Since I know what the Russian players are assembling, of course it is impossible for them to complete that thing. Directly command the flying birds moved towards where they are. The air brakes on the flying birds suddenly deployed at the same time just before they were in the air. It felt like they had hit a blocking net. The flying birds' speed suddenly stopped, followed by a sense of speed. Recovered, but at the same time Asuka's two jet thruster colleagues ejected two twisted air masses forward.

Because the air brakes of Asuka will make a huge noise, the Russian players below have already noticed our arrival. All kinds of long-range skills directly greeted them, but unfortunately Asuka’s sonic bomb was released early, and the opponent’s attack directly detonated the sonic bomb in advance. As a result, the opponent’s attack exploded directly on their own heads. Not only did the huge shock wave not affect my path forward, but it forced them to temporarily cover their head and face to avoid injury, and just when they took their arms away from their faces, they just happened to see that they had never been completely The scattered flames rushed out, slammed on the ground with a huge impact, and directly trampled two Russian players to the ground. The huge wind pressure brought down by my colleague’s wings due to deceleration also brought down the nearby seven or eight. All individuals blow up.

I have just landed on my side and have not had time to attack. The gang of reinforcements that Nobunaga found on the ground has already been overturned a dozen, and the rest are incapable of being pressured by the huge wind. I didn't cover my eyes with my hands again, but when they took them away, I had already rushed to the side of the assembling machine and kicked it up.

Along with a loud explosion sound, I kicked an equipment part that was placed on the ground before it was assembled. At least half a ton of parts flew out diagonally like a ball. Incidentally, he overturned an opponent player.

Several players who were assembling equipment were taken aback when they saw this situation, but I didn’t care what they thought, and didn’t make any pause at all. The key equipment is a punch. The sharp claws pierced the shell of the device and went deep into the interior. I even felt a small explosion inside, and as my claws were pulled out, I actually brought out a section of the circuit that I didn't know.

It wasn’t until I pulled my hand out of this device that the surrounding Japanese players reacted and started to pounce on the rescue, but unfortunately this device has been damaged and a major component is missing, and I don’t know what to do. According to my understanding of magic equipment, most of the equipment that has lost two parts can no longer be used. Of course, I will not leave it until I am sure that this thing must be scrapped.

Looking at the Japanese players who rushed up, I didn’t pay any attention to them. I raised my hand to grab a piece of equipment that was being assembled next to it, and slammed it at the Japanese player who rushed up. The Japanese player on the opposite side thought Hiding, but suddenly remembered that this thing is very important, so I temporarily forcibly stopped and flew to rescue. Unfortunately, my strength was too great. Although the guy touched the equipment part, he couldn't stop the thing from moving forward. As a result, he hit the ground with people and made a loud noise. Although there was no damage on the outside of the equipment part, it was so big. It is estimated that the internal structure will be somewhat affected.

After destroying three devices in a row, the Russian players also reacted and rushed up to stop my sabotage, but I beckoned directly to the blockbuster Death God and the guards rushed out and entangled the opponent. Together. Although the opponent's people can play against Death God guards and still have the upper hand, the problem is that the comparison of the number of Death God guards on my side and theirs is more than one to three. The number of Death God guards here is over 10,000. There are only a few dozen of them on my side. Even if one of us spit on them, they would drown them.

Death God guards blocked the players outside, so I focused on destroying the equipment. In the face of eternity, all items are tofu dregs, and these things are all broken into pieces if you take a few swords. After fixing the rags here, I went to the fake super weapon core over there. Although I actually want to get the communication terminal first, but because our layout is like this, in order to be more realistic, I must first get the fake core. After all, the staff in the Guishou Nobunaga This thing is the most important thing in understanding, and if I go to get the communication terminal first, someone with a heart may find some clues in it, so I have to do a full set of dramas, and I must first recover the fake core.

The core that we temporarily drove out is actually not small in size. After I walked over, I didn’t put this thing away directly, but raised my hand and pressed it on a special position of this thing. At once, the shell immediately following that core automatically opened a window. This thing is part of our original design, the purpose is to make this thing more realistic, but this is a backup plan, I didn't know if it was necessary at the beginning, didn't expect it is really used now.

After this small window opened, I put a hand in it and touched a square object. Pinch this thing and pull it out, pulling out a long strip of item directly from the window. The structure of this item looks a bit like an integrated circuit board, but the difference is that the integrated circuit is flat, but this thing is three-dimensional, its four sides are all inserted with densely packed structural components, and there are also There is a large red magic crystal inlaid on it. The position I just held is actually a controller, and it also has the function of a handle. If you don't grab this thing, you won't be able to pull it out at all.

After I pulled out the three-dimensional circuit board, which was about a foot and a half long, the people around Nobunaga went crazy immediately. When they saw the thing I pulled out, they knew that it must be the core of the core, and it belongs to the kind of absolutely important thing. After all, as the president of the Frost Rose League, I am also number one in the world battle strength list. My own things must be very busy, but in this case, I will make a special trip to recover this core, which shows that this thing is definitely not ordinary. item, otherwise it will definitely not be necessary for me to make a special trip to be so exaggerated.

Those ghosts of Nobunaga are very excited when they see this thing, but it’s useless if they can’t rush to come, but they can’t rush. There are so many Death God guards. Although many Death God guards have been killed, it’s a pity that the Death God guards on my side appear one after another as if they can’t kill them at all. Although they are struggling to kill, the effect is really only It can be said that it is almost zero.

Glanced with contempt at the players who were rushing forward, I directly took the core in my hand and walked to the communicator on the other side. The Japanese and Russian players around me were immediately more excited when I saw this action. Unfortunately, they didn't make any progress except for the excitement, and simply couldn't interfere with my action.

After walking straight to the communicator over there, I deliberately pretended to rotate around this thing twice, then checked around this thing, and took out a crystal tube to take a look. In fact, I know the general structure of this communicator very well, and I even know the working principle and assembly location of most of the parts of this thing, but the problem is that this thing was snatched from Matsumoto Masaka by Nobunaga oni. Therefore, I can't come up now and show a very familiar appearance, or I will be exposed. What I can do is to pretend to study it first. As for whether it will be dismantled and taken away or destroyed, it is all after the study.

In order to act like a portrait, I also brought Ling Ling out to summon to help me research the device together, because there are introductions on the forums outside, and most players know that Ling is my favorite. In the middle is the existence of equivalent to Second Finger officers and think tanks, and the players on those forums also analyzed most of Ling's abilities by investigating Ling's life experience information.

In fact, this also proves in disguise that the background story in the game "Zero" is set very rigorously. After all, other players can directly obtain Ling Ling through some other channels without removing Ling Ling’s existence. Information such as previous experience can be summarized to infer Ling’s abilities. This in itself is a combination of background information. If you only set simple background information like other games, other players like Ling’s attributes will definitely be unable to follow. Obtained by the way.

Because everyone knows that Ling is an erudite Goddess, I asked Ling to come out and help me study this communicator to be more convincing.

After watching this thing for a few seconds, the two of us pretended to communicate while talking and began to play with the device. In fact, we were taking the opportunity to move several important parts inside the communicator. Now even if Nobunaga can take this device directly, he can study the probability of our communicator information is very small, because the dismantling process I just now has actually disrupted the communication coordination system of this device, which seems to be right. If the hard disk of a computer is physically destroyed, even if you have the ability to recover data, you will never get complete information.

We are pretending to disassemble this thing to study the general purpose of this thing. Suddenly we saw a chaos in the crowd outside, and then a white light flashed by, my Death God guards and those surrounding them All of the reinforcements of Nobunaga's ghosts were blown out at once. I was in the encirclement and appeared on the battlefield all at once, and the crowd blocked in the periphery was punched through a gap.

The explosion just ended here, and two people rushed in from the gap, but they fired an energy attack on each other before they even came in front of me, and then they saw one of them directly outwards. Flew out, and another person rushed to my neighborhood.

When this person entered near me, I realized that the guy who fell in was actually Nobunaga Onizu. As for the one who flew out... it seemed to be Masaga Matsumoto.

Guishou Nobunaga, who just ran in, also had a big somersault. After he jumped up from the ground, he immediately became the state of my big eyes staring at small eyes. We both froze for a moment, and then suddenly reacted together. I kicked away the communicator parts beside me and jumped in front of Nobunaga Onizu, and Nobunaga Onizu also reached out to touch the saber around my waist.

Guishou Nobunaga, who was about to draw his sword, touched his waist and felt empty. After looking down in amazement, he quickly turned his head, and found that his sword was lying in a fight with Masaka Matsumoto just now. That place was obviously defeated in the battle just now. However, there was no time to pick it up at this time. He simply rolled over and changed positions with me and ran directly to the communicator. Guishou Nobunaga, who got up again from the ground, saw that Ling was next to him, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab Ling as a hostage.

Although it’s unreliable to use a pet as a hostage, it is generally recognized on the outside forums that Ling should be a very special existence among my pets, plus Ling itself is Master, melee combat should be relatively weak, so Guishou Nobunaga wants to control Ling first, even if it can't threaten me, at least it can reduce my battle strength. But...

Guishou Nobunaga did succeed in grabbing Ling's wrist, but what happened afterwards suddenly turned a corner, which was completely two results from what he had planned before.

Ling, who was suddenly grasped by his wrist, did not struggle, but instead put his other hand up, grasping Nobunaga's wrist and pressing his hand on his own. Going up, then Ling turned around and slammed over the shoulder while Guishou Nobunaga's surprised gaze, slammed Guishou Nobunaga to the ground on the opposite side. With a bang, Nobunaga Guishou was stunned. But it's not over yet. The ghost hand Nobunaga, who was just thrown away, didn't understand what was going on, and suddenly felt that the belt was caught by someone, and then the whole person vacated again, flipped 720 degrees in the air, and then became flat. Falling to the ground again, and then two consecutive stamping attacks followed by an elbow, and finally flying again without knowing what happened.

I don’t know the ghost hand Nobunaga of East, South, West, North who was completely beaten. Until he was rescued by his comrade who had just arrived, he still felt his head muddy. I thought it was just It's just a prisoner, who knows that a human tyrannosaurus was actually caught. If it weren't for the protection of Divine Race's body, it would have been half-life.

In fact, Nobunaga Onishu is a typical result of not doing his homework. In fact, Ling's melee ability is not weak, but very strong. This is not a secret. It has been written on many forums, but many people don't believe it.

The reason why there are speculations about Ling's strong melee ability in those forums is also based on the investigation of Ling's life experience. According to a historical record of the European Dark God Palace, the Dark God Palaces all over the world are all branches of the European Dark God Palace, after which they were separated independently. As the Dark Goddess, it must be the high level unit of Dark God Palace, and who are those high level units of Dark God Palace? Who can there be in Dark God Palace? The undead, demons, and fallen angels are nothing more than these Dark Element creatures.

After some investigation, a boring player finally found out that Ling's identity should be a demon, and it is a very powerful branch of the demon family-Demon Lord.

In the game setting of "Zero", the Demon Lord is not the high level form of the demon, but a special classification in the demon classification, which refers to a special type of demon. This kind of demons are born with the same battle strength as high angels, and this is only a natural ability. If they have undergone some learning and training in the later stage, the battle strength can still shoot straight.

Although Ling obviously took the direction of legal system ability, it was just like what the information said. Demon Lord has the battle strength like a high angel at birth, and this battle strength does not refer to the legal system attack ability, but the melee ability.

As the Demon Lord, Ling's physical fitness is already very scary, not to mention that she has reached the Goddess level, which means that her ability has reached the peak state of the demon. Even if such a demon doesn't use spell, its physical fitness alone can explode many creatures.

Although Guishou Nobunaga is a melee type, it is a pity that he still underestimates Ling's melee ability as a demon. As a result, because of underestimating the enemy, this idiot was directly caught by Ling and beaten up. If it hadn't been for the resurrected Iron-armed Steel Bear, Seven Nights Resurrection and the timely arrival of the mummy, he would have been KO directly by Ling.

"Just...what happened just now?" The rescued Guishou Nobunaga looked at the iron-armed steel bear who saved him with an unfathomable mystery and asked.

The iron-armed steel bear supported him and said: "You were beaten by that woman, just like a sandbag!"

After listening to this, Nobunaga was stunned for a while. Then it suddenly reacted: "Damn, I forgot that the woman is Archfiend!"

"Hey, can you still fight now?" Qiye Huihun asked.

Guishou Nobunaga felt his body and said: "Fortunately, although there is a lot of blood loss, they are all superficial wounds. Taking some medicine will quickly restore battle strength."

"That's not bad!" Qiye Huihun nodded, then looked at the situation over there and said: "We have a small number of personnel now, and the three parties are fighting again. Should we snatch that thing?"

"It's all done like this. If you don't want it, you didn't do it for nothing?" After Nobunaga said, he looked at the situation on the battlefield and found that I was playing against Matsumoto Masaka. Most of the other people are fighting with Akatsuki and the others, while the remaining Nobunaga Oniji are fighting with my summon creature. Anyway, the three-way melee fights are not open to each other.

Actually, I don't want to fight Matsumoto Masaka. After all, we are our own, so I think it's safe to get things back quickly. It's a pity that Nobunaga Onishu and so many players from Japan, Russia, and South Korea are in the vicinity. We can't join forces at all, so what we can do now is to pretend and fool those people for a while.

Onitou Nobunaga is actually very entangled here. On the one hand, he hopes that the battle between Masaka Matsumoto and I will consume the strength of both sides. After all, both sides are enemies to him, and he is happy on either side. . However, on the other hand, he doesn’t want us to play against each other, because this means that the communicator and the core I just took out may be taken away by me or Matsumoto Masaka, so now Nobunaga Oni is also very entangled. , I don’t know if I should take part in the battle at this time.

The three-way melee on our side is playing lively, I suddenly felt a strong energy fluctuation appearing far away from us, and Matsumoto Masaka who was fighting with me was also immediately with me. Away from the distance, he looked at the direction from which the energy wave came.

This energy fluctuation is very far away from us, at least ten kilometers away for sure, but such a strong energy fluctuation can be felt at this distance, which shows how powerful this energy fluctuation is, and this energy The volatility is currently increasing, and it seems that it will explode at any time.

"Who is preparing a big move from such a distance?" Ling frowned and asked, standing on the ground.

In fact, Masaga Matsumoto and I have the same doubts, because the skills of players at such a distance basically cannot interfere with the battlefield here, which means that the energy fluctuations over there are probably not aimed at Ours, after all, is too far away, and general skills will definitely not reach us.

However, just after we made the speculation that another battlefield appeared elsewhere, we suddenly felt the energy fluctuations over there jump suddenly, and then we saw far away A bright line of light purple appeared in the area. This bright line was fast, flying from the sky in the blink of an eye, and then hit the side of the Frost Rose in our astonished eyes.

Just as the beam hit the side of the Frost Rose, a golden mask suddenly lit up around the Frost Rose, followed by a burst of violent flashes and thunderous explosions. . The body of the Frost Rose was pushed horizontally by a beam of light for several tens of meters in the air, and the mask on its outer shell was also flickering. After the beam was continuously irradiated for about seven or eight seconds, a crack suddenly appeared on the photomask, and then the crack began to spread to the surrounding area. We can all see that the cracks on the photomask quickly covered the entire photomask.

As the cracks spread, the flicker frequency of the mask began to become unstable, and the beam over there did not even mean to end. The continuous irradiation of the light beam lasted until the 30th second. Suddenly we all heard a sound like glass breaking, and countless golden light particles exploded in the air. The mask that wrapped the periphery of the Frost Rose collapsed. The scattered fragments disintegrated in the air into countless golden light particles that fell to the ground, and the light beam was directly directed at the body of the Frost Rose after losing the barrier of the mask.

Boom... accompanied by a different explosion sound, the beam hits the side of the hull directly, but at first it did not penetrate directly, but kept hitting on the side of the Frost Rose And a lot of flames were excited, but this process only lasted for seven or eight seconds before there was a change. The armor plate on the side of the battleship was finally unable to resist the erosion of this powerful attack, and finally lost its defensive ability after ten seconds of persistence, and was directly penetrated. The huge explosion sound accompanied by flames gushing out from the penetrated hole. The Frost Rose made a wailing metal twisting sound and began to fall downward. However, the beam reached its limit at this time, began to gradually narrow, and finally disappeared completely after two or three seconds.

Although the light beam has completely disappeared, the big hole in the center of the Frost Rose’s side can’t be plugged. Thick smoke and flames gush out from the hole, and Frost The Rose is still falling slowly. But fortunately, although the Frost Rose is falling, it obviously still has power, because it did not drop directly from the sky, but moved to the left and front while doing a uniform decline. It is obvious that the power system is still resisting the center of the earth. The effect of gravity, otherwise a spaceship of this size would lose its power directly, and it would fall to pieces in less than five seconds.

The falling Frost Rose dragged thick smoke across the battlefield with everyone's surprised eyes, and then hit the ground with one head. The huge hull crashed to the ground, causing the entire ground to tremble violently as if an earthquake occurred. After the bow of the spaceship hit the ground, it was like a huge bulldozer pushing the dirt on the ground all the way to slide forward. In the end, the huge hull of the ship just plowed a large ditch of 700 to 800 meters on the ground. After hitting a hill, it stopped completely after the top of the hill was completely flattened.

Looking at the Frost Rose that fell to the ground, almost everyone on our side had eye socket cracked, and Masaga Matsumoto and Kazutsukaru also looked at the picture in amazement not knowing what to do .

The current situation can be said to be extremely bad. It is meaningless to continue acting to recycle the communicator. The top priority is to rescue the Frost Rose. The technical content of this big guy is many times more expensive than that of the communicator.

"August Xun, Ying Yu Shen Hina, Chi Fire Dragon Hime, go!" Masaka Matsumoto yelled decisively, and then ran away while informing other people who followed him to evacuate.

Although I don’t know why Matsumoto Masaka runs at this time, Matsumoto Masaka is the leader after all. The Japanese players who followed him immediately turned around and ran after hearing Matsumoto Masaka’s order. I got out of the battle, and the people on my side were all stunned by the fall of the Frost Rose, so there was no one to stop Masaga Matsumoto and the others from leaving.

Matsumoto Masaka and the people he brought quickly left the battlefield without any hindrance, and Nobunaga Onihand and their people became the only people left on the scene, but... they are now Also realized that it might be worse.

Before, I was only competing for the communicator, and in the understanding of Nobunaga Onihand, I didn't know the purpose of this thing, so I was the only one here with a spaceship. However, everyone knows that the spaceship of our guild is a very important resource, and the appearance of the Frost Rose is so public, that it is swearing that she is special. Such a spaceship has actually fallen to the ground in Japan. How do you think our guild will react? Obviously I am the only one who is impossible to fight here, because a spaceship represents too many things.

In fact, although Matsumoto Masaka did not explain what he turned and ran away, in fact, many Japanese players who followed him had already thought of Matsumoto Masaka’s intentions, so they did not disobey or blame Matsumoto Masaka. the meaning of. Of course, in fact, the real reason for Matsumoto's departure was not because the Japanese players thought. They thought that Masaka Matsumoto had predicted the crazy revenge after our guild and did not want to make unnecessary sacrifices, so they let them leave. But what they don't know is that Masaka Matsumoto is actually ours, so of course I am impossible to take revenge on Masaka Matsumoto. There are actually two reasons why Matsumoto Masaka wants to leave.

First, Frost Rose fell to the ground. I must protect Frost Rose from invasion and even repair it and leave. For this reason, I definitely can't continue to entangle with them in acting here, so Masaga Matsumoto simply left, so that things can be made clearer and I can take action later.

Secondly, Masaga Matsumoto wanted to figure out what happened to the beam just now.

The Frost Rose fell to the ground, and it would take time for the guild’s reinforcements to come over, so I definitely can’t do it right now. I must guard the Frost Rose here. However, the light beam just now can penetrate the protective shield of the Frost Rose, and even shoot it down. This formidable power and range are too scary. To allow such a weapon to exist, but we do not know it, it is a bit too dangerous. Therefore, the second purpose of Matsumoto's departure is to see how the attack came from, whether it was the player’s skills or what large equipment, or some kind of powerful NPC intervention. Anyway, to figure out that thing. source.

It can be said that this decision of Masaga Matsumoto is very correct and very timely, and because he has a reasonable explanation for both of these things, this will not reveal our relationship.

As soon as Masaga Matsumoto left, I knew his intentions, so I didn't have to worry too much. Although the fall of the Frost Rose surprised me, it is not a time to be surprised in this case. The first task now is to protect the Frost Rose from being invaded by the Nobunaga gang of Ghosts. A communicator is only a small loss. If the technology on the Frost Rose is robbed, it will be a huge loss. Of course, it is not so easy for Nobunaga Guishou and the others to invade the Frost Rose. Although the Frost Rose has fallen to the ground now, the weapon system on it seems to still be able to work, because it is still shooting nearby Japanese players, so the Frost Rose is currently only

I can't move, it's not really losing battle strength.

"Ling." I yelled back and then took off directly to the Frost Rose, while Ling knew how to turn around. A large blasting spell directly blasted the communicator that had been disassembled into parts on the ground. It was covered with fragments, and before the attack, she had taken down several of them with the same water crystal pillars.

In fact, the really valuable things in this communication exchange hub are the few crystal pillars that Ling removed. This thing is only produced in the seabed in the deep sea, so the output is very high. Low, the mining difficulty is also relatively high. Except for this thing, the remaining materials are just ordinary crystals. Although it cannot be said to be cheap, it is not a major event for our guild. Before that time, we wanted to get it back intact, but now in this situation, how can I have time to manage those? After getting the most important thing, the rest of the matter was just blasted away.

After blowing up the communication terminal, Ling picked up the camouflage core on the ground smoothly, and then flew straight up, chasing me, and flew towards the Frost Rose.

Ghost Nobunaga and the others were also stunned for a while after seeing the Frost Rose fall, but the expressions on their faces were not surprised, but rather weird. Obviously, Guishou Nobunaga knew something about the beam that shot down the Frost Rose, but his expression indicated that the Frost Rose was shot down should be slightly different from their previous plan.

Although I feel that this matter is also a headache, but the Frost Rose falling here is an opportunity after all, so Nobunaga and the others did not hesitate to clear the goal-to break into the spaceship to snatch the technology. .

After Guishou Nobunaga's order was issued, the people around Guishou Nobunaga started to move quickly, and our battle strength quickly formed a melee with them, but because of Guishou Nobunaga and the others have several high-level personnel, but I am the only one on my side. After being dragged by Qiye Huijing and Iron-armed Steel Bear, I can't take care of other places. Although my demon also stopped the mummy and Nobunaga Demon, but the opponent still has a few experts who fought Matsumoto and the others before. Now because of the departure of August Kaoru and Masaga Matsumoto, these people have no opponents, so they start to attack the Frost Rose. My familiars have to deal with ordinary elite players, so they want to intercept them. This player feels a little bit powerless. Thanks to the Frost Rose’s own defensive artillery, almost all players who attempted to invade were greeted by the artillery fiercely, and now they can only wander outside looking for opportunities.

However, I know this is not a long-term solution, because the artillery fire on the Frost Rose is not meant to deal with a single player after all. Just like the way in modern warfare, artillery fire only serves the purpose of suppressing and weakening the opponent. In the end, the small formidable power combat weapon like guns is needed to clean up the active force. The same is true in the game. The artillery fire on the battleship can only be suppressed. In the end, we still need the participation of our ground combat units to kill these players. But the problem is that all the ground units on our side are fighting, and there is no more power to intercept those people.

Although the fighting on both sides is very lively, but we both know that we can’t tell the outcome based on the current battle strength. It is the reinforcements that determine the victory. Now it depends on whose reinforcements we are. Whoever comes first, the victory will belong to. However, it is really hard to say whose reinforcements will arrive first.

Our guild has strong mobility and moves quickly, but the Japanese are close after all, so it’s hard to say who will arrive first.

"Damn it, how could this happen!" While attacking Qiyehui Hun and Iron Armed Steel Bear, I contacted the communication room on the Frost Rose. "Report your situation, what is the loss? Can spaceship still move?"

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