"Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist-Fourteenth Form-earth shattering!"

With the activation of the true red skill, a huge dragon head The phantom flashed above the real red fist and made a roaring gesture. At the same time, a huge ball of golden light flashed out of the dragon head's mouth, which was the real red fist. On the opposite side, Guishou Nobunaga rushed to the real red with a purple flame. When he saw the huge ball of light rushing up, Guishou Nobunaga didn’t have the slightest intention to dodge. A purple light film suddenly appeared in front of my hands, and the light projectile fired by the real red hit the light film and was immediately blocked, but the light ball did not disappear, but rolled forward all the way.

As soon as Guishou Nobunaga caught the ball of light, he felt his arm sink. Then he was surprised to find that he could not withstand the ball of light. His feet were constantly supported on the ground, but the whole person Still sliding backwards uncontrollably, the ground is obviously already unable to support such a huge force.

I felt that the ghost hand Nobunaga, who could not stop the light ball at all, suddenly opened his mouth and let out a roar that didn't sound like a human voice. A large crack was directly stepped on the ground under my feet, but the tendency to retreat was forcibly stopped.

Oni Shou Nobunaga has just successfully sealed the skill of Real Red, Real Red was immediately surprised, and then immediately discovered the problem. Decisively withdrawing the follow-up power, Zhen Hong quickly took a step forward, and at the same time suddenly bent her knees and swung her arms to the ground under her feet. "Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist 80th Style-Ground Burst." Along with the red this fist, the entire ground immediately spread out a dirt wave like a sea wave around the ground with the red fist as the center. The ghost Nobunaga who counteracted the ball of light was completely unprepared and was overturned to the ground. Before he could react, the really red follow-up attack unexpectedly followed him up immediately.

"Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist Thirty-seventh Style-Hidden Dragon Ascending to Heaven." The real red who had just ended his blow actually took off and hit the ground with a punch, and Unlike the last time, when True Red was attacking, a golden Divine Dragon appeared on his right arm and was poured into the ground along with her attack. Although this time it seemed more powerful, there was nothing on the ground. The shock felt as if the real red punch was just a random blow from an ordinary person. However, anyone who knows Zhenhong knows that her attack is the most scary when there is no leakage of power.

Because the True Martial suit owned by True Red is a kind of equipment based on the domineering and fierce route, so all of True Red’s combat skills are almost ingenious types. Usually the characteristic of this kind of skill in the initial stage is like a rampage like a raging mad cow, in addition to causing huge damage to the target, it will also madly destroy all existence along the way. This can be considered a common problem for brute-force combatants. Attacks are open and closed. Although the formidable power is large, it cannot be precisely controlled.

However, skills can be upgraded. Although almost all skills have such defects at the primary level, all skills are actually very strong at the later stage. The most important performance feature is that the initial defects will be gradually compensated or weakened. True red skills are no exception. In Early-Stage, those seemingly huge formidable power tricks are completely caused by insufficient control and the leakage of attack power. Once it enters the high level stage, this uncontrolled way will be gradually compensated and finally powerful. All the formidable power in the attack skills of the attack skills will be concentrated to one point, so from the outside, you will feel that the formidable power of the skill is not as strong as the primary level. But the fact is that it is not that the attack power has decreased, but because the formidable power is all concentrated in one direction, causing no lethality to be felt in places other than the attack point.

Of course Nobunaga knows that the real red skills look unremarkable, the more dangerous they are. The whole earth that was shaken just now was trembling but it just knocked him to the ground, but this time The attack did not produce much extra damage at all, so he knew that this was definitely the most terrifying attack.

Nobunaga, who understands that he is very dangerous now, doesn’t care whether he looks good or not, he hurriedly supported his numb body and rolled over along the ground, but unfortunately he only turned half of his body on the ground. Suddenly a big hole burst open. Accompanied by a sound of dragon's roar, a golden Divine Dragon about the size of a water tank suddenly jumped out of the ground and soared all the way up, without any intention to stop. Guishou Nobunaga turned over in advance and escaped half of his position. He was supposed to be sent all the way to the sky, but now he was only rushed up to a height of seven or eight meters and rolled down from the side of the dragon's head. The Divine Dragon seems to be just an energy type, not really a creature with a divine sense, so even if Nobunaga Onishu fell down, he did not make any changes. He still went all the way up, and soon disappeared into the clouds. Among.

Although it was not directly bombed into the sky, it is not a good thing to fly seven or eight meters, especially when it was lifted up. Nobunaga Guishou knew that he was going to be unlucky when he was lifted off. Unfortunately, it was useless to know. Just when he started to fall, True Red had already rushed directly under him.

"Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist Ultimate Profound Truth Fourth Style-Rising Dragon."

With the activation of the skill, Nobunaga Guishou saw the real red below and suddenly the whole person They all turned into a golden light shining Divine Dragon and flew over. At this time, the ghost hand Nobunaga, who was still in midair, was hit by one head before he could make any reaction, and then was caught by the golden Divine Dragon. My mouth went all the way up, and the clouds broke through in the blink of an eye, but instead of slowing down, the upward momentum was getting faster and faster, obviously showing a state of acceleration. Guishou Nobunaga, who knows that this is bound to end, is desperately trying to struggle, but Divine Dragon's teeth bite his body without shaking at all. He can't do it even with Ben, and can only be forced to take him. Going high, and because he is located up ahead of the dragon's head, the strong airflow from the back makes him feel like he can’t open his eyes. Even his body starts to stiffen gradually, and it will freeze in the next second. feel. However, although the backside was dying of coldness, the Divine Dragon in front of him was experiencing heat waves assaults the senses. Nobunaga Guishou even felt a tearing pain in his skin, which was clearly a burn.

Compared with the deep waters of Nobunaga, the players below are not as tragic as he is. Looking at the golden Divine Dragon that is gradually going away, the players around are all leaning back quickly. Stiff neck. A Russian player looked at the light spot that was almost disappearing into the sky and couldn’t help but spit out: "Is this going to be a satellite? Is this almost out of the stratosphere?"

"With that dragon If you can only see one spot of light, it’s at least above the isothermal layer."

"Damn, this is really going to be a satellite? It won’t fly out of the solar system all the time, right?" Next to South Korea. The player said.

"Do you think it is your Korean satellite?" Someone said in an interface.

The South Korean player who was satirized by the motherland immediately looked towards the person who spoke to the theory, but at first glance, he exclaimed: "I rely on, how are you from the Frost Rose League!" Both sides reacted to his shout that the war was still fighting, so the melee continued, but Nobunaga Guishou was already not in the battlefield.

In fact, Guishou Nobunaga now knows that he is going to die, because besides the cold, he also found that gravity is disappearing, which means that they are about to leave the Earth's gravitational circle. This is not a good thing. Although he is now in Ghost God mode, the problem is that Ghost God can't fly! What's more terrible is that if you fall directly from this height, even if you won't be thrown to death, it will burn to death. Traveling through the atmosphere is not a simple matter. Meteorites with a diameter of less than 20 meters are often burnt to ashes if they can’t reach the ground. The meteorites that hit the ground mentioned in astronomical disasters refer to how huge might be. The mass when it hits the ground does not mean the volume before it enters the atmosphere.

Although the current mode of Oni Shou Nobunaga has a high resistance, but it falls directly into the atmosphere from outside the atmosphere, and the result is most likely to be burned out of mana directly in the air. After all, this mode is a transformation. The defensive power of Nobunaga is actually derived from his magic power. If it falls like this, it can only be burned out of magic power in the end, and then slams into a molecular pancake on the ground with a bang.

Ghost Nobunaga, who didn’t want to die, turned his head quickly and changed form directly in the air. Suddenly his body flashed. The original Ghost God mode disappeared, and his body shrank to normal in an instant. His size, and with the help of this momentary reduction, he successfully ran out of Divine Dragon's mouth.

Suddenly the ghost hand Nobunaga that fell out of the god dragon's mouth suddenly started somersaulting in the air. He who has never played skydiving has no idea how to keep himself stable without power, but this guy has other tricks. Although Ghost God can't fly, Nobunaga Ghost has the ability to fly. I saw him suddenly folded his hands in front of him, and then suddenly moved to the two sides. Numerous colored light balls sprayed out from between his palms in an instant. After the light balls flew out, they did not fly out, but left. After the short distance, he turned around and rushed back, and then all got into Nobunaga's body with a bang. The next second Nobunaga's body suddenly flashed, and the body that was originally physical turned into at that moment. A translucent incorporeal form.

"hmph, want to smash me to death? There is no door at all." Nobunaga, who thought he had solved the trouble in front of him, scorned Divine Dragon as he went away proudly. However, just after he had just finished despising, the Divine Dragon over there turned around and rushed back.

Under Nobunaga's surprised gaze, Divine Dragon rushed directly in front of him, but at this time the Divine Dragon did not directly attack, but spoke.

"Do you think it's okay to become incorporeal? This is in the sky. You still want to fight Divine Dragon in an aerial battle? Should I praise you for bravery or call you an idiot?"


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