"You guys are quite capable of tossing. For so long, enemies that I feel difficult to deal with can be ranked in the top ten."

"hmph, now you have won and you can say anything. My strength can only be ranked in the top ten? Does the ability to despise me really make you feel so cool?" Qiye Huihun protested unwillingly.

"Do you think I am belittling you?" I smiled and looked towards the Qiyehuihun on the ground. After a little hesitation, I explained: "Perhaps you think your strength is very good, in fact Your abilities are indeed quite strong, but I can only tell you that your vision is too narrow. A true expert is not only about fighting skills or proficiency in skills and attributes, but also in terms of psychological quality. It’s a very critical item. And, the top ten I mentioned are not only among players, but also many high level NPCs. One of the goals that I had worked hard to get before was Austrian. The Divine King Zeus on Mount Linpis, and the other is the Buddha of India’s Buddha Tathagata. You should be honored to be in line with them, not dissatisfied."

"Now you and me What do you mean by saying this? Are you planning to make me thank you for failing?"

"That's not true. I just want you to understand you, your arrogance is a bit too much. Confidence is good , But overconfidence means not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth. By the way, the combat capabilities you trained for me are actually meaningless."

"You just use Rogue tactics defeated me only once, so I can say that my ability is meaningless. I think your arrogance is better than me."

"Do you think my tactics are rogue tactics? Let’s tentatively count it. However, even if it is a rogue tactic, you can win, you are a good tactic. In addition, your level of thought is too low. Although I am the number one in the world battle strength list, I am also the Frost Rose League. The president of, I still have many super players. Your ability may be to restrain me, but your ability is impossible to restrain all of my men, so you should not think that your battle strength can stand in a stalemate with me for a long time, which is very remarkable. Yes. Today I just want to test your battle strength, so I will fight with you for so long. Under normal circumstances, if I find an enemy who specifically restrains my attribute, I will probably call reinforcements directly. So... you may even connect in the future. There may not be a chance to fight with me."

"Now you win, of course you can say anything. However, I will not give up. You will fall to me one day. Foot."

"Since you think so...then I have nothing to say. You can go to death." As I said, I raised the right hand Avenger directly at this guy’s eyebrows, With my fingers twitching, the Avengers A golden arrow flew up immediately. The golden arrow at such a short distance is of course centered on the eyebrows of Qiyehuihun, and Qiyehuihun, who has lost the super mode, is in a weak state. Being hit by this arrow with demon-breaking and defensive attributes is of course the fatal point. Kill, and because of the special attribute of this soul chaser, he will drop two levels at a time, which is slightly higher than the normal death cost.

Actually, I was planning to get an expired Immortal Pill to put this guy in his mouth, but I didn't do that after thinking about it. The expired Immortal Pill this thing is a discontinued item, and it doesn’t even exist on the Celestial Court, so basically what I have in my hand is the case of using one pellet less than one pellet. Considering that we often need to use this thing to threaten players to force them to tell some secrets, so you need to strictly control the amount of usage, and you can't just waste it. Especially since there is not much left of this thing.

The strength of Qiyehuishun certainly makes me feel very troublesome, but in fact, this guy's ability is only aimed at me, so it is so hard to fight. Almost all the attributes and skills of this guy are designed according to my weaknesses, and his abilities are exclusively for me. In this case, it is quite difficult for me to defeat him, but on the other hand, it may not be the case if another player is used to deal with this Seven Nights Soul.

Of course, the battle strength of Qiye Huijin is actually very strong. After all, he had a record of one-to-four before I arrived here. Matsumoto Masaga and Augustsuki Kaoru and the four of them added None of them can break through his defense, which shows that his battle strength is actually quite good. However, although his battle strength is not bad, I don't think his skills are truly invincible, because the system will not allow the existence of such skills.

For Qiyehuihun's weird ability, I guess there must be a weakness. The reason why I didn't find it was only because of too little contact. I haven't found his weakness yet. However, I think if it is Christina or gold coin, it should be much easier to deal with this Seven Nights Resurgence. After all, the abilities of Seven Nights Resurgence mainly focus on the two aspects of physical attack and attack neutralization, regardless of whether it is Kristina and gold coin have many special attack abilities. They can use some abilities that ordinary people can’t use to directly attack the body of Qiyehuishun, which means that the kind of Qiyehuishun can nullify all my attacks. The ability of Kristina and gold coin is likely to be ineffective. And once his ability loses its effect, in terms of the damage output of Christina and gold coin, killing him is a matter of minutes.

After killing Qiyehuihun, my attention turned to other areas of the battlefield. The previous battle with Qiyehuihun was so tense that I couldn’t pay attention to anything. Now there is no such interference. , Naturally depends on the surrounding situation.

In fact, although Qiye Huihun and I played very hard before, it didn't take long before and after. The higher the level of the battle between personnel, the shorter the time, because everyone’s damage output is very difficult to deal with. It’s just the proficiency of the skill before the skill and the on-the-spot reaction on the battlefield. Sometimes it’s a trick. The battle is divided between the winners and losers, so the battles of those of us high level players end very quickly. Although there are a lot of moves, the attack frequency is too high, so the total time will not be too long. On the contrary, ordinary players are often where you come and go to fight for attributes, and to slowly polish the opponent’s health, this process is destined to do not raise soon. Therefore, the battle between ordinary players is not a fight. It is often difficult to produce results in more than ten minutes, and battles between high level players rarely exceed ten minutes.

Although a lot of things may happen on the local battlefield in such a little time, it is actually only a short period of time for the war situation, so when I re-projected my attention on the battlefield, The situation here hasn't changed much.

The guy Masaga Matsumoto is still tightly constrained by the two players who are fighting together. It seems that he doesn’t know why Masaga Matsumoto has a few more wounds on his body. This discovery made me quite surprised, because according to the previous situation, although Matsumoto Masaka might not be able to deal with these two players in a short time, it will not suffer any loss. Of course, any accident on the battlefield cannot be regarded as an accident. After all, probability is not always accurate, and it is normal to occasionally break out a small probability event.

Except for Matsumoto Masaga, the fighting situation of the three beauties is obviously going smoother. At this time, August Xun had already merged with Yingyu Divine Animal and Chi Fire Dragon Ji. The players who were fighting with them before were all missing, and the three of them are now fighting against the target actually... the previous one. mummy.

I looked at the mummy player in surprise, and found out that the iron-armed steel bear and the ghost hand Nobunaga were there. Obviously, these three were just resurrected, but August Xun may have discovered the actions of these three guys. It just so happened that she and Yingyu Shenhu had just achieved their goals again, so they simply stopped. That mummy helped me.

I have to say that August Xun has a very good vision. Previously I was fighting with Qiye Huigui, and our battles were not only great formidable power, but also fast-paced. Most people simply couldn't get in. At least Nobunaga and Iron-armed Bear are completely out of touch. So, August Xun decisively intercepted this mummy, who is known for his speed, because this guy may not be very capable, but his speed determines that this guy must be good at sneak attacks, so he must not be allowed to act casually in this situation. Otherwise, he might get in at the most critical moment when Qiye Huihun and I fight to turn the tide of the battle.

However, although August Xun brought the Yingyu sacred animal and the others intercepted the mummy, but because they were entangled with the mummy player, they couldn’t help Matsumoto Masaka. NS. But now Masaka Matsumoto looks a bit precarious. The two players in front of him didn't seem to have changed, but if you observe carefully, you will find that the battle strength of these two players has improved significantly. But it’s not bad. Although Masaga Matsumoto has struggled to deal with these two players, his single battle strength surpasses either of these two players. So although the two can work together to suppress him, he lacks a critical strike. Ability, if there are no accidents in the battle, at least it can be determined that there will be no winner or loser in a short period of time.

Among the three newly resurrected people, the mummies were intercepted by August Xun and the others. Iron-armed steel bear and ghost hand Nobunaga became idle battle strength, but our battlefield is not the only one. Masaga Matsumoto and the others are fighting, and the forces of our guild and the Japanese players brought by Masaga Matsumoto are also on the battlefield.

The guy with Iron Arm and Steel Bear didn't know if he ran in the wrong position or what was going on, he was surrounded by a large group of Japanese players brought by Matsumoto Masaka. Those players' attack power is not very good. When the iron-armed steel bear is like an iron barrel, it is completely a mouse gnawing tortoise. Although the iron-armed steel bear was beaten with sparks flying all over the body, it seems to be the surrounding Japan. The player is almost unable to withstand it.

The ghost hand Nobunaga on the other side is much smarter than the iron-armed steel bear. His original purpose may be to get Matsumoto Masaga first, but our mobile angel cut out a few targets halfway and intercepted them, so now Oni Shou Nobunaga is running around in the crowd. , To avoid the chase of three mobile angels behind him.

The reason why Nobunaga Guishou clearly had the body of Divine Race and had to be chased by mobile angels, this is mainly because he was relatively unlucky, and he ran into the added mobile angels. I guess it might be the captain on the spaceship that gave some instructions. Anyway, the three mobile angels who chased the ghost hand Nobunaga were all mobile angels for Divine Race. Everyone knows the battle strength of these guys, it's called a tough one. Although Nobunaga Onishu has acquired the body of Divine Race, and it is still the body of Divine Race that can be used indefinitely, and will not disappear because of death, he is after all just a half-branch transformed by the Eight-Branched Giant Snake with his own abilities. Divine Race, and the real goddess is actually a huge gap. It's good to deal with ordinary players, and it's a bit blinded to encounter such a sturdy goal of using mobile angels against Divine Race.

The situation on the battlefield is roughly like this. It can be said that except for Matsumoto's not very optimistic situation, it is not bad, at least in my expectation. However, my current relationship with Masaka Matsumoto needs to be kept secret, so I can't just and honorable to help, so I can't help with Masaka Matsumoto's plight. Of course, apart from the inconvenience for me to intervene in the situation over there, there is one more important thing that determines that I cannot help. This important thing is-the communicator is missing.

It's not just the communicator to be precise, the core of the phishing bomb we got out before is also gone. Of course, the core of the bomb is actually just a bait for us. It has no value in itself. If you lose it, you will lose it. However, the disappearance of the unfathomable mystery of the communicator makes this more anxious.

We thought of an excuse all the way to Japan, isn’t it just to get the communicator back? But now this damn communicator is gone. Do you think I can be in a hurry now?

"Where did the Frost Rose go?" When I opened the communicator, I asked the communication room directly connected to the Frost Rose.

The correspondent on the opposite side knew that it was my signal, so he immediately reported: "President, we are pursuing the communicator. Just when you were fighting against that strong player, Nobunaga Ghosts came back to life. Back to the battlefield, and they also brought a lot of people. Some of them joined the battle, and some ran away with communicators and our decoys. The captain ordered a chase. We are fighting with the opposing guard. We are fighting. Should you stop chasing now?"

"No, your choice is correct. Tell you the captain to keep an eye on me, and I will be there soon. Oh, yes, send me the coordinates! "

"President, you can leave the combat area all the way north. We are not too far away."


Cut off communication After that, I immediately summoned out of Asuka and jumped up, and then instantly started a supersonic assault and disappeared into the air. Masaga Matsumoto and the others also had an idea after they saw me leaving. After a big move forced away the two players around him, the guy Masaga Matsumoto turned around and ran away, and after a few steps, he suddenly jumped into the air and flew in the direction where I left.

Matsumoto is leaving now. People who don't know will definitely think that it is because of my departure that he will chase him out. After all, the spaceship of our guild has already chased the communicator away. If I go over now, the communicator will most likely fall into our hands. Masaka Matsumoto used to worry about his guild’s things being snatched as a reason. , So it will not lead to suspicion.

As soon as Masaka Matsumoto walks here, the two players who are entangled with him will naturally run together, but although the two players can suppress Masaka Matsumoto together, it is a pity that they can’t work together to accelerate, so Their flight speed was not as fast as Masaga Matsumoto, and they kept not catching up, but the distance was getting farther and farther.

As soon as Matsumoto Masaga walked, August Xun and the others immediately turned and chased after him, and of course the mummy ran along. Although he had been beaten by three beauties before, Akatsuki and the others were obviously going to grab the communicator and the super weapon core they transported away, so even if he couldn't beat Akatsuki and the others, he still had to catch up and help. Otherwise, the two things in their guild's hands may not be able to be kept.

As August Xun and the others left with the mummy, the ghost hand Nobunaga quickly chased after him, and the mobile angel on our side will naturally not let him go and see him When he flew out, he also flew, and because the speed of Nobunaga Onitou was not as fast as our mobile angel, he was almost chasing while playing and chasing along the way.

The high level martial power ran out all of a sudden, and what was left on the scene were the large group of ordinary mobile angels from our guild and ordinary players from both Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou. Oh, yes. There are still steel bears with iron arms. However, except for the mobile angels in our guild, all of these battle strengths are existences with very low mobility. Therefore, although they are also consciously chasing us in the direction where we are leaving, the speed is too slow. Basically it is unlikely that we will be there before the end of the battle. Of course, even if they go, it doesn’t make much sense. Among the personnel here, apart from the iron-armed steel bear and the mobile angels of our guild, they can also be used at the top. The average player is simply pure and powerful, and the real battle is fundamental. Can't count on it.

I don’t know the shift of the rear battlefield, because I was the first one to run here, and the speed was too fast, so I quickly separated from the second echelon behind. But I didn't fly far, because soon I saw Frost Rose fighting a large group of unknown objects in the airspace ahead.

At the beginning, the distance was too far. Only the huge Frost Rose and the various magical rays of light shining around it can be seen. It can prove that it is at war, but the Frost Rose is actually fighting. I can't see anything at all here. However, at the speed of the bird, the distance was naturally shortened, and as the distance approached, I finally saw clearly what the Frost Rose was attacking.

It was a large group of flying creatures, to be precise, a large group of air cavalry, because each flying creature was sitting on its back, and some of them were more than one or two people.

These flying creatures are not only one species, but a flying formation composed of a mixture of about a dozen flying creatures. The total number of flying creatures in it is about two thousand, the number is very exaggerated, and some of them are very large, and they seem to be only slightly smaller than the giant dragon.

Among these creatures, there are a total of three main creatures. Among them, the most abundant species is the biped wyvern, which is abundant in Japan. This species was already in the hands of Japanese players during the Early-Stage game. It’s just because our guild began to equip the guardian long spear on a large scale, and we also have a giant dragon. After that, biped wyvern is basically difficult. It worked. After all, the battle strength of giant dragons is much stronger than that of biped wyvern. The battle strength between the two is equivalent to the difference between a main battle tank and an armed truck. As for the long spear...Although the battle strength is not much stronger than the biped wyvern, the speed of the long spear is too exaggerated. As a creature that specializes in the development of air combat capabilities, the long spear's flight performance is really outstanding. Although the attack power and defensive power are not very good, the flight ability alone has already exploded all other flying creatures, so they It doesn’t really matter how the battle strength is.

Because we will have a large number of superior air units in our guild, the number of bipedal wyverns in Japan began to decline significantly in the later period, because even if these things are available, they will not come in handy. Many players think that the investment is too large. , The return is not proportional, and simply gave up tame these two-footed wyvern.

However, although few people are raising biped wyvern anymore, after all, Japan itself is a high-yield biped wyvern region, plus there are many before, so there are at least some of the aerial combat teams here. One third and above are all such creatures.

In addition to the two-legged wyvern, the other two creatures that are more common in the battle group are a flying creature that looks like a moray eel and a super-large wasp.

The creature that resembles a moray eel is not very big. It has a body structure similar to a snake. It has no limbs. It only has two very large fins on both sides of the head. There are twelve scarlets on the head. The eyes are white all over, with fine scales. In addition, these guys have densely packed needle-like teeth in their mouths, which look quite scary.

Although this kind of creature is not big, but because the snake-like body can be twisted in the air, its flexibility is quite high, and these guys have a great ability that can be launched from the mouth. A white light bomb. This kind of light bomb does not know what it is. It flies very fast. Although it does not turn, it will explode once it hits an object. The formidable power is considerable.

In addition to the kind of white eel, there is also a kind of Da Huangfeng. In fact, this thing is definitely not a wasp, it can only be said to be a devil beast.

Their size is completely good. Insect in reality does not have any comparability. The size of a Spanish bull looks at least a ton heavier, but these little fellows can actually use four wings that are larger than those of real bees. The wings are small in proportion and fly in the air, and the speed and flexibility of the movement are actually very good.

These giant hornets are all riding players wearing animal skins, but strangely they are all females. The attack methods of these creatures are even more weird. They actually don't use the stinging needle behind their buttocks to attack, but mainly rely on a kind of light beam emitted from their mouthparts.

The mouthparts of these giant wasps can spray a beam of light. The color of this beam does not seem to be fixed. It seems that each wasp has a specific color, but mainly yellow, red, There are three colors of white, the others are less.

The formidable power of these beams is more concentrated than the light balls of the moray eels. They often shoot through directly after hitting the target, but because they do not have splash damage, they can only attack one target at a time. . However, because the beam is launched very fast and the flight is also fast, the hit rate is quite high.

In addition to beams, the mouthparts of these large hornets themselves seem to be able to bite. After all, such big pliers-like mouthparts are impossible, and the huge needle behind them is estimated It can also be used in combat, but it is mostly a melee weapon.

In addition to these three kinds of creatures, there are more than a dozen levels of creatures mixed in combat units, but those are not large in number. Together, the number of these three creatures is nearly two thousand, and the rest Add one piece to up to three-four hundred.

The current Frost Rose is flying in the center of this large group of fighting creatures, which means that these creatures are fighting around the Frost Rose, but the Frost Rose is not really down. In fact, it's the opposite. It is obviously those fighting creatures who are currently at a disadvantage.

A battleship as big as the Frost Rose is of course impossible to rely on flexible mobility to dodge attacks, so the way it responds to attacks is to carry it hard. As a huge aerial battleship, Frost Rose as it should be by rights is equipped with a city-level protective cover, and this protective cover is directly connected to the solar furnace. Because the Frost Rose itself has two sets of solar furnaces, it can allow one of them to be specially energized for the protective cover, and the result of this is that the Frost Rose's protective cover is super hard. Although so many creatures around were attacking it, in fact none of them actually hit its hull. Moreover, even if the Frost Rose does not have a protective cover, its exaggerated shell is not purely for beauty. Those complicated decorative patterns are actually defensive magic arrays, while those golden and silver shells are basically super magic alloys. The hardness of these things is scary, and the thickness is enough, defensive power is certainly not covered. .

Of course, even if the defensive power is amazing, Frost Rose will not be so stupid to let the enemy fight casually. In fact, there are our people fighting around Frost Rose at this time.

A dozen small aircrafts and more than 300 players riding long spears are fighting with the Japanese players around the Frost Rose. All kinds of magic are shuttled back and forth in the air, and people are shot almost every second. Falling, but because both sides have a lot of numbers, it doesn't seem to decrease much.

Of course, the most powerful thing on our side is actually not those flying machines or players riding long spears, but the defensive artillery fire of the Frost Rose itself. The light I saw in the distance before was actually the flash of the Frost Rose’s gunfire. The thousands of launch ports on the Frost Rose’s body were constantly spewing light bullets or beams, while the surrounding Japanese players were in patches. Fall down.

"I'm here. Where's the communicator and the core?" Seeing that the Frost Rose was okay for a while, I contacted the communication center and asked about the target location.

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