Although I heard the shouts of the iron-armed steel bear and the mummy player, Nobunaga now simply has no time to care about them. Faced with my assault, he and Qiye Huihui at most It can only be said to be barely resisting. Of course, if the Super Mode before Seven Nights Resurrection is activated, it can hold me back for a while, because so far I have no way to deal with his Super Mode. Although I won the battle before, I used non-frontal tactics to drag. The time limit for his skills arrived. However, although the super mode of the matter can temporarily contain me, the price of this mode is the death of Qiye Huixun. This is not to say that the side effect of this skill is directly causing the death of the player. The key is that the penalty for this skill is too severe and my mobility is too high. Even if he enters the super mode, Qiyehuishun can't grasp the initiative. Although he is invincible within the skill time limit, he can't run out of my monitoring range, so once his skill time limit is reached, he will definitely be killed by me afterwards. Therefore, Qiye Huixun knew that he couldn't handle me without using that skill, but he still didn't dare to use it.

Here Qiye Huixun and Ghost Hand Nobunaga are nailed by me, and I can’t leave here, but the mummy player and iron-armed steel bear over there are only covered heads. and sneaked away like a rat. The Iron Hound seemed to be gradually adapting to this new body, the fighting movements became more and more complicated, and the speed was getting faster and faster, while the relatives around the ghost hand Nobunaga's helpers were completely crushed and beaten. Ordinary attacks can't hurt this monster, which is made of steel all over, and the high level skill preparation time is too long. This steel hound moves so fast that it can't aim at all.

Seeing the battle situation gradually losing control, Nobunaga Guishou could only use other brains. He suddenly took out a very special badge from his body and hung it on his chest. Then he saw his mouth move from time to time. It seemed that he was talking to someone, but it was me that was strange. He can't hear anything just around him.

In fact, this badge is a special communicator material, and its working method is probably to use the magic array to convert the user’s voice into magic fluctuations, and then send it to another badge through the magic net. And then transformed into sound information. This process is a bit similar to VoIP, the difference is that magic power is used instead of electricity, and magic net is used instead of the Internet.

Of course, this badge actually has some shortcomings, for example, it consumes a lot of mana. As a communication device, it also requires users to inject magic when using it. This is already a defect. Every bit of magic power in battle is precious, and one more thing that consumes mana means less battle strength. Besides, the mana consumption of this thing is not low, which is obviously not very pleasant. Of course, the current Guishou Nobunaga doesn't have time to worry so much. Anyway, at this speed, he should not wait for his magic to exhaust his life.

In addition to depletion of mana, this communication badge also has the disadvantage that it can only perform point-to-point transmission. Simply put, the function of this communication badge is similar to the landline phone at home. Each time one party can only call the other party, and then carry out point-to-point communication, and before this communication is over, others can no longer call in, as if the phone is busy. Same. In contrast, the crystal communicator of our guild is much stronger. It not only supports the multi-person conference mode, but also can add and remove a communication node at will during the communication process. This ability to mix and match is obviously much better than this badge.

Finally, the biggest problem with this badge is that the communication distance of this thing is very short.

The game system currently imposes a lot of restrictions on the communication modes in traditional games commonly used in games, which are familiar guild channels, team channels, and friend calls.

In "Zero", the call between friends is currently in the form of letters instead of instant messaging. You can send text, voice or even video messages to your friends, but this process will be very slow . According to the actual distance between the two, the transmission time of a piece of information may exceed ten hours. Although the maximum limit is only twelve hours, after all, this kind of communication speed is really too slow. Unless it is a message, generally no one will use this thing.

As for the guild channel and team channel...this thing has been weakened in "Zero" very seriously. At present, the guild channel in the game is defined according to the guild level of each guild. The higher the guild level, the longer the transmission distance, and vice versa. Our guild ranks first in the world, but the communication distance of the guild channel is actually only about 8,500 meters. Other guilds are usually between 500 and 5,000 meters, except for those used on the battlefield. Issuing large-scale commands is basically useless. After all, the guild channel does not divide the frequency, that is, the entire guild is a channel, no matter who speaks in the channel, all the guild members in the vicinity of the coverage will hear this newsletter. If the president on the battlefield issued the order alone, it wouldn't matter. If everyone talked in it together, then basically everyone didn't want to listen to anything.

Not to mention the last team channel. The transmission distance of this thing is determined by the number of team members and the average value of the team members’ comprehensive battle strength. Basically, after ordinary players team up, the communication distance of this team channel will not exceed one hundred and fifty meters, and teams with a higher level will also It's about two hundred meters. Even if the elites of our guild hunt the squad, the communication distance within the team is only 300 meters. Of course, once before, I teamed up with Christina, Zhenhong, and gold coin. The communication distance has reached more than 780 meters, but the few of us are basically the strongest that can be formed on the battle strength list. There is a team, so it can be seen that the team channel can really only be used for propaganda during team battles.

Because of the very difficult to deal with that the system suppresses various traditional communication channels for players, everyone is thinking of ways to develop their own remote communication methods. The high-end ones are like our own guilds that develop their own communication equipment, and the weaker ones simply use the traditional method-flying pigeons. Anyway, small flying devil beasts in the game are not uncommon, and many people can be trained to deliver messages, except that the delivery time is a little slower, others are acceptable.

I’ve seen this badge of Nobunaga Ghost before. It seems to be invented by a small guild in a small country, but it’s a pity that the production technology that I don’t know how to do has spread. , And there is no patent protection in the game, so guilds with a certain production ability soon mastered the production method of this thing. It's just that because this thing has many shortcomings, everyone uses it occasionally, and not many guilds really use it as a battlefield command tool.

When I saw Nobunaga whispering over there, I didn’t know what to say to someone, so I wanted to interrupt his conversation in the past, but this guy Qiyehui Hyun was trying to interfere beside him, and On the other side, two Russian players ran over to cooperate with Seven Nights Resurrection, which made me really unable to rush through for a while. In desperation, I wanted the familiars that blocked ordinary players from the periphery of Summon to come back and help. As a result, I heard the communicator ringing in my ears before I did it.

"Hey boss, guess who shot down our spaceship just now?" The voice that appeared in the newsletter was from Masaga Matsumoto, and the kid sounded quite excited.

Because I wanted to talk to Masaka Matsumoto, I put aside the idea of ​​rushing over to make trouble, and I entangled with Nanya Huishou and the two Russian players who had just supported me. At the same time, I talked with Masaka Matsumoto. He said: "Is the gun god?"

"How did you know?" Matsumoto Masaka was obviously taken aback by me, because he had no idea how I guessed it.

I deliberately teased Matsumoto Masaga: "You didn’t tell me yet."

Matsumoto Masaka thought about what he said in confusion, and then asked me in a puzzled way. "When did I say that I was a gun god?"

"You want me to guess'who' instead of'what's,' the Frost Rose shot down, that means Frost Rose is Was hit by someone rather than a large weapon. At present, there is such a high damage output in the game, and the person who can fire from such a distance, I think after all, there is only one gunman, right?"

As I analyzed this way, Masaga Matsumoto had to you let me win. He really told me that he was the hand of the gun master. After all, any equipment is possible if you want to talk about equipment. Speaking of players...Although there are many players who are better than Gunslinger, it is estimated that Gunslinger is the only one who can sink the Frost Rose in a single blow.

"The boss is really the boss." Masaga Matsumoto took a picture of my flattery, and then asked: "Well, what are we going to do now? Do you need me to interfere or force the gun away God? If you need it, I will take action with the three of them. It is not impossible to kill the gun god."

"It’s not necessary. The gun god is supposed to take the job, as long as he Don’t mix into the battlefield on our side, it shouldn’t be a big problem."

"Damn, boss, you crow's mouth!" As soon as I finished speaking, Matsumoto Masaga called out, "Gun God I just packed my things and passed to the battlefield."

I was taken aback when I heard this report, and then glanced at Nobunaga Guishou and found that the other party had now ended the call. Needless to say, it is clear now that Guishou Nobunaga must have just contacted the Gun God to ask him to come for reinforcements. As for why it has been talked for so long...I guess it is still a matter of price. Although there is a basic price in the employment agreement, there is a limitation, that is, if the employer knows that the difficulty of the task exceeds the normal level, the price of the task needs to be negotiated separately, otherwise the hired person may not perform the obligation, and the system will not penalize it. When Guishou Nobunaga hired the Gun God guy before, it was certain that the part that directly confronted us was not included, otherwise I guess at first Gun God would not take this task. As for now...according to the system rules, as long as Nobunaga is willing to give a reasonable hire price, the gun god cannot withdraw halfway if he accepts the previous task, otherwise he will be punished by the system.

After the gunman got up and left the ambush and moved to the battlefield, a Japanese player next to Matsumoto Masaka nervously asked Matsumoto Masaka: "Matsumoto this Monarch, that guy is going The direction of the battlefield, should we follow?"

Masaga Matsumoto is not easy to make a decision at this time, because even if he goes to the battlefield, he doesn’t know who to help. Now we are here at the Frost Rose League. The group of people counted as one group, the group of people in his hand counted as one group, and the group of Nobunaga Guishou was counted as one group. The relationship between these three parties can be said to be tangled and complicated, and he himself is a bit confused about what to do. On the surface, they should be doing nothing now, sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight is best. But the problem is that Masaga Matsumoto and the others are our people, so this on the surface decision is obviously not in our actual interests, but if they openly help us from the Frost Rose League, it will conflict with their on the surface identity. , In this way, Matsumoto Masaga did not know who should help!

"Let me think about it first!" Matsumoto, who was a little confused, calmed down the men next to him, and then secretly asked me what to do in the communicator.

I also scratched my head a bit when I heard the gun god coming directly at us. The gun god is not afraid of singles out against me. His ranking on the battle strength list is not as high as me. In actual battles, I can indeed suppress him. The most important thing is that I have a lot of familiars. Once separated, his rifle can't fully deal with it. As long as any one of my familiars comes to him, there is basically no suspense about the outcome. However, the above is about heads-up. Gun God this guy's strongest ability is not singled out.

As a musketeer, the tactics of the gun god should be similar to the archer. When single-player battles, you should give priority to finding concealed objects, and then carry out long-range sniping, so that you can give full play to the high output and long-range advantages of the musket. In multiplayer battles, the archers use the method to let the team master go to the front and top the monsters. , And then they put a cold arrow in the back to close the head. The tactics of the Musketeer and Archer are similar, that is, the same second-line stance is used. As long as someone blocks the enemy in front, they can pour out their firepower to their heart's content.

The gun god can be said to be the strongest musketeer in the game, there is no one. In front of me, there are two Russian players who I don’t know about Ghostshou Nobunaga and Qiye Huixun. The four of them watched me so hard. The demons are all blocking the ghosts of Nobunaga’s men on the periphery. I am the only one to charge. Do not break the line of defense of four people. Although it seems that I still have the upper hand, once the gun god joins the battle, I who was trapped here can only be treated as a living target, and with the gun god’s damage output, even me, at most I can carry it hard. After three or five shots, various negative situations will appear.

Although I am very entangled, the decision is still to be decided. You can't let Matsumoto keep waiting, right? In desperation, I can only temporarily let Matsumoto Masaga and the others move to the vicinity of the battlefield before making a decision based on the situation. Of course, Matsumoto Masaka, who received the order, immediately led the crowd to the battlefield. But unlike Matsumoto Masaka’s idea, most of his people thought they were here and waited to sit back and become the fisherman. who sweeps the benefits. After all, with the exception of Matsumoto Masaka and a few spy players I arranged for him, most of Matsumoto Masaka's men are pure Japanese players. They didn't know that Matsumoto Masaka was from our Frost Rose League. In this case, these people of course hope that our fight with Nobunaga Guishou will be as violently as possible. It's best to fight all the people on both sides, and they will come out and pick up the ready-made ones.

Although the beam that used to attack the Frost Rose was shot from a considerable distance, the considerable distance was mainly for the attack distance. A range of seven or eight kilometers is definitely considered a super long-range attack, but in fact, for ground movement, this distance is simply not a big deal. Although the Gun God guy was carefully concealing his position all the way while moving, he quickly reached the vicinity of the battlefield. As for Matsumoto Masaga and the others, they arrived at almost the same time behind the Gun God.

After the two groups reached the periphery of the battlefield, they reacted differently. The people of Masaka Matsumoto were scattered and concealed immediately, while the gun god was still cautiously approaching the battlefield. When Masaka Matsumoto saw the gun god moving forward, he instructed a deputy who I arranged for him to lead the team temporarily and wait here, and then he and the three of them carefully followed the gun god a little bit. Approach the battlefield.

Soon, the gun god finally crawled to the edge of a big rock near the edge of the battlefield. Behind this rock are two players who are fighting. It can be said that this is already a battlefield. However, the gun god did not intend to sneak attack on either of the two players nearby. His goal is me, because there is only me worthy of his first attack on the battlefield. After all, he is still in a state of concealment, so his first shot is basically certain that no one can hide it, and once he fires a shot, everyone will notice him afterwards, and then they will change if they want to attack others. It's a lot more difficult. After all, people who are prepared are better off fighting without knowing it.

Although the gun god this guy surreptitiously touched this place, he didn't know that Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaun were actually behind him less than ten meters away. Seeing that the gun god cautiously opened the gun holder and started aiming, Masaga Matsumoto immediately reminded me in a low voice in the communicator: "Boss, pay attention, the gun god has begun to aim at you. He is now at your one o'clock direction, fifty meters away. The side of that big rock a few meters away. I'm behind another rock that is seven or eight meters away behind him."

"Good job, keep watching. I have seen his barrel."

Normally speaking, on this kind of battlefield, the barrel of the gun god hidden in the grass is almost impossible to be discovered. After all, he was still draped with a camouflage net, and the barrel itself did not stick out of the grass, only a trace of the muzzle could be vaguely seen in the gap between the blades of grass. However, under normal circumstances, no one would have been staring at the gap in the grass. If Matsumoto had not notified me of the location of the gun god in advance, I would not have seen him, but now that I know the location, I want to find the target. Much simpler.

Carefully adjusted the positions of Nobunaga and I and the others, deliberately let Nobunaga and Nanyakai stand between me and the gun god, so that he could not find a chance to fire. , And at the same time open the contact, directly connect the hearts of Rose Vine and Ye Yue. "Yazuki, the gun god is in this position, you sneak attack him from behind. Note that Masaga Matsumoto and August Kaun are behind the stone behind the gun god, don't accidentally hurt them. Rose vines passed under the ground, in Yeyue Before launching a surprise attack, first attack the gun god to attract his attention. Ye Yue, you take the opportunity to start."


"hmph, the sniper who exposed the location is also It’s just a living target."

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