"Damn, what's the situation?" I was suddenly thrown out and flew out of the large array, but after landing, I got up after I turned over, and I didn't receive you. What hurts. However, compared to being thrown out, I was even more surprised that that Qiye Huixun could actually move. In fact, until now, the eternal formation over there is still in operation. It is said that within this range, except for me and my designated allies, no one else should be able to move. Even if there is no way for a super strong character to be completely sealed, at least there will be cases where slow action will be hindered. However, the guy in front of him had no reaction at all, as if my big formation had no effect on him.

Seeing me stupefied there, Qiyehuihuo laughed and said with a smile quite proudly: "How about? My hiding ability is good, right? Let me just say it! Don't be too proud, a person like you It’s just being too confident and always thinking that others are not your opponents. In fact, you are just an ordinary player. You just have some fighting skills and your own attributes are better. There is nothing to brag about."

Although The opposite Qiye Huihun kept talking, but I didn't listen to what he said, but tried to think about the reason for this matter. The impossible unfathomable mystery of Seven Nights will break free from my bondage. The key is that if the big formation is forcibly broken away by a powerful force, those eternal double-headed swords nailed to the ground should be collapsed, but now those Not only did the double-headed sword not fly out, but it didn't move even if it even moved, which was obviously abnormal.

I am puzzled here, but Qiye Huihun over there is more and more arrogant. He had stepped out of the original standing position and walked to the double-headed sword on the periphery of the large array, and then flicked the side of the eternal double-headed sword with his fingers wrapped in the carapace, making a sound of metal collision. Looking at the eternal shaking there, Qiye Huihun said triumphantly: "This weapon of yours is really good. I don't know if this thing belongs to me...how will you react?"

< p>"If you want to move my eternity, you can try it."

When Qiye Huihui heard my words, he didn't take the eternity at all, but said with a smile: "You are really an idiot. ?Your eternal sword can only be touched by yourself. It is worse than being chopped off by ordinary people. I am not so stupid to touch this thing. But... I want to see what you can destroy from time to time. Falling." Following Qiye Huixun's words, he suddenly took out an unremarkable stone from his body.

If the average person sees this ordinary-looking pebble-like stone, they will probably laugh at Qiye Huixun’s head is flooded, and they want to threaten my super Divine Item with a stone. . However, others will react like that because they don't know what kind of stone it is, and I just happen to be the kind of person who knows what this thing is.

In fact, the stone in Qiyehuihun's hands is not an ordinary stone. Although it does not look much different from an ordinary pebble, it has an extraordinary meaning. Name-Stone of Discipline.

Yes, this so-called stone is the stone of commandment, a very important stone with Law Power. It itself is part of the wheel of commandment in the city of commandments. If you think of the wheel of commandment as a gun, then the stone of commandment is a bullet, and it is also a bullet of unlimited ammunition. However, every stone of commandment has unique and unmatched rules, so these different stones of commandment are equivalent to bullets with different functions. Some are shot bombs, some are incendiary bombs, and some are armor-piercing bombs.

However, no matter what kind of ability it has, one thing is true, that is, the stone of commandment must have Law Power, and it is a very powerful Law Power, which is more eternal than mine. There is also strong Law Power above it.

Although it carries the law of severance in eternity, which claims to be able to sever everything in the world, including the law of causality and existence, it has one thing that cannot be cut off, that is, it is the same as it or even higher than it. The law of order. In the final analysis, the cut-off law is only a kind of law, and it cannot threaten other laws. At most it can only be an influence. However, if Qiye Huixun were to use the law on this stone of discipline to attack my eternal sword, then the eternal sword might really be destroyed. Although I am not sure that this will take effect, at least there is such a probability in theory. After all, the Stone of Discipline is an integral part of the Ring of Discipline, and it is a manifestation of the rules of the game. They are the foundation of the foundation, and they are absolutely indestructible and surpassed, even if it is High God.

Because of this, Eternity is definitely no match for the Stone of Commandment. The only difference is whether the result of the collision of the laws is to destroy the weaker party or to live in peace.

I was also taken aback when I thought that my eternity might be damaged, and hurriedly moved towards the eternity array over there, and stretched out my hand, the eternal sword that was originally inserted on the ground suddenly all flew up and toward me Electric shot from here. However, when my eternity flew up and condensed in the air and flew towards me, Qiye Huixun suddenly activated the accelerator behind him, caught up with eternity in the blink of an eye, and then raised his hand. The stone of commandment slammed into eternity.

Only a ding sound was heard, and the eternal moment in flight was shot down to the ground, and then plunged into the ground. Qiye Huihun followed the landing and stepped on the eternity that was about to fly again, and then it was like a person who was fighting mad, pressing the eternity on the ground with one hand, and holding the commandment with the other hand. The stones smashed into eternity one after another.

Qiya Huihun desperately smashed the Eternal Sword and said proudly: "Look at how prestigious you are, how prestigious you are, I smashed you and made you bull!"

I originally planned to go up to the rescue after seeing Qiye Huixun smashed through eternity, not because I was worried, but because I was surprised. I was really scared when the guy said that he would destroy my eternity, but now I am completely dumbfounded. Co-authoring this guy doesn't even know how to use the stone of commandment!

I have always worried that eternity will be destroyed because the stone of commandment carries the power of law, and eternity also has the power of law. When the two collide, it is possible to use the powerful law to penetrate my weak law. After all, what eternity brings is not a complete law, but what is in the stone of commandment is the law that supports the operation of the game world. Think about it and you will know stronger and weaker. However, the law is the law, it is not the same concrete thing. The stone of commandment is only a manifestation of the law, that is, a sustenance, a symbol. It's not that the stone itself is the law.

For example. National codes can be regarded as laws, and we all say that laws can punish criminals. But in fact, it is not the code that records the law to punish criminals, but the order represented by the law that is recorded in the code is to punish evil. Therefore, even if you use the national code to hit people, it definitely does not mean that you are using the law to punish others.

The same goes for the Stone of Commandment. It represents the law, but not the law itself. Because it carries the law, the stone of commandment itself is a thing with indestructible attributes. Its hardness is set to be absolutely invincible in the game, that is, even if the world is destroyed, the stone of commandment will be fine. That kind of situation. However, if the stone of commandment is used to smash my eternity just because it is particularly hard, it will only be a waste of energy.

Although the stone of commandment carries the law, it itself is a particularly strong stone. Although eternity can't destroy it, but in turn, it can't actually do anything to eternity. Of course, if you are strong enough, holding this thing can also break the eternity. After all, the stone of commandment is invincible, and although the eternity takes care of it, it has a fixed hardness index. Therefore, as long as the collision force is large enough, the stone of commandment It is indeed capable of breaking eternity.

But even if eternity is broken with the stone of commandment, so what?

Eternity is not an ordinary Divine Item, it is a super Divine Item with Artifact Spirit and transformation ability. I usually use it to change the combination of various weapons at will is the best proof. A kind of metal that can become liquid at any time, do you think it will be afraid of being broken?

So, even though Qiyehuihun is very cool, but in my opinion, this action is really quite an idiot. His current behavior is like using a high-temperature soldering iron to smash an ice cube in a room that is tens of degrees below zero. Although the high temperature of the soldering iron can temporarily melt and break the ice cube, the surrounding temperature is below zero, and the ice cube is melted. Soon the ash re-frozen into ice, and melting it was meaningless.

Since I know that the idiot of Qiyehuihun doesn't know how to use it at all, I am not in a hurry now. In order to piss him off, I deliberately pulled a large piece of forging material out of the Fenglong space as a bench, then sat down on it, then pushed away the visor and took out another fairy fruit from the Fenglong space. While nibbling, watching him babble and babble for eternity.

The Qiyehuihun on the opposite side was still focused attention completely at the beginning, but soon noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and he almost fainted when he looked up. Seeing him staring at me in a daze, I took another bite of the delicious fairy fruit, and then said vaguely: "Huh? Why didn't you smash it? Go on! It doesn't matter, I'm not in a hurry, you are busy first. Yes, I'll just wait."

If I didn't react just now, now Qiye Huihun has completely understood it. In fact, this damn stone has no way to truly destroy my eternity. Although he doesn't know where my self-confidence comes from, he at least knows that this thing really can't destroy eternity.

Although he stopped continuing to smash the eternity, Qiye Huihun did not let go of the eternity, still pressing it on the ground with one hand, and holding the stone of commandment in the other hand, and asked Said: "Aren't you afraid that I will ruin your weapon?"

"You can try if you can. Don't worry, I promise not to disturb you."

"I can tell You, this thing in my hand is called the Stone of Discipline. It has an indestructible attribute. Your eternity is absolutely invincible."

I nodded and said: "I know, but what about it? You continue Just smash it."

I glanced at me suspiciously, and found that I didn’t seem to be deliberately defrauding him, Qiye Huixun finally let go of eternity and got up from the ground, then looked at me and said: "Do you know this thing?"

I grinned and said with a smile: "What do you think?"

"You must know it."

Continue to bite the fruit, and then I nodded and said: "Yes, I know, but what about it? Don't expect to find out the use of this thing from me, I will never tell you Yes."

Only a few players in our guild know about the Wheel of Discipline in the City of Discipline. Others who know this are only Divine Races. Regarding Divine Race’s issue of the Wheel of Discipline, I wish to know it by myself. Naturally, impossible is promoted everywhere. Besides, Divine Race and the players are not all the same, so players are basically impossible to know the existence of the Wheel of Discipline from Divine Race. As for our guild, I will definitely not talk about it, and there are not many people in our guild who know about this. Basically, they are all high-level personnel, all of them are the backbone of the guild. When you say this kind of thing, you will be troubled by the ranks. They are not people who are not clear about the importance, and naturally they are more impossible to say it.

Of course, some people will say that it is difficult for others to get the news and they won’t see it when they pass over there?

Yes, you are right. It's really invisible.

The City of Commandments is located at the top of Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, and the bottom is not connected to the top of the mountain. The City of Commandment is actually a flying city with a fixed anchorage. It has always been floating in the air, but it has never moved. In addition, according to the original agreement signed with the Divine Races, the city of Commandment is a forbidden area for hundreds of miles. Our guild and all Divine Races have joint defense forces patrolling this area. Any foreign creatures only need to step into this area. It will be killed immediately, and there is a larger interception circle outside this range. No outsiders are allowed to enter within this interception circle, and will be expelled once discovered.

These two defensive circles constitute the outer defense of the City of Discipline, and inside, on the city wall of the City of Discipline, there are a number of multi-layer camouflage divine techniques jointly arranged by Divine Race, and this divine The effect of the technique varies from source to source. I have specifically tried it. Even Eminis’ ability cannot penetrate these phantom barriers and directly see the situation inside. Unless I walk in, I simply can’t see the ring of discipline. As for saying that you really walked in... Are you pretending to be a joint law enforcement battallion in front of the gods? It was a full battle battle battallion composed of the Divine Race of the first-line battle. Pulling out one of them was able to erase the existence of a city at will, but it was stationed in piles like small soldiers. You say who dares and who can break into this kind of place?

Because the blockade of the City of Discipline is too tight, so few people know the secret of the Ring of Discipline. Even the senior guilds who have a good relationship with us only vaguely know us. There will be some way to temporarily influence the rules of the game, but they don't know how to implement it. Of course, because I need to ask them to help collect the Discipline Stones, I have told them some information about the Discipline Stones, but I didn't tell them how to use the Discipline Stones.

Now those guilds that have a good relationship with us all know that our guild has acquired a stone called the Stone of Commandment for a long time, and they all know that this stone is a part of a large magical device. It's useless for them to get the stone by themselves. As for the use of Appraisal Technique to investigate the stone of commandment... don't even think about it. First, the success rate of the identification of the Stone of Commandment is so low that it can drive the Appraisal Master crazy. Second, even if the identification of this thing is successful, the attribute description will be a hundred words in total. It is nothing more than telling you that this thing is carrying A kind of item that holds the law, the name is the stone of commandment, which has attributes such as indestructible, unconcealable, undisguised, and must fall when death. In addition, the introduction means that this item has great power, but it must be matched with the commandment. The ring can be used to take effect.

Although some of our friendly guilds have identified this kind of attribute, but because they don’t know what the ring of precepts is, and because the attribute is the same as I said, this thing must be matched with the precepts. Only the ring can be used, so everyone didn't bother to worry about it. Anyway, if they got it, they sold it to our guild.

Of course, the reason why these guilds generously give us the commandment stones they occasionally find is mainly because we have adopted a better strategy. The thing we declared to the outside world is a special mission equipment, non-combat type, and the purchase price we offer is not high or low. This kind of price can make everyone pay attention to it, but it will not make people think that this thing is a rare commodity. According to what Rose said when it gave the purchase price at that time: "If the price is too high, others will think about it as it is our lifeblood. In this way, some people with ulterior motives will deliberately collect it and not sell it to us. On the contrary, it is better to open a high, low, and low price that makes people feel that this thing is just more useful, not the extraordinarily expensive one, so that no one will hide it."

In addition, In addition to this price strategy, there is another reason why everyone will not deliberately hoard the Stone of Commandment and not give it to us is... We have been releasing news about unnoticeable influence, making everyone think that this item is a consumable, and it will be used once you use it. One piece, just like a magic scroll.

Because of the huge number of commandment stones needed on the ring of commandments, someone will find one from time to time. This just confirms the news we have released, proving that this thing is indeed a consumable, otherwise why Will there be so many?

With such a few tactics, most people can't think of how important this thing is, let alone that this thing is actually not a consumable, but a rule that can be used forever once it is installed. Of course, because the ring of precepts is shared by all races, we can't use it arbitrarily.

Based on our strict intelligence management policy, Qiyehuihun is of course impossible to know the joints, so he also inquired about our guild’s acquisition of this thing, and spent a lot of money from Appraisal Master to get high The level Appraisal Master has been appraising it day and night for more than a week, and finally saw the attribute of this thing, and then he regarded this thing as a forging material. Had it not been for the indestructible attribute written on it, Qiye Huixun would almost have someone put this thing in the forge to melt and have a look.

Of course, even if he really put the stone of commandment in it, it is useless. The stone of commandment is not a fragile thing. This thing simply cannot be destroyed.

Looking at the Seven Nights Resurrection Soul on the opposite side, let go of eternity, I moved towards Eternal. As soon as I stretched out my hand, the eternity on the ground immediately ejected, and instantly reached my side and became a spherical shape embedded in me. On the back of my hand, but I didn't mean to get up at all, but continued to gnaw the fruit in my hand.

The reason why I didn't fight right away was not because I was really free to chat with Qiye Huihun here, but because I was deliberately delaying time.

The current situation is very complicated. First of all, Qiyehuihun didn't know what ability he used to get rid of my blockade, but when I was speaking, I also sneak attacked him once, but Qiyehuihun didn't even know it. Of course, maybe he knew that he didn't say it. But I don't think he knows, because the attack just didn't hit anything.

Many people would be surprised that since it is a sneak attack, the other party doesn’t know, how could it not achieve something? In fact, I hit Qiyahuihun from behind, but the attack penetrated through his body, and it had no effect. Even Qiyahuihun didn't seem to feel it, and simply didn't know his chest. In fact, it has been broken down. And the feeling I hit at the time was as if Qiye Huixun was a laser projection. Although it looked like it was a hit, I actually didn't touch anything.

Although I don’t know how this situation occurred, it is certain that this is the reason why he escaped the blockade. The blocking array blocks the target in terms of energy and physical existence, so it is called inescapable net. Among them, Tianluo means to block energy, which can have a blocking effect on non-physical existence, including ghosts, while the earth net is a physical seal, that is, as long as there is a certain physical existence, it can be sealed. The two abilities are connected together to form inescapable net, which can completely block all living creatures.

However, Qiye Huihun does not exist here. Although he can be seen, spoken, and attacked, he does not exist here. The sneak attack just now I used a skill attack, which contains magic attack attributes and physical attack attributes. I can hit even creatures with only souls, but the attack just now failed, which shows what the place is actually. None exist.

This completely contradictory situation makes me completely ignorant of how to fight. If the opponent's ability is very strong, then I can naturally adopt reasonable tactics to get the opponent down, but the question is how do you want me to fight in such a totally untouchable situation? My attack was like hitting a group of laser projections. It was completely ineffective. Such an existence simply couldn't fight!

In addition, in addition to the need to think about the battle, my purpose of delaying time is to use the time difference to see if he can take the initiative to end this state.

My Divine Domain integration needs to consume a lot of magic power as support, so I generally do not enter this mode, and even if I enter, I will complete the task and exit as soon as possible, because my magic power can't support too much Long time. In the same way, this special form of Qiye Huixun is so powerful, it must also consume something, either to consume mana or to burn life, and there may be time limits, or it needs to be used when eating corpses before. Some things accumulated, there must be something limiting this ability anyway, and the system is absolutely impossible to allow him to maintain this state indefinitely. Besides, if he can really maintain this state indefinitely, why did he use that weak state to fight me before? Can't find abuse?

So, this special state of Qiyehuihun must also have a time limit, and according to normal inference, his state should be shorter than mine. The reason is simple. Suppose that my Divine Domain combination changes my battle strength from one thousand to ten thousand. This guy's special state is to change his battle strength from five hundred to ten thousand. His ability has more attributes, and the burden is definitely greater, so his duration is definitely not as long as mine. Of course, exceptions are not ruled out. Although the probability is minimal, it does exist, so I dare not care about it. Even though I seem to be sitting here leisurely gnawing fruits and chatting, in fact, this is all tactics.

The thing I hold in my hand is the famous flat peach, which I got from Celestial Court and I don’t know whether it should be medicine or food. There are also many kinds of flat peaches. The effect I am gnawing on is to recover a lot of magic. Not only is the speed super fast, but the supplement dose is very large. If I have enough flat peaches to gnaw here, I actually only need to gnaw every half an hour. One, in theory, you can always stay in this Divine Domain combined state without ever having to worry about the exhaustion of Heart Demon. Of course, this thing about flat peaches is a scarce resource. It's okay to nibble one occasionally, but I can't afford it if I keep nibbling it all the time. In fact, I have a total of three flat peaches with me. There are more than two hundred in the guild warehouse. In addition, the high level players in this guild are scattered with a total of about 100. Anyway, each person is also one. Two, I brought one more because of the chairman.

Although I don’t have many flat peaches on my body, I can’t keep it like this forever, but after gnawing on this flat peach, I can basically maintain a half-hour more fit state, and my original magic power is about It can last for more than 40 minutes, plus half an hour, and it's more than an hour. I don’t believe that the state of Qiyehuishun can be maintained for more than an hour for no reason. Even if the system will tilt players with weaker powers to a certain extent, it is impossible to be too blatant. This kind of line-stepping system can’t do it. from. Therefore, according to normal circumstances, the state of Qiye Huixun can be maintained at most for about half an hour. This is the premise that he does not use the skills. If battle consumption occurs, the time will definitely be further shortened.

I guess Qiyehui Hun also knows his own situation, so this kid will no longer consider the issue of the stone of commandment after I take back the eternity, and put the stone of commandment directly on the body. He rushed up with a sullen head. His time is as precious as mine. I have flat peaches that can return to demons and extend the transformation time in disguise. However, he may not have such high-end medicines. You must know that such high-level products are all priceless, unless they are true. Even if they are short of money, most people will not take it out even if they get it. So, even if you have money, you can't get high-level medicines without a way.

Since Qiye Huihun has rushed up, then I can't continue eating. Putting the remaining fruit into his mouth, he suddenly stood up from the forged material that was used as a stool, raised his foot and kicked the material backward, the Fenglong space instantly expanded, and the forged material rolled directly into the Fenglong space. The middle disappeared, and I immediately put on a posture to resist the impact and prepared to meet force with force again.

Seven nights' soul return speed is very fast, it came to me in the blink of an eye, and then I only felt a huge force coming, but still within my control range, the two people instantly stalemate again. There. However, when we formed that stalemate again, I suddenly felt the pressure loosened on my hands. Although I managed to stabilize my figure in time and didn’t rush out, Qiye Huixun went straight to me weirdly. Passing by, ran behind me like a ghost, then turned around and hit my waist directly.

When I turned on all brain functions, my thinking speed was as fast as lightning, and I reacted as soon as the situation happened, so when Qiye Huihun punched it, I just rushed forward, and the whole person Pounced directly on the ground, then immediately turned over and swept his legs. Under normal conditions, ordinary people will definitely be swept to the ground by me this time, or people who react quickly can jump back, or they can just tighten their leg muscles and meet force with force. However, the situation of Qiyehuihun was completely unexpected. One of my leg sweeps passed through his legs without touching anything at all, and this guy actually did not move on the spot after swiping my leg. His hand hit me under my feet and hit it.

When I saw his fist hit the ground, I quickly slapped the ground, and the whole person flew back, Qiye Huihui momentum is big, power is deep, with a thumping punch, I lay where I was just now. There was a big hole.

This series of attacks made me quite depressed. Judging from the attack situation just now, Qiyehuihun's attacks are all real. When I collided with me, at first did have an impact, but then it passed through me. Later, my leg sweep was also, passing over his legs without receiving any resistance, and he gave single fist of mine actually smashed the ground into a big hole. All my attacks on him seemed to be waving my fists into the air, but his attacks were fistful. How do you think this battle will be fought?

If he used the Illusion Technique or any other ability, but I am now in a fit mode, with the ability of Emenis, I will not be affected by any illusions at all, and I The attack of is also fully attributed. In theory, there is no possibility of being missed. Even creatures without entities should be damaged by soul or magic. After all, I also have the attribute of Spirit Physique demon. I shouldn’t It will be completely lost!

However, no matter how I can't figure it out, the truth is that I can't hit him at all, and his attacks are all effective against me. Although I can rely on my superhuman reaction to dodge all his attacks, if I can't hit him, I won't be able to spend it like this forever, right?

"His grandma, did you brat use a cheat device?"

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