don't you have a familiar with two special affiliated familiars? Have they tried their special ability?"

I was stunned when I was told by gold coin, because I only remembered it. It seemed that I had forgotten that I had this ability before.

In fact, gold coin is talking about the ghosts and ghosts who have become my favorite with the king. The two of them have changed from little ghosts to adults since the last evolution, and they have battle strength, and they are not weak. It is also because they have good battle strength now that I have forgotten their special ability instead. But it's not too late to think of it now, since gold coin mentioned it, I just have a try.

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