"Damn, you guys are finally here! I can't stand it anymore!"

"President, have you ever been unable to stand it?" Listina's voice appeared on the guild channel, apparently more than a real red one.

"How many people are you here?"

Kristina's voice replied: "Me and Zhenhong, gold coin, Hong Yue Vice-President, and The big pot of rice is here too."

"It should be almost the same with you guys, but what are you doing with the big pot of rice?"

When I heard that he came to do on time, the big pot of rice immediately stopped. Pleased. "I said you don’t have this, the president? I’m also the number one on the battle strength list anyway. Although not as high as yours, you can’t ignore my battle strength, right?"

"Okay, OK, count me wrong. But what are you doing here this time? Don't you usually follow your wife closely? Why do you suddenly come here by yourself today?"< /p>

"The two quarreled." Gold coin broke the news as soon as possible. Cauldron Fan wanted to conceal it, but since I already know it, I can only admit it. Of course, I don't have much interest in this kind of thing, and the more people outside of housework care about it, the more messy it gets, so it's better not to mix it up.

"Then how long will you be able to arrive?"

"It has arrived." With the voice in the guild channel, I saw a few white lines in the sky. Approaching the battlefield quickly, and as the distance approaches, those white lines are clearly descending.

The sound of the long spear flying is very loud. Of course, so many long spears are immediately discovered as soon as they take off. The people on Nobunaga Guishou quickly noticed the few long spears approaching here. Although the number of reinforcements on our side is pitiful compared to the large group of reinforcements on their side, Nobunaga Guishou But it was a drum in my heart.

The high level battle strength of our guild is well-known, and all of them are the type of fighting a group, so the specific battle strength of these reinforcements in our guild cannot be used solely by personnel. Judging by the number, if you come from ordinary members, then these few people are of course not to worry, but if you come from real red and gold coin...

Although Guishou Nobunaga does not want It was Zhenhong and Gold Coin who are the first-line thugs of our guild, but unfortunately this time they are the cutting-edge martial power of our guild.

In fact, it is normal for Zhenhong and Gold Coin to come for reinforcements, and the current situation is only for them to come for reinforcements. This is not to say that others are useless. The high level players in our guild are not only gold coin and the others. Although other high level players are not as good as them, they can easily settle the battle when they come to seventeen or eight. However, the current situation is slightly different.

At present, Russian players in China are aggressively invading our country, and the tactics used are completely invisible. Although we roughly guessed that the other side used a three-way attack, but which side is a feint and which side is a blinding method. We have not been completely sure yet. In this case, we simply dare not move the domestic armed forces. However, such an important aerial battleship as the Frost Rose must never fall into the hands of the Japanese, so we must save it here.

The armed forces in the country cannot move in disorder, and reinforcements must be provided here, so the only ones that can be sent are high level players like True Red and Gold Coin. Unlike a large unit, the battle strength of high level players is concentrated, so in terms of mobility, it must move much faster than a large unit. Besides, if there are only these few people, if you really need them, you can directly use Transmission Formation to match the speed of long spear. Basically, you can support anywhere in the country within half an hour. so. Gold coin will not have any serious impact on the domestic defense line when they come out. If they really need it, they can rush back at any time, but these are beyond the reach of large forces. Therefore, the reinforcements this time can actually only be a few of them.

As always, the one who is at the forefront is still the hot personality, and the one who almost goes hand in hand with her is our Hong Yue Vice-President.

In other words, although I don’t participate in combat operations much now, Hong Yue has never been a peaceful person. Although he is a legal profession, Hong Yue is actually very violent. You can see it as soon as we meet.

Following Hong Yue and Zhenhong are gold coin, Christina, and Big Pot Rice. The five people rushed straight down from the sky in the shape of five Olympic rings, but the red was more violent. They directly recovered the long spear in midair, and then the whole person crashed onto the ground with the power of charging. The visible shock wave of a circle of naked eye burst out instantly with the true red falling point as the center, and the surrounding circle of enemies was lifted out in an instant, and the one that was a little further away was swayed by the air current.

Compared with the violent appearance of the real red, Hong Yue's attack does not seem to be very powerful, but the efficiency is very scary. When she was still in the air, she directly condensed her mana and projected a black humanoid phantom on the ground. As soon as the phantom appeared, she immediately rushed to the nearest player belonging to Nobunaga of Ghosts. The two had less than two touches. In seconds, the player began to dry out quickly, and the whole person became a corpse almost in the blink of an eye, and then the phantom got out of the player's body and rushed to the next target. Although there is no real red that overwhelmed a group of people as soon as they landed, Hong Yue actually completely killed five or six players before landing. This efficiency is absolutely amazing.

Of course, although Zhenhong and Hong Yue rush faster, they are better at gold coin and Christina than Qing Zabing.

Kristina simply didn’t plan to land. In the air, a magic array with a diameter of more than two hundred meters was condensed directly above the head, and then there was a large colorful magic rainstorm. Smashed to the ground, as long as the place she flew over was basically the same as the bomber group flew over. The ground was completely scorched. The players on all routes were at least seriously injured, and less than one percent of them survived. Most People can't even find the body.

Compared to Christina, the sword array of gold coin is slightly slower in killing speed, but it is only a little bit, and compared to Christina occasionally slips through the net. The situation is different. The place where gold coin goes is the real piece of armor, and because Flying Sword kills will not destroy the body, it seems that she seems to be more fierce, but this is actually an illusion, after all, Kerry The corpse on Stina's side has been explodes into waste, so it doesn't look so scary. Gold coin is almost full of bloody lira corpses. It’s normal to have arms, legs, and intestines flowing all over the floor. Some weird dead corpses are simply performing performance art, and the resistance is slightly worse. Scared to pee.

A few meat grinders on our side came off the field, and the battlefield situation immediately changed dramatically. Those ghost hand Nobunaga's men who were fighting with my demon are now caught by Chrissy Tina and Gold Coin completely took over, and they didn't just block these people, but they were really destroying these enemies in large numbers and quickly. And because of their joining, I took the time to call all my familiars back to my side. The ghosts Nobunaga, Seven Nights Resurrection, and the two Russian players who were just beating me just now are also dumbfounded, because a large group of my beloved suddenly appeared around them. Before, these familiars had no time to support me because they wanted to block nearby Japanese players from letting them get close to the Frost Rose. Now that they are idle, it is naturally impossible to let me face the four of them alone.

Of course, besides me, a part of my Familiar has gathered on Yeyue's side.

After all, the gun god is an expert on the battle strength list. Yeyue alone cannot handle it. I asked Yeyue to go there just to see if I could take advantage of the sneak attack. In fact, from the very beginning, I didn’t think Yeyue could handle the gunslinger alone, but at the time I was really in my hands. No one can be drawn. Otherwise, Ye Yue would definitely not let Ye Yue deal with the gun god alone.

Now that the familiars are all free, the Gun God can't just let Ye Yue handle it.

The Spear God who had just gained the upper hand with the demon pet called the Phantom had not had time to shoot Yeyue, and suddenly felt some changes in the surrounding environment. The frowned spear god immediately activated one of his own illusion-breaking skills. As a result, the picture in front of him flashed and suddenly he saw that Ye Yue, who was supposed to be fighting his demon in the distance, didn’t know how to get in front of him, and was waving. Cut down with crossed swords. In the panic, the gun god could only ignore the image of a lazy donkey roll to avoid the fatal blow, but followed by the tail of Ye Yue. As soon as the gun god, who had been taken out of the plane, endured the pain, he took the gun and turned around to fire. However, the moment he turned around, he actually found that his own demon was entangled with Ye Yue, and just blocked his shooting angle.

The shooting angle is blocked. Of course, the gun god is immediately instinctively prepared to move laterally to find the shooting angle, but the next second he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, because he suddenly found his own feeling The Familiar was actually far behind him. Assuming that the induction is correct, it means that the creature in front of you who is fighting Yeyue is an illusion or something, and it is not his familiar anyway. However, if the monster in front of you can be fake, it means that his vision has been affected, so how much is real?

For a warrior In other words, if your personal senses and physical coordination are excellent, you can do blind typing. It is to rely on hearing and the judgment made by the hair on the skin surface to induce changes in the airflow to fight. Of course, there may be some other sensory abilities in the game, such as magical induction. However, these are all abilities used by melee personnel, because the actual effective distances of the above senses are actually very short. Except for hearing and magical induction, which can roughly locate targets ten meters away, the range of action of most senses is actually not. More than ten meters, but even with magical sensing and hearing, ten meters away can only play a role in assisting positioning, and cannot accurately lock the target.

However, the gun god is not a melee person. He is a musketeer, and his advantage lies in the ability to attack the enemy beyond the attack distance of others, and then rely on the ability to disguise and move speed advantages and other abilities to never contact with the opponent, just play the opponent directly. However, the premise for the above to be effective is that he must be able to see where the enemy is. Now the gun god's vision is affected by the illusion, and what you see in front of you can't figure out which is true and which is false. In this case, the visual actual High Level has been abandoned. As a sniper, you can't rely on visual combat, so how do you play?

"Damn it!" After a curse, the gun god didn't hesitate, and he raised the gun directly, regardless of the familiar he saw and pulled the trigger. Vision can be affected by illusions, but the induction between the owner and the familiar given by the system will not be disturbed, so the gun god is sure that the target in front of him is definitely not his own, but the induction behind it is.

The gun god’s guess is very reasonable, and it is true. The one he saw entangled with Yeyue is indeed not his demon, but unfortunately, it is not ours either.

As the gunshots remembered, Yeyue, who was entangled in front of the gun god, and the pet of the gun god suddenly both changed their forms. Yeyue became a player in our guild, and his own familiar became a Russian player. Although the gun god killed both of them with this shot, the surprised and unbelievable look of the Russian player before he fell down made the gun god depressed and wanted to curse. Although he did kill an enemy, he also accidentally killed one of his own people at the same time. This result is not a good thing.

"Damn it, how could this happen!" The gun god turned his head depressed and looked around, but it was okay if he didn't look at it. This turned his head was completely uncomfortable. I don't know when the change happened, anyway, now the gun god glanced over, surrounded by pairs of Yeyue and his demon familiar battle group. Obviously he has only one Familiar and Yeyue, so he must have seen only one of the hundreds of battle groups that are at war, but the problem is that he simply doesn't know which one is true.

The positioning between the master and the familiar is just a general orientation, unless it is a trainer profession and at least one familiar has gained loyalty to let all the familiars’ contact ability Possesses precise positioning and connects consciousness. Although the gun god is a multi-professional and one of his professions is indeed a beast trainer, he does not have loyalty, so the orientation and approximate distance of his contact with the soul are okay. To accurately find his demon pet, he must Rely on other senses. But the problem is that now his other senses are all disturbed. In this case, even if he has the ability to sense, it is useless.

Just when the gun god was caught blind, Yeyue and Emiennes were playing Tai Chi pushing hands with each other less than fifty meters away from the gun god. As for the pet of the gun god, it looks like Fighting against an expert among Russian players from far away. The illusion of Emenis can affect the Spear God, and of course it can also affect his Familiar. However, the spear god’s anti-illusion skill is also quite awesome, so Emenes can’t create something from nothing in his line of sight. He can only replace the actual entity with something else. There is no way to eliminate or add any targets. However, even so, it is enough to be depressed. Moreover, using this ability, Emmenes and Ye Yue are approaching the Gun God while pretending to be attacking each other. Of course, in the eyes of the Gun God, this is another Ye Yue and his familiar.

In fact, if you simply replace the target with Yeyue and the familiar, the gun god can only fire in the direction of the familiar that he has sensed. It is said that this can also be attacked. enemy's. However, after the previous experience of one shot and two shots, the gun god understood that these illusions of Yeyue and his familiars are not fake, and at least one of the individuals in the battle is a ghost of Nobunaga. , That is, his current own personnel. After all, what he is doing now is an employment task, and Nobunaga Guishou is his employer. In this case, the person of Nobunaga Guishou is naturally his own. However, because these people are alliances created by employment tasks, they are different from the team mode or the guild mode. The gun god can’t see any identification information of friend or foe, and can only judge by his appearance, and half of the people around now seem to be Yeyue's appearance, the other half is his own demon familiar, how do you tell him to judge?

Knowing that there must be a lot of his own in these illusions, the gun god simply did not dare to fight wildly. And the gun god is smarter, so he thinks a lot. He even guessed that Yeyue is not necessarily the enemy among these warring parties, and that the familiar is his own, because the illusion itself is fake, so as long as it can be replaced, the specific replacement can be determined at will. In other words, some Yeyue among those fighting groups may be his own, and some familiars are his own. In this case, even if the gun god can only hit one of the targets, he dare not shoot randomly. After all, it’s better to wear two with one shot before. If the enemy is okay in the past, and you die, then it’s really terrible.

The gun god who is going crazy is depressed here, and the ghost hands Nobunaga on the other side are not much better.

Because the speed ratio of the Cleansers is not gold coin and Christina, the guy with the big pot meal directly focused on the iron-armed steel bear after coming down. This guy has almost no decent ability except defensive power. He is just a sandbag. The job of this fellow is the super weird Knight, the wild boar. Everyone knows that the cavalry charge has an extra damage stack besides the attack bonus, and the wild boar Knight of the cauldron is a demonized wild boar, so it is more terrifying than the general Knight impact. This thing horse is not used to hit people, even if it hits the enemy under the drive of Knight, the formidable power will not increase too much. But wild boars are different. This thing is born to hit people. The wild boars in the jungle sometimes initiate pigs to break even smaller trees. This is an ordinary wild boar in nature. The creatures in the game are much stronger than those in reality, and the wild boar mount of Da Guofan is not an ordinary thing, so this impact can be described as super heaven-defying.

According to Zhenhong himself, she is not the opponent of a big pot meal when she is at a sufficient distance. After the speed is increased, the wild boar Knight is basically a bulldozer. Not to mention the person standing in front of him, even the city wall can still be pushed to you. Ever since, when the big pot of rice found the Iron-armed Steel Bear, the Iron-armed Steel Bear was a tragedy.

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