"I said...Should you guys kill yourself or let us help you?" Zhen Hong said as he looked at the four people in the encirclement.

Nobunaga Guishou stared at Real Red angrily, but he couldn't say a word in his mouth, not because he didn't want to, but he didn't know what to say. The current situation has taken a turn for the worse. Even though Nobunaga, the real red ghost hand, is angry, he can do nothing about overbearing.

Just when Nobunaga was trembling with anger but didn't dare to do it, behind us suddenly remembered a loud and steady sound, which was very loud and shocking. My ears were trembling with the sound, and the sound lasted for a very long time. It even rang for ten seconds before ending.

As the loud noise appeared, everyone on the battlefield naturally turned their eyes to the source of the sound over there, and that was where the Frost Rose made its emergency landing. The sound just now is actually the sound of a siren, which is basically found on large ships. The siren of the Frost Rose is just louder. But what is the purpose of pulling the whistle at this time?

Just when we looked at the Frost Rose in doubt and wondered what was going on there, a circle of smoke suddenly rose up below the Frost Rose and quickly swept towards all directions.

"Damn! I don't even say hello when I start!" Seeing the smoke and dust flying in red, he quickly put down his visor to avoid being affected by the smoke and breathing. However, although the visor can block dust, it cannot block the wind. When the Frost Rose is activated, the airflow generated below is almost like a typhoon. Even players like us must pour their bodies to resist this force, or they will be blown away.

As the airflow became more and more turbulent, we all vaguely felt that the ground seemed to be shaking, and then the surrounding airflow suddenly began to gradually calm down, and the flying dust was quickly cleared out on the battlefield. The environment quickly returned to normal, but at this time Frost Rose had left the ground twenty to thirty meters high, and was gradually accelerating its ascent.

"Hey, did you fix it over there?" Hong Yue directly opened the communicator to call the Frost Rose, and opened a public channel for me and Zhenhong by the way.

The communication room immediately replied: "It has been repaired. The previous attack hit the main power room frontally, but it was neutralized and absorbed by the self-stabilizing force field generated by the solar furnace, so it was not able to It caused further damage. However, when the beam penetrated the protective wall of the power room, it destroyed a power line and caused the pressure of the main power pipe to be released. The thruster did not have enough power to maintain the attitude, so it caused the fall. The person who just damaged the management department has used temporary The pipeline temporarily bypassed the broken pipeline, and now the spaceship power has basically returned to normal, but there is still a small part of the cabin on the right that has not recovered power for the time being."

Hong Yue took a look at me after hearing the report. , I understand that she is asking me what I mean, so I just opened the communication channel and said: "I am Purple Moon, tell you the captain, don’t worry about it here, go back and repair it immediately."

"Mobile Angel Did you leave the giant Divine Weapon too?"

I was stunned for a while, then looked at the battlefield before opening the mouth and said: "Take the giant Divine Weapon back, and the mobile angel will follow me. "


Following the confirmation from the communication room, the steel hound on slaughter all sides suddenly stopped attacking, and then turned to the direction of the Frost Rose Ran over. The head that had separated from the Iron Hound suddenly fell from the sky, and the Iron Hound also took less than three seconds to complete the transformation while running, and grabbed the head that had just fallen and put it back on his shoulder.

After the giant Divine Weapon approached, the Frost Rose in the sky shot a steel cable directly from the stern and entangled the arm of the giant Divine Weapon, and then the giant Divine Weapon jumped upward along the steel cable. When he got up, he was pulled directly into the cabin. After completing the recovery of the giant Divine Weapon, Frost Rose immediately closed its hatch, and a giant Great Demon array that had not been seen before suddenly emerged at the back of the ship seven or eight meters away, followed by the rays of light on the magic array shining, behind the spaceship Suddenly, a huge flame was ejected, and after passing through the magic array, the flame became even bigger. The colleague Spaceship also swished out of sight like a missile being launched.

"It's too fast, right?"

Suddenly when I heard the red voice, I explained: "I told them to go faster."


True red immediately said when I heard what I said: "I am not talking about the Frost Rose, I am talking about the Nobunaga group of ghosts!"

"Huh?" I heard it really red If he turned back and looked towards the center of the encircling circle, he found that Nobunaga Ghost, Qiyehui Hun, and the two Russians had disappeared. Turning his head again, the four guys were running desperately on the edge of the battlefield, and they seemed to be planning to leave the battle area directly.

"Does this need to be chased?" Zhen Hong turned to look towards me and asked.

"We have the advantage in terms of strength, why don't we chase it?"

"Hehe, I like this sentence." Zhen Hong said directly and whistled, and then violently Leaping up, a golden Divine Dragon that was two laps thicker than the locomotive suddenly swooped down from the air and flashed past us. The real red that jumped ahead accurately landed on Divine Dragon's head, holding one side of the dragon horn with one hand, and the other hand pointing forward and shouting: "Catch up."

Wow... accompanied by a dragon roar, the Divine Dragon rushed across the battlefield quickly, and all those who dared to stand in the way were knocked out. Then Divine Dragon doesn’t climb, just sticks to the ground like it’s running and floating, every time it jumps up, it can go forward nearly a hundred meters, and then the claws on the ground will vacate again, and it feels as if he has nothing to himself. The weight is the same.

Although Divine Dragon looks very elegant in its movements, it seems to be advancing in a small jump on the ground, but in fact the speed is very exaggerated, and the maglev tram is almost at full speed. Although Nobunaga Onitou and the others ran first, the system designed the mount to be able to be ridden, and if everyone can run the mount with their own legs, then what are the mounts for? So, it took the Divine Dragon almost only a few seconds to chase behind the Russian player who ran at the back of the four.

This player is running desperately, and suddenly feels a strange feeling behind him. That guy is also smart, knowing that he can't look back at this time, he decisively jumped to the side and jumped out, and he followed him to see the huge dragon head fast as lightning rushing past him. However, this guy suddenly felt his body tighten before he was happy, and then he was caught by something. After seeing it clearly, I realized that it was actually the hind paw of Divine Dragon.

The guy was pinched in the dragon claw and began to struggle. After seeing what it was, he even wanted to attack the claw with a weapon. As a result, he felt holding himself before he took out the weapon. The claws are tightening, and the strength is increasing as if endlessly. The guy tried to resist at first, but only screamed after two seconds.

"Ghost Nobunaga, Qiye Huihun, don't run away, no one of the four of us can run away like this!" Hearing the screams of his companions, another Russian player looked back at this On the side of the situation, he immediately stopped the ghosts in front of Nobunaga and Qiye Huihun.

Although Oni Shou Nobunaga and Nanya Hui Hun actually don’t want to care about the life and death of the Russian player, they have to stop and help in this situation, because it’s just like the guy shouted. , If you continue to run, you will only be broken by each, it is better to fight to the death, it can cause us some trouble anyway.

After a sudden stop, Qiye Huixun and Nobunaga Guishou immediately turned and moved towards Zhenhong and rushed away. Really red didn’t panic when seeing this situation, but excitedly jumped directly from the dragon’s head and ran towards the ghost Nobunaga by inertia. As for the dragon, it moved towards Qiyehuihunchong. Past.

Seeing a dragon rushing towards you, I didn’t dare to ask for it. Although this guy doesn’t know who it is, he must be of Asian race, and there are not many Asians who don’t. Meet the Eastern Divine Dragon. So, seeing a Divine Dragon rushing up, he quickly jumped to the side to prevent being hit by the front. Regardless of its size or other considerations, Divine Dragon has no reason to be able to beat people, so Qiye Huihun made the most sensible decision. But it was a pity that although he avoided the frontal impact, he was still caught by the dragon beard. The dragon's whiskers seem to be floating in the air with the airflow, but it is actually more powerful than a whip when it is drawn on a person. It smashes the Qiyehuihun at once, and the Qiyehuihun is rolling again. Running more than ten meters with a crawler is considered as leaving the attack range. The size of Divine Dragon is too large, and the body can bend at will like a snake, so the flexibility is simply abnormal. Qiye Huixun feels that she can't keep up with his speed.

Qiya Huixun is in a bitter battle here, and Nobunaga on the other side is not much better. The title of True Red is there, Guishou Nobunaga also knows how powerful True Red is, but now in this situation, he will fight if he doesn't fight, and he doesn't dare to turn around and run, so he can only brace oneself.

As soon as the two approached Nobunaga Ghost, they directly entered the Ghost Dancer mode. Suddenly a huge Ghost God phantom that was more than two meters high appeared behind the whole person. This phantom is completely consistent with the actions of Nobunaga Oni Shou, and it is always floating behind him, like a back-bound spirit. In fact, this thing is indeed a binding spirit, but it is not a normal binding spirit, but Divine Soul possessed, so not only will it not weaken the ghost hand Nobunaga in front, but will give strong energy support, and this The Binding Spirit itself can also cause additional damage.

Guishou Nobunaga enters the Ghost Martial Artist mode here. Real Red is not polite to him. When the person is still running, he suddenly burst into a blazing golden flame. The whole person It looks like a reduced version of the flame demon, except that the color of the flame is not red but golden.

As soon as two people touched, it was a big move. Nobunaga Guishou held a bunch of purple flames with one hand and patted his own knife handle, and then brushed his palm along the back of the knife over the entire blade, and that The flames are directly attached to the blade. The ghost hand Nobunaga who completed all this happened to be in contact with Zhenhong, and he slashed down with a purple flame.

True Red saw the blade attacking and couldn’t evade, her right fist received her side, and her shoulder flashed suddenly. Two reduced versions of Golden Divine Dragon set off from her shoulders and moved along the opposite direction. In the direction of her, she jumped forward arm all the way around her arm, and Zhen Hong also slammed forward with the two Golden Dragons, and punched the blade of Nobunaga on the center of the ghost hand, and the two Golden Dragons also happened to be here. When he arrived on the red fist with a dazzling golden light, he rushed into the fist and burst out and hit Nobunaga's blade.

Boom...With a loud noise, a group of golden flames mixed with purple burst suddenly, and the purple flame on the long blade of Guishouxin was blown out instantly, really red. It took seven or eight steps in a row before he managed to stabilize his body and did not fall down, while Guishou Nobunaga fluttered directly backflip and could reach the ground in an embarrassed manner. Although he did not fall, he saw his own blade. At that time, he was frowned, because the thing is now covered with densely packed cracks, and it looks like it will break at any time.

"Damn!" Nobunaga cursed angrily, but he could only put away the long knife in his hand, and then waved with one hand, the phantom behind him immediately seemed like a shadow in the wind. Disappeared.

Obviously, Nobunaga is at a disadvantage in weapons, and he is not a true red opponent in the Martial Artist mode. However, Nobunaga Ghost was favored by Eight-Branched Giant Snake. He had so many skills and so on. The Ghost Martial Artist mode could not be used, so he simply switched to another mode.

The ghost hand Nobunaga who removed the phantom suddenly curled up as if enduring some pain, and the whole body trembled violently, and as he trembled, circles of purple flames suddenly fell from him. His body sprayed out, and immediately afterwards he saw the armor on his body disintegrated from the inside and fell to the ground, and his whole body continued to swell as if he was blowing, and he became a height in the blink of an eye. Little Giant is two meters away.

The transformed ghost Nobunaga has grown a whole circle, not only has his height increased, but the muscle lines on his body have also become very exaggerated, but this shape is not bloated, but full A kind of beauty of power, giving people a feeling like a beast staring at its prey and preparing for a full strength attack.

Ghost Nobunaga, who turned into Ghost God, is naked at this time, and only the lower body is covered with armor, but his upper body skin has become keratinized like armor, and his His hands have also completely turned into ghost claws. Of course, changing the body and the head will definitely change. At this time, Guishou Nobunaga's face has not changed much, but the color of his face has changed to a slightly dark purple color, and a horn has grown in the middle of his forehead. The shape of this horn is very strange. It’s not like an animal’s horn that turns in an arc. It seems to have grown forty-five centimeters forward at an angle of forty-five degrees, and then suddenly turned into a sixty-degree angle upward. It grows more than ten centimeters long, and the entire horn seems to be a piece of two horns with different angles. In addition, except for this horn, Nobunaga's hair has completely turned into a silvery white, and it seems that the length has also become much longer, and it almost reaches the waist when it is not moving.

"hmph, since I can't run away, let you bury it today." The transformed ghost Nobunaga said with his red eyes breathing fire.

"If you want to drag me to bury you, you have to have that ability!" After Zhenhong finished speaking, she drew a position in front of her with her hands without fear, and then set a gesture style moved towards Ghost Hand Nobunaga hooked his fingers and said: "Come and let me weigh your weight and say again, don't let me down."

Guishou Nobunaga didn't answer, suddenly his arms clenched fists and pressed them on the ground. He came out of a squatting start posture, and didn't make preparations, his legs suddenly kicked hard, and the whole person jumped over like a missile. Zhenhong didn't do any evasion when seeing this situation. Since becoming a national weapon holder, Zhenhong has rarely evaded attacks.

According to the night’s son, every set of equipment in "Zero" has its own will. If you can understand this will and comply with it, then you will be able to play out 100% of the equipment. One hundred and twenty power comes. On the contrary, if you can't realize the kind of will in the equipment, then you can at most display 90% of the strength, or even lower. In fact, this theory of the Night Son is very correct, which can be seen from the hot business of his equipment re-assessment center. Now, not only do you need to pay money to look for the night’s son to help you see the equipment, but you also have to make an appointment in advance. It is said that the schedule has been arranged for several months.

However, although the opportunity for re-appraisal of the Night Son is so difficult to row, there are still many people rushing to it, and the reason is that the appraisal comments given by the Night Son can indeed improve your battle strength immediately. , And this improvement can be seen directly from the attribute, so the players will be so crazy to go for identification.

No matter how good the business is, the son of the night is a member of our guild. He has already identified the equipment of the high level personnel in the guild for us. I, Zhenhong, and the three sets of gold coin. The device set is naturally the three most serious sets identified. After all, this is something that concerns players all over the country, so it is natural to pay attention to it.

According to the appraisal comments of the Night Son at the time, the will carried by the true red True Martial suit can be summed up in two words-imposing manner. To put it simply, the True Martial suit has a press forward equipment which does not require any fancy. It is a single force subduing for ten meetings. It is a powerful force, no matter what enemy you encounter, just hit it with one head. Now, either you will die or i will die. As long as it is not suppressed by the opponent’s imposing manner, the True Martial suit can continuously burst out stronger and stronger power like a perpetual motion machine, and finally overwhelm everything with absolute strength. This is the will of the True Martial suit and its core Where. Therefore, after knowing this, Zhenhong never dodges the enemy’s attack. Others attack will counterattack his attack and go back. Even if it loses for a while, as long as the imposing manner is not leaked, it can be continuously strengthened and finally defeated completely. enemy.

"Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist-the fourteenth formula-earth shattering!"

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