"Come, come, come, go a little bit, go a little bit...Don't move, don't move you idiot, damn..."

The gun god creeps in the grass and keeps thinking about it. In his scope, the silhouettes of me, Nobunaga Onizu, and Qiye Huijing flashed alternately, but although I often appeared in the scope, it was the most every time. Only staying for one and one second would move away from this range, either blocked by Nobunaga Onishu or blocked by Qiye Huixun, anyway, it would be impossible to catch the target.

Although the sniper itself is a profession that requires patience, it is in the process of waiting for the ambush. In contrast, if I frequently appear under the gun, I can’t find a chance to shoot. The situation is even more worrying. The patience of the gun god quickly began to disappear, and his palms were sweaty. It is estimated that after a while, even if he shoots directly without a risk, he will jump out of the grass holding the rifle and swipe a shuttle first. However, this situation is now impossible.

Just when the gun god concentrated attention completely locked on my movement, he suddenly felt that the ground beneath him suddenly collapsed, and at the same time there were several things from his left and right sides. The side appeared at the same time and began to wrap around him.

Although he was suddenly attacked, the reaction of the gunman was quite good. At the critical moment, he rolled directly backwards and got out of the scope of the ground collapse. At the same time, he avoided the entangled vines, but what made him didn't expect was just when he just rolled backwards. When I didn't stand up, I suddenly saw a gold line flashing in the rolling. The fast-reacting gun god directly stopped the continued tumbling situation and rolled to the side, followed by a very light but non-crisp golden sound.

The gun god with rich combat experience knows that this is the sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air, and only the sharpest weapon can make this sound. The gun god who knew that his achievements had escaped the catastrophe did not dare to be careless, and continued to roll for two laps. The continuous sound of puff puff puff behind him represented that he had successfully dodged many attacks, but he was about to stand up and completely escape from the attack. At the time, there was a reappeared sinkhole under my feet. As soon as my body was tilted before I could find my balance, I felt a cold in my arm, and then a fiery pain.

"Phantom." The gun god who felt the threat of life suddenly roared, and a black mist that did not know where it came from gathered around him like lightning and quickly condensed to form a black shine all over his body. biology.

At first glance, this creature looks a bit like the adult alien in the movie "Alien". Its whole body is covered with a black shine hard shell, which looks like it was carved out of a block of obsidian. Made the same. However, the alien in the movie has many protruding pipes or barbs all over his body, but this creature does not have these complicated structures. Its body surface is very smooth, there are no things that protrude from the body, and the whole body is streamlined. In addition, this thing is slightly shorter and thicker than the alien in the movie. The limbs look stronger and the tail is slightly shorter. It seems that it is mainly used to maintain balance instead of attacking like the alien in the movie.

Although this creature doesn't have those hideous barbs and disgusting pipes, this guy has one thing in common with the alien, that is, there is no eye on this thing's head. Its head is a whole, except for the mouth full of fangs, there are no eyes, ears, and nose. Although it may not have these organs, it is invisible from the outside.

In fact, I really want to speak of which, except that the shell is a bit like an alien, the body structure is closer to the large beasts on Earth, but this guy has no hair on his body, and he can’t see it on his head. The existence of the five senses.

As soon as this creature called the Phantom of the Gun God appeared, it rushed towards the chasing Ye Yue. Yeyue didn't react slowly. As soon as his body was tilted, the black creature's pounce was flashed, but immediately after the thing hits the ground, it turned around and pounced again, but it was only halfway through, and suddenly it was drawn by a big tail. After coming down, the snake sword that was thrown out immediately after the night did not succeed, because after the creature fell to the ground, it was like a broken liquid nitrogen bottle, and it instantly turned into a cloud of black smoke and dissipated in it. In the air, after an interval of about one second, countless hair-thin black smoke in the other direction suddenly condensed together and instantly formed the monster again.

As soon as the manifestation process was completed, the creature rushed towards Ye Yue without the slightest hesitation's moved towards Ye Yue, but Ye Yue suddenly turned around and turned to face it. Although the place where this creature appeared was behind Yeyue, what it didn't know was that Yeyue simply didn't use his eyes to see things. Because of the petrochemical effect of her eyes, Yeyue will not open her eyes easily even if she has eyepieces. She usually uses hearing, smell and infrared heat to determine the target position. Based on these powerful senses, Yeyue’s detection range is almost 360 degrees without blind spots. Even obstacles cannot completely block her detection ability. Therefore, the sneak attack behind the scenes does not affect Yeyue at all. use.

The creature took advantage of the sneak attack behind it to attack first, but Yeyue relied on the 360-degree senses to win a round, but Third Step Yeyue was in trouble. Yeyue, who turned around urgently, held the eyepiece side holder with one hand, and the crystal visor instantly bounced. Yeyue’s fascinating rays of light flashed like a diamond fire. The twin pupil starlight was brilliant, but the unexpected thing was that there was no creature at all. Any reaction rushed to Ye Yue's body, and then bit her throat in her astonished gaze.

At this time, the benefits of four more hands are reflected. In the six-arm mode, Ye Yue directly used two hands to support the guy's double claws, while the other four hands pressed the thing's head firmly to prevent its mouth from falling. Although that guy has great power, Yeyue is a Nuwa goddess. Seeing her small arms are slender and slender, it is actually not a problem to strangle a polar bear. After pressing the guy’s head with four arms, the creature’s head simply couldn’t fall down, and its claws were completely useless to scratch Ye Yue’s body, because Ye Yue still had two hands against it. Paws. As for the hind limbs... the one that needs to support the body can't be used in combat at all.

After the two stalemate there, Yeyue immediately used her gaze to petrify, but it turns out that this creature has the ability to ignore the petrified pupil, and Yeyue maximizes her ability, even the grass below her. It turned into a large piece of rock, but the creature was still a lively dragon and animated tiger trying to bite her desperately.

Although the Petrified Eye is found to be invalid, Yeyue is not that absolutely does not have a solution. Although she has no legs, her big tail is much easier to use than human legs. The creature was desperately trying to bite Yeyue, suddenly felt a tight waist and then left the ground uncontrollably, and then fell suddenly and was hit to the ground. However, this creature's skills are rather unkind. When it was about to land, it suddenly turned into black smoke and dissipated. Not only did it avoid being hit on the ground, but it also broke away from Yeyue's restraint by the way.

"Hey!" Yeyue, who was looking for the creature's whereabouts, suddenly heard a reminder, but when she looked back, she saw only a black hole's muzzle. The gun god guy was holding a gun at her and was about to pull the trigger, but the guy's cowboy-style handsome behavior got out of it. If he had just fired it directly, he might have succeeded, but unfortunately he would have to remind Ye Yue first, but as a result, as his gun fired, Ye Yue's arm would be thrown up at the same time. Only heard a ding sound, the fire star above the snake sword in Ye Yue's hand flashed away, and the bullet was directly split into two halves moved towards the sides and flew out.

The gun god didn’t expect that the opponent’s reaction was so strong that he was swept to the ground by Ye Yueyi’s tail as soon as he was about to replenish the gun. Unfortunately, Ye Yue was about to go up and mend that creature. She was stopped by reappeared.

"Damn it!" Just seeing Yeyue's tail, the gun god directly used his gun as a shield to block it, but he was still flew out, and now he feels that his arms are completely useless. Work hard. Ye Yue's tail is too powerful, and his hands are not opponents at all. Shaking his dizzy head, Spear God climbed up from the ground supporting him, only to find that Ye Yue was completely dragged there by his Familiar and couldn't take any time.

In fact, that creature can make Yeyue helpless, but the gun god is completely unable to withstand Yeyue’s attack does not mean that the gun god’s strength is not as good as his own demon. This situation is mainly due to lack of professionalism. Counterpart. Yeyue and the black creature are both melee assault-type creatures, while Gunslinger is a long-range type. You have to let the sniper carry a sniper rifle more than one meter long and fight the pistol in the narrow corridor. Is this unclear? The battle strength of the long-range system can only be exerted from a distance. Once close, many of their abilities will be limited. Therefore, the overall strength of the gun god is definitely much stronger than his demon pet, but he is not at all in close combat. The opponent of one's own demon.

Although the gun god was beaten here completely lacking temper, my side is also quite distressed. I was expecting Yeyue and Rose Vine to work together to be a deadly spearhead. Who knew that this guy had such a great reaction on the spot, and he actually managed to hold on. Now it has become a stalemate, and Yeyue is dragged by that Familiar, but there is a gap on our side. After all, Yeyue was originally blocking the Japanese players from assaulting the Frost Rose, but now because he was dragged there, he could not go back to support other familiars. As a result, my familiars blocked the ghosts of Nobunaga's personnel. More and more strenuous. Of course, another reason for this phenomenon is that Nobunaga's reinforcements arrived. Fortunately, it was not high-level personnel who came here. It seemed that they were temporarily replenished by nearby personnel. They were all ordinary players, and the battle strength was not outstanding. But our side is in a stalemate. Suddenly, a group of people will naturally become the last straw to crush the camel. The battlefield situation is obviously developing in a direction that is not conducive to us.

"I heard that the president, you are calling for reinforcements?" Just when I felt that the battle was a little out of control, the red voice suddenly appeared in my guild channel. As mentioned before, the communication distance of the guild channel is very short, so Zhenhong can use the guild channel to notify me, that is to say-she is nearby.

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