"The communication core is up ahead of the ship."

"I have seen it." When I heard the communication from the other side, I saw the front of the Frost Rose There was a large area of ​​smoking scorched earth on the ground, where many people gathered in a melee. Some of them were players from the guild, some were mobile angels, and of course, more were people from Nobunaga ghosts, and ghosts. There are not only a large number of people in Nobunaga but also a lot of equipment. These people don't seem to be completely separated from the battlefield just now, and there are also many support personnel mixed in them. Compared with the group of people who had just withdrawn from the battlefield, these people were obviously better in terms of their mental outlook and equipment. Moreover, these reinforcements that arrived later were still armed with heavy weapons, and it was obvious that they had come prepared.

I don't care too much about the weapons these people carry. Although they carry heavy equipment, those things can only deal with ordinary players. We have the Frost Rose supporting it in the sky, so when it comes to heavy weapons, we still have the upper hand. Besides, the heavy weapons brought by those people don't seem to be left.

Compared with ordinary players, the heavy weapons brought by these people are obviously more threatening to the Frost Rose, so the Frost Rose is also targeted to the heavy weapons over there. The premature destruction. The burnt marks and piles of burning objects I just saw are actually the wreckage of heavy weapons, but at present, most of these wrecks have been burned so that they are completely invisible, and the remaining heavy weapons are basically all It's a little thing, it's useless against aerial targets like the Frost Rose.

In addition to the people fighting on both sides, I also saw a group of multinational mixed players on the ground. These people should be Nobunaga ghosts because their equipment is messy. Although the guild members of our Frost Rose League are organized in multiple countries, in fact they are mainly composed of Chinese people. The number of players in other countries is relatively small, and there are many Japanese players in our guild, so usually Most of the players in our guild look like Asian faces. In contrast, the following group of more than mixed players are obviously predominantly white, so it can be determined that it is not the organization of our guild.

This group of people is currently being divided into two parts, most of them formed two lines of defense on the periphery, and did not directly participate in the melee between the two sides. Even if someone from our guild broke through the War Zone and rushed to their side, they would be intercepted immediately, and then they would be fired, and in the end they would either be killed or had to retreat temporarily.

In addition to these two circles of people from the periphery, there are about a dozen people in this group of mixed players who are busy in these two lines of defense. It seems that they are combining some kind of equipment, but the volume of this thing is a little bit big, so even if there are more than a dozen people working together, they can't finish this thing right away. As for the snatched communicator and the core of our forged super weapon, they are all piled up next to the equipment being assembled in the center.

The formation of the opponent can actually be said to be very strange, because their peripheral personnel have actually intercepted our pursuit troops, which means that those inside actually did not Entangled by the people in our guild, they did not run away with the communicator and the fake core, but were busy assembling the equipment here.

This situation makes me feel very confused, but I also have my own guesses. Judging from the situation at the scene, 80% of these people are assembling some kind of Spatial Teleportation equipment, and this equipment is most likely to have the ability to forcibly transmit through the breakthrough space barrier.

It is quite normal to have such a speculation. The situation is obvious now. Although the players and mobile angels of our guild were blocked by the opponent's personnel, the problem is that the actual main force on our side is not those players and mobile angels, but the Frost Rose in the sky. As an aerial battleship, the speed of Frost Rose obviously surpasses the movement speed of most flying creatures. In fact, as far as I know, apart from our guild’s own guardian long spear, there is no devil beast that can fly faster than the Frost Rose.

Because speed is not dominant, the Japanese below understand that even if they are the players and mobile angels who blocked our guild, they can’t run away, because once they start running, Frost Rose The number will inevitably chase, and their two legs will definitely not be able to run the spaceship in the sky. As for flying...that kind of thing is basically the same as suicide. The aerial battleship of our guild is above their heads, which means that we have absolute air superiority at this time. In this case, rushing into the air is nothing more than creating a target for us.

Since you can't run, you can't run directly. Of course, under normal circumstances, you can only play if you can't run, but the problem is that the high level players that Nobunaga found are all behind. Here are some of the more powerful players among ordinary players, although they are also elite. But it is obviously not enough to deal with huge monsters like the Frost Rose, so they can block our members and mobile angels, but it is basically impossible to defeat us.

You can’t run, but you can’t fight and win. The only method that Japanese players can choose is to teleport and leave. However, transmission is not so simple and can be achieved.

Whether it is the large communication hub of our guild or the forged super weapon core, it is all guild equipment, which means that it cannot be placed in a private storage space. No matter what type of existence this space is, these guild equipment cannot be put into it. And because these devices cannot be placed in the storage space, Transmission Scroll will certainly not be able to send these things away, so they can only arrange Transmission Formation or Transmission Gate.

However, although the arrangement of Transmission Formation is not a hassle for them, don’t forget that the Frost Rose of our guild is on top of them.

Many people may wonder why the Frost Rose cannot be teleported in them? In fact, this reason has existed since our guild was not equipped with an aerial battleship.

In the naval battle, in order to expand the results of the battle and prevent the opponent’s crew from teleporting to other battleships when the ship is about to sink or simply return to the city to escape casualties, the battleship of our guild gradually began to develop into teleportation during the battle. Habits of jammers. With the interference of this shielding device, the opponent cannot use Transmission Formation and Transmission Scroll during naval battles, so that after we sink an enemy ship, at least a large group of people will be buried with the opponent. After all, if the battleship cannot be sent away, all crew members will be punished with a compulsory blood deduction of 75% when the battleship sinks. In addition, after the battleship sinks, even if the player is equipped with a helmet with breathing function, he will still be forced to deduct his blood in the sea. This is actually a mandatory requirement in naval battles, because if it is not set in this way, the casualty rate of players in naval battles will be very low. After all, there are many helmets with underwater breathing function in the game, so players know they want This kind of helmet will definitely be prepared when going to sea, so that it is almost impossible to drown people.

So, in order to increase the severity of naval battles, the system stipulates that when the battleship sinks during naval battles, its own personnel, including transported non-battleship personnel, will all be forced to deduct blood, and then fall into the water. He will continue to deduct blood at a certain speed until he gets ashore or finds another ship to climb up.

This setting determines after the battleship sinks. Few people on this ship will survive. After all, naval battles are generally impossible on the shore, and most of them are very far from the shore, so it is almost impossible to swim back by yourself. As for boarding your own battleship... it sounds easy, but in fact it is basically impossible. Unless one owns an absolute advantage, the battleship of both sides must be in high-speed maneuvering during the battle. How can the speed of the player in the water catch up with the battleship? Since the battleship of one's own side has to exercise constantly, so there is no time to save people. In this way, it is simply impossible to get on the battleship of one's own side. Unless you are good luck, and there is a battleship of yours passing by you, simply don't expect to be able to climb it up.

For this reason, the use of teleportation shields in naval battles has become a habit of our guilds, and other guilds and our guilds also realized this thing after they fought naval battles. Because of the necessity of existence, everyone began to equip their own battleships with shields, and finally it became that as long as the battleships were qualified, they would be equipped with teleportation shields.

Because everyone has this thing, those Japanese players don’t even have to try to know that there must be this thing on our Frost Rose, so even if they make a temporary Transmission Formation here, Obviously impossible to accomplish the purpose of transporting away the communicator and the fake core.

However, although the general Transmission Formation cannot be used in this case, there is another thing in the game called "Tear Space Transmission Array". The difference between this kind of Transmission Formation and general Transmission Formation is that it can still complete the transmission with a shield, but this transmission can only be transmitted from a high-shielding area to a low-shielding area. To put it bluntly, it can be transmitted from a place closer to the jammer and farther from it, but not vice versa.

Of course, although this kind of Transmission Formation can resist the shielding device, its energy consumption will be several times that of ordinary Transmission Formation, and this kind of transmission is very unstable and the failure rate is very high. In addition, the cost of this device itself is also very considerable. It can be said that it is a slightly tasteless device. Basically, not many guilds will use this thing. After all, investment and return are not proportional.

Although there are many problems with this thing, this situation is now very suitable for the use of this thing, and the group of foreign aid from Nobunaga Onitaka seems to be preparing to send away the communicator and the fake core together. However, now that I am here, their plan is impossible.

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