"Kill you an idiot!" Cauldron Fan yelled while urging the enchanted boar below him to charge wildly.

Although the iron-armed steel bear on the opposite side saw Cauldron Fan rushing over, he didn't know the person of Cauldron Fan before, so he didn't know the specific attack power of Wild Boar Knight. After all, the number of the wild boar Knight in the game can be said to be very rare.

When playing games, everyone must try their best to be happy, so the characters in the game must be how handsome and beautiful they are. Although everyone also pursues personality, personality does not mean grotesquely shaped. After all, people who like alternative styles are still in the minority, so strange mounts like wild boars are generally not chosen. Moreover, although the wild boar looks unremarkable, the system itself has no aesthetic likes and dislikes. The system only cares about the strength of the combat capability. So on the system side, the evaluation of the wild boar Knight is not only not low, but very high. high. Although most of the players look down on this profession because the wild boar is too ugly, from the system perspective, the attribute growth of this profession is very high, and the battle strength far exceeds the general profession, so in the system, the wild boar Knight is still a hidden profession and needs to be transferred. Opportunities, you have a chance to fight for this kind of job transfer task, and even if you choose this career, you may not be able to fight for it.

Because there are very few people willing to be Wild Boar Knights, a large part of them simply didn’t have the chance to get the job transfer task of this advanced profession, so finally called the Wild Boar Knight, who was actually successfully transferred. It can only be said as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. Daguofan is a optimist by nature, and he has a joke mentality for everything. So when he happened to encounter this career choice, he directly chose the wild boar Knight without even thinking about it. Later, according to his own account, there were three out of them. One option is to advance from the basic Knight to the Great Knight, which is Knight’s high level form. Of course, the mount is still a horse or a horse-shaped devil beast. One of the other two options is the wild boar Knight he used last, and the other is Dragon Knight.

According to normal circumstances, most people would directly choose the profession of fear of Dragon Knight. Because the dinosaur in "Zero" does not refer to the extinct ancient creatures on Earth, but a branch of Dragon Clan called dinosaurs. Of course, in my opinion, the dinosaurs in the game are actually designed using those extinct dinosaurs in reality as prototypes, but they are set as the Dragon Clan branch in the game. According to the definition of Dragon Clan in "Zero", basically no one who can get in touch with a dragon is someone who is easy to deal with.

Based on this situation, choosing Dragon Knight is basically as it should be by rights. However, the big pot rice guy directly chose a wild boar Knight without even thinking about it, and later twice The advancement opportunities have not been changed, and have been developed along this route.

Although wild boars do not seem to be opponents of dinosaurs, no matter what they sound or look like, in fact, any professional development in the game to the later stage is very difficult to deal with. In particular, the wild boar Knight in the system setting is not originally a garbage job. On the contrary, it is still a very high-growth career. It is just that the wild boar's appearance is so ugly that there are no candidates.

Because no one chose the wild boar Knight, there are very few people who know this profession. The first time most people saw Da Guofan riding a wild boar on the battlefield, the first reaction was not to be afraid, but to laugh. After all, riding a pig feels awkward no matter how you look at it, and because of professional characteristics, the movement speed of the wild boar Knight is actually not slow at all. Although the ratio of the four hooves to the body of the wild boar looks very short, it is far from the feeling of a tall horse, but the fact is that when the wild boar is really running, most cavalry can only follow behind and eat ashes. At present, as far as I know, there seem to be only a dozen land-travel mounts of wild boars that can run through a big pot of rice. Half of them are very large because they run fast, while the rest are almost all legendary creatures. From this we can see how exaggerated the movement speed of the wild boar Knight is. Anyway, as long as a big pot of rice participates in every guild battle, he is basically the first one to run in the cavalry.

In fact, many people don't know that although the speed of the wild boar Knight is much faster than the ordinary Knight, this is not its real advantage. The real advantage of the wild boar Knight over half of Knight is actually not speed, but high evasion, high crit, high defense, high life, and high damage.

Everyone can understand high defense and high life, after all, the size of the wild boar is there. The stout body brings super high health, and the mount in the game can share part of the owner's damage. Therefore, a mount with very thick blood is often equivalent to adding a blood bar to the owner. This advantage can be said to be very useful. As for defense... just look at the shape of the wild boar. This thing is naturally thick, and because it is strong, it can wear heavier armor than a war horse. The wild boar that looks like a big pot of rice, in fact, speaking of which is a wild boar. It looks basically the same as a tank. The whole body is covered with two-finger thick plate armor. Some areas are strengthened. The defensive power is not much worse than that of the tank. A mobile fortress.

Because of this plate armor, coupled with high speed, the inertia is naturally large, so this high damage is easy to understand. Moreover, the wild boar is an omnivorous animal after all, and the demonized wild boar in the game is a kind of hell creature. Yes, you heard that right. The demonized wild boar in "Zero" is not an ordinary creature, but a kind of hell creature. The strictly speaking thing is regarded as a distant relative of Abyss Demon, and the battle strength is actually very scary. As a mount, these terrifying battle strengths will be superimposed on Knight's body, so the attack power of the wild boar Knight of Cauldron Rice is very terrifying, even Zhenhong said that head-on collision with him may not be an opponent of Cauldron Rice.

The advantages of the latter three features are easy to understand, and many people don't understand the high evasion and high outbreak in the front.

In fact, the principle of high dodge is very simple. A wild boar is different from a horse. Horses have better endurance and have advantages in long-distance raids. Wild boars have a very high explosive power. They can use their power to the limit in an instant, and the effect of this ability is high dodge and high crit. Although wearing several tons of steel armor, the wild boar still possesses super agility. The action on the battlefield is extremely agile. It can make sharp turns, stop and accelerate in running. These are the weaknesses of war horses. The wild boar is very good at this.

I have said so much to tell everyone that the wild boar Knight is a very, very awesome profession. Although it looks funny, it turns out that the people who scorned them in the battle ended up being corpses.

The guy with the iron-armed steel bear obviously belongs to the normal crowd, so when he saw the big pot of rice riding a wild boar, his first reaction was to turn over with a smile, but this guy is considered an expert anyway , So he is not idiot enough to ignore the opponent's charge. However, although he put away his smile and made resistance before touching, he still underestimated the terrifying of Wild Boar Knight. If he can see Knight the pig directly, what he should do the most is not to resist, but to quickly find a way to dodge. Although with the high agility of the wild boar Knight, the probability of dodge success is not great, but it is better than standing there and hard top.

In fact, Iron-armed Steel Bear quickly understood this truth, but it was a pity that he knew it a little late, because he was flying in the sky at this time-he was hit.

I said before that the wild boar Knight can replace the siege hammer to directly hit the city gate in a siege. From this, you can know how terrifying their impact is. Although the iron-armed steel bear weighs a few tons in armor, compared with those city gates that are more than a dozen tons at any time, this weight is really nothing. Therefore, in the end, Iron-armed Steel Bear was directly hit by a tragic encounter. And he seemed to be on a bad day today. Just after being hit and flying less than five meters away, he made the steel hound who had just come back slapped the ground with a paw.

When the big pot meal saw that guy fell to the ground without saying anything, he directly let the wild boar that had started to decelerate to continue to accelerate, before that guy did not get up and went up again.

Here is another advantage of the wild boar Knight. If the horse encounters this kind of enemy lying on the ground, the only thing that can be done is to slow down, because the horse cannot step on people while running at high speed, otherwise it is easy to break the horse’s legs, so unless the cavalry wants to jump from the enemy In the past, otherwise you can only slow down when facing the person lying on the ground. Because only when the speed slows down, the horse can step on people with its hooves.

But, Knight, the wild boar, don't worry about this. Although the wild boar in the big pot of rice is several times larger than the polar bear, standing on the ground at the highest point of the back is almost three meters, but the size of the wild boar determines that even if this guy is three meters high, it still needs to bend its head slightly. Use your big nose and those two fangs to attack any object that exceeds the height of the surface, so unless the enemy has the ability to dig a hole and bury himself, it is useless to stand on the ground. People can still easily attack this height.

The poor iron-armed steel bear was hit by two consecutive attacks to East, South, West, and North. It’s almost impossible to tell the difference. The armor on his body was even deformed even if it was amazingly defensive. Especially the position of the side of the back waist is obviously deflated by a big chunk. This is thanks to the iron-armed steel bear finally hiding temporarily. Although it did not escape, somehow it took off a part of his strength, otherwise he might be destroyed by this one. The waist was smashed. However, even now the Iron-armed Steel Bear felt that his waist was about to break, and his chest and arms were also suffering from severe tearing pain.

I’ve been ravaged by me for so long without a major event. The iron-armed steel bear was injured by a big pot of rice in a single face. This fool also knows that this wild boar doesn’t look so funny anymore. However, it is obviously a bit late to know this at this time, because the big pot of rice has already rushed up for the third time.

The iron-armed steel bear was overwhelmed on one side. Not to mention it, the situation on the side of Nobunaga on the side is also getting worse. Kristina and gold coin are the same as meat grinder, and the ghosts of Nobunaga's gang are efficiently cleaned up with few people left. As soon as Hong Yue and Zhenhong saw that the miscellaneous soldiers could not compete with Christina and gold coin, they simply turned their heads and rushed to my side to help. I had just taken back my demon, and I was already a lot stronger. Now there are two more helpers, Nobunaga Ghost, Qiye Huixun, and the two Russian players instantly changed from besieging me to being countered by us. Now these four are huddled together back to back, watching us and my familiars around me, as long as I give an order, they will all lie down on the ground in less than five minutes.

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