"Report your situation, how is the loss? Can spaceship still be moved?"

The Frost Rose’s communication room received my inquiry Then immediately replied: “We don’t know what’s going on for the time being. The damage management side reported that the first defensive wall and the blockade compartment were directly penetrated, and the seventh and eighth mobile angel warehouses were penetrated. Fortunately, The mobile angels in the two cabins have been dropped out in advance and are now empty. In addition, the outer ring corridor of the battleship ruptured the defensive wall and there were many fires, but the nearby fire sluices have fallen, and the fire has temporarily been suppressed in some areas."< /p>

"Is there only these losses? Isn't the Frost Rose so casual? It's just that a warehouse and a protective wall break and lose the ability to fly?"

"no no no, these are The damage we currently know is that it can be confirmed that the No. 1 main power room was affected, but the damage is unknown. However, it can be confirmed that the solar furnace did not explode. We currently have 38.5 percent of the power, but we can’t maintain the altitude. Falling to the ground. In addition, fires and explosions must have damaged some control lines. Our steering system also has some problems. At present, the spaceship will continue to turn left as long as it is started. Other damages are temporarily unclear."

"Okay, I get it. You can figure out the damage first and then notify me. I will help you block the intruders outside."

"Wait for the president, don't cut off the communication." I am preparing Cut off the communication, and suddenly heard the correspondent over there yelling for me not to hang up.

"What else?"

"The captain asks if you need to activate the secret weapon. If the secret weapon joins the battle, our safety can be ensured. Now."

"There are secret weapons on the Frost Rose?"

"Yes, because it is a hidden equipment, I have never used it, but now this situation..."

"You don’t need to hide it, just start it. Oh, right, what’s the attack method of this weapon? It won’t be accidentally injured, right?"

"Don’t worry, the president, this The secret weapon can be recognized by the enemy and me."

Just after I agreed to unlock the secret weapon, the Frost Rose, crooked on the ground, suddenly uttered a long buzzing sound, which sounded a lot like It is the siren on the ship, the sound is very loud and dull, and the duration is very long. With the sound of the whistle, a large piece of armor plate suddenly split into three parts on the side of the rear deck of the Frost Rose. The upper part of the side armor was lifted up together with a part of the top deck, while the lower part of the armor was divided into left and right halves and contracted to the sides to the inside of the armor plates on both sides.

Immediately after the three armor plates were unfolded, a fairly large enclosed cabin was exposed in the rear left area of ​​the Frost Rose, and as this cabin unfolded, there was a lot of mechanical equipment splicing combination. And moved faster and faster. In fact, because the equipment was completely folded in the cabin before, it was impossible to tell what it was, but when it came out of the cabin and fully unfolded, everyone on the scene was stunned.

"hey hey hey, is this a foul?" A Russian player looked at the huge monster that was fully unfolded in front of him and couldn't help but cried.

A Japanese player next to him also swallowed his mouth: "Don’t play it like this? Is this going to shoot Vajra? The technical force of the Frost Rose League is too strong, right?"

Although the people around are noisy, this does not affect the giant equipment that has just emerged from the Frost Rose. No, this thing is not suitable to be called a giant device, because it is completely human. Apart from being particularly huge, this thing looks like a heavy metal robot that is so cool that it has no place on its body. There is no sturdy breath, even if you don't move, standing there will make people feel like their legs are soft.

"Hey hey hey, is this the secret weapon you are talking about?" After seeing the huge monster like a super robot, I quickly shouted in the communicator.

The correspondent on the opposite side replied calmly: "Yes, this is the secret weapon on the Frost Rose-the giant Divine Weapon."

"This thing is called the giant Divine Weapon. "

"Although the name has been changed, it is basically a huge super-heavy mobile angel." The correspondent explained: "The control core is the same artificial soul as the mobile angel, but it is more complicated. The transmission system uses a hybrid technology of magic machinery and magic image technology, and the power core is a small solar furnace, which is engraved with a large number of defense arrays and super magic weapons. Although the speed is relatively slow, it is destructive. The power is absolutely top-notch."

"Do you study this? The technical information is so familiar?"

"I also work part-time as a tactical guide for the giant Divine Weapon, so I did some homework."

"Okay, I see, let the thing come here quickly. The other party has too many experts, and we are a bit busy here!"

"I will be there soon."< /p>

Following the correspondent's words, the giant Divine Weapon that just stood up from the Frost Rose finally started to move slowly, but this thing did not come directly, but was in place as if doing preparatory activities. After moving the joints of the body, this guy strode towards us after completing a set of movements.

The height of this giant Divine Weapon is between 48 meters and 50 meters. It is nearly 20 meters in one step. It looks like the pace is not fast, but the speed is very exaggerated. . It feels like that guy arrived near us without taking a few steps, and then the surrounding Japanese and Russian players moved. Most people try to stay away from this thing as much as possible, while some experts rushed up hoping to get rid of this big guy. However, just when the ghosts of Nobunaga charged bravely, the giant Divine Weapon started first.

Originally, I and Nobunaga Ghost thought that the giant Divine Weapon would use physical attacks. After all, this thing is an enlarged version of the mobile angel, although our guild is already very high-end in the level of mechanical lifeform manufacturing. , But it is still very difficult to use magic with inanimate objects. It can be said that our mobile angels are still a combat unit based on physical attacks. Therefore, based on experience, most constructed creatures should be physically attacking. However, the giant Divine Weapon in front of him is not from the Department of Physics.

Just when the ghosts of Nobunaga were about to rush to the giant Divine Weapon, the giant Divine Weapon suddenly lifted a leg, and then stomped forward with force.

At first, those ghosts of Nobunaga thought that the giant Divine Weapon wanted to step on them, but when the other's feet were raised, they realized that this guy was obviously not aiming at anyone, and had sharp eyes. People also found that the soles of the giant Divine Weapon's feet were still shining with red light.

Although they found the red light, the giant Divine Weapon moved too fast. Before they could figure out what it was, the giant Divine Weapon had already stamped on the ground. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, all of the surrounding ghost hands Nobunaga's men were knocked to the ground by the shock wave, but a fall is nothing, the real terrifying is still behind.

Just when those people were struggling to get up from the ground, they suddenly felt a violent tremor from under their feet, and then in the horrified eyes of everyone, everyone found the giant Divine Weapon near the soles of the feet A large red cobweb-like crack appeared unexpectedly, and the coverage of this crack was as high as a hundred meters in radius.

After the red crack appeared, everyone around felt that the situation was very bad, because it was obviously a magic attack, and the effect of magic is often very strange. For unfamiliar magic, anyone should maintain a high level alert.

Sure enough, less than a second after the red cracks appeared, the ground suddenly shattered along the cracks, as if the ice surface that began to thaw in spring was suddenly thrown up by someone. , The ground nearby was broken into tens of thousands of small plates, and a large amount of red lava spewed out from the gaps in these plates.

Seeing the lava spewing out, the surrounding players finally reacted. Everyone’s first reaction was to turn around and run, because currently the number of players who can resist lava in the game is very rare, even me At first is also unable to withstand the high temperature of lava. And even now, I don't mean that I can stay in the lava for a long time, just stay a while longer.

Compared with my fire kang, most players don't have that high attribute, so their first reaction is to run quickly. Unfortunately, this time the lava was not ejected from the volcanic crater, but this large area was gushing out at the same time. Although the pressure of the eruption is not high, because the area is too large, the speed of the lava diffusion is very high. More than half of the players in the range failed to escape safely, many of them were sprayed by lava, and some of them simply stepped on the plate and fell into the tumbling lava.

Although ordinary players can’t be in contact with lava for a long time, they don’t say that they will die if they touch it, so those who fall immediately start screaming and struggling in the lava. The tragic wailing, those who did not fall are running faster, because they don't want to be one of them.

"What kind of skill is this?" I was dumbfounded when I looked at the large tumbling lava pool.

On the opposite side of the Frost Rose’s communication room, the correspondent replied: "This is a mixture of the earth roar of the Earth Element and the lava jets of dozens of Fire Element, and a swamp technique in a magic array. The composite magic array made in the middle. You have already seen the effect. In addition to the requirements for the terrain, the formidable power can be said to completely exceed expectations."

"This kind of composite magic array can also be made. Come out?"

"It's actually difficult, but this is one of the few successful cases."

In fact, it is difficult to connect different magic arrays into a magic array, but It's like the bone marrow matching between humans. Although there are few that match exactly, but also not absolutely not found. In fact, there are not many magic arrays that can be used with them, but the proportion is very high compared to the type of magic itself. It's just low. And this compound magic array should be a completely compatible compound magic array.

"Hey, why did that thing raise its feet again? Don't you want to do it again?" Just after listening to the report, I found that the giant Divine Weapon over there actually raised its feet again, as if it was still going to It's like doing it again.

The other side heard my inquiry and directly replied: "It should not be. The magic array just needs cooling and cannot be used continuously. This time it should be replaced by one, but I don’t know what skill it is this time. The giant Divine Weapon is equipped with an artificial soul like a mobile angel, and the battle method does not require human intervention."

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